HomeMy WebLinkAbout40 Rock Cove CtAk Permits: ( q JobAMran: tLK'-OWE Co.. Dttaeription or Works sBif' 4,10 PK- a/v/PJ h i h Date, RECEIVED 5-A" •rot 0- FEB 2 3 2006 a de... iM.J . Ze Hi tarie Dk+trlct: 7.oalaG '" Value of Work: i Permit Type; Building Bkuxrieal Meehanieal Pltmobing —J— Fire SprinldWAlorm Pool EktW9111: Now Service - N of AMPS AddidonfAltetadon Outage of Service Ta otlliy Polo Meebanital: Rtaidpttial Non-Reaid®gal Replaemmu New (Duet layout dt Stagy Cut:, R VuW) - Pbmblod Now Conu n Mal: K of Fixtula . M of Wale & Sewer Linea M of Oaa Lines Plamblt>sllVew Residential: M Of Water Cksasfa Plumbing Repair - R+e Wential or Corruttar W Ooeupancy Type: Residential •/ Conlmaicial bWu VW Total Square Footage: ,14 W •. Coaatruetlost TYP+ _ N Of Storbsa:_ M of Dwslllag Uolta Flood Zvnv: (IRMA term ngelre/ lb elbsr team 7q Pored M: - ( Aftch Proof or Ownersalp di Least dacrlpan) Owuen'No.NmAddreq: CQ."I/sti+_ Cube LL wrttreeoo'Nam & Addrata n e ./ir Cs•+l shs't o 1,170 r. x 72 ate License Number, 004000 Pboae A Fax: S ' a s Contact Pero A Pboar. — •.r/i tt"aS• Co"ay: if,p Address: MerlSaae Leader: y Address: ArewteeVL ' 1K0' I Phone: fAddress: Fax; n 1V Appligdat k tttatby marls Ia obtabt a partdt a do the wltrk cad irgtalkdone a indicated. I calif tuat no wet t or bowl"on bo eonlaetaW prior to UK 1 isomers ofo permit gad teat all welt will be pea mla ' Io meet statldnds of ell lawn fcgAafmg oouottWoo M dds )wbdiodon. 1 uadwataod Ihu a aapalstspsmtitmustbesecuredal VA CTRICAL WORK, PLIMBWO, SMIk WELLS. POOLS. FURNACES. BOILBRB.-NUIM TANKS. cadAIRCONDRK)NRP& ob;. 1 corny Quit all orow ftipiall t &Robes is @ileums and No oil we* will be dodo is conpiiotos web all eppUoable laws cepUngeFarsdoottloa. WAMM TO OMMBRt VOYR PARR I! TO RECORD A 1tOrfiCB OF COMmtMCgM3Wr KAy RUULT IN YOUR MO RPAYTWICEEIFORWROMMMTOYOURPROPtIM. w YOU WIVID TO OBTAM'PMANCMO. CONSULT wnx YOUR LENDER OR AN ATIOMMB&ORB RWMIN0 YOUR NOTICE OP COWDI P S"T. tW=: In oddblon to qua ogairomisl• of" pt;rtrill. mes MV be additional rostrfefi= applicable to We proptav tot my be (curd in on public recede of itchcounly. aid lltere my be add iii" pemdd ngsim Oem other aovernmo uti sadder such as water mIaipmeat dUVft state agttrleiea. or 64W yaoeks. Aetrpaem• of pomp is vai tlan 1 will WOO On owsa of die property or am-loquirenenlo or F Edda Lie I o 713. T —• : Slinuury of Owtap/A att Date Sitraturo of CosaecttuVAgent q « •••••.........., o _, r a11 m t : Prin eNApnt's N /Jr Z' v 3_v P' t toM 'sNento ' 8 : 5i of N Isle or Floridapate $ _o : issue ro of No tale of Florida. bete LL • i : Owner/ A t is ersonolly Known to Me or - 4 i .. 1' Ihod ContnrctalAgertt is PeroonallyKnown to Me or uQed10 _ Produced ID 0= PPLIC. ITION APPROVED BY: Uld Tali P S Utilities: FD: ;•t3 r laltta) a Dale) (Initial dt )!late) (initial A Otte) (Initial & D&V ............... ixYlolCamlisioar: ^ r Q oo ZT • d S6TL0Z£01s 3AO33DVI2 NVD WV V8:0T 90OZ-90-83A l FED-06-2086 09:56 AM CARRIAGECOVE 4073207195 P.08 u t r u1 tiANiMY1pD PSBMIf' APPLICAT" erttllt s Job Address Ityd Date De mipd" of Wor1t: IUftrk Dbuftt nOG Vdne of Wotic S 1 GO ParWt Tyw Bwwng Manuel V Moeb...l Pluntling Fin Spr Abtm Pod 21eeOlpti: NOW &rviee - P of AMPS JfO AddidodAltwum Change of Sawla Talpolay Pole Meohao)W: Rpidentiv • Noa-ReadeetW Repboatrtsa( New O)w Iiyow &,Btt U CUo. Requited) PhuowW Now Caoaerd* N ofForlorn Sof Water A Sewer Uaa__ I of Wa Lim Pbl~ew RWdendsh A of Water Clog= Plumbing Repair- Rai l=W or Comaaaid Ana TMReddnW J Cmw awl bdwotd TOW SOM Footage / 0 Coadtrwg= TYPC IN :6"WIa: J / of Dwdliag Ualte: Flad Z=e Vn1A %M "vhw GW s6 . ftx 3Q Paraal O: Ownan Name A Addrww: C= ttsetor Na= A A"no Pasat A Yes T& Deaft CowYany- Addrsw: Aamb PrworOwseraalp A Lved Duat obo) ov Go,- • a e e vd v,. COalaCr LtirrOi:Aser V,*,7- alw4ke l arrder. Addnq: AnAasetR. Naaer. Addrara: Pace: V= AppliNd00 b hff ftMwk b QW10 a pan k b do do wartasd bodbd= a lad=w I oatlly Thal tte wart or tai4 op ilY aana®ad prior w ft hammerofsparchlardOmanwwkwillDopadhrmsetouwaadadarIofdikar.pwta f ooroweom i mb j.i.&Om 1 md, -- ea s sopa.M PVT = a O05=4 ran MAAL WORK. PLUMBM SIONS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACIM BOILERS, HEATHN%TANIM and I= r* dial au Oros R npft Istasaiot tt aa=w tad*waU wort wtilba dtas O to orm, wlA 1vwpvw6k Isws xvdw # owsntstlott artamfeBwARNDMTOOWNIIR- YOUR FAILURE TO RBWRD A NDr im oFcoMMINCOMENr MAY RUM? IN YOUR PAYING TWICE VOR a sovammm 70 YOUR FROPHIrry. a YOU Wyaw TD OSTAW FINANC' RM CONSULT WRB YOUR L WWU OR AN ATTORNEY BBFORB RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COIONBNCFJNWr. oo addltiat to me tequiramata ottW partd<tl.. Wetter a0dtioad nraktlow aypErset. m ut: Pap.Or mu » a name le as paello,moar err • Rea osaw, am Oran 'my a aOB OW panda targeted fiom 9MV graonnatW aditia Wes er waly =Ulam= diW a% alerts aposm or Rtdael Aagmta ofpeermt o out I WN Daft taowsa or ompnyoft6t ratlldlw=U IrFlorida IJm w FS 71I. Z 9 o n r.......... ... C S t : St at<tre OrOwtwdABmt Due orCaeuattwAptt Dan ca v o u ue8 o <= h'!'C j qP r% G4-..G! J e`% % GS n Q r `, o r 03: Aymt't /1p Cs Nsau P d c3 n: i sipuuoe Nau of Pbnm L)ata Des z V C3 U. N C _ : O- IWAVII is Penoneq Kno.ar is Ole w ConneetoAAp+tt is PviwnUr Known to Me or a : _ ProdreodIDProducedIooof m APPLK'ATIOM APPROVIM BY: Uww lon64: UWi M PD. Initial A OW) (h" A Dote) (Initial B Date) (Initial a DWI c title t,:. FED-06-2006 09:56 AM CARRIAGECOVE 487520TI95 P.09 t IY ursANroRo F9WW AFMCATM Per,nlc 11: Job Addnw * HO Roc le T .. {, Gl or 1 F/. 3 y 7 3 Daalpttoa of worh: . a 6 o.•lc at d d re Histork ObWet: Z00m Vdae of Work S O'Oo ramt Type: Bu — Moctrial _ M h oial Pltlntbbti Fitt SptinkledAlttnn _ Pod RlwtrlpL Nt w.Sernble — d of AMPS AdditiodAkersion C11tmp of Servia t(Duct ryPkbled"aLReaid=W NoaoW P Nw Td yoteCM& Rogai 4 Pimm* New Commmw: B of Fiataa t1 e[wata 3 saw lino / of On Liao Pla~ww ReeWlto . P of war Chefs P10mbkR Rgalr— RaidwtW or Ootr=m al f OeWwrer TYW RwldwlW _/ Via( lndwtrial Tom Sgwe RooI 1A to T'YVm A &_ o of Stodw. j_ It of Dwdmg Udfw FIDOCZone: aD1U IN= FaI mr mow am )p prod w: Nam A Addraaa:, qi 4r-d p/ CmM MW Naan O Addrwc t/2 affa. - S1 g Crow" a Pact: oy-zl -3 vanCoarpaay: Addrm Which Prmarorowamup a Lod Darerip&n) P re o( o• v6 !r/a ,r Flwmc _ yo 7 — 716 State ueaooe Nmaber. CA C P/ l 9 d A COOLd PrrMr iLq / a /Awf;r M r /t non- * y-fair3 Mar%W Lender: Addrea Arddl@WE.40aeer: PI Add VW AWMedlon it body wade to okdu a per alt to do the work ad auatlbdm m itditma I certify Heel ao work or butaMadm hY lidprior to die Uianlea of a ptantlt aadthatvtwtotwQ1Mpaameme0lsamtitrttdardaofdlhiptopesBoais1>sia jaiadktios I uatad Oat a twpnr PMO Owa bo aaow W !b L'UX7116C.AL WORK. PLUMBD IQ MCM WELTA P0OLS. PUIiNACBS. pDMUS, NSATl . TANKS; aad AIR CONDITIONUS, eta QWHM' IMaryHutIBM offt hrw is fa hraugoa is Katrato VA Oman work will bed ata to oon*Hwm wi0all MpUeabN Sawa. nDdadq eoa amnion and umfai• WARNIMTODWNWYOURPAIUMBTORSCORDANO101OFCDMM=MBNT MAY RUMT IN YOUR PAYINO TWICE MR DMWVB WMM TOYOURMWIR7Y. W YOU )N'I11AID TO 0$rARI FINANCINr, CONSULT W= YOUR JZNDWt OR AN ATIORNBY sum RBCORD(NO YOURNOTICEOPCOMM8NCg1WIEff. ISO=* In addition to the tatpdrat o of ft parvdli than my be additional mWodm a lioble to dtit VA twuuaW. and them waybeadditkrialpwWtsrequkdAmnodtwPPPrWwIY *0 may W lbtmd iA the pubik reootda of t oft fia'eAmra>.I Mh ctweptau>tretept di RUS. uata 4WAiM ar hftW AoOgUn.. of pan*is je( fkat(o at 1 will npdfy Hw owner of no ptepenyof the rogvinments of Florida lxa Law. PS 717•ALI z O N N Q 7 Y. iitwad+rc of Owaa/ ASattt Data c Simtamrc of Coatracoor/Aaeat Date am.z/il."C inp% //• CArnD6clJ bet i- 5 "x d Ee 5M •m 1 dten/ pwauwM Ngoarya of Florida obit Sip orNowy4falcofFlorids Date ownerfAV01 is v Peaontlly Known to Me or CauraoWr/Aieat it hraonaMy KatrwD to Me 9r d rrodtrwd ID _ Produced It IINN••• m LWATION APPROVI-D BY: GROF ii% 74na: udlltla: PD how a OW) (Initial A Dut) ( Initial A Data (laatbf A Dare• Special CMdidoni_ 1w ar• 0-n cle- meltr Tax f olio No. County of Seminole The uhderyipicd hereby giYos notice that itnprbvemetrt will be made to cChaptcr•.713 Florida Ste, the followin info ertain real property. and in a:'d3ace withBrmatioaisprovidedinthisNotice, of Commenccmcmt. 1, Description of property: (1eEa1•desc DPUQA of the property mad street addrCARRIAGECOVETWcss if available) 500. CARRIAGE COVE WAY; ' gr0,, Z. Gcnerst descnptioa •Firapruvcrneat: 327.73 ,:- . ; L;h; .. ,• ---- 3. Owner infoz= ion , - TDI a. Name and addrm n OCX •'v2 q k .. ,:Z7 7 CARRIAGE CAVE LW. 500 CARRIAGE COVE WAY SANFORD. •r 'COPYb. Amormt in 32773roc1OO16 SEc. Namo and address f fee simMA T COURTpletitleholder (if other tlwa OwnerN/A 4. Contractor FLARI a. Name and address , -61 v 11 b. Phone number S.,. Surety , • Pax -number V0. 7 - 3 _ a. Name and addvas N IN b. a DR Iall g11111InIREi ilitlit1i11p i11p1NIF Phone number c. Amount of bond' 6. Lender p ' n g cn-FpK OF CIRWIT DMW- rfv a. Name and address W/A in gK 06133 Rq OP-43; .li{sR) b. PhoOo atimberdb N1i39:t19 7. Persons within the State: of Florida desi •ated b Awner uFax Aurb i?hill Fl=ES 11. 1 provided byFSecuon 7I whom notic 0e dck tlriktlt3epay l a(1)(a)7., .Florida Statupon a.. Name :end address be served as b. Phone numb c g. 1n addition to himself or herself OK aer desi ates Fax number . . Florida Statutes, a• Phone numbdr of a COA9 c"Licncei. Otlec as pion ed inSOction 9, Expiration date of nvtiet: orcommencem a the Fax cumber ' date is specifiecn expiration date is l year from the date of recordin less a dMercbt Sevom to-( Ar ifrirracd) and sutiicribed before Me -this. Siga3tum of O G C r % by Pamonally Knowm pi, Produced•ldeatificatioa Type ofIderuifiwtionproducedPHYLUSSlgnaL C Of 1Y ss ryPublic. Stato Of Florida $*' Commission Expires: CASTALDO / 1 Comm# DD0499621 Expires 12/ i=009 9W eve wrr+ (eoo)432-+254 pbridallotaryAssn..Int 3 z 7 1 . •,4