HomeMy WebLinkAbout1171 ORDINANCE NO. 1171 kN 0RDIN~qCE OF THE CITY OF SkNFORD, FLORIDA, TO PROVIDE ~OR THE TYING'DOWN~qD SECURING OF MOBILE HOMES IND TRAVEL TRAILERS; PROVIDING FOR MINIMUM GROUND ~qCHOR STANDARDS; PROVIDING FOR MINIMUM TIE-DOWN STaNDaRDS; PROVIDING RES- PONSIBILITIES FOR TRAVEL P~RK OPERATORS OR OWNERS; PROVIDING FOR LIMITATIONS; PROVIDING FOR COMMERCIAL DEALERSHIP COMPLIANCE; PROVIDING FOR TRAILERS THAT ARE NOT WITHIN THE CITY MORE THIN FIFTEEN (1B) DAYS; PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS; PROVIDING ~LTERNATIVE METHODS; PROVIDING PENALTIES; PROVIDING FOR INJUNCTIVE RELIEF; kND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SkNFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. This ordinance shall be known as the "Mobile Home Code." SECTION 2. This ordinance is enacted under the police powers of the City of Sanford for the purpose of providing necessary standards and regulations for trailer tie-downs in the City of Sanford in the interest of the citizens, residents and inhabitants of the City of Sanford. This ordinance Will apply to and be enforced within all areas of the City of Sanford. SECTION3. All mobile homes or travel trailers which are used as residences in the City of Sanford shall, within one hundred twenty (120)days of the effective date of this ord- inance, comply with Lthe minimum blocking,. ground anchor, and tie- down standards set forth herein; provided, however, that this ord- inance shall not apply to seIf-motorized travel trailer units, collapsible camper units and unitsleSsthan twenty-five feet in length,) which is not to be in the City of Sanford more than twenty-one (21) days from the date of entering the city shall, however, be removed from the city if a hurricane watch is declared for the City of Sanford. In cases where the above 'one hundred twenty-day {120) limitation would work an undue hardship and where the affected party requests in writing an extension of said period, ,t- setting forth. good cause for such extension, the Building De- partment of the City of Sanford may grant a time 'extension, not to exceed an additional sixty (60)days, Within which ]to comply with this ordinance.' SECTION 4. All mobile home dealerships in the City of Sanford shall, (with respect to mobile homes and/or travel trailers places~ within fifty (50)feet of the property line of the display property of said dealership or within fifty (50) feet of any residence,) comply with the minimum blocking, ground anchor and tie-down standards set forth herein; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to~ SeIf-motorized travel trailer units, collapsible camper units, and units less than twenty-five (25) feet in length.~ Compliance with ]this ord- inance shall not be construed torelieVe any dealership nor ind- ividual from any civil liability for damages caused by these units. SECTION 5. MINIMUM BLOCKING STANDARDS. a. Pier foundations shall be installed directly under the main frame (or chasis)of the mobile home Or traveI trailer. The piers shall notbe'further apart than ten (10)feet on centers and the main frame, front or back,] shall not extend further than one {1)E foot beyond the~center line of the end piers. b. All grass and organic materials shall be removed and the pier foundation placed on stable soil. The pier found- ation shall be a 16"x16"x4" cnncrete pad, precast or poured in place. c. Piers shall be ~constructed of two](2) regular 8"xS"x16" concrete blocks withOpen cells vertical, placed above the foundations block and mortared together and to the foundation block. A 2"xS"x16" wood plateshall be placed on top of the pier with hardwood shims fitted and driven tight between the wood plate and the main frame. -2- SECTION 6. MINIMUMGROUNDANCHOR STANDARDS. a. Anchors shall be installed on both sidesof the unit for every tweIve '(i2)~ fee~ of trailer length. There shall bed minimum of three (3), regardless of length, with the furtheP requirement that one ~'C1) set shall be on each end. b. Anchors shall be Of the screw a~ger type or of the deadman type. c. If screw angers are used, they shall be of not less than fi~e~eighthS 65/8") inchh0t dipped. galvanized steel. Penetration shall be to a depthof no less than three (3)feet with ~a we~ded eye On one end and no lees than a four (4) inch auge~ cup on the other. d. If a deadman-type anchor is used, it shall be of poured-in-place concrete, no less than ei'gh~ (8) inchesin diameter and buried to a depthof four (4) feet insoil. In this deadman there shall be a cast to a minimum depth of twenty- four (24) inches, a five~eighths~(5/8") inch h0t~galvanized stee~ rod with a weIdedeye. e. All anchors shall be capabie of withstanding vertical stress component of two thousand (2,000)pounds minimum. SECTION 7. MINIMUM TIE-DOWN STANUARDS. a. Each mobile home or travel trailer shall be provided with ~a minimum of three '(3)' se~s of tie-downs as des- cribed herein. b. Ties shall be made of no less than one-half (½) inchgalvanized steel turnbuckIeeconneCted to. ground anchors with no less than three-eighths(3/8") inch.'galvanized wire rope, one-quarter ~") inch aircraft cable, or equal, in. good condition and without weakening defects. Ties will be placed as nearly adjacent to the front and rear piers as possible withno less than one(l) tie-down for each twelve (12) feet trailer length, with ~a minimum of three.C3)', reg~ardlessof length. Where, due to passage of time or due ta wear or use,~any tie or wire com- ponent shall become 'defeCtive,' it ~shall be ~replaced within ten (10) days of discovery of such 'defeCt. c. No less than tb_~ee '.~)' of the required tie- downs shall passover the trailer or mobile home. if only three are used, two (2)of these Will beat the front and rear of the unit. Tie-downs passing over the coaChs~all be ~reinforced at points of contact with the unit ~sa that ~thecable cannot cause cutting damage thereto. other required tie~downs' may be fastened to the ~frame of the unit. SECTION ~8. As 'shall relate 'to trailer parks or rental trailer spaces, it shall be the reSponSibility of the owner of the mobile 'hOme or traile~ t~ provide 'the~required. ground anchors, blocking, tie~downs, and theinstallation of the same. Provided wherever, that where any owner of the property or operator of the ~traile~ park on which a unit is parked shall require that a speCific type Of ground anchors or blocking shall beused, said owner or operator shall bear the reSponSibility for providing and installing the same. SECTION 9. The jenforcement of these provisions shall rest with ~the City of Sanford Building Department, and the City Commission may establish 'such inspection fees as shall be necessary to defray the 'costs of all such ~e~for~ement and inspection. SECTION10. The Building Department shall provide written notice to anyone in violationof the provisions of this ordinance specifying the 'nature of the violation and necessary corrective action. A period of ten (10) days shall begranted for correction and the persGnor'persons correcting the violation shall sign a citation certifying the correction of the same. If violations are not corrected within the specified time, the -4- Violator shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable as provided by law. Each ~day a violationskall occur or continue shall beconsidered a separate offense and punishable accord- ingly. Upon recommendation by the 'Building Department, the City Commissioner may bring suit to restrain, .enjoin/or other- wiseprevent the Violation of this ordinance. SECTION 11. Other than those types and methods specified herein, types of piers and methods of blocking,.ground anchors ortie-downs, cables or couplings may be approved by the Building Department if deemed the equivalent of the foregoing specifications, and specific written approval is given by the Building Department. This seCtionshall especially apply, but not be limited.to, those situations where any permanent cabana, addition or .adjoining structure ~to any trailer shall existas of the effective date Of this ordinance, and where the eXistance of any such caba~a, addition or adjoining structure would create and undue hardship were the provisions of this ordinance literally applied. In such cases, the hardship exception of this s~ction shall be liberally construed. SECTION 12. Itis declared to be the city commissioner's intent that any section', subseCtion, sentence,~ clause,'ph~ase or any portion of this ordinance is 'for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional or inconsistent with law, by any court of competent jurisdiction, such 'portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereof. SECTION 13. This ordinance shall become effective on the 1st day of 0ctober~': ,~.D.~197~3. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 0~Ctember , A.D., 1973. Mayor -5- CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Tamm, Jr., City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 1171, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 10th day of September, 1973, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City Of Sanford, Florida, on the llth day of September, 1973. -6-