HomeMy WebLinkAbout1165 ORDINANCE NO. 1165 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE ERECTION, LOCATION, RELOCATION, CONSTRUCTION, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF SIGNS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. PROVIDING DEFINITIONS THEREFORE AND PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA ARTICLE I PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this ordinance is to regulate all exterior signs and interior signs placed for exterior observance so as to protect property values, to protect the character of the various communities in the City, to protect' health, safety and morals and to promote the public welfare. ' The principal features are the restriction of advertising to the business or use of the premises on which the sign is located and the restriction of the total sign area permissible per site. A~ny sign placed on land or on a building for the purpose of identification or for advertising a use conducted therein or thereon shall be deemed to be accessory and incidental to such land, building or use. It is intended that the display of signs will be appropriate to the land, building or use to which they are appurtenant and be adequate, but not excessive, for the intended purpose of identification or advertisement. With respect to signs advertising business uses, it is specifically intended, among other things, to avoid excessive competition · and clutter among sign displays in their demand for public attention. It is further intended that in commercial areas now in existence and more so in proposed commercial and industrial areas that all signs within one complex be coordinated with the architecture ~n such a manner that the overall appearance is harmonious in color, form and proportion. It is also intended by this section that all temp6rary signs erected for directional purposes, for public information or to call attention to special events shall be confined to those that are of general public interest and that such signs shall be limited to the giving of information. ARTICLE II DEFINITION OF TE~MS For the purpose of this ordinance, certain words or terms used herein are defined as follows: Words used in the present tense include the future tense. Words used in the singular include the plural, and words used in the plural include the singular. The word "shall" is always mandatory. The word "person" inclhdes a firm, association, organization, partnership, trust company or corporation as well as an individual. , The word "map" or "zoning map" means the official zoning map of the City of S~nford on file in the office of the City Clerk. 1. SIGN. Any device or disp~ay,~ consisting of'letters, numbers, symbols, pictures, illustrations, announcements, cut-outs, insignia, trade marks or demonstrations, including all trim and borders, designed to advertise, inform, identify, or to attract the attention of persons not on the premises on which the device or display is located, and visible from any public way. A sign shall be construed to be a single display surface or device containing elements organized, related and composed to form a single unit. * · 2. SIGN AREA. Sign area shall be the area encompassed (2) · within mny regular geometric figure which would enclose all parts of the sign. The structural supports for a sign, whether they are columns, a pylon or a building or a part thereof, shall not be included-in the sign area. Only one side of a dOuble-faced sign shall be included in the computation of a sign area. The area of a cylindrical sign shall be computed by multiplying the diameter by ~e height of the sign and,adding fifty percent ~(50%) to the result. For the purpose of this ordinance sign area,~sign surface, sign face are considered synonymous. 3. ANI~LATED SIGN. Any sign of which all or any part thereof revolves or moves in any fashion whatsoever; and any sign which contains or used for illumination any light, lights or lighting device or devices which change color, flash .or alternate, show movement or motion, or change the appearance of said sign or any part thereof automatically. 4. BANNER SIGNS. Banner signs shall mean signs either with or without~ frames, posses.sing characters, letters, illustrations or ornamentations applied to cloth, paper or fabric of any kind. For the purpose of this ordinance national flags, flags of political subdivision and symbolic flags of any institution or business shall not be considered as banners. 5. BEACON LIGHT. Any light with one or more beams, capable of being directed in any direction or directions, or capable of being revolved automatically, or having any part thereof capable of being revolved automatically. * 6. BILLBOARD. Any outdoor advertising signs erected and maintained by an advertising business or service, upon which advertising matter may be displayed and which generally advertise firms and organizations that, along with their goods and services, are not located on the same premises, as the sign; ~nd whose surface is sold, rented, or leased for the display of advertising material. (3) 7. C~tNGEABLE COPY SIGN. Any poster board, bulletin board, neon sign, screen, surface or ~all, with characters, letters or illustrations affixed thereto or thereon, by any method or means whatsoever, that can be changed, re-arranged, or altered Without changing the face of the poster board, bulletin board, neon sign, screen, surface or.wall. 8. C~MERCIAL ADVERTISING SIGN. Any stEucture, poster board, bulletin board, neon sign, ~creen,. surface or wall Wi~h characters, letters or illustrations affixed thereto, ~hereon or thereunder, by any method or means whatsoever, where the matter is displayed, would be used for the purpose of publicly advertising the legal or exact firm or organization name or the name of the business carried on therein or thereat, or for advertising any service or product actually and actively being offered for sale therein or thereon; but shall not include street or directional signs, occupan_t identification signs, or real estate signs as defined herein. 9. DIRECTORY SIGNS. A directory sign shall mean signs which give the name and/or occupation of the occupants of a building; or gives the use of-~he building, including office building dir~gtories, church directories and apartment house directories. 10. ERECT. Shall mean to build, construct, attach, hang, place, suspend, or affix and shall include the painting of wall signs. I1. FLASHING SIGN. Shall mean a sign or any.part thereof, the electrical lighting device or devices of which go on and off alternately. 12. GROUND SIGN. A sign which is supported by structures or supports in or upon the ground and independent 6f support from any building. Ground signs may be any of the following: Animated, changeable copy, commercial advertising, flashing, lighted occupant identification, on site and public information signs. 13. HIGH INTENSITY LIGHT. Shall mean stroboscopic or incandescent lighting effects in excess of one hundred (100) watts. 14. LIGHTED OR ELECTRICAL SIGN. Shall mean any sign whose characters, letters figures, designs, or outlines are affixed thereto and which is illuminated by an electric l~ght or luminous tubes constituting an integral part of the sign proper. 15. MARQUEE SIGN. Shall mean a sign upon, attached to,~or hanging from a marquee; said marquee to mean a canopy or covered structure projecting from and supported by a building. Marquee signs may be any of the following: Changeable copy, flashing lighted, on-site and promotional signs. 16. MOBILE TRAILER SIGN. Shall mean a point of purchase advertising sign or any material for use with or without changeable type lettering, illuminated or non-illuminated mounted on a boatc type trailer or frame and/or any vehicle with or without wheels. 17. MOTOR VEHICLE SIG~. Shall mean a sign or advertising display mounted or painted on a motoz vehicle. 18. NON-CONFORMING SIGN. Any sign which is in violation of this ordinance at the time of its effective date. 19. NEIGHBORHOOD SHOPPING CENTER. Shall mean a shopping center comprised of a group of seperate stores with a minimum of three and less than fifteen, utilizing a common parking facility. 20. OCCUPANT IDENTIFICATION SIGN. Any structure, device, display board, screen, surface or wallwith characters, letters or illustrations placed thereto, thereon, or thereunder, by any method or means whatsoever, where the matter displayed is used only to indicate to the public the legal or exact firm name and/or the character of the business therein. Occupant identification'signs (5) shall include shingle signs and directory signs. , 21. OFF POINT OF PURCHASE SIGN. A sign relating, in its subject matter, to commodities, accommodations, services, or activities offered on premises other than the property upon which such sign is located. , 22. ON POINT OF PURCHASE SIGN. A sign relating, in its subject matter, to the commodities, accommodations, services., or activities offered on premises upon which sign is locate~. .22. PERSON. Shall mean and include any person, firm, partnership., association, co_rporation, company or organization of any kind. 24. PUBLIC BODY. Any government or governmental agency of the City of Sanford, Seminole Count~, State of Florida, or of the U. S. Government. 25. PROJECTING SIGN. Any sign affixed to any building, wall, or structure which extends more than twelve (12) inches and less than five (5) feet beyond'such buy ding~ wall or structure. Projecting signs may be any of the following: Animated, commercial advertising, flashing, lighted occdpant identification, on site and public information signs'i 26. PROMOTIONAL~SIGN. A si_gn designed and intended-to~ promote the s~le of unplatted land where more than one lot and/or principal building is involved. Also, any sign designed and intended to advertise grand opening of business, special promotions or similar events and not to be posted for more than a sixty (60) day period~ 27° PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN. Any sign used or placed by a public body as herein defined for public information or direction. 28. REPLACING. Shall mean.rebuilding, enlarging or any change in size, or structure or copy other tha~ repainting and repair to electrical apparatus or repairing parts Ehereof for maintenance purposes. (6) 29. REAL ESTATE SIGN. Any structure, device, display board, screen, surface or wall, with characters, letters or illustrations placed thereto, thereon or thereunder, by any method or means whatsoever, where the matter displayed shall be used solely for the purpose of offering for sale, or lease, or for rent the exact property upon which the sign is placed. Standard size multiple listing strips, supplied by Multiple Listing Service, shall not be considered a part of the real estate sign. ~ 30. ROOF SIGN. Shall mean an outdoor advertising display sign erected, constructed, or maintained above the roof of any building in accordance with Section 2303.2 of the Southern Standard Building Code. RoOf signs may be any of the following: Animated, commercial advertising, flashing, lightea occupant identification, on site and public information signs. Signs that are separate but part of the same structure shall be considered one sign provided each individual face carries the same copy and is placed at such an angle to preclude viewing bbth faces of the sign from any one location., 31. REGIONAL SHOPPING CENTER. Shall mean a shopping center comprised of twenty-five (25) acres or more of ground and a minimum , of fifteen (15) separate stores, utilizing a common parking facility. 32° SANDWICH SIGN & PORTABLE SIGN. Shall mean any sign, double or single faced, which is portable and may readily be moved from place to place. 33. SEAWALL SIGN. Any sign with characters, letters, figures, designs, or outlines painted on:.the face of the bulkhead or seawall. * 34. SHINGLE SIGN. Any sign not exceeding two (2) square feet in area which is attached to a building, marquee or permanently erected ground pole. -~.. 35. SNIPE SIGNS. Shall mean a sign of any material, including paper, cardboard, wood and metal, when tacked, nailed or attached in (7) · any way to trees or other objects where such sign may or may .not apply to the premises. 36. SUBDIVISION SIGN. Any sign designed as a permanent structure to identify a subdivision or neighborhood ~ut which shall no~ be used for development or promotional purposes and shall bear the name of the subdivision only. 37. S~I-PUBLIC BODY. Churches and organizations operating as a non-profit activity serving a public purpose or service and includes such organizations as non-commercial clubs, lodges, theatre groups, recreation and neighborhood associations, cultural activities and schools. 38. STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS. Any construction used or designed to support or to provide a surface for a sign shall comply with the provisions of the Southern Standard Building Code. , 39. SIGN SURFACE,,- FACE AREA. Shall mean that portion of the sign surface or area containing letters, characters, insignia, or any other means of displayihg a message or image. 40. TEMPORARY SIGNI Any sign, banner, pennant, valance or advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wall~board ~r other light materials, with or without frames limited to thirty (301 days use. '. ' -- 41. WALL SIGN. Shall meanan outdoor advertising display , single face sign affixed to the wall of any building. Area or , surface of such sign shall project not more than eighteen (18) inches from the building wall and shall include painted copy or decorative features of said wall. Wall signs may be lighted, on site, occupant identification or painted signs. ARTICLE IiI GENERAL PROVISIONS. ~ * 1o APPEARANCE. a. All flat signs, projecting signs, and ground signs (8) sl ~1 have concealed structu~ ~ members except for vertical supports or other supporting members which are designed and arranged so as to be an inte~ra~ pa~ ~ ~he ~thQti~ c~mpo~i~io~ ~ a sign. Signs in general shall present a g6od structural appearance and when attached to a building it shall appear to be an integral part of the building. b. All structural members.on roof signs shall~be concealed by the covering of the members with an appropriate material or, at the discretion of the owner, painted with a white, light gray or neutral color, but excluding dark colors such as green, brown and red. c. All signs shall be maintained in good condition so as to present a neat and orderly appearance. The Building Official may cause to be removed, after' due notice, any sign which shows gross · neglect, which becomes dilapidated or which has ground area around it that is not well maintained. , 2o BAI~qER OR PERMANENT SIGNS. -Shall be permitted with in the City of Sanford as long as they are erected within the , confines of the building line and used as a temporary promotional , sign only and for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days. Similar type signs shall be prohibited over street right of ways or suspended across any public property except by special per- mission of the City Manager ~nd concurrence of theBuilding Official. * 3. BENCH SIGNS, TRASH RECEPTACLE SIGNS, GUTTER ~GNS, SNIPE SIGNS. As defined in the Definitions shall be prohibited, (9) * 4. BULKHEAD AND SEAWALL SIGNS. As defined in the Definition is prohibited. 5. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING SIGNS. Commercial advertising signs shall be prohibited in all residential districts, except where sp'ecifically permitted by these regulations. All commercial advertising signs located in a commercial or industrial district overhanging a sidewalk or public property shall be at least nine (9) feet above the highest point of the s~dewalk or public proper- , ty and not closer than three (3) feet to the inside curb edge, and where there is no sidewalk or curb involved, City right of way shall control. All signs shall advertise only those products' or services offered or carried on at the premises where the sign is located. 6. CONSTRUCTION SIGNS. The erection of one (1) sign, not exceeding one hundred and twenty-eight (128) square feet of area, shall be permitted on property where construction is act- ually in progress under a current building permit. This sign may include the names of persons and firms performing services, labor, or .supply material to the premises. Such sign must be removed before a Certificate o·f OcCupancy shall be issued by the Building official. '~ _. ~ 7. DEVELOPMENT SIGNS. SignS designed and intended to advertise and promote the sale or rental or lease-of lots ~nd/or homes in any residential development shall be permitted as follows: 1. All Residential District. One (1) sign not exceed- ing sixty-four (64) square feet in area shall be permitted for the first twenty (20) building sites, plus one (!) additional such sign for each additional fifty (50) building sites or parts thereof, not to exceed one (5) such sign for each street entrance into the subject sub- division or development. Such signs shall be permitted only within the confines of the property being developed. Permits for such development signs shall be issued for a period of one (1) year only, subject to renewal on application. Such permits may be renewed by the Building Official only after determination that the promotion of the development is active. 8. DIRECTORY SIGNS. Churches, ~ospitals, public Sc~ools and public agencies may erect on-premise directory sig~s not exceeding twenty-four (24) square feet in area in any district, but must first submit a plan to the Building Official, and receive a permit for construction, lighting and placement of the sign. Regular permit fees shall apply. * 9. FLASHING SIGNS. Scintillating, border chasing, spelling, wipe-on, and sequential action are herein recognized as non-conflicting with traffic signals, and are permissible within the following limitations: 1.No "on-off" flashing action permitted within fifty (50) feet of electric traffic signals. 2. No prisms., mirrors or polished reflecting surfaces to be uSed~fo~ purpose of augmenting intensity of light sources. 3.No hi-intensity lights or strobos~opic lights or effect permitted. 4. No more than forty-five (45) milli-amperes on high voltage side of neon transformer permitted for neon tubing to be flashed. 5. On-off flashing of~ed,~bl~e or am~er~Colors_ prohibited..! HoWever, red, blue and a~er colors are to be permitted .on border chasing, scintillating and multiple random actions. Green, white and (ll) turquoise and light pink may also be flashed. 6. On-off flashing action shall be permitted for% neon borders not to exceed eight (8) feet in 7. Maximum wattage of incandescent bulbs to be limited to eleven (ll) watts, flashing or non- flashing. 8. No.~ore than forty-five (45) milliamperes per- m~ted on high voltage side of transformer serving neon tubing to be flashed. Sixty (60) milliamperes permitted on neon tubing not to be flashed. 9. Only decorative portions,of the lights on a sign may be flashed (not the internal illumination of plastic signs) nor shall the entire sign be flashed nor shall entire letters, logos trade- ~ ./ marks and names or messages be flashed in · their entirety. However, internal or external -'~ .. .portions of multiple stroke neon letter may be ~% ed p~ovided that an inner or outer portion of such letters must remain on at all times. Scintillati~g. orborder ~hasing action of~in- candescent bulbs (eleven (11) watt maximum) may be used in conjunction therewith outlining said letters or filling in the internal portions thereof. 10.~ Flashing actions must constitute part of the original design of the sign and may not be incorporated into the sign at a later date nor may flashing devices be added onto ~n existing sign unless such device be incorporated as a decorative portion not to exceed twenty-five per cent (25%) of the square footage of any additional sign to be added to the sign structure support- ing the original sign. ll.~ Strip lighting of buildings with maximum of eleven (11) watt incandescent bulbs may be permitted with chasing action only and having a minimum of four (4) breaker contacts on mechanism ~overn- ingflashing action. 12. Scintillating, wipe-on, and random flashing actions of neon or eleven (11) watt maximum incandescent bulbs permitted on letters or border decoration with not less than four ~(4) breaker contacts on mechanism governing flashing action. All non-conforming flashing devices and incandescent bulbs over eleven (11) watts to be altered, eliminated or stopped within one (1) year from date of this ordinance. 10. GROUND SIGNS. Ground signs shall be permitted, used or erected only upon. complying with the following requirements: 1. Corner Lots. tn all zoning districts all ground signs erected within one hundred (100) feet of the nearest street intersection, ~nd with the , lower edge of the face less than nine (9) feet above the average ground level, shall be set , back from all property lines a distance Of~te~ feet. * 2. INTERIOR LOTS AND COMMON PROPERTY LINES, In all zoning districts ground signs shallbe setback a minimum of five (5) feet from common p~operty lines. All ground signs with the lower edge of (13) the face less than nine· (9) feet above average ground level shall be setback a minimum of nine (9) feet from public right of way property lines. * 3 Maximum Area. Maximum area of a ground sign shall be one hundred fifty (150) square feet. Such one hundred fifty (150) square feet shall apply per business establishment with a maximum of twq (2) such signs per each one .hundred (100) feet of street frontage. The total area of alI signs facing each street frontage shall be within the allowable square footage and Within a single · sign structure or frame. Larger signs shall be subject to review by the Planning and Zoning Commission and variance approval by the Board of Adjustment. 11. MARQUEE SIGNS. Signs may be placed on the vertical. face of a marquee or may project below the lower e,dge of a marquee not more than twelve (12) inches, but the bottom of a sign placed on a marquee shall be no less than eight (8) feet above the side- walk or grade ~t any point. No part of a marquee sign shall project more than twelve (i2.) inches _above the top of ~the :vertical face of the marquee. * 12. MOTOR VEHICLE SIGNS. A motor vehicle sign as herein- before defined shall not be pa~ked and left unattended when utilized primarily as means of promoting or advertising. The motor vehicle shall be in an operable condition. 13. NON-CONFORMING SIGNS. ewners of all signs made non- conforming by the adoption of this ordinance shall be notified of such non-conformance and the requirements of this section of these regulations. An existing non-conforming ~ign may be maintained and rep. aired but shall not be structuraliy or mechan- ically extended or altered to further the non-conformance. Non- conforming signs which are destroyed or damaged to the extent of fifty (50) per cent or more of its replacement value shall not be repaired or rebuilt except in conformity with this regulation. All non-conforming signs shall be eliminated after five (5) years unless the Board of Adjustment or other governing body has granted a previous variance to permit the construction of said sign (s). Such non-conforming sign or signs shall be eliminated after ten (10) years. 1. Exception. All snipe signs including banners, pennants and wind operated devices, beacon lights, and sandwich signs shall be removed within sixty (60) days after the effective date of the adoption of this ordinance. 14. PROJECTION SIGN OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY. Projecting signs may project over public rights of way only where there is no building setback requirement, and then may project no more than five (5) feet over the public right of way, but no closer than three (3) feet to a curb line and must have a minimum clearance of nine (9) feet above the sidewalk or finished grade at any point and eighteen (18) feet above any street, driveway or alley. 15. POLITICAL CAMPAIGN SIGNS. Signs announcing candidates seeking public office and other data pertinent thereto shall be permitted up to a total of nine (9) square feet for each premise in a residential zone and thirty two (32) square feet in a commer- cial or industrial zone. These signs shall be confined within private property and not be less than fifty (50) feet from the curbline of any street intersection. The signs may be displayed thirty (30) days prior and seven (7) days after the election for which intended. In case where a final election following within sixty (60) days of a primary election, those candidates who won in the primary election may continue to display their signs during (15) the interim period and up to seven (7) days after the final election. A temporary sign permit shall be acquired for each sign. 16. REGIONAL SHOPPING CENTERS. A multiple use identification sign, stating the name of the center and the major tenants shall be allowed. The area of the sign shall be determined by allowing , two (2) square feet Of sign area for each one (1) lineal foot of , lot frontage on a public right of way or six hundred (600) square feet overall, whichever is smaller. A double faced sign shall be considered as one sign. If the center has frontage on more than one public right of way, one such identification sign may be allowed for each frontage. The total area of all signs facing each frontage shall be within the allowable square footage and within one sign structure or frame. 17. SANDWICH SIGN OR PORTABLE SIGN~ 'As hereinbefore defined shall be proh'~bited. * 18. ROOF SIGN. Shall be no greater in size ~han one hundred fifty (150) square feet in are~ and a maximum overall height of twenty (20) feet measured from the highest point of the building roof. No roof sign shall be permitted in Residential Dwelling Districts. 19. SIGNS PROHIS/TED iN. RESIDENTIAL AREAS. No sign of any Character shall be erected in any Residential Dwelling District, except such signs as are exempt from the provisions of this ordinance as hereinafter provided with the following exceptions: 1. Offices and business permitted in Residential Dwell- ing District may only have name plates not exceed- ing six (6) square feet in area and not illuminated, in zoning districts where such proffession is permitted to do business. Not more than two (2) such signs shall be located on any~Dne office. 2. Real Estate Signs not exceeding six (6) square (16) feet in area which advertise the sale, rental or lease of the premises upon which said signs are located only, when not illuminated, in any Residential Dwelling District. 3. Memorial signs or tablets, name of buildings and the date of erection when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of bronze or other incombustible material. ~ 4. Apartments, apartment hotels or other residential , uses permitted in the Multiple Family Dwelling Districts may have one illuminated ground sign or wall sign, providing it is not more than six (6) square feet in size indicating facilities available on the immediate premises or structure is located on more than one street, one sign may be displayed on each such street. 20. SIGNS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY. No person shall erect a sign on or over any public property or public right of way except as specifically provided in these regulations. Signs may be erected on public property only by a public body or a semi-public body r provided such sign is approved by the City Manager. No person shall paint, paste, print or nail any banner sign, paper sign, or any advertisement or notice of any kind whatsoever, or cause the same to be done, on any curb, flagstone, pavement or any other portion or part of any sidewalk or street, or upon any tree, lamp post, telephone or telegraph pole, hydrant or bridge within the limits of any street or public right of way within the City, provided, however, this section shall not apply to regular notices as required by law to be so posted, and other exceptions as provided in Article II, Section 1. - 21. SUBDIVISION SIGNS AND DEVELOPMENT ENTRANCEWAYS. Subdivision signs and entranceways, not exceeding two (2) in number, may be erected at each entrance to any subdivision for identification purposes reflecting Only the name of the subdivision. Such signs and entr~ceways however, shall be erected only after compliance with Zoning Ordinance.Regulations and approval of plans and site location by the Planning Board of the City of Sanford, Florida. 22. WALL SIGN. Wall signs not .exceeding one hundred , fifty (150) square feet shall be permitted only as related to the businesss conducted on the premises or in the building. No wall sign shall be permitted in any Residential Dwelling District, , except as herein provided in Section 15. 23. SHIELDING. Illuminated signs shall p~ovide shielding from any source of illumination other than neon. No'objectional glare shall be directly visible from a public way or residential zone. ARTICLE IV 'UNSAFE AND UNLAWFUL SIGNS.- ~ 1. UNSAFE A~ UNEAWFUL SIGNS. All signs for which a permit is required by this ordinance, including, their supports, braces, guys ~nd anchors~ shall be kept 'in good repair. If the ' City of Sanford Building Official shall find that.any sign'or other advertising structure regulated herein is unsafe or in- . secure, or is a menace to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, or has been constructed, erected or is being maintained in violation of the provisions of this ordinance, he shall give written n6tice' of such finding to the contractor, owner, or agent or lessee thereof. If the contractor, agent, owner, lessee fails to remove or alter the structure so as to comply with the standards herein set forth within ten (10) days after said notice, such sign or other advertising structure.may be re- moved or altered to comply by the Building Official at the expense of the contractor, owner, agent or lessee, of the property upon which such sign is located. The Building Official may cause any sign or other advertising structure which is an immediate peril to persons or property to be removed immediately. Any permit issued by the Building Official for any sign shall bl and upon receipt and acceptance by the,contractor, owner, ~gent or lessee, authorize such removal, at the expense of s~id contractor, owner, agent or lessee, of all signs not properly maintained. The Building Official shall refuse to issue a permit tO any owner or lessee who refuses to pay costsso assessed. Any sign removed or caused to be moved by the Building O~ficial in compliance with the above provisions shall be impounded for a period of not less than ten (10) days. The owner, contractor, agent or lessee may , redeem said sign by paying within the said time all expenses "incurred for removal and storage, but not less than five (5) dollars for each sign removed. 2. BILLBOARD SIGNS. Billboard signs shall not be per- mitted within the city limits. of the City of Sanford. After the adoption by ordinance.of these. regulations all owners or lessees of biilboards within the Citylimits of Sanford shall be notified by registered mail that such billboar~ shall be eliminated within five (5) years. 3. DISTANCE FROM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS. Signs on properties in commercial or industrial districts which abutt a residential district shall not be erected closer than ten (10) feet to any residential district boundary line. 4. FIRE AND HEALTH HAZARD. Vegetation shall be kept cut in front of, b~hind, underneath, and around th~ base of .(19) ground signs for a distance of ten (10) feet, and no rubbish or debris shall be permitted under or near such sign that would constitute a fire or health hazard. 5. IMMORAL DISPLAY. No sign shall be erected which displays any statement, work, character, or illustration of an obscene, indecent or immoral nature. '6. LIGHTS, BEACONS. High intensity lights such as beacon lights, spot lights or flood lights shall be permitted in those districts specified herein, provided~said lights are i~ a fixed position and shine only on the owner's premises and away from any street or roadway. 7. LIGHTS, CONFUSING. There shall be no lights, either fixed, moving or flashing which might create confusion with" traffic lights or lights on emergency vehicles. * 8. MOBILE - TRAILER SIGNS. As herein def'ined shall be prohibited in all zoning districts within the City. 9. OBSTRUCTION. No s~gn shall be erected in a manner that would impede ingress and egress through any door or emergency exit of any building. No sign shall be erected on a fire escape or any other public safety device. ~ 10. PUBLIC INTER~mERENCE.. Signs shall not create a traffic or fire hazard, or create conditionsadverselyaffecting the public safety. No sign shall be erected which would impair visibility at a street intersection or driveway entrance. ARTICLE V EXCEPTION TO REGULATIONS. ~ne provisions Of this Article do not apply to the following signs: 1. ANY SIGN not exceeding two (2) square feet area and · D bearing only property numbers', pest office numbers-and neumes of (20) occupants on any private premises, for identification purposes only. 2. DIRECTING OR INSTRUCTING SIGNS,for vehicular or pedestrian traffic and parking on private property, ~rovid~ng such signs bear no advertising matter and do not exceed two (2) square feet in area. 3. DIRECTION~L OR ON-SITE. SIGNS, along inland waterways. 4. LEGAL NOTICES posted by authorized persons of ~ public body. 5. PUBLic INFORMATION AND DIRECTIONAL SIGNS. Signs erected by a public body. * ARTICLE VI' ADMINISTRATION, ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES - 1. kME~qDMENTS. This ordinance may be amended from time· to time in the same manner as provided for amending the Zoning Ordinance of The City of Sanford, Florida. 2. COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER REGULATIONS. All signs shall be erected, altered or maintained in accordance with all codes including Electrical Codes, Zoning Regulations, Southern Standard Building Code and such other regnlatio~s as may be applicable. 3. CONFLICT WITH OTHER REGULATIONS. In the event any of these regulations are in conflict with requirements of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sanford# Florida, or applicable law of Florida, the more restrictive provisions of either shall apply and govern. 4. ENFORCEMENT OF O~{ER REGULATIONS. It shall be the duty of the Building Official to administer and enforce the pro- visions of this ordinance i~ conjunction with the building and electrical codes of the City. In case of a conflict between any (21) of the provisions of this ordinance and those of the building or electrical code, in a given instance, the more restrictive of the two shall govern. Appeals from electrical and building codes shall be governed by requirements of said codes. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review for recommendation to the Board of Adjustment to hear and dispose of all other appeals.from rulings of the Building Official under this ordinance. Persons desiring to appeal any ruling of the Building Official shall so notify.~the Building Official on the proper forms, provided for appeals, in the Building Department of the City of Sanford, Florida. 5. WIND LOADS. All signs shall be designed to comply with applicable codes of the City of Sanford. 6. INSPECTION. All signs, for which a permit is required by this ordinance, are subject to inspection by the Building Official or his duly authorized agent. The Building Official is hereby authorized and empowered to revoke any permit issued by him upon failure of the holder' thereof to comply with the provisions of this ordinance within thirty (30) days after. notification in writing by the Building Official. 7. PENALTIES. Any person who shall violate any provision of this ordinance shall beguilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon ~convlctlon, k~ ' ' be punished by a fine of not more than fi~e hundred ~($500.00) dollars or imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days, or both fine and imprisonment. 8, CONSTRUCTION AND ELECTRICAL PERMITS. No sign shall beI constructed, erected, or structurally altered without a sign permit, ~nd if lighted or electrically wired, w~thout an electrical permit. .In order to obtain apermit to erect any sign within the jurisdiction of these regulations, an applicant shall submit to the Building Official an accurate drawing, to scale, showing the material to (22) be displayed heighL and dimensions, constructi~a details, electrical plans conforming to the National Electric~'~ode and distances to property lines and/or buildings in respect to the proposed location 9f t~e s&g~ tD be erected. 9. VARIANCES Applications of the regulations may be varied by the Board of Adjustment, where, 'ewing to special conditions, a li~eral enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance will, in an individual case, result in practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship peculiar to property and not people. Such variance may be granted in such individual case as provided for in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sanford.~A variance is required on all non-conforming signs which have not been removed within the five (5) year time limitation set forth in these regulations. ARTICLE VII~ FEES AND PERMITS 1. FEES AND PERMITS FOR F~TERIOR SIGNS. Before erecting, displaying or replacing any sign upon property, the owner, real estate agent, broker, electrical contractor or sig~ contractor, as the case may be, shall first secure a permit from the building official upon submitting an application for such sign, together with a sketch of the proposed sign or signs with a site plan, and upon payment of the following schedule: Signs up to and including ten(10) square feet in area ................................. $3.00 Signs over ten (10) square feet, up to and in including fifty (50) square feet in area.2$10~00. Signs over fifty (50) square feet the fee shall be ten (10) dollars for the first fifty (50) square feet, plus twenty (20) cents for each additional square foot thereof. (23) 2. Any relocation of an existing sign or changing of copy on any sign other than a movable letter type display sign or billboard sign, the same fee shall apply as for a new sign. * 3. TEMPORARY SIGN. A minimum fee Of one ($1.00) dollar shall be charged for each sign and shall be valid for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days. 4. Anyone found erecting, relocating changing copy 9n, except a moveable letter type display sign or billboard sign, or reconditiOni~g]: a sign without a sign permit shall be charged double fees. 5. That all reconditioning of signs will require the appropriate permit; however, permit fees will not be charged for any reconditioning or repairs the co~t of which is one hundred ($100.00) dollars or less per sign. * 6. The sign permit number shall be clegrly and permanent- ly illustrated on each sign. ARTICLE VIII SAVING CLAUSE = If any section, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of these regulations is for any reason, held or declared to be un- constitutional, inoperative or void, such holding Or invalidity shall not affect the remaining portions of the requlations; and it shall be construed to have been the legislati've intent to pass these regulations without such unconstitutional, invalid, or inoperative part therein; and the remainderof the regulations, after the exclusion of such part or parts shall be deemed and held robe.valid as if such p'arts had not been included herein; or if these regulations or any provision thereof shall be held inapplicable to any person, group of persons, property, kind of property, circumstances or set of circumstances such holding (2~)' shall not affect t~o~ applicability thereof t~'~ny other person, property and parts of circumstances. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. In any case where this ordinance imposes a g~eater restriction, this ordinance shall control. ARTICLE IX ENFORCEMENT, VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES. 1. The Building Official is hereby designated and author- ized to enforce the Ordinance. 2. Any person, firm~or corporation who violates, dis- obeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of hthis Ordinance shall be fined not less than fifty ($50.00) dollars norm ore than two hundred ($200.00) dollars, or shall be imprisoned in the City Jail, for not more than thirty (30) days, or both, in the dis- cretion of the Court. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a s~parate offense. That this ordinance shall take effect on October 1, 1973. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th d~y~~~ A.D. 1973. (SEAL) City of Sanford, Florida. (25) CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Taman,jr., City Clekk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 1165, PASSED and ADORED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 27th day of August, 1973, was POSTED ~lat the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 29th day of August, 1973. F r