HomeMy WebLinkAbout1138 I i 983 0718 0 I~ ~ SEHtNOLE COUNTY FLORIDA JuN IZ 4 PH '73 ~. O. ~oz ~?~8, Sa~o~d, ~lo~d~ 32~1. O~DI~C~ ~O. 1138 ~CTS O~ 1957. W~g~S, the~e ~ve bee~ ~led w~t~ t~e C~t~ Cle~ o~ t~e C~t~ o~ S~D~o~d, ~1o~id~, petitions co~t~D~Dg ~e ~es o~ the ~jo~ o~ ~he p~ope~ owners ~ the ~e~ described ~e~e~te~ .~e~est~g ~e~o~ ~o ~e corporate ~e~ o~ ~he C~ o~ S~o~d, ~lo~da, ~d ~e~est~g to be ~cl~ded ~e~e~; W~$, the T~ ~ssesso~ o~ Seminole Co~t~, ~lo~d~ ce~ed that ~he~e a~e 10 p~ope~ owDe~s ~D ~he ~e~ ~o be a~ezed dee~ed ~ ~ the bes~ ~te~est o~ the C~t7 ~o ~ccep~ s~d pe~tioDs add to ~ez S~CTZO~ ~. That t~ ce~t&~ ~e~ ~ Seminole Co~, ~lo~d~, described o~ ~z~b~ ~ ~t~c~e~ he~eto ~d ~de ~ p~t ~e~eo~ be ~d the the ~e~s o~ C~pte~ 57-1815, ~ws o~ ~1o~id~, ~cts o~ 1957. S~CTZO~ 2. Th~ upoD ~his o~d~D~ce becoming e~ect~ve, the ~es~de~s ~d p~ope~t~ o~ne~s ~ t~e ~bove described ~e~ed ~e~ shall be e~t~led ~o ~11 ~he ~g~s ~d p~iv~leges add ~u~t~es ~s ~e ~o~ t~e to ~e g~ted to ~es~de~s add p~ope~ owners o~ ~e C~ o~ S~o~d, ~lo~d~, -1- 1957, and shall further be subject to the responsibilities of residence or ownership as may be from time to time determined by the governing authority of the City of Sanford, Florida, and the provisions of said Chapter 57-1815, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1957. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this llt_h. ~~~.~L// , A D , 1973 title . . o Attest: , ~ ' ~ Aa the City Commisbib~fte City of ~r' ~ :~ ~'. S~ford, Florida. ~ ~' CERTIFZC~TE ~, H. N. T~m, 5~., City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing ~dinance No. PASSED AND ~DOPTED by the City Commission of the City of S~fopd, Florida, on the ZZth day of June , 1973, was POSTED at the f~ont door of the City Hall ~ the Cit~ of Sanford, Florida, on the Z2th day of 5une , ~.D., 1973. · EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION Beg 560 ft W of SE cor of SWt of SEt, Run N 25 ch, W 40 ch, S 5 ch, W 6 rds, S 20 ch, E 10 ch, N 10 ch, E 7~ ch, N 2~ ch, E 7 ch, S 12~ ch, E to beg. Sec 33-19-30 AND Beg 40 ch W of NE cot, Run W 15 ch, S 10 ch, W 5 ch, S 5 ch, E 20 ch, N to beg (Less E 33 ft for Rd). Sec 4-20-30 AND E~ of NWt (Less N 15 ch) and N 400 ft of E 30 ch of SWt. Sec 4-20-30 AND W% of NWt (Less W 5 ch) & N 10 ch of W 5 ch of NEt of NWt. Sec 4-20-30 AND W 5 ch of NWt. Sec 4-20-30 AND Beg 10 ch W of NE cot, Run S 27 ch, W 10 ch, N 7 ch, W 7% ch, N 20 ch, E to beg & E 10 ch of NEt Sec 5-20-30 AND W 1174.4 ft of E 2989.4 ft of N 20 ch (Less N 10 ch of E 488 ft) Sec 5-20-30.