HomeMy WebLinkAbout1105 ~ ,,,,.,, 9-g,,8 I 215 '~-~ ~' SEHIIiOLE COUNTY FLORIOA This document prepared by: FEe 13 4 3~ ~ 'ij c. w=.o. ~, ~. C~t~ ~tto~e~ O~DZ~A~C~ ~O. ZZ05 ~O~ZSZO~S ACTS O~ ~957. W~S, t~e:e h~s heed ~Zed ~th the C~t~ CZe:~ o~ the C~t~ oE SaD~o~d, ~Zo~da, a ~et~t~oD Co~ta~D~ the n~me o~ the ~ope~t~ o~De~ ~D the a~e~ described he~e~a~te~ C~t~ o~ S~G~o~d, ~o~d~, ~d ~eguest~D~ to ~e ~nc~ded the~e~; a~d ~AS, s~d pet~t~o~ ~s du~ certified to the T~ ~ssesso~ o~ Sem~noZe Co~Dt~, o~ ~957, ~d the certification o~ the ~z Assesso~ of Seminole Co~t~, ~Zo~da, as to the s~ff~c~e~c~ o~ such pet~t~o~ pu~s~t to t~e te~s o~ s~d Act ~ece~ved; ~d ~S, the C~t~ deemed ~t ~n the ~est ~Gte:est area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF T~ CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That ~ha~ certain area in Seminole County, Florida, described on Exhibi~ A a~ached hereto and by reference incorporated herein, be and ~e same is hereby annexed ~o ~d made a par~ of the City of Sanford~ Florida, pursuant ~o the ~erms of Chapter 57-1815~ Laws o~ Florida, Acts or 1957. " =,ODK PAGE ,_ , SEHINOLE COUNTY '" FLORIOA SECTION 2. That upon this ordinance becoming effective, the residents and property owners in the above described annexed area shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges and immunities as are from time to time granted to residents and property owners of the City of Sanford, Florida, and as are further provided in Chapter 57-1815, Laws of Florida, Acts of 19570 and shall further be subject to the responsibilities of residence or ownership as may be from time to time determined by the governing authority of the City of Sanford, Florida, and the provisions of said Chapter 57-1815, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1957. SECTION 3o That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12t~/~/ o February, A.D., ~973. Ms :"' ~ .,0_ ~', *0 I , ~ 3 ~s the City Commissi ~he City of ~'~ Sanford, Florida. CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Tamre, Jr., City CleFk of the City or Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify ~hat a true and correct copy or the foregoing Ordinance No. 1105 PASSED and ADOPTED by ~he City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 12th' day of February, 1973, was P~TED al the front door of the City Hall in the City of SanfoFd, Florida, on the 13th~ay of February, 1973. ; . ~ ' ~' d nfor , :~ ~ ' '~'~'f~ *~i , ~3~ $EHINOLE. COUNT~f FLORIDA Beginning at a point ~ the East line of SeCtion 2, To~ship 20 Sou~, R~ge 30 East, Seminole Co~ty, Florida, 660 feet noah of ~e Souleast corner of said Section 2; ~g thence ~est 633.6 feet; thence Nor~ 648.~1 feet; thence West 726 fee~; ~ence North 660 feet~ ~hence West 330 feet; thence ~orth 660 feet; thence E~st 210.54 feet; ~ence ~orth 45~ East 993.3 feet; thence North 405.24 feet; thence East 778.8 feet to the East l~e of said Section 2; ~enCe South along said East line 893 feet, more or less, to a po~t 20 feet ~orthwardly from the Nor~erly shore of Lake Je~ie; ~ence on a broken l~e parallel with ~d 20 feet from the shore l~e of ~he Easterly portion of Lake Jennie 3365 feet, more or less, to its intersection wi~ ~e East line of said Section 2; thence Sou~ 742 feet to the po~t of beq~ing; conta~g 114.46 acres, more or less, ~clud~g s~d l~e; LESS: Begin at ~ ~int 2374.99 feet Sou~ ~d 750.29 feet West of the No~east co~er of Section 2, 'To~ship 20 Sou~, R~ge 30 East, S~nole ~ty, Florida, r~ North- westerly 62.72 feet to a point 2319.24 feet Sou~ ~d 778.80 feet West of said ~or~eas~ aorner of Section 2, ~ence Mor~ 405.24 fee~ p~allel wi~ ~e East l~e of ~e Mor~east ~ter of said Section 2 ~o a point 1914.0 feet South ~d 778.80 feet West of said Mor~east corner of Section 2, thence East 778.78 feet to a po~t of said East line 1914.0 feet Sou~ of said Mor~east corner, ~ence Southerly along said East line of said Section 2 to a point 660.0 feet Nor~ of ~e Southeast co~er of said Section 2, ~ence West 161.04 feet, p~allel wi~h ~e Sou~ line of said Section 2, ~ence South p~allel wi~ ~e East l~e of ~e SoUtheast queer of said Section 2, a dlst~ce of 6.60 feet to a point 653.40 feet North ~d ~61.04 feet West of said Southeast corne~ of Section 2, thence West p~allel with ~e Sou~h line of said Section 2, 475.20 feet, thence Noah parallel wi~ said South- east quarter 654.72 feet to a ~int 1308.12 feet North ~d 636.24 feet West of s~d Southeast co~er of Section 2, ~ence West p~allel with ~e South l~e of said Section 2, 726.0 feet, ~ence Nor~ p~allel wi~ the East l~e of said Souleast ~arter 660.0 feet, thence West parallel ~i~h ~e · South line of said Section 2, 330.0 feet, ~ence North p~allel with the East l~e of said Southeast ~arter 660.0 feet ~o a po~t 2628.12 feet North and 1692.24 feet West of ~he Southeast corner of ~aid Section 2, thence East parallel wi~ the South line of said Section 2, 210.5~ feet to a point 2628.12 feet Noah ~d 1481.70 feet 'Nest o~f the Souleast co~er of said Section 2, thence Sou~e~sterly 48.0 feet to a point 2596.32 feet Nor~ ~d 1445.91 feet West of ~he Sontheist corner of said Section 2, ~ence Nor~easterly 976.10 feet to the po~t of begSLing. ~