HomeMy WebLinkAbout1098 City Charter RECEIVED · . /]Ec IZ I 3z PH 197Z.' DEPARTHEXT O~ STATE TALLAXA~SEE, E~9~IDA ORDINANCE NO. 1098 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 26210, LAWS OF FLORIDA, ACTS ~ OF 1949, AS AMENDED, BEING THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Chapter 26210, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1949, as amended, be and it is hereby amended.to read as follows: ARTICLE 1 POWERS OF THE CITY Section 1.01. Powers of the City. The city shall have all powers possible for a city to have under the constitution and laws of this state as fully and completely as though they were specifically enumerated in this charter. Section 1.02. Construction. The powers of the city under this'charter shall be construed liberally in favor of the city, and the specific mention of par- ticularpowers in the charter shall not be construed as limiting in any way the general powers stated in this article. Section 1.03. Intergovernmental relations. The city may exercise any of its powers or perform any of its functions and may participate in the financing thereof, jointly or ~-~ in cooperation, by contract or otherwise, with any one or more states or civil divisions or agencies thereof, or the United States or any agency thereof. Section 1.04. Corporate Limits. MEMBER OF FLORIDA SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS A. C. DOUDNEY SURVEYORS, INc. Professional Land Surveyors SUITE S. ~ ~f~ -- P.O. Box aSS SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771 DESCRIPTION FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD'S CITY LIMITS Begin at the intersection of the center-line of the channel of the St. Johns River and the Northerly extension of the East R/W of Virginia Avenue, as shown on Marvania Second Section, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, page 88, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, thence run South ~long said East R/W extension of Virginia Avenueto the Northwest corner of Lot 19, Block 5, of said Marvania Second Section, thence run East 85.0 feet along the North line of said Lot 19, Block 5, thence run South to the North R/W line of Union Street (Second Street), thence run West along said North R/W line of said Union Street 85.0 feet to an intersection with the East R/W line of said Virginia Avenue, thence run South along said East R/W line ~f 'baid Virginia Avenue to the center-line of East Eighth Street, thence run West along the center-line of East Eighth Street to an intersection with the Northerly extension of the East line of Mayfair Section First Addition, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 13, page 69, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run South along said East line, and its extension, of Mayfair Section First Addition to the North R/W line of Celery Avenue, thence run West along the North R/W line of Celery Avenue to an intersection with the Northerly extension of the East line of Buena Vista Estates, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 3, pages 1 and 2 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, thence run South along said East line, and its extension of said Buena Vista Estates to the Northwest corner of Washington Oaks page 2 Section One, according to the plat thereof as recorded inPlat Book 16, pages 7 and 8 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run East along the North line of said Washinton Oaks Section One to the East line of Section 31, Township 19 South, Range 31 East, thence run South along said East line of said Section 31 to an intersection with the Easterly extension of the South line of Washington Oaks Section Two, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 16, pages 86 and 87 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run West along said South line of Washington Oaks Section Two and it's Easterly extension to the Southwest corner of said washington Oaks Section Two, said Southwest corner being on the East line of Belair, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 3, page 79 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run South along said East line of said Belair to the North R/W line of East 24th Street, thence run East along the North R/W of East 24th Street to the East line of said Section 31, Township 19 South, Range 31 East; thence run South along 'said East line of said Section 3] to the South R/Wline of State Road No. 46, said South R/W line being the North line of Sections 4 and 5, Township 19 South, Range 31 East; thence run East to a point 455.0 feet East of the Northwest corner of said Section 4, thence run Southe885.0 feet, thence run East 462.0 feet, thence run North 19'.0 feet, thence run East 358.0 feet, thence run South 20.0 feet, thence run East 1300.0 feet to the West R/W line of Beardall Avenue; thence run South along said West R/W line of Beardall Avenue 2021.0 feet, thence run West 1260.0 feet, thence run South 3279.0 feet, thence run West 330.0 feet; thence run South 1361.89 feet, thence run West 340.74 feet, thence run South 639.47 feet, to the North R/W line of Marquette Avenue; thence run West along said North R/W line Of Marquette Avenue 3279.0 feet, thence page 3 run North 2182.17 feet; thence run West 2447.56 feet; thence run North 50 feet tothe North R/W line of East Onora Street; thence run West along said North R/W of East Onora Street 2929.44 feet; thence run North 437.00 feet; thence run West 636~50 feet to the Easterly R/W line of the SCLRail- road, thence run Northwesterly along said Easterly R/W line to an inter, section with the Easterly extension of the South line of WoodmerePark Second Replat, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 73, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run West along said South line of said Woodmere Park Second Replat and it's Easterly extension to the East R/W of Sanford Avenue; thence run North along said East R/W line of Sanford Avenue to an intersection with the Easterly extension of the South line of Park View Second Addition, accord- ing to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 5, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, thence run West, along said South line of Park View Second Addition and it's Easterly extension to the East R/W line of Magnolia Avenue; thence run North along said East R/W line Of said Magnolia Avenue to an intersection of the Easterly extension of the South line of Lot 7 of Evans Subdivision, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 17, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, thence run West along said South line of Lot 7 and it's Easterly extension 182.5 feet, thence run North to the North line Of Lot 6 of said Evans Subdivision; thence run Eastto the East R/W line of Magnolia Avenue, thence run South along said East R/W to the Southwest corner of Lot 14 of said Park View Second Addition; thence run East along the South line of said Lot 14 to the Southeast corner of said Lot 14; thence run South to the Southwest corner of Lot 22 of said Park View Second Addition, thence run East along the South line of said Lot 22 to the East R/W line of Palmetto Avenue, thence run North along said East R/W to the Northwest corner of Lot 40 of said Park View Second Addition; thence run page 4 East along the North line of said Lot 40 to the Northeast corner of said Lot 40, thence run North to the Southeast corner of Lot 26 of said Park View Second Addition; thence run West along the South line of said Lot 26 to the East R/W line of Palmetto Avenue; thence run North along said East R/W line Of Palmetto Avenue to the South R/W line of East 28th Street, thence run East along the South R/W line of said 28th Street to a point 200 feet West of the East line of Section 1, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, thence run North 180 feet, thence run East 50 feet, thence run North 180 feet to the center-line of East 27th Street, thence run East along the center-line of 27th Street to the'East R/W line of Sanford Avenue, thence run South along said East R/W of Sanford Avenue to the South R/W line of Mattie Street, thence ran East along the South R/W of said Mattie Street to the East R/W line of the SCLRailroad, thence run North along said East R/W of the SCL Railroad to the center-line of East 26th Street, thence run West along the center-line of said East 26th Street to an intersection with the West R/W line of North Carolina Avenue leXtended North, thence run South along said West R/W line and it's Northerly extension to the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 5 of A. B. Russell's Addition to Fort Reed, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 97, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, thence run West, to the Northwest corner of Lot 6, Block 5, of said A. B. Russell's Addition to Fort Reed, thence run South to the North R/W line of Lemon Street, thence run West along the North R/W Of said Lemon Street to the East R/W line of Sanford Avenue, thence run North along the East R/W line of said Sanford Avenue to the center-line of East 26th Street, thence run West along said center-line of East 26th Street to an intersection with the center-line of an alley between Myrtle Avenue and Elm Avenue, as 'shown on the plat of Frank L. Woodruff's Subdivision, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 44, of the Public Records of page 5 Seminole County, Florida, thence run South along said alley center-line 642.8 feet, thence run East 323.2 feet to the center-line of an alley between Myrtle Avenue and Oak Avenue, thence run South along said center-line to an intersection with the Westerly extension of the North line of Lot 404 of said Frank L. Woodruffs Subdivision, thence run East along said extension and said North line of Lot 404 to the West R/W line of Oak Avenue, thence run South along the West R/W of said Oak Avenue · to the Northeast corner of Lot 408 of said Frank L. Woodruffs Subdivision thence run East 30 feet to the center-line of Oak Avenue,. thence run South along said center-line ~f Oak Avenue to the center-line of west 27th Street, thence run West along said center-line of West 27th Street to the center-line of Myrtle Avenue, thence run North along the center-line of Myrtle Avenue .to an intersection with the Westerly Extension of the North line of Lot 407 of said Frank L. Woodruffs Subdivision, thence run East, along said extension and along the North line of Lots 407, 408, and 359 of said Frank L. Woodruffs Subdivision, to the Northeast corner of ~the West 1/2 of said Lot 359, thence run South to the South R/W line of West 27th Street,'thence run East along said R/W to the West R/W line of Park AvenUe, thence run South along the West R/W of Park Avenue to the Northeast Corner of Lot 10 of Park View, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 89, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, thence run West along the North line of said Lot 10 to the center-line of a 14 foot alley, thence run South along said center- line to anintersection with the South line of said Lot 10 extended West, thence run East along said South line of Lot 10 and it's extension to the West R/W line of Park Avenue, thence run South along said West R/W of Park Avenue to the Northeast corner of Lot 12 of said Park View, thence run West along the North line of said Lot 12 to the center-line of a 14 foot alley, thence run South along said center-line to the North R/~q line page 6 of west 28th Street, thence run West along said North R/W line of West 28th Street to the West R/W line of Oak Avenue as shown on said plat of Park View, thence run South along said West R/W line of Oak Avenue to the Northwest corner of Lot 22 of Evans Subdivision, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 17, of the Public Records of Seminole COunty, Florida, thence run East 50 feet, thence run South 80.36 feet, thence run West 50 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot · 22, thence run South to the Southwest corner of said Evans Subdivision, thence run East along the South line of said Evans Subdivision to the North- east corner of Lot 6,~Block 2, of Rosalind Heights, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 47, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, thence run South to the North ·R/W line of 29th Street, thence run West along said North R/W line of 29th Street to the Southwest corner of Lot 5, Block 3, of said Rosalind Heights, said Southwest corner of Lot 5, Block 3, being on the West line of said Rosalind Heights, thence run South along the West line of said Rosalind Heights to the Southwest corner of Lot 6, Block 6, of said Rosalind Heights, thence run East to the West R/W line of Sanford Avenue, thence run South along the West R/W line of said Sanford Avenue to the South line of Section 1, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, thence run East along said South line of Section 1 to the Southwest corner of Section 6, Township 20 South, Range 31 East, thence run East along the South line of said Section 6 to the West R/W line of the SCL Railroad, thence run Northwest along said West R/W line of the SCL Railroad to the North R/W line of Airport Boulevard, thence run Southeast and South along said West R/W line of the SCL Railroad to the North line of the NOrth 629 feet of the South 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 7, Township 20 South, Range 31 East, thence run East along said North line of the North 629 feet of the South 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 7, to the West page 7 R/W line of Mellonville Avenue, thence run South along the West R/W line of said Mellonville Avenue 629 feet, thence run West to the East R/W line of Sanford Avenue, thence run North along the East R/W of said Sanford Avenue to the NorthWest corner of the most Westerly line of Sanora Unit 1, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 16, Page 88, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, thence run East along the boundary line of said Sanora Unit 1, 243.59 feet, thence run North along said boundary line of Sanora Unit 1, and it's Northerly extension 430.50 feet, thence run West to the East R/W line of Sanford Avenue, thence run North along said East R/W line of Sanford Avenue to an intersection with the Easterly extension of the North line of South Pinecrest, Third Addition according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 11, Pages 62 and 63 0f the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, thence run West along said west extension of Said south Pinecrest, Third Addition to the Northeast corner of said South Pinecrest Third Addition, thence run South to the Southeast corner of the boundary of South Pinecrest, Fourth Addition, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 12, Pages 42 and43 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, thence run West along the South line of said South Pinecrest, Fourth Addition 650.00 Ifeet, thence run North along the West line of Lot 19, of said South Pinecrest, Fourth Addition, 115.0 feet, thence run West along the boundary line of said South Pinecrest, Fourth Addition 100 feet thence run North to the South line of said South Pinecrest, Third Addition, thence run West along the South line of said South Pinecrest, Third Addition to the Southwest corner of said South Pinecrest, Third Addition, thence run North along the West line of said SOuth Pinecrest, Third Addition, 466.5 feet, thence run East to the South corner of Tract A,' of said South Pinecrest, Third Addition, thence run Northwest along the westerly line of said Tract A to the South line of South Pinecrest, Second page 8 Addition, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 90, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, thence run West along the said South line of South Pinecrest, Second Addition and it's West extension toa point 427.5 feet East of the North-South 1/4 Section line of Section 12, Township 20 South, Range 30 East,. thence run South 66 feet, thence run East 300 feet, thence run South 210 feet, thence run West 300 feet, thence run South 466.5 feet, thence run West 427.5 feet to a point on theNorth-South 1/4 section line of said Section 12, thence run South along said North-South 1/4 Section line to a point 990 feet North of the South 1/4 SeCtion Post of said Section 12, thence run West 660 feet, thence run South 990 feet, thence run East 1.36 feet, thence run South along the East line of the West 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 13, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, 919.72 feet, thence run East 5.45feet to the Northwesterly R/W line of State Road No. 427, thence run Southwest along said North- Westerly R/W line 326.0 feet, thence run West 205.29 feet, thence run South 141 feet to a point on the South line of the NorthWest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of saia section 13, thence run West along said South line of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 258 feet, thence run South to the Southeast corner of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 13, thence run west along the South line of said Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 13 to the West line of the East 2/3 of the East 1/2 of the West 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 13, thence run North along said West line of the East 2/3 of the East 1/2 of the West 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 13 to the South line of the North 1/2 of Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 13, thence run West along said South line of the North 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 13 to the West line of said SEction 13, thence run North page 9 along said West line of Section 13to the Northwest corne~ of said Section 13, said Northwest corner of SeCtion 13 also being the Southeast corner of Section 11, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, thence run North along the East line of said Section 11 to the Northeast corner of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 11, thence run West along the North line of said Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 11 and it's extension Westerly to the center-line of U..S. Highway 17-92(also State Road 15 & 600), thence run Northeasterly along said center-line to a point 1447.4 .feet northeast of the intersection of the Sanford Grant Line 'with the center-line of said U. S. 17-92, thence run Northwest 981 feet,l~thence run SouthWest 710 feet, thence run Southeast 886 feet to the Northwest R/W line of said U. S. 17-92, thence run Southwest along said Northwest R/W line 206 feet, thence run North- west 960.63 feet, thence run Southwest 241.4 feet, thence run Northwest 200 feet, thence run Southwest to the Northerly R/W line of Lake Mary Boulevard, thence run West and Southwesterly along said Northerly R/W line to the Southwest corner of Lot 26 of Lake Minnie Estates, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 92 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, thence run Northwest along the west line of said Lot26, to the Southerly line of the Sanford Grant, thence run Northwest along the said Southerly line of the Sanford Grant 1157.92 feet, thence run North along the West line of Hidden Lake Unit l-A, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 17, Pages 50, 51, and 52 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, 813.286 feet, thence run West 508.80 feet, thence run South 572.44 feet to the Southerly line of said Sanford Grant, thence run Northwest along said Southerly line of the Sanford Grant to the West line of the East 1/2 of Government Lot 2 Of Section 10, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, thence run South along West line of said East 1/2 of Government Lot 2, to the center-line of page 10 Lake Mary Boulevard, thence run West along said center-line of Lake Mary Boulevard to the East line of the West 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 10, thence run North along said East line of the West 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 10 to the North line of said West 1/2 of the SouthweSt 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4, thence run West along the said North line to the West line of said Section 10, thence run North to the Southeasterly R/W line of .the SCL Railroad, thence run Northeasterly along the Southeasterly R/W of said SCL Railroad to the Southerly line of the 'Sanford Grant, thence run Southeast along said Southerly line of the Sanford Grant to the West line of Government Lo~ 2 of said Section 10, ~thence run South along the West line of said Government Lot 2, 1650 feet, thence run East 565.2 feet, thence run North to a point 90 feet of and measured at r~ght angles to the Southerly line of the Sanford Grant, thence run Southeast, parallel with said Southerly Line of the Sanford Grant, 353.4 feet, thence run North to a point 439.4 feet North of the Southerly line of said Sanford Grant, thence run Northwest 179.4 feet, thence run North 341~88 feet, thence run Northwest.431.4 feet, thence run North'316~05 feet, thence run Northwest 458.46 feet~ thence run Northeast 1056.66 feet, thence run North- west to the South line of Section 3, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, thence run East along said South line of Section 3 to a point 684.68 feet West of the Southeast corner of said Section 3, thence run Northeast 1054.60 feet, thence run Southeast 6!0.33feet to the South line of Section 2, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, thence run East along said South line of said Section 2, 401.19 feet, thence run Northwest 297.92 feet, thence run Northeast 165 feet, thence run Northwest 660 feet, thence run Northeast 830.42 feet, thence run Northwest 248.09 feet, thence run Northeast to the Southwest corner of Avondale, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 94, of the Public Records of page tl seminole county, Florida, thence run Northwest along the Westerly boundary of said Avondale 276.31 feet, thence run Northeast 57.4 feet to the South- westerly R/W of Airport Boulevard, thence run Northwest along said South- westerly R/W line of Airport Boulevard to the Northwest corner of said Avondale, thence run Northeast along the North line of said Avondale to the Northeast corner of said Avondale, said Northeast corner of Avondate being on the Southeasterly R/W line of the Old SCL Railroad, thence run Northeast along said Southeasterly R/W line of the Old SCL Railroad 1497.29 feet, thence run East 775.25 feet, thence run South 1188 feet, thence run East 1393 feet, thence run South. 590 feet, thence run South- west 92.4 feet, thence run South 6.6 feet to the East-West 1/4 Section line of Section 2, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, thence run West along said East-West 1/4 Section line 1491.6 feet, thence run South to a line 2082.16 feet North of the South line of said Section 2, thence run East 958.39 feet along said line, thence run North to a point 2628.12 feet North and 1692,24 feet West of the Southeast corner of said Section .2,.~hencerun East 540.54 feet, thence run Southeast 48 feet to the South- east R/W of Ridgewoo~ Avenue, thence run Northeast along the said South- east R/W line of Ridgewood Avenue 976.10 feet, thence run Northwest along said Easterly R/W line of Ridgewood Avenue 62.72 feet, thence run North along said Easterly R/W line of Ridgewood Avenue 405.24 feet, thence run West 627.0 feet, thence run North to an intersection with the Westerly extension of the South line of Geneva Terrace, Amended Plat, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 12, pages 82 and 83 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run East along the West extension of the South line of said Geneva Terrace, Amended Plat to the Southwest corner of said Geneva Terrace, Amended Plat, thence run North along the West line of said Geneva Terrace, Amended Plat 426.36 feet, thence run West along the boundary line of said Geneva Terrace, page 12 Amended Plat, 99.20 feet, thence run North along the West line of said Geneva Terrace, Amended Plat, to the center-line of Geneva Street (West 25th Street), thence run West along said center-line of Geneva Street (West 25th Street) to the intersection with the West R/W line of the Old S.C.L. Railroad, thence run Southwest along said West R/W line of said Old S.C.L. Railroad to a point 400 feet South and 149.5 feet East of an intersection of the East R/W line of the new S.C.L. Railroad and the center-line of said Geneva Street (West 25th Street also known asS.R, 46A), thence run West 149.5 feet, thence run North 400 feet to an intersecti of East R/W line of the New S.C.L. Railroad, and the center-line of said Geneva Street, thence run West along said center-line of Geneva Street to an intersection with the center-line of Lake Mary Road, thence run South along said center-line of Lake Mary Road to the South R/W line of West 25th Street (State Road 46 A), thence run West along said South line of said West 25th Street 352.36 feet, thence run South 660.6 feet, thence run East to the Westerly R/W line of said Lake Mary Road, thence run South and Southwest along said Westerly R/W line of said Lake Mary Road to an intersection with the West line of Section 2, Township 20 South, Range 30 East; thence run North along said West line of said Section 2 to the South R/W line of State Road 46 A, thence run West along said ~ South R/W line of said State Road 46 A to the Southwest cornerof Section 34, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, thence run North along the West line of said Section 34to an intersection with the Westerly extension of the North line of Lot 3, Block E, of Idyllwilde of Loch Arbor Section 4 according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 16, pages 99 and 100 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run East along said North line extension of said Lot 3, Block E, of said Idyllwilde of LoCh Arbor Section 4 128.70 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 3, thence run North to the North line of Lot 48 of New Upsala, according to page 13 the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, page 67 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence' run East along said North line of Lot 48 of said New Upsala and its extension East 532 feet, thence run North to the Southwesterly R/W of Loch Arbor Drainage Canal, thence run Southeast along said Southwesterly R/W line of said Loch Arbor Drainage Canal to a point onthe East line of Lot 1, Block A, Of Idyllwilde of Loch Arbor Section 3, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 16, page 1, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, said point being 138.90'feet North of the North R/W line of State Road 46 A, thence run South along said East line of said Lot 1, Block A, idyllwilde of Loch Arbor Section 3, 138.90 feet tothe North R/W line of State Road 46 A, thence run East along said North R/W line of State Road 46 A to a point 309 feet East of the Southwest corner of Section 35, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, thence run North 627 feet, thence run East 155 feet, thence run North 198 feet, thence run East 314.4 feet, thence run South 210 feet, thence run East 210 feet, thence run South 575 feet to the said North R/W line of State Road 46 A, thence run East along said North R/W line of said State Road 46 A to the center-line of Old Lake Mary Road, thence run North along said center-line of said Old Lake Mary Road to the center-line of Country Club Road~ thence run East along said center-line of Country Club Road to a point 300.0 feet East of the center-line of the S.C.L.Railroad, thence run North 377.0 feet, thence run East 200.0 feet, thence run South 377.0 feet to the center'line of said Country Club Road, thence run East along said center-line of said Country Club Road to the Northwest R/W line of ~he Old S.C.L. Railroad, thence run Northeast along said Northwest R/W line of Old S.C.L. Railroad to the North R/W line of West 20th Street~ thence run East along said North R/W line to the Southwest corner of San Sem Knolls First Addition, according to the plat thereof as recorded in page 14 Plat Book 13, Page 65 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, thence run North along the West line of said San Sem Knolls First Addition to the Northwest corner of said San Sem Knolls First Addition, thence run East along the North line of said San Sem Knolls First Addition to the West R/W line of Marshall Avenue, thence run North along said West R/W of said Marshall Avenue to the North R/W line of West 18th Street, thence run West along said North R/W line of West 18th Street and its extension to the West to the Westerly R/W line of the old SCE Railroad, at said point the extension of said North R/W line of said West 18th Street becomes the center-line of West 18th, Street, thence run West along said center-line of West 18th Street to an intersection with the West R/W of Strawberry Avenue, thence run SouGh along said West R/W line of Strawberry Avenue to the Northeast corner of Lot 10, BlockS, of Pine Level, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 6, Pages 36 and 37 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, thence run West along the North line Of said Lot 10, Block 8, and the -North line of Lot 3, Block 8 of said Pine Level to the center-line of Peach Avenue, thence run South_along said center-line of Peach Avenue to an intersection with the North line of Lot 11, Block 9 of said Pine Level extended East, thence run West along'said North line of Lot 11, Block 9 and it's West extension to the center-line of a 14 foot alley - as shown in Block 9 of said Pine Level, thence run North along said center-line of the 14 foot alley to an intersection with the North line of Lot 3, Block 9 of said Pine Level extended East, thence run West along the extension and the North line of Lot 3, Block 9 of said Pine Level to the East R/W line of Pear Avenue, thence run North along the East R/W of Pear Avenue to the center-line of West 18th Street, thence run West along said center-line of West 18th Street to the center-line of Roosevelt Avenue, thence run North along said center-line of Roosevelt page 15 Avenue to the North R/W line of West 13th Street,thence run West along said North R/W line of West 13th Street to the East line of Dixie, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 2, p~ge 103 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run North along the East line of said Dixie to the Northeast corner, thence run West along the North llne of said Dixie to the East R/W line of the New S.C.L. Railroad, thence run South along said East R/W line of S.C.L. Railroad to the North R/W line of West 16th Street, thence run West to the West R/W line of said S.C.L. Railroad, thence run South along said West R/W line to the-Southeast corner of Academy Manor Unit Two, according to the pla~ thereof as recorded in Plat Book 16, page 24 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run West along the South line of said Academy Manor Unit Two and its Westerly extension to the center-line of Airport Boulevard, thence run North along said center-line of Airport Boulevard to the Northerly R/W line of S.C.L. Railroad, thence run Southwest along said Northerly R/W line of S.C.L. Railroad to the East R/W line of Bevier Road, thence run North along ~said East R/W line of Bevier Road to the South R/W line of Jeweft Lane, thence run East along said South R/W line of Jewerr Lane to the center-line of Airport Boulevard, thence run South along Said center'line of Airport Boulevard to the intersection of the West extension of the South R/W of Jewett Lane, thence run East along said South R/W line of Jewerr Lane to the West R/W llne of Jerry Avenue, thence run South along said West R/W line of Jerry Avenue to the Northerly R/W line of McCracken Road, thence run Easterly along said Northerly R/W line of McCracken Road to the North-South 1/4 SectiOn line of Section 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, thence run North along said North-South 1/4 Section line of said Section 26 to the Northeasterly R/W line of S.C.L. Railroad, thence run Northwest along saia Northeasterly R/W line of S.C.L. Railroad to a point 453.6 feet East of the West R/W line of page 16 Persimon Avenue, thence run North to the center-lineof West First Street (State Road 46), thence run East along said center-line of West First Street to an intersection with 'the East R/W line of Terwilliger Lane extended South,thence run North along said South extension and the East R/W line of Terwilliger Lane and its North extension to an intersection with the center-line of the channel of the St. Johns River, thence run East along said center-line of St. Johns River to Point of Begining. Less the following described parcels: Begin 179~0 feet East of the West 1/4 Section Post of Section 11, Township 20South, Range 30 East, thence r~n Southeast 426~83 feet, thence run East850.0=feet, thence run Northwest 426.83 feet, thence run Northwest 728.47 feet, thence run Southwest 650~0 feet, thence run Southeast 287.62 feet to the Point of Beginning. Also less: Beginning 1320.0feet North and 550.44 feet West of the South 1/4 Section Post of Section 2, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, run North 495.0 feet, thence run West 290.0 feet, thence run Southwest 335.94 feet, thence run Southeast 406.56 feet, thence run East 175.56 feet to the Point of Beginning. Also Less: Beginning 1499.6 feet East and 627feet South of the Northeast corner of Section 12, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, said point being on the North R/W line of Airport Boulevard, run South 536.8 feet, thence run West to the Northwesterly R/W line of U.S. Highway 17-92 (State Roads 15 and 600), thence run Northeast along said Northwesterly R/W line of U.S.Highway 17-92 to an intersection with a line 56.3 feet North and parallel with the South line of Lot 40, ~mended Plat of Druid Park, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, page 5 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run East along said line being parallel to the South line of said Lot 40, Amended Plat of Druid Park to a point 109.30 feet West page 17 of the East line of said Lot 40, thence run North 266.4 feet to the North R/W line of Airport Boulevard, thence run East along said North R/W line of Airport Boulevard to the Point of Beginning. Also Less: Begin at the Southwest corner of Block 35, Dreamwold Fourth Section, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 4, page 99 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run North along the West line of said Block 35, Dreamwold Fourth Section to the center-line of Geneva Street (West 25th Street, also known as State Road 46A), thence run East along said center-line of Geneva Street to an intersection with the East line of said Block 35, Dreamwold Fourth Section, extended North, thence run South along said North extension and East line of said Block 35, Dreamwold Fourth Section to the South line of said Block 35, Dreamwold Fourth Section, thence run West to the Point of Beginning. Also Less: Begin at a point on the West line of Section 1, Township 20 South, Range 30 East and 30 feet North of the Southwest corner of said.Section 1, thence run North along the West line of said Section 1, to the Southwest corner of Lot 5 of Vi Mar, according to the plat thereof as recordedin Plat Book8, page 64 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run Northeast, East, and Southeast along the ~ Southerly line of said Vi Mar to the Southeasterly corner of Lot 11, said Vi Mar, said Southeasterly corner of Lot 11 being on the Southerly R/W line of Florida Avenue, thence run Northwesterly along said Southerly R/W line to an intersection with the Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 8, Block 27 of Dreamwold Fourth Section, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 4, page 99 of the Public Records of Seminole county, Florida; thence run North along said Southerly extension and the West line of said Lot 8, Block 27, of Dreamwold Fourth Section and its Northerly extension to the Northwesterly R/W page 18 line of santa Barbara Drive,. thence run Northeast along said Northwesterly R/W line of Santa Barbara Drive to the East R/W line of E1 Capitan Drive, thence run South along said East R/W line of E1 Capitan Drive to the Northwest corner of Lot 8, Block 26, of said Dreamwold Fourth Section, thence run South and Southeast along the West line of said Lot 8, Block 26, of Dreamwold Fourth Section to the Northwesterly R/W line of DeSoto Drive, thence run Northeast along said Northwesterly R/W line of De Soto Drive to an intersection with the Northwest extension of the Northeasterly line of Lot 14, Block 22 of said Dreamwold Fourth Section, thence runS~u~heast along said Northwest extension and the Northeasterly line of said Lot 14, Block 22, Dreamwold Fourth Section to the Southeast corner of said Lot 14, Block 22, thence run East to the Northeast corner of Lot 7, Block 22, of said Dreamwold Fourth Section, thence run South along the East line of Lot 7, Block 22, to the center-line of Florida Street, thence run East along said center-line of Florida Street to an intersection with the Northeast extensionof the.~Northwesterly line of Lot 42 of Druid Park Amended Plat, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, page 5, of the Public Records of Seminole County, FlOrida; thence run Southwest along said Northeast Extension and the Northwesterly line of said Lot 42, Druid Park Amended Plat to the Northwest corner of Lot 43 of said Druid Park Amended Plat, thence run Southeast along the Southwest line of said Lot 43, Druid Park Amended Plat, 100 feet, thence run Northeast 85 feet, thence run South parallel to the Northeasterly line of said Lot 43, Druid Park Amended Plat to the Southeast R/W line of U.S. Highway 17-92, thence run Southwest along said Southeast R/W line of U.S. Highway 17-92 to a point 43 feet Northeast of the Southwest corner of Lot 5, of said Druid Park Amended Plat, thence run Southeast 85.45 feet to the South line of said Lot 5, Druid Park Amended Plat, thence run West page 19 along said South line of Lot 5, Druid Park Amended Plat to the Southeast R/W line of U.S. Highway 17-92, thence run Southwest along said Southeast R/W line of U.S. Highway 17-92 to an intersection with the Southwest R/W line of the crossway of right angles to the R/W of said U.S. Highway 17-92, thence run Northwest along the Southwest R/W line of The Crossway to the Southeasterly R/W line of Prospect Drive, thence run Southwest and South along the Southwesterly and Easterly line of said Prospect Drive to the North R/W line of State Street, thence run West along the North R/W line of said State Street to the Point of Beginning, Also Less: Begin at't~e Southwest corner o,f Lot 16, Block 10, of Dreamwold Fourth Section, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 4, page 99, Of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run East along the North R/W line of Sarita Street to the Southeast corner of Lot 15, Block 10, of said Dreamwold Fourth Section, thence run North along the East line of said Lot 15, Block 10, and Lot 21, Block 10, of Dreamwold Fourth Section to the center-line Of_Geneva Street (25th Street), thence run East along said center-line Of Geneva Street to the center-line of Grenada Avenue, thence run South along said center-line of Grenada Avenue to the center-line of Briarcliffe Street, thence run West along said center-line of Briarcliffe Street to an intersection with the North extension of the East line of Lot 27, Block 13,Dreamwold, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 3, pages 90 and 91 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run South along the North extension of the East line and the East line of said Lot 27, Block 13, Dreamwold, to the Southeast corner of said Lot 27, Block 13, thence run West to the Northwest corner of Lot 13, Block 13, Dreamwold, thence run South along the West line of said Lot 13, Block 13, Dreamwold, to the center-llne of Osceola Drive, thence run East along said center-line of Osceola Drive to an intersection page 20 with the North extension of the East line of Lot 31, Block 24, of said Dreamwold, thence run South along the North extension of the East line, and the East line of said Lot 31, Block 24, to the Southeast corner of said Lot 31, thence run West along the South line of said Lot 31, and Lot 30, Block 24, to the East R/W line of E1 Portal Avenue, thence run South along said East R/W line of E1 Portal Avenue to the Northwest corner of Lot 27, Block 24, of said Dreamwold, thence run East along the North line of said Lot 27, Block 24, to the Northeast corner of said Lot 27, thence run South along the East line of Lots 27,26 and 25, of BloCk'24, of said Dreamwold, to the Northwest corner of Lot 8, said Block 24, thence run East along the North line of said Lot 8 to the center-line of Mohawk AVenue, thence run South along said center-line of Mohawk Avenue to an intersection with the West extension of the North line of Lot 13, Block 20, of said Dreamwold, thence run East along the West extension and the North line of said Lot 13, Block 20, and continue East on an East extension of said North line of said ~9.t.!3 to an intersection with the East R/W line of U.S. Highway 17-92 extended South at the intersection of Park Avenue, thence run South along said South extension of the East R/W line of U.S. Highway 17-92 to an intersection with the Southeast extension of the Southerly line of Lot 5, Block 15, of said Dreamwold, thence run Northwest along said Southeast extension of and Southerly line of said Lot 5, Block 15, to the Southwest corner of said Lot 5t thence run Southwest to the Southeast corner of Lot 12, Block 15, of said Dreamwold, thence run West along the South line of said Lot 12 to the East R/W line of Hiawatha Avenue, thence run South along said East R/W line of Hiawatha Avenue to the Southwest corner of Lot 10, Block 15, Of said Dreamwold, thence run East along the South line of said Lot 10, Block 15, to the Southwest corner of Lot 8, Block 15, of said Dreamwold, thence run Southeast along the Southerly line of said Lot 8 and its Southeasterly extension to the page 21 Southeasterly R/W line of U.S. Highway 17-92 extended Northeasterly /-~ at the intersection of said U.S. Highway 17-92 and French Avenue, thence run Southwest along the Southeast R/W line of said U.S. Highway 17-92 to the P.C. of a curve, said P.C. being on the Northwesterly line of Lot 4, Block 17, of Dreamwold Fourth Section, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book4, page 99 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run Northwest at righ~ angles to the R/W of U.S. Highway 17-92 to an intersection with the Southwesterly R/W line of De Soto Drive, thence run Northwest and West along said Southwesterly R/W line.of De Soto Drive to an intersection of the South extension of"the West R/W line of Mohawk Avenue, thence run North along the South extension and West R/W line of said Mohawk Avenue to the Northeast corner of Lot 9, Block 23, of said Dreamwold Fourth Section, thence run West along the North line of said Lot 9, Block 23, to the ~-. ~ Southeast corner of Lot 10-A, Block 23, of said Dreamwold, thence run North along the East line of said Lot 10-A, Block 23, to the NOrtheast corner of said Lot 10-A, thence run West along the North line of said Lot 10-A to the West'R/W line of E1 Portal Avenue, thence run North along said West R/W line of E1 Portal Avenue to the Northeast corner of Lot 12, Block 25, of Dreamwold, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 3, pages 90 and 91 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run West along the North line of said Lot 12, Block 25, to the Northwest corner of said Lotl2, thence run South along the West line of said Lot 12 to the Northeast corner of Lot 23, Block 25, of said Dreamwold, thence run West along the North line of said Lot 23 to the East R/W line of E1 Capitan Drive, thence -~ run North along said East R/W line of E1 Capitan Drive to the center-line of Osceola Drive, thence run West along said center-line of Osceola Drive to an intersection with the North extension of the East line of page 22 Lot 2, Block 28, of aforesaid Dreamwold Fourth Section, thence run SoUth along the North extension and East line of said Lot 2, Block 28, to the Southeast corner of said Lot 2, thence run West to the Southeast corner of Lot 40, Block 28, of said Dreamwold Fourth Section, thence run North along the East line of said Lot 40 to the center-line of Osceola Drive, thence run West along said center-line of Osceola Drive to the East R/W line of Marshall Avenue, thence run North along said East R/W line of Marshall Avenue to the Point of Beginning, Also Less: Begin at a point on the South line of Section 2, Township 20 SOuth, Range 30 East, said point being 70,9.66 feet West of the Southeast Corner of said Section 2, said point also being on the center-line of Airport Boulevard, thence run East to the Northeasterly R/W line of said Airport Boulevard, thence run Northwest and West along said Northeasterly R/W line of said Airport Boulevard 1466.62 feet, thence run South to a point 360 feet North of said South line of said Section 2, thence run East 20.0 feet, thence run South to the South line of said Section 2, thence run East to the Point of Beginning. Also Less: Begin 483.38 feet South of the East 1/4 Section Post of Section 11, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, thence run Northwest to the Northwesterly R/W line of U.S. Highway 17-92, thence ~un Southwest along said Northwesterly R/W line 739.0 feet, thence run Southeast to the East line of said Section 11, thence run North along said East line of said Section 11 to the Point of Beginning. Also Less; Begin at a point 949.7 feet South and 430 feet Southwest of the Northeast corner of Section 11, Township 20 South, Range 30 EaSt, thence run Southeast 368.3 feet, thence run South 73.12 feet,.thence run Southeast 264.5 feet, thence run Southwest 285.25 feet, thence run Northwest 74.10 feet, thence run Southwest to the East line of said Section 1t, thence run South along said East line of said Section page23 ll, to'a point 107..95 feet South of the Bast 1/4 .Section Post of said F-~Section ll,.thence run Northwest to the Northwesterly R/W line of U.S. Highway 17-92, thence run Northeast along said Northwesterly R/W line of U.S. Highway 17-92 1351 feet, thence run Southeast to the Point of Beginning. The foregoing description is certified as the 'City Limits of Sanford, Seminole County, Florida. D SUKVEYOR NO. 873 Section 1.05. Annexation. The territorial boundaries of the City of Sanford may be extend- ed as provided by 1957 Special Acts, Chapter 57-1815, Laws of Florida; or as provided by Chapter 171, Florida Statutes; or as provided by General Acts, Laws of Florida ARTICLE 11 CITY COMMISSION Section 2.01. Composition, eligibility, election and terms. Section (a). City Commission-- That there is hereby created a city commission of the City of Sanford, Florida to consist of five (5) Members; four (4) Commissioners and a Mayor, who shall also be known as a commis- sioner, each of whom shall be elected for a term of four (4) years, The city commissioners now holding office shall continue in office until their present terms of office expire, unless vacancies there- in otherwise occur. At the annual election in 1972 a Mayor and one commissioner shall be elected for a. term of four (4) years. Every four (4) years thereafter, a Mayor and one commissioner shall be elected for a term of four (4) years to succeed the Mayor and the one commissioner whose term of office is about to expire. At the annual election in 1973, a commissioner shall be elected to succeed' the commissioner whose term of office is about to expire. Three years thereafter, a commissioner shall be elected for a term of four (4) years to succeed the commissioner whose term of office is about to expire, At the annual election in 1974, t~o (2) cDn~nissioners shall be elected to succeed the two commis- sioners whose terms are about to expire; every four (4) years there- after, two (2) commissioners shall be elected for terms of four (4) years each, to succeed the commissioners whose terms of office are about to expire. (b) Eligibility: Only qualified voters of the city shall be eligible to hold office of commissioner. (c) Elections: Questions may be voted upon at December elections; how can- didates qualify--An election shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in December of each year for the election of a mayor and city commissioner, city commissioner, or city com- missioners, as the case may be. The candidate shall announce whether he is a candidate for the office of mayor or commissioner. Where more than one (1) commissioner is to be elected, the candidates for commissioner shall be grouped by seat number as to each vacancy tobe filled and each candidate shall announce the seat for which he is a candidate. The candidate for mayor receiving amajority of the votes cast for Mayor shall be elected. The candidate in each group of commissioner receiving a majority of the votes cast in that group shall be elected. In case no candidate for mayor receives a majority of the votes cast for mayor in such elec- tion· o second election shall be held two (2) weeks following such election, at which ejection only the two (2) candidates for mayor receiving the highest vote in the first election shall be candidates · and the candidate for mayor receiving o majority of the votes cast for mayor shall be elected. In case no canall. date for commissioner in a group receives a majorlty of the votes cast in that group in such election, a second elec.:t2]o:n shall be held two (2) weeks l:ollowing such electlon~ at which election only the two (2) candidates receiv- ing the highest vote 'in the group in such group in the first election shall be Candidates~ and the candidate receiving a majority of the votes cast in such group shgll be elected. Write-in votes shall be allowed and counted only jn the first eJectlon on the first Tuesday ~e= ~e ~sC ~o~d~y ~ December. ~be ~es o~ ~o~-osed d~ces sh~ ~o~ ~pe~: o~ the 8e~e=~ e~ec~o~ b~o~ ~ ~cco~Gce ted to the electors of the city at any special election may be sub- mitted and voted upon at the election held on the first Tuesday aher the first Monday in December.. Any person who is a quailtied elector in the City of Sanford~ and otherwise quali[ied~ may become a candidate ~or the offlce of Mayor or City Commissioner upon ~jJing with the Ci~y Clerk a written notice of his or her intention to become a candidate in accordance with Article VIII, requesting that his or her name be printed upon the ballot and depositing with such written notice a s~ equal to five percent (5%) of the then effective annual salary of the office he seeks as qualifying fee, said sum to be placed in the general fund of the City of Sanford and allocated toward the costof city elections. The period within which a candidate may qualify as above s~ted shall begin 90 days prior to the election and shall terminate at 12:00, noon on the last normal working day for the city clerk's office thirty-five (35) days in advance of the election date, and such qualification can be effected only during normal working hours for the city clerk's office. Section 2,02. Compensation: Expensesl The commission may determine the annual salary of commissioners by ordinance, but no ordinance increasing such salary shall become effective until the date of cormnencement of the terms of commis-· sioners elected at the next regular election. Commissioners shall receive their expenses in the performance of their duties of office. Section 2.03. Mayor: The Mayor shall be elected for a terse of four years. The ~4ayor shall be ~ member of the commission. In addltiont he shall preside at meetings of the commission; shall be recognized as head of the city government for all ceremonial purposes, and by the Governor for the purposes of military law, but shall have no ministrative duties. The Mayor shall appoint from among the Commissioners an acting mayor who shall serve as mayor during the temporary absence or disability of the mayor. If a vacancy occurs the office shall be filled for the re'malnder of the unexplred term in accordance ~vlth the procedure established in Section 2.06(c).. Section 2~04. General Powe,rss and Duties: A~I powers of the city shall be vested in the commission~ cept as otherwise provided by law or this charter~ and the commis- sion shall provide ~or the exercise thereof and for tha~efformance o~ all duties and obligations i~posed on the city by Section 2~05~ ~rohibitions: (a) Holding other office. ~xcept where authorized by law~ no commissioner shall hold any other city office or e~y during the term ~or which he ~vas elected to the commission and no former commissioner shall hofd any compensated appointive city office or employment until one year a~ter the expiratien o~ the term for which he was elected ~o ~he commission. (b) Appointments and removals. Neither the Mayor, the Commission,: nor any of its members shall in any manner dictate the appointment or removal of any city adminis~ratlVe officers or employees ~whom the City Manager or any of his subordinates are empowered to appoint, but the Commission may express its views and fully and freely discuss with the Cit~ Manager anything per- taining to appointment and removal of such officers and employees. (c) Interference with admlnistr.atio, n. .:xcept for the pur- pose of inquiries and investigations under Section 2.09~ the Mayor~ the Commission~ or its members shall deal with the city officers and employees who are subject to the direction and supervis.ion of the City Manager solely through the City Manager, and neither the Commission nor its members shall give orders to any such officer or employee~ either publicly or privateiy. Sectio~ 2.08. Vacancies; ~offeiture of office; ~j{]ing of VacancieS, - (a~ Vacencjes. The 'office-o~ Commissioner shail become vacant upon his death~ resignation~ removaJ ~rom office jn any manner authorized by law or forfeiture of his office. (b) Forfeiture of o~ice. A commissioner shall forfeit his office if he (1) lacks at any time during his term of office any qualification ~or the office prescribed by this charter or by law; (2) violates any express prohibition of this charter; (3) is convic- ted o~ a crjme involving moral turpitude~..o~ (4) ~a~js to attend three consecutive regular meetings of the commission vt~fhout being excused by the commission, (c) Fii~ng of vacancies. A vacancy in the commission shall be filled for the remainder of the unexplred term, if any at the next regular election following no less than 60 days the occurrence of the vacancy, but the commission, by a majority vote of all its :-~.ma~nlng members, shall appoint a ciuallfie'd person to fill the vacancy until the person elected to serve the remainder ot: the un- expired term take.s office. li: the commission fails to do so within 30 days following the occuronce o~ the vacancy~ the election authorities shall call a special election to fill the vacancy~ to be he~d no sooner than 90 days and no later than 120 days following ~-he occurrence of the vacancy and to be otherwise governed by the provisions of Article VIII. !j Notwithstanding the requirement of Section 2.11 that a quorum of the commission consists of three members, if at a~y time the membership of the commission is reduced to less than four, the remaining members may by majority action eppolni- additional members to raise the membership to four. cectlon 2.07. Judge of C'~uallf~catlons: The commission shall L~e the judge of the election and quall- f~catic,~.s of its members and o~ the grounds for forfeiture of their .off~ce and for that purpose shall have power:to subpoena wltnesses~ administer oaths and require the production of evidence. A member charged v~ith conduct coi~stltutlng grounds for forfeiture Of his office shall be entltjed to a public hearing on demand~ and notice of such hearing shall be published in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the city at least one week in advance of the hear- 'ing. ;eclsions made by the commission under this section shall be subject to reviev., by the courts; Section 2~08~ City Clerk: The Commission shall appoint, direct and supervise an offi- cer of the city who shail have the title of City Clerk. ~he City Clerk shall give no~ice of commission meetings to its members and the publle; keep the journal of its proceeSings and perform such ether duties as are assigned to him by th&s ch~er or by the commission. Section 2.09. InveStigations: The Commission may melee investigations into the affairs the city and the conduct o~ any city department~ off~ce or agency end ~or this purpose may subpoena wi~-nesses, admlnlsfer oaths, take testimony and require the production o~ evidence. Any person who fails or re'Fuses to obey a lawful order issued In the exercise of these powers by the commission shall be gultty of a mjsdem:eanor and punlshable to the extent provided by law. Sect.~on 2~10. Independent audit: The comm~sslon shall provide for an independent ann~ual audit of all ci~-y accounts and may provide for such more frequent audits as it deems necessary. Such audits shall be made by a certified public accountant, or by a firm of such certified public account- ants who have no personal interest, direct or indlrect~ in the fis- cal affairs of the city government or any of'its officers. The commission may, without requiring competitive bids, deslgna~e such accountant ~or firm annualiy~ or for a period not exceeding three years, provided that the designation for any parJ'icular [jscaj year shall be made no later ~ha~ 60 days after the beginning of such ~jscal year. Section 2.11. ~rocedure: -(a) Meetings. The Commission shal~ meet regularly at ~ease twice jn every month at such times and places ~s ~he commis- sion may prescribe by rule. Special meetings may be held on the ca)l of the Mayor~ or of three or more members upon no Jess t~'han twenty-four (24) hours. V/rit~en notice shall be given i'o each member; prov]ded~ however, ~ha~ absence of notice shall not be materlaj at any specia~ mee~'ing at which all s~embers of the Com- mission are present and waive notice. (b) Rules an~jOurnak The commission sh~ determine its own rules and Order of business and sha~j provide for keeping a journal of i~= proceedings. This journal shall be a public record k~'~,t by the C-;ty Clerk. ,(c) Voting, Voting, except on procedura~ motions shall be by the Mayor~s call and may or may not be by roll call. Three members of the comm~sslon shall constitute a quorum, but a sinailet number may adjourn from time to time and may compel the atten- dance of ab. sent members in the manner and 'subject to the penal- ties prescribed by the rules at: the commission. ;~o action of the commission~ except as otherwise provided in the preceding sentence and in Section 2.06~ shall be valid or binding unless adopted by the affirmative vote of three or more members of the commission. Section 2.12. Action requiring an ordinance: In addition ~,her acts required by law or by specific provisions of this charter requiring that they be done by ordinance, those acts of the City CommissiOn shall be by ordlne-nce whi6h: (1) Adopt.or amend an administrative code or es~abilsh~ alter or abolish ony city deparfmen~, office or agency; (2) ~rovjde for e fine oralher penalty or establish e rule or reguiotlon for violation of which a fine or other penairy is imposed; (3) Levy taxes~ except as otherwise provided ~n Article Vt with respect to the property tax ievied b~dop~jon of the budget; (4) Grant, renew or extend a franchise; (5) Regulate the rate charged for its services by a public utility; (6) Adopt such ordinances as are necessary for proper opera- tion of the city; (7) Amend or repeal any ordinance previously adopted, ex- cept as otherwise provided in Article IX with respect to repeal of ordinances considered under the referendure power. Acts other than those referred to in the preceding sentence may be done either by ordinance or by resolution. Section 2.13. Ordinances in general: (a) ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION TO BE IN WRITTEN OR PRINTED FOP~I: NOT TO CONTAIN MORE THAN ONE SUBJECT, TO BE STATED IN TITLE; APPROPRIATION ORDINANCES; HOW ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION PASSED; WHEN EFFECTIVE. Every proposed ordinance or resolution shall be introduced in written or printed form and shall not contain more than one subject, which subject shall be clearly ~tated in the title but general appropriation ordinances may contain the various subjects and accounts for which money is to be appropri- ated. The ~nacting clause of all ordinances shall be: "Be it Enacted by the People of the City of Sanford, Florida." No or- dinance shall be passed until it shall have been read at two regular meetings of the City Commission not less than.~one week apart unless the requirement of such second reading has been dispensed vith by unanimous vote of the Commission. All Ordinan- ces and resc!utions passed by the City Commission shall become effective ti~irty days from date of passage, unless othervise provided therein. (b) ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS TO BE RECORDED; TO BE AUTHEN- TICATED BY SIGNATURE OF PRESIDING OFFICER; TO BE PUBLISHED OR POSTED. Every ordinance or resolution upon its final passage shall be recorded in a record kept for that purpose, and shall be authen- ticated by the signature of the presiding officer and Clerk of the Commission. Every ordinance of a general or permanent nature shall be published within ten days after its final passage and such publication may be by publishing the same one time in full in nonpareil type in a newspaper published in the City of Sanford, Florida, or by posting a true and correct copy thereof at the front door of the City Hall of said City and if said ordinance be posted as herein providedlthe City Clerk shall attach to the original ordinance a certificate that the same was posted as pro- vided herein and such certificate shall be prima facie evidence of the posting thereof, and if such ordinance be published in a newspaper as herein provided the affidavit of the publisher or other proper agent of said newspaper shall be prima facie evi- dence of the publication thereof. The City Commission by motion entered in the minutes of the meeting at which such ordinance is passed and adopted shall designate the~m~thod of publication to be used, and in the absence of such designation the method of publication shall be 5y posting. Section 2.14. 2mergency ordinances, To mee~ a public emergency affecting life, health~ property or the public peace, the commission may adopt one or more emer- gency ordinances, but such ordinance may no~ levy taxes, grant, re- new or extend a franchlse~ regulate the rate charged by any public utility for its services, or authorize the borrowing of money except as provided in Subsectlon 6.09(b). An emergency ordinance shall be infroduced in tl~e form and manner prescribed for ordinances gener- ally, except that it shall be plainly designated as an emergency ordinance and shall contain, after the enacting clause, a declara- tion s~atlng that an emergency exists and describing iS- ~n clear and specific terms. An amergency ordinance may be adopted with or without amendment or rejected a~ the meeting at which duced~ but the affirmative vote of at least three members shall be requ;rad for adoption. After its adoption the ordinance shali be published an~ printed as prescribed (:or o~her adopted ordinances~ tt shall becor:.,c effective upon adoption or at such later may speclfy~ Every emergency ordinance except one made pursuant to subsactlon 6.09(b) shall autometicaily stand repealed as sixty-flrst(61st) day following the dai'e on v~hlch it was edopte~, bu~ this shall no? preven~ re-enactment of the ordinance jn manner specified ~n this section if the dmergency s~il~ exists. An e~ergency ordinance may also be repealed by adoption o~ ing ordinance [n tee same ~anner specified in this sectio~ for adop- tion o~ emergency ordinances~ Sectlon 2.15. Codes of technical regulatlons~ The co~mlssion may adopt any standard coda of fechnlca~ regu- lations by reference thereto in an adopting ordinance, The pro- cedure and r~qu~rement~ governing such adopting ordinance shall be as prescribed ~or ordin'ances generally except' (1) The requlremen~'s ~f Section 2.13 for distribution and ~iilng o~ copies of ~he ordinances sha~i be construed ~o include copies of ~ho cads of technical regulations as wei} as of the adop~- ing ordinance; and~ (2) A copy of each adopted code of technlca[ regulations as w61{ as of the adopting ordinance shai~ be au?henflcQted and recorded by the City Clerk pursuant to Subsec~-~on 2.16(a). Coplos of any adopted coda of technical regulatlons shall be made cvaiJable by the City Clerk for reference or for purchase at a re=sonobJe prlce~ Section 2.16. Authen/-ication and recording; codification; printing, (a) authcntlcatlon and recording. The City Clerk shall authenticate by his signal-ure and record in full in a properly indexed recordS. kept for the. purpose all ordinances and resolutions adopted by the commission. (b) Codlflcation.~ V/ithin ten:~years after the adoption of this charter and at least every !'an years therea~fer, the Commission shall provide for the preparation o~ a general codlHcatlon of all city ordinances which have been specified by the con~mlsslon for in- clusion in th.e code. The-general codification shall be adopted by the Commission by ordinance and shall be published p~mptly i~. loose-tea~ form, .together with this charter and any amendments thereto. This corapilatlon shell be known and cited officially as the San~ord City Coc~ Copies of l'he code shall be furnished to clty o~flcers, and a copy kept on ~ile at the office o~ City Clerk ~o~ public re~erence and made available ~or purchase by the public at a reasonable price ~ixed by the Co~ission. (c) ~rintina o~ ordinances and resolutions. The Commission shall cause each ordinance and resolution having the force and effect of law and ecch amendment to this charter to be printed promptly following its cdoptlon, and the printed ordinances, resolutions and charter amendments shall be distributed or sold to the public at reason- able prices to be Fixed by the Commission. Following publication of the first Sanford City Code and at all times thereoftart the ordin- ances, resolutions and charter amendments shall be printed in sub- stantleJly the same style as the code current.ly in et~ect end shall be suitable in form for integration therein. The Commission shall make such furti~er arrangements as it deems deslrabJe with respect to repro- duction and distribution of any current changes in or additions to the provisions of the constltutlon and other laws of the State of Florida, or the codes of technical regulations and other rules and regulations included in the code. JUDICIAL Section 3.01. Municipal Court: The Municipal Court and Judicial System is abolished contem- poraneously with the effective date of Constitutional Judicial Article V~ ARTICLE IV CITY MANAGER Section 4.01. Appointment, Qualifications; Compensation: The Commission shall appoint a City Manager for an indefinite term and fix his compensation° The manager shall be appointed solely on the basis of his executive and administrative quali- fications. He need not be a resident of the city or state at the time of his appointment but shall not reside outside the city while in office. Section 4.02. Removal: The Commission may remove the City Manager from OffiCe in accordance with the following procedures: (1) The Commission shall adopt by affirmative vote of a majority of all of its members a preliminary resolution which must stake the reasons for removal and may suspend the City Manager from duty for a period not to exceed 45 days. A copy of the resolution shall be delivered promptly to the City Manager; (2) Within five days after a copy of the resolution is delivered to the City Manager, he may file with the COmmission a written re~est for a public hearing. This hearing shall be held at a Commission meeting not earlier than fifteen days, nor later than thirty days after the request is'filed. The. City Manager may file with the Cos~ission a written reply not later than five days before the hearing; (3) The Commission may adopt a final resolution of removal, which may be made effective immediately, by affirmative vote of a majority of all its members at any time after five days from the date when a copy of the preliminary resolution was delivered to the City Manager if he has not requested a public hearing. The City Manager shall continue to receive his salary until the effective date of'a final resolution of removal. The action of the Commission in suspendingor re- moving the manager shall not be subject to review by any court or agency. Section 4.03. Acting City Manager: By letter filed with the City Clerk, the City Manager shall designate~ subject to approval of the Commission, a qualified city administrative officer to exercise the powers and perform the duties of the city manager.~during his temporary absence or disability. During such absence or disability, the Commission may revoke such designation at any time and appoint another officer of the city to serve until the City Manager shall return, or his disability shall cease. Section 4.04. Powers and Duties of the City Manager: The City Manager shall be the chief administrative officer of the city. He shall be responsible to the Commission for the administration of all city affairs placed in his charge by or under this charter. He shall h~ve the following powers and duties: (i) He shall/with the exception of the fire and police chiefS appoint and, when he deems it necessary for the good of the service, suspend or remove all city employees and appointive administrative officers appointed by him as provided for by or under this charter, except as otherwise provided by law, this charter or personnel rules adopted pursuant to this charter. He may aufnorize any administrative officer who is s~DjeCt tO his direction and supervisionto exercise these powers with respect to subordinates in that officer's depart- ment, office or agency; (2) He shall direct and supervis~ the administration of all departments~ offices and agencies of the city, except as provided by this charter or by law; (3) He shall attend all Commission meetings and shall have the right to take part in discussion but may not vote; (4) He shall see that all laws, provisions of this charter and acts of the Commission, subject to enforcement by him or by officers subject to his direction and supervision, are faithfully executed; (5) He shall prepare and submit the annual budget and capital program to the Cowmission, on or before July 1st of e!ach year; (6) He shall submit to the CommissiOn and make avail- able to the public a complete report on the finances and adminis- trative activities of the city as of the end of each fiscal year; (7) He shall make such other reports as the Commission may require concerning the operations of city departments, offices and agencies subject to his direction and supervision; (8) He shall keep the Commission fully advised as to the financial condition and future needs of the city and make such recommendations to the Commission concerning the affairs of the city as he deems desirable; (9) He shall perform such other duties as are specified in this charter or may be required by the Commission. ARTICLE V ADMi~iSTRATIVE DEPART}miNTS, OFFICES AlqD AGENCIES Section 5.01. General Provisions: (a) Creation of Departments. The Commission may establish city departments, offices, boards, committees or commissions or agencies in addition to those created by this charter and may precrfDe the function of all departments, offices, agencies, boards, committees or commissions, except that no functions assigned by this charter to a particular department, office, agency, board, commission or committee may ~e discontinued or, unless this charter specifically so provides, assigned to any other. .(b) Directions by City Manager. All departments, offices, agencies, boards, commissions or committees under the direction and supervision of the City Manager shall ~e administered by an officer appointed by and subject to ~ne direction and supervision of the City Manager. With the consent of the Commission, the City Manager may serve as the head of one or more such departments, offices, agencies, boards, commissions or coF~ittees or may appoint one person as ~ne head of two or more Df them. (c3 CHIEF OF POLICE TO BE APPOINTED BY CITY COFLMISSION. There shall be a Chief of Police who shall be appointed by the City Co~v~issicn from eligible lists to be furnished by the Civil Service Board. The Chief of Police shall be the head. of the Police Department, and as such shall app6int his suboEdin- ares from eligible lists to be furnished by the Civil Service Board. He shall be the executive officer of the Municipal Court and shall serve the processes and execute the judgements and sentences thereof. He shall attend the meetings of the City Commission and, through the City Clerk, make monthly reports to the Commission concerning all matters pertaining to his Department. He shall have power, for cause, to suspend any officer or employee of the police force, and shall report the · same to the Civil Service Board at its next regular or special meeting, and shall perform such other duties as may be required by this Act, by the laws and ordinances of the City or by the City ~om~ission. He shall be responsible to the Commission for the proper functioning of his department. The Chief of Police shall have the power and authority to take and approve bonds for the appearance for trial of offenders against ~ne laws and ordinances of the City, but in no case shall such bond exceed ~ne sum of Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars. The Chief of Police and other policemen o~.~atrolmen shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by. the City Commission. ,(d) FIRE DEPARTMENT CREATED; OFFICERS Ah~ EMPLOYEES; APPOi~itE~. There shall be e Fire Department, to consist of a Chief,~who shall be appcinted by the City Commission from eligible' lists to be furnished by the Civil Service Board, and such subordinate officers or employees as shall be appointed by the Chief from eligibile lists to be furnished by the Civil Service Board. The Chief of the Fire Department shall hav~ control of the stationing and transferring of all firemen, subject to such rules and regulations as are prescrfoed.by the City Commission. The Fire Chief shall have the right, for cause, to suspend any officer or employee of his department, and shall report the same to the Civil Service Board at its next regular meeting. He shall perform such other duties as are required by this Act, by the laws of the City or by the City Commission. The Chief of the Fire Department and his subordinates shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the City Commission. Section 5.02. Personnel System: (a) Merit Principle. All appointments and promotions of city officers and employees shall be made solely on the basis of merit and fitness demonstrsted by examination or other evidence of competence. (b) Personnel Director. There shall be a Personnel Director appointed by the City Manager as provided in Section 5.01, who shall administer the personnel system of the city.. (c) Personnel Board. There shall be a personnel board consisting of five memioers appointed by the Commission for a term of three years {ram among the qual~fled voters of the clty~ Members of the board sha~l hold no other city office. The ~ersonnel Djrec~ tar shall prov.:.~e ~ecessary staff assistance for the Personnel Board. (d) Personnel Rules. The .~ersonnel Director shall prepare personnel rules. The City. Manager shall refer such proposed rules to the personnel board which shall report to the City ~(flonager its recommendations thereon. V.;hen approv. ed~'the City Manager~ the rules shall be proposed to the Commjsslon, ¢~nd the Comrnlssion may by ordinance adopt them with or without amendment. These rules shall provide for: (1) The classification o{: all city positions, based on the duties, authority and responsibility of each position, with adequate provision for fecl'asslflcatlon of any position whenever warranted by changed circumstances;_ (2) A pay plan for all c~ty pos.jtlons; (3) Methods fordetermlning 'the merit and fitness of dates for appointment or promotion; (4) The policies and procedures regulating reduction force and remova~ of employees; (5) The hours of work, attendance regulations and provisions for sick and vacation leave; (=6) The policies and procedures governing persons holding provisional appointments; ~"~ (7) The pollc~es and procedures governing relationships with employee org~nizatlons; (8) Policies r. egardlng in-service training progra~ms; (9) Grievance procedures, including procedures for the hearing of grievances by the Personnel Board, which may render advisory opinions based on its flndings~ to the City Manager with a .copy to the aggrieved employee; and (10) Other procedures and pr. actlces necessary to the ad- ministration of the city personnel system. (e) This Section 5.02 - Personnel System~ shall be adminis- tered in conjunction with the City of Sanford Civil Service Act HoBo ! /'~ 28521 Laws o[ Florida, 1961 i and subsequent amendments to it, The verbage of this charter will serve as the guide to necessary correc- tions in nomenclature, The responsibilities of this Section shall in no way be abridged-or amended by theprovlsions oF the Civil Ser- vice Act, but the |after shall serve as th~ patterns¢f~r. the ment o~: the duties set forth In' this Section of this Charter. Section 5.03. City Attorney. City Attorney to be appointed; Dufles: The City Commission shall appoint' a City Attorney who shall act as legal advisor to the municipality and its officers in matters relating to their official duties. Upon requests. he shal~ Furnish the City Comm~sslon, the City Manager, or through the City Manager the head of c~y departmentt his opinion.on any question Of law relat- ing to their re~:~eotlve duties. He shall perform such other duties as the City Commission may require. Section 5.04. City Attorney; Qualifications; Compensation: The City Attorney shall be a lawyer of experience and author- ized to practice law in all the Courts of the State. His compensa- tion shell be fixed by the City Commission. Section 5.05. Special Legal Counsel. Consultants end gonsult- ing firms: Such Special Legal Counsel, consu'ltants and consulting firms as may be authorized by the Commission to be engaged by the city shall be appointed or placed under contract by the City Manager. Said appointment or contract shall be approved by the Commission. ARTICL~ -VI ' FINANCIAL ~ROCEDURES Section 6~01, Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of the city shall begin on the first day of October and end on the last day of September. Section 6.02. Submission o~ Budget and Budge. t Message: On or before the 1st day of July o~ each year, the City Manager s.F:.Gll submit to the Commission a budget for the ansulng flscc!i year and 'an accompanying message. Section 6,..03. budget Message: The City M~nager's message shall explain the budget both in {:is~ cal terms and in terms of the work programs. It shall outline the pro posed financial policies of the city for the ensuing fiscal year; des- cribe the important ~eatures of the budgeL; indicate anymajor changes from the current year in ~inancial polic~es~ .expenditures~ and revenues, together with the reasons fo~ such changes; summarize the city's debt positions, and include such other material as the City Manager deems desirable. Section 6~04. Budget. The budget shall provide a complete financial pla=~ o~ a~ cj~y funds and activities .for the ensuing [iscai year and~ except as re~ quired by taw~ o~ thlscharter~ ~c~d~ ~a~om de~a~meats~s~Z~ be ~ s~e~ ~o~ ~s t~e C~y Manager deems desirabie~ o~ ~he~Commjsslon may requlre~ In org.3n- izlng the budget, the City Manager shal1 utilize the most feasible cemblnatlon o~ expenditure classification by fund~ organlz~t~e~ uni~. F~,-,~,~r~,~=~ urpose activity, and object. I~ shall begin with e , ~, ~ p or general summary of its contents; shall shGw in detail all estimated income, indicating the proposed property tax levy~ and all proposed expe,ndltures, ingludlng debt servlce~ for the ensuing fiscal year; end shall be so arranged as to show comparative figures for actual and estimated income and expenditures of the current fiscal year and actual income end expenditures of the prece'djng flsca~ year. It shall indicate in separate sections: (1) Proposed expenditures for current operations during the ensuing fiscal year, detailed by offlces~ departments and agencies in terms of their respective work programs~ and the method of financing such expendltures~ (2) t~roposed capital expenditures during the ensuing fiscal year, detailed by offices~ departments and agencies when practicable, and the proposed method of financing each such capital expend~ure~ and (3) Anticipated net surplus or deficit for the ensuing flsca~ year of each utility owned or operated by the city and the proposed method of its' disposition; 'sUbsidi. ary budgets for each such utility, giving detailed income and expenditure inf'Orma~ion', sha]i be attached as appendices to the budget. -- The total of proposed expenditures shall not exceed the total of estimated i.ncome and prior year surpluses, if any. Section 6.05. Capital Program: (o) Submission to Commisslon~ The City Manager shall prepare and submit to th.e Commission a 'five-year capital program at least three months prior to the final date for submlss~on of the budget. {b) Contents, The Capital ,~rogram Shall Include: (]) A clear general summary of ~ts contents; (2) A llst of all capital improvements which are proposed to be undertaken during the five fiscal years next ensuing, w~ith appro- \ prlate supportin~ ~nformatlon as tothe necessity for such jmprovements.~ (3) Cost estlmates~ method of financing. and recommended time schedules for each such improvements; and~ (4) The estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining the fadlltles to be constructed or acquired~ The above jnformatlon may be revised and extended each yea~' with regard to capital improvements st~ll pending or ~n process of construction or acquls~t~on. , ~-- Section 6~06.1 Uniform Department shall submit budgets for review, modification and inclusion in the City budget. Section 6.06.2 Commission Action on Annual Budget: (a) Notice and Hearing. The Commission shall publish in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the city, a Notice stating: (1) The times and places where copies of the Annual Budgets are available for inspectlon,~'by the public~ and (2') The time and place~ not less.than two weeks after such publication, for a public hearing on the budget. (b) Amendment before Adoption. After the public hearing the ~'~ Commission may adopt the budtat with or without amendment. In amending the budget, it may add or incre~'e programs o.r amou, nts and may dejete or decrease any programs or amounts, except expendl- tures required by Jaw or for deb~ service or for estimated cash deflc~tr provided tha~ no amendment to the budget shall. increa. se the author- ized expenditures to an amount greater than the total of estimated inco me and prior year surpluses, i~ any. (c) Adoption. The Commission shall adopt the budget on or before the 30th day of September. Adoption of the budget shall constitute appropriations of the amounts specified therein as expenditures from the funds indicated and s~all constitute a levy of the property tax therein proposed. Section 6.07. Commission action on Capital Program. (a) Notice and Hearing. The Commission shall publish in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the city, and a No- tice stating: (1) The times and places where copies of the Capital Program are available for inspection by the public; and (2) The time and place, not less than two weeks after such publication, for a public hearing.on the capital program. (b) Adoption. The Commission shall adopt the Capital Pro- gram with or Without amendment after the public hearing. Section 6.08. Public Records: Copies of the budget and the Capital Program as adopted shall be public records and a copy shall be made available to the public for reference at the office of the qity Clerk. Section 6.0c2~ Amenclments after Adoption: (a) Supplemental Appropriations, If, during the fiscal year, the City Manager certifies that there are available for appropriation " revenues in excess of those estimated ifi' t.he budget~ the Commission, !may make supplemental appropriations for the year up to the amount of such excess~ (b) ~-mergenoy Appropriations..To mee~' a public emergency affecting life, hea~th, property or the public peace, the Commis- sion may make emergency appropriations. Such appropriations may be made by emergency ordi,~ance in accordance wi~h provisions of Section 2.1'4'~ Tothe extent that there are no available un-appro- priated revenues to meet such appropriations, the'Commission may~ by such emergency ordlnance~ authorize the issuance of emergency notes~ which may be renewed from time to time, but the emergency notes and renewals of any Fiscal year shall be paid .not later than the last day of the fiscal year nex~ succeeding tha~ jn which the emergency appropriation was made~ (c) Reduction of Approprlations. If, at any time during the fiscal year, it appears probable to the City Manager that the revenue. available w~lt be insufficient to meet the amount .approprlatedt he shall report i'o the Commission' without delay, indicating the esti- mated amount of the deficit, any remedial action taken by him, and his recommendations as to any other steps to be taken. The Commis- sion shell then take such further action as it deems necessary to pre- vent or minimize any deficit for that purpose, it may, by ordinancet reduce one or more appropriations. (d) Transfer of AppropriatiOns. At any time the City Manager may request that the Commission approve transfer of budgeted funds withins and/or between departmentst offices, or agencies~ Each request will be supported by written justification t:or th~ transfer~ (e) Limitations; .:ffectlve Date~ No appropriations for debt service may be reduced or transferred, end no appropriation may be reduced .below any amount required by law to be appropriated or b/ more than the amount of the unencumbered balance thereof. The ~upplement&:l~F'and emergency appropriations and reduction ¢~ ;H'~ ',. ¢s~ appropriations authorized by this section may be made effective immediately upon adoption.' Any excess monies remaining in a debt service fund after all amounts required b~ law have been appropri- ated may be returned to the General Fund for the regular operating budget of the City. Section 6.10. Lapse of Appropriations. Every appropriation, except an appropriation for a specified major capital expenditure, shall lapse at the close of the fiscal v,~' to the ezd~e.n~ ~hat it has not been expanded or encumbered. An appro- priation for c specified major capital expenditure shall continue in force until the purpose for v.,hlch it was made has been accomplished or abandoned; the purpose of ant such appropriation shall be deemed abandoned if three years pass w~thout any disbursement from or encum- brance of the approprla~ion 'and may be transferred to the General Fund. Section 6.]]. Adm~njstratlon of Budget~ (a) Work Programs and Allotments. At .such time as the City Manager shal~ speclfy~ each department, office or agency shall submit work programs for the ensuing fiscal year showing the requested allot- merits of its appropriation by periods within the year~ The City Maner-'-'- shall review and authorize such allotments with or without revision as early as possible in the fiscal year~ He may revise such allotments during the year if he deems it desirable and shall revise them }n ac- cord with any~supplementa'l emergency, reduce~{ or transferred appropri- ations made Rursuant to Se-ctlon 6.09.. (b) Payments and Obligations Prohibited. No payment shall be made or obljgatlon incurred against any allotment or appropriation except jn accordance withthe appropriations duly made and unless the Cjty Manager or his desEgnee. first certifies that there js a suffjcien.~ unencumbered balar~ce in such alMotment or appropriation and that sufficient funds therefrom are or will be available to co,~er the claim or meet the abtlgatlon when it becomes. due and pa.yable. Any author- jzatlon of p~yment or incurring of obl]gatlon jn violation of the pro- vls.ions of th~s Charter shall be void and any payment so made illegal; such action sha]~be cause for removal of any officer who knowingly authorized or made such pa. yment or incurred such obllgation~ and he shall be I~able to the city ~or any amount so pa~d. However~ except ..where. proh~B'jted by law, nothing jn this charter shell be construed to prevent the making or authorizing of'payments or making of con- tracts for capital improvements to be financed wholly or portly by the issuance of bonds or to prevent the making of any contract or lease providing for payments beyond .the end 0~ the fjsc~J year, provided that such action is made or approved by ordjnance~ A~TICLE VII .: PLANNING' AND ZONING Sec~o~'7.0Z. Zo~D~: ~e ge~e~Z Ls~s o~ ~he S~e o~ ~Zo~d8 ~e ~do~ed. Section 7~-02, Appolntme.nt of Pi:ennlng and Zoning Commlsslon~ The City Commission shall have power to appoint a commlss[on to be known as the City Planning and Zoning Commission. All members ef the commission shall serve without pay and ~t the pleasure of the City Commission. The said Commission shall, by report to the City Commission, recommend the boundaries of districts and appropriate regulations and restrictions to be enforced therein. After such report, the City Commission shall afford persons inter- ested an opportunity to be heard at any time' and place to be Speci- not less than tied in a Notice of Hearing to be published once/ten days in advance of the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the city. Section 7~03. Changes and Amendments. The City Cotnmlsslon may~ from time to time: cLfte~' i~ubllc notice and hearlng~ amend, supp[ement,' or change said regulations or dis- tricts. Such proposed amendment, supplement or change must first be re{:erred to the City Planning and Zoning Commission {:or c~,ns:'-' atlon and report before {:jnal action shai] be ~'aken thereon by the City Commission. Section 7~04~ Adoption o{: Regulations Gover. ning Planning ;and Zoning Commission. Autho~it-y.ls hereby expressly conferred upon the City Comm~s- slon fo do all fh~ngs necessary fo carry out the recommendations that that may ~ made by such Clt)~' Planning and Zon!n.g Commlssion~ and to adopt such regufotions and rules governing the powers and duties of such com._.-.iss.~on as will carry out such purposes. ~ Section 7.g5~ Appointment 0f a Beard of Adju'stment~ The City Commlssjon shall by ordinance establish a Board of Adjustment and shall provide standards and procedures for such board to hear and determine appeals from administrative decislons, requests for variances in the case of pecular and unusual circumstances which would create hardship and prevent the reasonable use of land and such other matters as may be required by the City Commlsslon~ ARTICL-= VIII ELECTIONS Section 8~01. 7=teCtlo~ of Mayor and Commissioners - Dates of regular and run-Off F-lectlons. The regular muniT~[pat ejection of the city shaJl be held on the First Tuesday a£ter the t?~.~:s~: Monday of December o£ each year. City Commission seats are hereby designated as seats 1~ 2~ 3~ and '4~ Candidates for the office of commissioner shall file to quali- fy for that.specified commission seat as provided in this article. When~ in any regular election, there are more than two candl- dates for the office of Mayor, or for a commission seat, and when ,~,. no candidate receives a majority of the total votes cast in the regu- lar municipal election for the office of mayor or for a commission seat, a "run-of~'~ municipal election shall be held on the second Tuesday after the General Election in December of that year only for the elfice of mayor or commission seat for which no candidate received a zaj~rity of the total votes cast in the regular munici- pal election. No person shall run for more than one commission seat in an election and no person shall run for Mayor and a Commission seat in the same election. Section 8.02. Same--Qualifications of Candidate--Form of Oath: Any person who is a resident of the city and has qualified as an electorz'therein may become a candidate for nomination to the office of Mayor or to a Commission seat by filing with the City Clerk, and payment of the fee prescribed, and by taking and sub- s~ribing to an oathor affirmation in substantially the form as required by the General Laws of FlOrida and filing the same, to- gether with the petition, with the City Clerk not earlier than ninety days, nor later than 12 o'clock noon of the thirty-fifth (35th) day prior to the day of holding the next regular election~ Section 8.03. Names to be placed on Ballot for Regular Election. The names of all candidates for the office of Mayor shall be placed on the election ballot first and in alphabetical order. The names of all candidates for commission seats shall be placed upon ~he regular election ballot in alphabetical order for com- mission seat- ro be voted upon. Commission seats shall be listed on the ballot [n their ~umerlcal order, Run-off election ballots shall be in the same form as prescribed herein for the regular municipal election baliot~ Section 8~04, Commission to declare person ilected. All candidates elected as Mayor or to the City Commission shell take office on the ~irst Tuesday after the First Monday of the year following the year in which a Mayor or any Co~aissioner is elected. Section 8.'05. Commission judge of own Qualifications. The City Commission shall be the judge of the cluallfications, elections and return of its own members., Section 8,06, A\bsentee Voting, Absentee voting sh-all be permitted in city electlons in the same m~nner as may be provi-ded in state eJectlo~s, Section 8.07. Quallflcc~tlon of ~lect'ors; Prescribing Method and Manner of ~lection, No person shell be allowed to vote at any election for the pur- pose of electing city commissioners and m?yor for said city who is ( not a qualified voter under the state Jaw and who has not resided in the City of Sanford for six months preceding such election end who has not registered as e voter of said city in such manner as may be ~ prescribed by the City Commission. The City Commission shallt by ordinance, prescribe the method and manner of holding all elections which shall be called and held and which ere not provided for by ,' the terms oF th~s charter. All such elections shall be conducted sub- :"~ stantlally on the principal adopted for the state elections insafar as ~Z'.~ there is no conflict with the terms o~: this charter; provlded~ that the City Cemmlssion may, by ordlnan~e~ prescribe ~'he method~ man- ner and conduct of all elections of sai~ clt~ not in conflict with this charter. ARTICL] IX ?INITIATIV~ AND REFERENDUM Section 9.0'1 ~ Generai Authority. (a) Initiative. The qualified voters of the city shall have power to propose 0rdinangeS to the Commission and, if the commis- sion fails to adop~ an ordinanc~ so proposed wi'~hout any change in substance~ to adopt or reject it at a city election; provi'ded~ that such power shall no~ extend to the budget or capita~ program or any ordinance relating to appropriation o~ money~ levy of taxes or salaries of city officers or employees. (b) Referendum. The qualified voters of the city shaj) have power to require reconslderation by ~he Commission of any adopted ordinance and~ if the commission 'fails to repea~ an ordln~nce so reconslderedz to approve or reject it at a city electiont provided that such power shall not extend to the budget or cepitat program or any emergency ordinance or ordinance relating to appropriation i' of money or tavy of taxes. Section 9~02. Commencement of Proceedings; ?etitloners' Committee; Affidavit. Any five qualified voters may commence inltlati.ve or referen- dum proceedings by filing with the CIty Clerk an affidavit stating they will constitute the Petitioners' Committee and be responsible for circulating the petition and filing it in proper form, stating .their names and addresses and specifying the address to which all ,"" notices tothe committee are to be sent, and setting out in full the proposed init.latlve ordinance or citing the ordinance sought to Ee reconsidered. Pror~'ptly after the affidavit of the Petitioners' Committee is flJed~ the Clerk shal~ issue the ,appropriate petltlan blanks to the petitioners' committee. Section 9~03~ Petitlons~ (a) Number of Signatures: initiative and referendum petitions must be signed by qualified voters of the city equa~ in number to L, at least fifteen (15%) per cent of the total number of qualified voters registered to vote at the last regular city eJection~ and shall eon~ain a certificate from ~he Supervisa= of E~Lec~ions ~s to the number of valid signatures of qualified voters. (b) Fcrm and Content. All papers of a petition shall be uniform in size and _=:y[e and shatl be executed in ink or inde~iEie pencil and shal) be ."~[jowed by the address and voter registratic~n number of the person signlng~ ~etltionsTshall contaln~ or hove attached thereto, throughout their circulation the full ~'ext of the ordinance proposed or sought to be reconsidered. (c) Affidavit of CircuJator. Each paper of a petition shall have attached to it, when filed, an afflda~.,it executed by the clr- culotor thereof stating that he porsonai}y circulated the paper, the number of signatures thereon; that el} the signatures were affixed in his presence; that he believes them to be the genuine signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be, and that each signer had an opportunity before signing to read the fuli text of the ordin- ance proposed or sought to be reconsidered. (d) Time for Filing Referendum Petltlons~ Referendum peti- tions mu~t be filed within 30 days after adoption b~; the Commission of ordinance sought to be rocons;dorod~ Section' 9.04. Procedure after Filing~ (o) Certificate of C~ork; Amendment. Within 20 days after the petition is filed, the Ci~-y Cierk sha~j compje~'e a cert~flcate as to its sufficiency, specifying, if it is insufficient~ the particulars wherein it is de~:ectlve and shall promptty send a copy of the certl- c~t~ to t~e petitioners~ Committee by registered mail, A petition certified ~:~suF~[c[~nt. for tack of the required number of ~ali'd signa- tures may ~e ~m~ndad once j~ the petitioners' committee f'~Jas a not[ca of ~ntcz:~a~ to amend ~t wi~h the C~erk w~thin ~wo days after . receiving the copy of his certificate and f~Ios a supplementary pet~- tjo~ upon additional papers wjth~n ten days after racelying t~a copy' o~ such certificate. Such supplementary pet[tjo~ shall comply w~h. the requirements o~ Subsections (b) an~ (c).~F Sect-ion 9.03, and ~ within five days after it is [iled the Clerk shall"comple~e a certifi- cate as to the sufficiency of the po~ition as a~ended and promptly send a copy o~ such certificate to the petitioners' commiHee by registered mail as ~n the case o~ an original potitlon~. Ifa petition~ or amended petition is cartiliad sufflcienf, or if a poti~'ion, o~ amended petition is cartiliad insu~[ic~ent and petitioners' committee 'does not elect to a~end or request Commission to review under Sub- sect]on (b) of this Section within the time required, fhe Clerk shall promptly p~esont h~s certificate ~o the Commission and fho certlflcote shall then Be a f~na) determination as to the sufficiency 0f the po~i- (b) Commission Review: If a petition has been certified insuf- ficient and ~he petitloners' committee does no~ file notice of inten- tion ~o amend it, or if ~n amended petition has been cartiliad lr~suffjc,r~nt, the committee may, within two days after racelying the copy of s~ch certificate, file a request th<=t it be reviewed by the Commission'.. The Commission shall review the certlfjcata at the next meetin~ .:g]Jowlng the filing of such request and approve or dls- approve it, and the Commission's determination shall then be a final determination as to the sufficiency of the petition. (c) Court Review; New Pei:'ltion: A fina[ determination as to the sufficiency of a petition shall be 'subject to court review. A final determination of insufficiency, even if sustained upon court review, shall not prejudice the filing of a new petition forthe same purpose. Section 9,05. Referendum Petitions; Suspension of Effect of Ordinance. V/hen a referendum petition is filed with the City Clerk, the ordinance sought.to be reconsidered shall be suspended from taking effect. Such suspension shall terminate when: (1) there is a final determination of insufficiency of the petition; or (2) the petitioners~ committee withdraws the petition; or (3) the commission repeals the ordinance; or (4) thirty days have elapsed after a vote of the city on the ordinance. Section 9,06. Action on ?otision. (at Action by Commission. When an initiative or referendum petition has been f~naJJydeterminod sufficient, the Commission shall promptly consider the proposed initiative ordinance in the manner ,. provided in Article II, or reconsidered the referred ordinance by I voting its repeal. If the Commission Fails to adopt a proposed tive ordinance without any change In substance within sixty days, or fails to repeal the referred ordinance within thirty days after the date the petition wasZ Finally determined sufficient, it shall submit the proposed or referred ordinance.to the voters of the clty~. (b) Submission to Voters. The vote of the city on a proposed, or referred ordinance, shall be held not less than thirty days, and not later than the next regular elections. Copies of the proposed~. or referred ordinance, shall be made available at the polls. (c) Withdrawal of Petitions: An in;tiative or referendum peti- tion may be ~ithdrawn at an:y time prior to the Fifteenth (15th) day preceding the day scheduled For a vote of t-he City b~} filing with the City Clerk a request For wlthd~awal signed by at least ;four members of the petltlonars~ commltee~ Upon the filing of such request the peti- tion shall have no further force or effect and all proceedings thereon shall be fermlnated.. Section 9.07. Results of Election. (at Initiative: tf a majority of the qualified electors voting on /--, a proposed iniHatlve ordinance vote in its favor~ it shoi} be consl- dered ado~ted upon certification of the ejection results and shall be treated in c.t] respects in the same manner as ordinances of the same kind acbpted by the commission., lic conflicting ordinances are ap- proved at the ~cme election~ the one receiving the greatest number n.r affirmative votes shall prevail to the extent o~ such conflict, (b) ~eferendum= If a majority of the qualified electors voting on a referred ordZnance vote agajnst ~t, j~ sha~l be considered re- pealed upon cort~ficatZon o[ the ejectj6n results, ARTICL[ X GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 10.01, Personal Financial Interest, Any o~ty officer or employee who has a Financial interest~ direct or jndirect~ or by reason of ownership o~ stock in any carpet. ation~ in any contract with the cltyF or in tee sale of any land~ material~ supplies or services to the city~ or to a contractor supply- ing ~he cjty~ shall make known that interest and shall refrain ~rcm voting upon~ or otherwise participate in his capacity as a city O~- ricer or employee in the making oF such sale or in the ~aking~ o~ pcr~ormance of such contract, Any city officer or employee who fully conceals such a financial interest or wil/u~ly violates the re- qt'Tremenfs o~ this Sectlon~ shall be guilty oE malfeasance in office or position and shall ~or~eit his office or position, Violation of ~s section wlth the knowledge express or implied of the person or corporation contracting with or making a sale to the city shal| render the contract or sole voldabje b~, the City Manage~ or the City Commls- ,;o:.. Section 10.02. Prohibitions: (a) Activities Prohlblted.~ (1) No persor~ shall be appolnte.d to or removed frorot or in any way favored or discriminated against wlfh respect to any city position or appointive city administrative office because of race, se~,, i~olltlcal or religious opinions or affitlatlcn, ' ' ' (2) No person shall wilfully make any false statement, c~rfi-* flcate~ markt rating or report in regard to any t~s,t~ cartiHcatlon or appointment under the personnel provisions of this charter or the rules end regulations made thereundar~ or in any manner commit~ or attempt to commit~ any fraud preventing the impartial execution of ~,,'ch provisions, rules and'regulations,' (3) No person who seeks appointment or. promotion with res- pect to any city. position or appointive city administrative office sha]t d~rectly or indirectly glve~ render or pay any money~ service: or other valuable thing, to any person to.r; or in connection with his test, appointmantt proposed appolntment~ promotion or proposed pro- motion ~ ~'~ (4) No person :shall orally, by letter, or otherwise, sollci~ or assist in soliciting any assessment, subscrlptlont or contribution for any poultice! party, 'or po'lltlcal purpose whatsoever ~rom any / person hoidln~ any compensated appointive city.position° (5) No person who holds any c. ompensatedappolntlve city position shall maker soiL~it or receive any contribution,to the cam- paign funds of any political party or any candidate for publ. lc office or take any part in the management, affairs or political campaign of any political partyt but he may exercise his rights as a citizen to express his opinions and to cast his vote. (b) Penalties: Any person whet by hlmselft or with ctherst i~ wilfully violates any of the provisions ofparagr.aphs (1) through (4) shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not more 'than five hundred (~500. o00) Doilars~ or by imprisonment for not more-than sixty days or both, Any person who, by himself or with otherst wilfully violates any of the provisions of paragr'aph (5) shall be guilty of an offense,. and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by q fine of not more than five hundred ($500~00) Dollars. Any person convicted under ~. this section shall be ineligible ~or a period of fTve years thereafter to hold any c~ty office or posltl.on~ and, if convlcted~ any officer or employee of the city.,. shall immediately 'forfeit his office or position. Section"10,03, Charter Amendment, (a) ~roposa} oF Amendment, Amendments to this charter may be framed cn~ proposed: ~ (1) in ~ne manner provided by taw; or (2) by ordinance of the commission containing the ~uJ} text o~ ~he proposed amendmen~ and ~ecfjve upo~ adoption; or (3) by the voters of the city; or (4) by report o~ a charter commlssi.on created by ordinance, Proposal oF an amendment by the voters o~ the city shall be by peti.- tjon containing the lull text o~ the proposed amendment and shall be governed by the same procedures and requirements prescribed in ArflcJe IX for initiative petitions until such time as a ~inaj defer- mination as to the sufficiency oF the pefltion is made~ except that there shall be no limitation as to subject matter and fhaf the peti- tion must b~ signed by qual~fled voters of the clry equal in number foaf least 20 (20%) per cent o~ the fatal number of qualified elec- tors registered to vote at the last reguja~ city election, The peti- tioners~ committee may withdraw the peflJion af any time before ~he ~i-~teenth (15fh) day immediately preceding the day scheduled for the clt~ vote on the amendment, (b) ~ecflon, Upon delivery fo the clfy e'Je¢'fion authorities o[ the report o~ a charter commlssion~ or delivery by the City Clerk of an adopted ordinance or a petition Hnally determined suf- ficient, loreposing an amendment pursuant to subsection (a), thee election au~arlt}es shall subn~it the proposed amendment t~o the voters of the d?y at an e~:ectlon. Such election shatl be announced by a notice containing the complete text of the proposed amendment and published in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the city at least 30 days pr~or to the date of the e~ectlon.. The elec- tion shall be held not less than 60 and not more than 120 days after the adoption of the ordinance or report at the f~nal determination of sufficiency of the petition proposing the amendment. If no regu- lar election is to be held within that period, the Commission shall provide for a special election on the proposed amendment; otherwise, the holding of a special election. shal$ be within the discretion of the commission, (c) Adoption of Amendment. If a majority of the qualified voters of the c~ty voting upon a proposed charter amendment vote favor of it, the amendment shall become effective at the time fixed in the amendment or, if no time is therein Fixed, 30 days after its adoption by the voters. Secfi'~n 10.-04. Separabillty. IF any Frovlslon of this charter is held invalld~ the other pro- visions o: the charter shall not be affected thereby.- if the appli- catlon of the charter/or any of its provisions, to any person or clr- cumstance is herd invelld, the appllcetlon of the charter and its provisions ~e other persons or circumstances shall not be Offacted thereby~ ARTICLE XI TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS Section I 1.01 . Officers and Emi~loye. es. (a) Rights and Privileges Preserved~ Nothing in this charte~: except as otherwise specifically provided shall effect or impair the rights or privileges of persons who are city officers or employees at the time of its aSoptlon. (b) Continuance of Office or Errp Ioyment o Except as specifi- cally provided by this charter/ if/af the time this charter takes full effect, a city administrative officer or employee holds an office or posltion~ which is, or can be abolished by~ or under this char/err he shall continue in such office or position until the taking effect of some specific provision under this charter directing that he vacate the office or position. (c) Personnel System, An employee holding a city position at the time this charter takes fu~l effect, who was serving in that same, or comparab)e position, at the time of its adoption, shGlt not be subject to competif~ve tests as a condition of continuance in the some pos~flen, but in all other respects shall be subject to the personne~ s stem provided for in Section 5°02. Section 11o02i Departmentst Offices and Agencies, (a) Trz~.s~r of Powers, IF a city department, office or agency .- is aboJlshed by this charter, the powers and :duties given it by law shall be transferred to the city department, office or agency desig- nated in this charter, or, if the charter makes no provision designa- ted by the city commission, (b) Property and Records, All property,, records and equipment of any departmentt office or agency existing when this charter is adopted shall be transferred to the department, office or agency ~ r.~,~. assuming its powers and duties, but, in the event that th~ powers or duties are to be discontinued, or divided between unlts~ or in the event that any conflict arises regarding a transfert such pro- perty~ records .or equipment shall be transferred to one or more de- partmentst offices or agencies designated by the commission in accordance w~th this char~er, Sectlos~ 11 ~03, Pending Matters, AIi rights, c~alms, actions~ orders, contracts and legol or ad~ ministrative proceedings shall contlnue.~ except as modified, pur- suant to the provisions of this charter, and in each case shall be malntalned~ carried on, or dealt with by the clty departmef~t~ office ,--,, or agency appropriate under thls charter. Sec,~Ten I 1.04; State and Municipal Laws. In gen~r.a!, all city ordinances, resolutions, OrderS'and regula- tions which are in force when this charter becomes fully effective are repealed ~a the extent that they are inconsistent or interfere (, with the effective operation of this charter, or of ordinances, or ( resolutions adopted pursuant thereto.' To the extent that the Consti- tuNon and Laws of the ~ate of Florida, permit, all laws relating to, or affecting this city, or its agencies', officers or employees which are in force when this charter becomes fully effective are superseded to the extent that they are inconsistent, or interfere with the ef- fective operation of this charter or of ordinances, or resolutions t' ?~' adopted pursuant thereto, Section t 1.05. Schedule. (a) Effective Date. This charter shall be in full force and effect upon ratification bY a majority vote of the qualified elec- tors voting thereon. (b) Initial Expenses. The intiial expenses of the Commission shall be paid by the city on vouchers signed by the Mayor. (c) Initial salary of Mayor and Commissioners. The Mayor shall receive an annual salary in the amount of $2,400.00. Other members of the Cormnission shall receive an annual salary in the ' amount of $1,800.00, until such amount is changed by the Commission ~--~. in accordance with provisions of this charter. (d) All budgets in effect at the ti~e-of adoption of this charter shall remain in effect until the end of the fiscal year in which this charter is adopted. Expenditures and commitments of funds against budgeted amounts shall be effected in the manner prescribed prior to the adoption of this charter until the end of the fiscal yeaz in which this charter is adopted. At that~time procedures as outlined in Artical VI of this charter shall be ap- plied. Budgetory allocations as are necessary to carry out changes provided in this charter may be made from current contingency ac- count or as provided in Section 6.09 herein. (e) Consultants or consulting firms serving the city by ap- pointment or contract at the time of adoption of this charter shall continue to serve until the termination of their existing contract(s) or until the expiration of their term(s) of appointment, at which time the provisions of Section 5.05 herein shall apply. (f) Contracts and agreementsin effect at time of adoption of this charter shall continue until expiration of the terms of contract or agreement. PASSED AND ADORED this 27th day of November , A.D.1972. Attest: MaWr ~ · · City of Sanford, Florida. CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Tan, Jr., City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 1098, ~SSED and ADOPTED by the CityCo~ission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 27th day of November, 1972, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 30th day of November, 1972. CitD of Sanford, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA TAILAHASS~ 32304 RICHARD (DICK) STONE MRS. DOROTHY W. GLISSON, DIRECTOt~ December 12, 1972 Honorable H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk of the City of Sanford City Hall Sanford, Florida Dear Mr. Tamm: We have received your City Charter of the City of Sanford, and it has been placed on file in this office on December 12, 1972. Please let us know if we may be of further assistance to you at any time. With kind regards. Cordially, RICHARD (DICK) STONE Secretary of State DG/lm