HomeMy WebLinkAbout3685 ORDINANCE NO. 3688 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CITY CODE OF SANFORD; AMENDING OR RECREATING SECTIONS 28.152.2, 28-30, 28-34, 28-24 (b) (1) (2), AND (3), 28-25 (a) (1) (2) AND (3), AND 28-43 (a) AND (b) AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED; PROVIDING FOR TAP CHARGES; PROVIDING FOR METER SET CHARGES; PROVIDING FOR MISCELLANEOUS FEES, CHARGES, AND SURCHARGES; PROVIDING FOR WATER AND RECLAIMED WATER RATES, CONNECTION FEES, SERVICE AVAILABILITY CHARGES, SEWER TREATMENT CHARGES; AND CONSUMPTION CHARGES FOR VARIOUS TYPES OF USERS; PROVIDING FOR WASTEWATER RATES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS, CODIFICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission of the City of Sanford to amend the utility rates established by various provisions of the City Code of Sanford to more appropriately reflect the costs of providing such services to the citizens of the City of Sanford and the customers of the City's utility system; and WHEREAS, the recitals set forth in Ordinance Numbers 1989 and Ordinance Number 3387 and the provisions of Section 1 of Ordinance Number 3164 are hereby adopted as legislative findings. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. Section 28.152.2, City Code of Sanford, as created in Ordinance Number 1989, is deleted in its entirety, SECTION 2~ Section 28-30, City Code of Sanford, as amended by Ordinance Number 3119, is further amended to read as follows: DELINQUENCY AND DISCONNECTION OF SERVICE FOR NONPAYMENT. (a) If any bill for current monthly charges remains due and unpaid on or after the due date stated on such bill which date will be twenty one (21) days from bill date, a delinquent (late fee) of five percent (5%) shall be charged to the customer account, with a minimum charge of four dollars ($4.00). (b) Ifanybillformonthlysewerorwaterserviceremainsdueandunpaidonand after the past due date stated on such bill, the water service to such customer so in arrears as to sewer or water service charges shall be disconnected and shall not be reconnected until all past-due bills for water and sewer services are paid, together with a reconnection charge of:Fwefft!t dollars (($20.00) plus an after hour fee of Ten dollars ($10.00) if paid after 2:00 p.m. Forty-five ($45.00), plus an after hour fee often dollars ($10.00) for a total of Fifty-five dollars ($55.00), if requested turn on occurs after 4:00 p.m. (c) If any bill for monthly sewer service shall remain due and unpaid on and after the past due date stated on such bill, in any case in which the water entering the sewer systems is furnished by any plant or system other than the waterworks system of the City, the sewer service to such user in arrears as to sewer charges shall be disconnected, and shall not be reconnected until all past-due bills for sewer service are paid, together with a reconnection charge in the amount of Two I lundred and Sixty Dollars ($280.00) the cost of the sewer tap as provided in Section 28-43 (Section 6 of this Ordinance). SECTION 3. Section 28-34, City Code of Sanford, as amended by Ordinance Number 3119, is further amended to read as follows: MISCELLANEOUS FEES AND CHARGES. [The following fees and charges shall be levied when applicable:] (-8-) After hour turn-on/off "~" "" No after-hour service for turn-on after 8:00 p.m. (b-) T sfe fe ~"~ ran r e ................................. Returned check (bad check charge) ............. New account application Basic new account application fee (8 a.m. until 4 p.m.) ......................................... $25.0__0 Ordinance No. 3685 Page 2 (b) Additional new account application fee for after hours turn on occurring between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m ............. $10.0~0 (c~ Transfer fee ................................ $25.0__0 fd} Returned check (bad check charge) ............. $25.0__0 (e~ Meter test fee .............................. $25.00 SECTION 4. Existing Section 28-24 (b) (1), (2) and (3), City Code of Sanford, as created in Ordinance Number 3164, is hereby deleted in its entirety and a new Section 28- 24 (b) (1), (2) and (3), City Code of Sanford, is created to read as follows: WATER RATES- INSIDE CITY LIMITS. SERVICE AVAILABILITY CHARGE Residential, Commercial, and Irrigation - There shall be a monthly service availability charge for each account or installed meter as follows: Effective with Bills Rendered on or After Jan. 1, Oct. 1, Oct. 1, Oct. 1, Oct___~.l, 2002 2002 2003 2004 2005 Meter Size 5.8"x 3/4" or 3/4" $3.14 $3.2__7 $3.4__0 $3.5__4 $3.6__9 1" $7.86 $8.1~8 $8.5'1 $8.86 $9.22 1-1/2" $15.71 $16.35 17.02 $17.72 $18.44 2" $25.13 $26.1__6 $27.23 $28.3__5 $29.51 3'__" $47.1__2 $49.05 $51.06 $53.15 $55.33 4'__' $78.5__3 $81.75 $85.10 $88.5__9 $92.22 6" $157.0~6 $163.50 $170.20 $177.18 $184.45 8" $251.30 $261.60 $272.33 $283,49 $295.11 10" $361.24 $376.05 $391.47 $407.52 $424.23 (b~ MULTI-FAMILY - There shall be a monthly service availability charge, based on the number of dwelling units served by each account or installed meter as follows: Effective with Bills Rendered on or After Ordinance No. 3685 Page 3 Jan. 1, Oct. 1, Oct___:_.1, Oct. 1, Oct__~_l, 2002 2002 2003 2004 2005 Per Dwelling Unit $2.3__6 $2.4__5 $2.5__5 $2.6__6 $2.7__7 2_____.CONSUMPTION CHARGE (a~ RESIDENTIAL -All water consumed each billing period shall be billed at the rate of $1.20 per thousand gallons for the first two thousand gallons used; then $1.45 for each additional one thousand gallons used between 2,001 and 6,000 gallons; then $1.81 for each additional one thousand gallons used between 6,001 and 12,000 gallons; then $2.18 for each additional one thousand gallons used between 12,001 and 24,000 gallons; then $2.54 for each additional one thousand gallons used above 24,000 gallons. Minimum monthly billing shall be for two thousand gallons. L~ MULTI-FAMILY - All water consumed each billing period shall be billed at the rate of $1.20 per thousand gallons for the first one thousand gallons used per dwelling unit; then $1.45 for each additional one thousand gallons used between 1,001 and 4,000 gallons per dwelling unit then $1.81. for each additional one thousand gallons used between 4,001 and 9,000 gallons per dwelling unit; then $2.18 for each additional one thousand gallons used between 9,001 and 18,000 gallons per dwelling unit; then $2.54 for each additional one thousand gallons used above 18,000 gallons per dwelling unit. Minimum monthly billing shall be for one thousand gallons per dwelling unit. COMMERCIAL - All water consumed each billing period shall be billed at the rate of $1.45 per thousand gallons for the first six thousand gallons used per equivalent Meter Equivalency Factor (MEF); (Block 1): then $1.81 for each additional one thousand gallons used between 6,001 and 12,000 gallons per MEF (Block 2); then $2.18 for each additional one thousand gallons used between 12,001 and 24,000 gallons per MEF (Block 3); then $2.54 for each additional one thousand gallons used above 24,000 gallons per MEF (Block 4). (d) IRRIGATION - All water consumed each billing period shall be billed at the rate of $1.81 per thousand gallons for the first six thousand used; then $2.18 for each additional one thousand gallons used between 6,001 and 18,000 gallons; then $2.54 for each additional Ordinance No. 3685 Page 4 one thousand gallons used above 18.000 gallons. Consumption Charges Per Thousand Gallons Effective With Bills Rendered On Or After Jan. 1, Oct. 1, Oct. 1, Oct__.1, Oct. 1 2002 2002 2003 2004 2005 Residential Single-Family (gallons) 0-2,000 (min. usage) $1.2___J0 $1.20 $1.20 $1.20 $1.2~ 2,001 - 6,000 $1.4__5 $1.4_.j5 $1.45 $1.45 $1.4__5 6,001 - 12,000 $1.8___Z~ $1.8j $1.81 $1.81 $1.8__j 12,001-24,000 $2.18 $2.18 $2.18 $2.1___j8 $2.1__8 Above 24,000 $2.54 $2.54 $2.5._j4 $2.5_j4 $2.5__4 Residential Multi- Family (gallons per unit) 0-1,000 (min. usage) $1.2__J0 $1.2__0 $1.2__0 $1.2__0 $1.2__J0 1,001-4,000 $1.45 $1.4_j5 $1.4.j5 $1.4__5 $1.4_j5 4,001-9,000 $1.81 $1.81 $1.8__1 $1.81 $1.81 9, oo 1-18,000 $2.1___A8 $2.1__8 $2.1J $2.1J $2.1j Above 18,000 $2.54 $2.52 $2.5__4 $2.5__4 $2.5__4 Commercial (gallons per MEFs*) 0-6,000 Block 1 $1.4___A5 $1.4___A5 $1.45 $1.4j $1.4__5 6,001-12,000 Block 2 $1.81 $1.8~1 $1.8__1 $1.8__1 $1.8__1 12.000-24,000 Block 3 $2.1___~8 $2.1__8 $2.1__8 $2.1___~8 $2.1__8 Above 24,000 Block 4 $2.5~4 $2.5~4 $2.5__4 $2.5__4 $2.5__4 Irrigation (gallons) 0-6,000 $1 .sj $1 .sj $1.8___j~$1 .sj $1.8___Z 6, oo 1 - 18,000 $2.1J $2.18 $2.1j $2.1j $2.1j Above 18.000 $2.5__4 $2.5__4 $2.5__4 $2.5~4 $2.5__4 * Commercial Meter EQuivalencV Factors (MEFs) are defined as shown below: Water Consumption Block Rancles (000 clallons) Meter Size MEFs Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 3/4" 1 .~_.~,0 0-~,_~66 7-12 13-24 Above 24 1" 2 .~,~_5 0-15 16-30 31 .-60 Above 60 ~" 5.__~0_0 0-3""~ 31-6~ 61-1""~0 Above 1'~""~0 2'''r' 8.0 0-48 49-96 97-192 Above 192 Ordinance No. 3685 Page 5 3'__' 15,0 0-90 91-180 181-360 Above 360 4" 25.0 0-150 151-300 301-600 Above 600 ~ 50.0 0-30"~ 301-60""'~ 601-1,200 Above 1,200 8'__' 80.0 0-480 481-960 961-1,920 Above 1,920 10'~' 115~0 0-69""'~ 697-1,38~0 1,381 -2,760 Above 2,760 3_. SURCHARGE FOR OUTSIDE CITY CUSTOMERS - A twenty-five percent (25%) surcharge shall apply to the service availability charge, the consumption charge, and impact fees for customers located outside the City limits. (c~ Fire hydrant rental shall be at the rate of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per year per hydrant. (d) Fire hydrant meter rental shall be at the rate of four hundred fifty dollars ($450.00) per deposit plus a daily usage fee of ten dollars ($10.00) and all applicable water consumption charges, SECTION 5. Existing Section 28-25 (a) (1), (2) and (3), City Code of Sanford, as re-created in Ordinance Number 3164, is hereby deleted in its entirety and a new Section 28-25 (a) (1), (2) and (3), City Code of Sanford, is created to read as follows: WASTEWATER RATES ~ INSIDE CITY LIMITS SERVICE AVAILABILITY CHARGE (a) RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL - There shall be a monthly service availability charge for each account or installed meter as follows: Effective with Bills Rendered on or After Jan. 1, Oct. 1, Oct. 1, Oct__. 1, Oct. 1, 2002 2002 2003 2004 2005 Meter Size 5/8" x 3/4 or 3/4" $5.67 $5.9__~0 $6.1~4 $6.38 .$6.64 1" $14.1__J8 $14.75 $15.34 $15.95 $16.59 1-1/2" $28.3__~7 $29.50 $30.6__8 $31.91 $33.1__8 2'~ $45.38 $47.20 $49.09 $51.0~5 $53.0~9 3'_.__" $85.10 $88.50 $92.0__4 $95.7~2 $99.55 4'__' $141.83 $147.50 $153.40 $159.5~4 $165.92 6'~.' $283.6~ $295.0_7_______p_$306.80'$319.0~7 .$331.8~ Ordinance No. 3685 Page 6 8'=' $453,8~5 $472.0__0 $490.88 $510.52 $530.94 10" $652.40 $678.50 $705.64 $733.87' $763.2__2 MULTI-FAMILY - There shall be a monthly service availability charge, based on the number of dwelling units served by each account or installed meter as follows: Service Availability Jan.____!1,Oct. 1____~,Oct___:_.1,Oct___:_.1, Oct. 1, Cha___rqe.' 200--2 200___~2 200--3 200--4 200-3 Per Dwelling Unit $4.2,5 $4.4__3 $4.6__0 $4.7__9 $4.9__8 2__. SEWAGE TREATMENT CHARGE - In addition to the service availability charge there shall be a charge for actual treatment of sewage as follows: ~ RESIDENTIAL - The sewer treatment charge shall be billed atthe rate of $2.20 per thousand gallons for the first two thousand gallons of water used; then $3.31 for each additional one thousand gallons; based on water meter readings. Minimum monthly billing shall be for two thousand gallons. Maximum sewer flow charge for single family residential accounts shall be based on 12,000 gallons of usage per month. (b) MULTI-FAMILY - The sewer treatment charge shall be billed at the rate of $2.20 per thousand gallons for the first one thousand gallons of water used per dwelling unit; then $3.31 for each additional one thousand gallons or fraction thereof; based on water meter readings, Minimum monthly billing shall be for one thousand gallons per dwelling unit. (c__) COMMERCIAL - The sewer treatment charge shall be billed at the rate of $3.31 per thousand gallons based on water meter readings. Sewer Treatment Charges Per Thousand Gallons Effective with Bills Rendered on or After Jan. 1, Oct. 1~, Oct.___!1, Oct. 1, Oct. 1__, 2002 2002 2003 2004 2005 Residential Single Family (gallons) 0-2,000 (min. usage) $2.2__0 $2.2__0 $2.2__0 $2.2__0 $2.2__0 2,001 - 12,000 $3.31 $3.3___!1 $3.3____!1 $3.3___!1 $3.3__1 Ordinance No. 3685 Page 7 Above 12,000 No Charge No Charge No Charge No Charge No Charge Residential Multi-Family (gallons per unit) 0-1,000 (min. usage) $2.2__0 $2.2(2) $2.2__0 $2.20 $2.212) Above 1,000 $3.31 $3.3'1 $3.31 $3.3__1 $3.31 Commercial All usafie $3.3__1 $3.3__J1 $3.3__1 $3.3__1 $3.3__1 SURCHARGE FOR OUTSIDE CITY CUSTOMERS - A twenty-five percent (26%) surcharge shall apply to the service availability charge, the sewage treatment charge and impact fees for customers located outside the City limits. SECTION 6, Existing Section 28-43 (a) and (b), City Code of Sanford, as re-created in Ordinance Number 3387, is hereby deleted in its entirety. SECTION 7. A new Section of the City Code of Sanford is created to read as follows: 1~ Meter Charges For Potable and Reclaimed Water* Meter Size (inch) Tap Charge Meter Set Charge Total Cost ($) 5/8" or 3/4" $120.0___~0 $190.00** $310.00 1'~ $225.00 $235.00'* $460.00 1-1/2'___L' $215.0__0 $370.00*** $585.00 2" $270.00. $460.00*** $730.00 3'__' ..... Actual Cost to be determined by Utility Department .... 4" ..... Actual Cost to be determined by Utility Department .... 6'__' ..... Actual Cost to be determined by Utility Department .... 8'__' ..... Actual Cost to be determined by Utility Department .... 10" ..... Actual Cost to be determined by Utility Department .... 12" - ....Actual Cost to be determined by Utility Department .... * Standard filed conditions with three feet line depth. Deeper line or abnormal situations may result in hiaher costs~ These costs may not apply in non residential areas. Special Note: Customer is responsible for installing a potable water back-flow prevention Ordinance No. 3685 Page 8 device for all potable irrigation meters and potable meters larger than one inch (1 "). (2) Sewer Taps* Depth of Line to be Tapped Cost <4 Ft. $ 855.00 4-1/""~- 6' Depth $1300.00 6-1/2-10' Depth $1860.00 10' + Depth At Cos__t * Standard field conditions with clear site access. Abnormal situations may result in higher costs. In nonresidential, multifamily and other specific areas sewer taps are to be installed by the developer and constructed to City standards. (See Section 20.51 of the Utility Manual.______!) 3__. Street Cuts* 1/2 width $350.00 Full width $700.0__0 * Standard road conditions. Abnormal situations may result in higher costs. In nonresidential areas, street cuts are to be performed by the developer and constructed to City standards. 4__. Line Bore under Road* ** (2 inch line or smaller) $300.0___J0 larger than 2 inch Actual cost determined by Utility Department * This cost does not include a state or county permit or other special conditions which may be required. ** In nonresidential areas, the developer is responsible for any roadway bores. SE(:;TION 8. Existing Section 28-152.2, City Code of Sanford, as amended in Ordinance Number 3512, is hereby deleted in its entirety, effective January 1, 2002, and a new Section 28.152.2, City Code of Sanford, is created to read as follows and to be effective on January 1,2002: RECLAIMED MONTHLY WATER SERVICE CHARGE Ordinance No. 3685 Page 9 Effective with Bills Rendered on or After January 1, October 1, October 1, October 1, October 1, 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Meter Size 3/4'__' $3.5_~0 $3.5,5 $3.6_.~0 $3.6.j5 $3.7___90 1'__' $8.80 $8.9___.90 $9.0_J0 $9.1.__90 $9.20 1-1/2'____j $17.50 $17.7__0 $17.90 $18.10 $18.30 2" and above $28.00 $28.30 $28.6__0 $28.9__0 $29.20 RECLAIMED WATER CONSUMPTION RATES (per 1,000 gallons) Effective with Bills Rendered on or After January 1, October 1, October 1, October 1, October 1, 2002 2002 2003 2004 2005 Monthly Usage (000 gallons) - Residential 0-2__9o $0.5____9o$0.5___Z$0.5~2 $0.5__3 $0.5__4 21-40 $0.7j $0.7__6 $0.7___Z $o.7__8 $0.79 Above 40 $1.00 $1.0____~1 $1.0__3 $1.0~5 $1.07 Monthly Usage (000 gallons) - Commercial All Usafie $0.5(:) $0.5__1 $0.5__2 $0.5___~3 $0.5__4 SECTION 9. If any section or portionof a section of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional it shall not be held to impair the validity, force or effect or any other section or part of a section of this Ordinance. SECTION 10. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the Ordinance No. 3685 Page 10 same are hereby repealed. SECTION I 1. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, Florida; that the Sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered to accomplish such intention; that the word, "Ordinance," may be changed to "Section," "Article," or other appropriate word; provided, however, that Sections 9, 10, 11 and 12 shall not be codified. SECTION 12. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED and ADOPTED this ./~j(~ day of/~,/~4/~_~-001. ATTEST: CITY OF SANFORD As the City Commission of the Ci~ of Sanford, Florida CERTIFICATE Ordinance No. 3685 Page 11 I, Janet R, Dougherty, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify A'~t~e City Clerk of the Cit~ of Sanford, Florida I:\Lng\Cities~001\Sanford\Ordinances~3685 utility ordinance.wpd O~inance No. 3685 Page 12