HomeMy WebLinkAbout1283 OBDINiaLNCE NO 1283 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE HEIGHT OF STRUC- TURES 'AND OBJECTS OF NATURAL GROWTH IN THE VICINITY OF THE SANFORD AIRPORT BY CREATING ~PHE APPROPRIATE ZONES AND ESTABLISHI~G THE BOUND- ARIES THEREOF: PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF AN AIRPORT ZONING MAP, AIRPORT HEIGHT ZONES AND LLMITATIONS, USE RESTRICTIONS, NON-CONPOR1VIING USES, LIGHTING AND VARIANCES: PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF PERMITS: PROVIDING FOR CREATION OF AN ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCY: PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS. ,.the C~ty Cornmisslon of the City of Sanford adopted OrdLnance No. 1260 on November 12, 1974, said Ordinance being known as the Airport and A~rspace Hazard Zoning Ordinance0 said OrdLnance providing for the establishment of an Airport Zoning Commission under the authority of Chapter 333, Laws of Florida, and WI-IEREAS, it is necessary in order to prcanote the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Sanford to prevent the creation or establishment of aLrport hazards and further to prevent the destruction or ~npairment of the utLlity of Sanford Airpor~ and the publ[n investment there[n; NOWi THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SiNFORD, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1 Short Title This Ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Sanford A~rport ZonLng Ordinance of Sanford, Florida." SECTION 2 Definitions (1) "Airport" means the Sanford Airport, Sanford, Florida. (2) Airport Elevation - The highest point of an aLrportfs nsuable landLug area measured in feet above mean sea level. The establ[shed airport elevation of the Sanford Airport, Sanford, Florida, is 57f above mean sea level (AIVISL), -1- (3) Airport Hazard - Any structure or object of natural growth lccated on or in the vicinity of a public aftport. or any use of land near such airport, which obstructs the airspace required for the flight of aircraft' in land- .ing or takeoff at such airport ar Is otherwise hazardous to such landing or take- off of aircraft. (4) Airport PrLmary Surface - A surface longitudinally centered on a runway. When the runway has a specially prepared bard surface° the primary surface extends 200 feet beyond each end of that runway, The width of the primary surface of a runway 'will be that width prescribed in Part 77 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) for the most precise approach existing or planned for either end of that runway. The elevation of any points,on the primary flufface is the same as the elevation of the nearest point on the runway centerline. (5~ Airport Zoning Chart - Refers to a chart or map of the area affected by the airport zoning, which shows the layout of the runways, the air- port boundaries and the airport elevation. The chart also sets forth the various zones with the applinable height limitations for each. The chart identifies topographic features such as major streams, rivers, railroads. roads and streets. (6) Airspace Height - For the purpose of determining the height timits in all zones set forth in this Ordinance and shown on the zoning map, the datum shall be mean sea level elevation unless otherwise specL~led. (7) Contral Zone - Airspace extending upward from the surface of the earth which may include one or more airports' and is normally a circular area of 5 statute miles in raditjs, with extensions where necessary to include instrument approach and departure paths. (8) Decision Height - The height at which a decis[on must be made during an ILS Luetnnnent approach, to either cc~t[ane the approach or to execute a missed approach. (9) Instrument Runway - A runway having an existLug in~a-ument approach procedure or planned in the Sanford Airpcc-t Master Plan, March 1974, util~zin~ ai~ navigation facilities or area type navigat[cu equ[l:cnent, for which an inst~xment approach procedure has been approved or planned. (10) Minimtun Descent Altitude - The lowest altitude, expressed in feet above mean Sea level, to which descent is authorized on final approach or during circle-to-land maneuvering in executinu of a standard instn~nent approach procedure° where no electronic glide slope is provided. (11) Minimum Enroute Altitude - The altitude in effect between radfo fLxes which assures acceptable navfgational s~gnal coverage and meets obstruction clearance requirements between ~hose fixes. (12) Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude - The specified altitude in effect between radio fixed on VHF cmnidirectional radio range (VOR) airways, off-airway routes, or route segments which meets obst~uctiou clearance requirements for the'entire route segment and which assares acceptable nav[gatt~nal signal coverage only withIn 22 miles of a VOR. (13) Runway - A defined area on an airport prepared for landing and takeoff of aircraft along its length. (14) Visual Runway - A runway intended solely for the operation of airci'aft using vlSual approach procedures with no straight-in instrument approach procedure and no instrument designation indicated on an FAA approved airp~E't layout plan, a military serv[cets approved military airport layour: plan, or by any planriing document submitted t~ the FAA by ccanpetent authority. SECTION 3 Airpo~ Zcnhig Maps In order to outline definitely the horizontal and vex'tics/limits beyond which the projection of any structure o~ tree will constitute an airport hazard, the Airport Height Zoning Map, dated , d the Sanford Airport, Sanford, Florida, attached hareto and ks hereby incorporated into this OrdLnance and made a part hereof. SECTION. 4 Airport Height Zones and Lhnttat[ons (1) Hor[zontsl Surface - The land Iyb~g under a horizontal plane . 150 feet above the established airpart elevation, 207' AMSL at Sanford. The perimeter of the hor~zonts/zone at Sanford Airport ts constructed by swinging arcs of 10,000 feet rexit[ frown the center of each end of the primary surface of each end of Runway 9L/27R and runway 18R/SSL and ccamecting and adjacent arcs by lines tangent to those arcs. No structure shall be permitted in the horizonts/zone that would exceed 150 feet above the established ah'port elevation as depicted on the Airport Height Zoning Map of Sanford, Florida. (2) Conice/Zone - The land lying under a surface extending outward and upward frcau the periphery of the hor[zonthl surface at a slope of 20 to i for a horizontal dtstauce of 4,000 feet at Sanford Airport. No structure shall be permitted in the conical zone that would penetrate the conical surface as depicted ou the Airport Height Zoning Map of Sanford, Florida. (3) Approach Zones - The land lying under a surface longitudinally centered on the extended runway centerline and ex'tend~ng outward and upward froart each end of the primary Surface. An approach surface ts appI~ed to each end of each runwsy based upon the type of approach avaLlabte or planned for the runway end and ls depicted ca the Air, port I-Ie ight Zoning Map of Sanford, Flor ~da. (a) The inner edge of the approach surface is fhe same width as the prhnary surface of each runway, 250 feet wkle for runways 9R, 27L, 18R, 36L, 500 feet wide for Runway 18L, 36Ro and 1,000 feet wide for Runway 9L and 27R at Sanford A~rport. The outer edge of the approach surface is: i) 1,250 feet for Runways ISR, 36L, 9R and ii) 3,500 feet for RunWays 18L and S6R and 27R. t~) 16, 000 feet for Runway 9L. (b) The approach zone eXtends for a har[zontal distance of 5, 000 feet for Runways 18R, 36Lo 9R and 27L and 10, 000 feet for Runway 18L and S6R, and 27R and 50, 000 feet for Runway 9L. (c) The slopes of the approach zones are as follows: ~) 20 to 1 for Runways 18Ro S6L, 9R and 27L. ii) 34 to I .for Runways 18L and 36R and 27R. i~) 50 to 1 for the fh~st 10, 000 feet horizontal distance with an'add[tional 12, 000 feet horizontal distance at a slope of 40 to I until intersection with a plane 500 feet above the airpnrt elevation for 28, 000 feet for Runway 9L, as depicted on the Airport Height ZonLng Map of Sanford, Florida. (d) No structure shall be permitted in the approach zone that ~5- would penetrate the approach slope for' that runway, as depicted cn the Airport Height Zoning Map of Sanford, Florida. (4) Transitional Zone - The land lying under surfaces extending outward and upward at fight angles to the runway centerline and the runway certerline extended at a slope of 7 to 1 frcau the sides of the prknary and approach surfaces. However, when the slope of 7 to 1 intersects a plane 500 feet above the established airport elevation, the transitional surface beccmes a plane 500 feet above the establfshed airport elevation as depicted on the Airpor~ Hefght Zoning Map of Sanford, Florida, No structure. shall be permitted that would penetrate the transitional surface as depicted cm the Airport Height Zcning Map of Sanford, Florida. (5) No structure shall be permitted in City of Sanford tha~ would raise an existing published Minknum Descent Altitude or Decksinn He~gh~ for any Lustrttrnent approach to any runway at the Sanford Airport, nor shall any structure be permitted that wou~d raise or increase the Minimum Obstruct[on Clearance Altftude or Min[znum EnrOute Altitu~le on any Fe~leral Airway in the City of Sanford. S~C~mN 5 ~e No~withstandin~ any other provisioa of thie Ordinance, no use may be made of land or water within the C~ty of Sanford in such a manner as to interfere with the operation of an airborne aircraft. The following special requirements shall apply to each permitted use: (1) All lights of illm'ninat[on used in coujunctioa with street, parkh~, signs or use of land and structures shall be arranged and operated in such a manner that it is not misleading or dangerous to aircraft operating frown the Sanford Airpor~ or in v~cin[ty therec4o -6- (2) No operations from any use shall produce smoke, glare or other visual hazards withhi three (3) statute m~les of any usable runway of the Sanford A~rpor~. (3) No operations fi-cm any use in the City of Sanford Shall produce electl'onic ~nt~rference w~th nav~,~atlc~l signals c~ radio ccmmunlcation between the airport and'a~rcFaft. SECTION 6 Ncu-cur~ea-m[u~ Uses The regulations preserved ~n Sections 4 and 5 of this Ordinance sl~ll not be construed to reclu[re the re~ovalo lowering c~ other chan~e or alteration of any structure or ~ree not confcrm~n~ to the regulations ~s of the effective date hereof, or etherwise Luterfere with the ccmth~uance of any nc~-conf~a-~fing use. Nothing here~n contained shall require any change in the construction, alteration or intended use of any structure the con~t,~cfion or alteration of which was be~xn pr[c~ to the effective date of this 0rd~nance. SECTION 7 NOTWITHSTANDING the prcvislcus of this 0rd~nance the owner of any structure over 200 feet above ~rcund level must ~nstall cu that structure light~ng in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circxfiar 70/7460-1C and Amendments. Additionally, any structure exceeding 949 feet above mean sea level must ~nstall on that structure high intensity white obstructlen l~ghts. The h~h intensity white ob~t~-uction l~hts must be ~n accordance with the Federal Aviation Advisory C~rcular 70/7460- IC and Amend- ment~s. SECTfeN 8 Variances My person desiring to erect or [ucrease the he~ht of any structure, or use his proper~y net ~n accordance with the regulations prescribed ~n thi~ Ord [uance may apply to the City of S~mford Board of Adju~trnente. No application for var~mce to the requirements of this Ordinance m~y be considered by the Board of Adjustments unless a copy of the applicatice has been provided the Airport Manager of Sanfc~l Airport for his review aud advice as to ~eronauti~al effects of the variance. If the Sanford Airpert Manager does not resl~ond to the appl~catic~l fee variance within ~[fteen (15) days after receipt the Board of Ad3ushnents may act on its own tongrant or deny said application. The Sanlard BOard of Adjustments shal/act on variances in accordance with Section 15, City d Sanford Ordinance no. 1260o SECTION 9 Permits (l) Future Uses - No material change shell be made in the nee of land, and no ~ucture or tree shall be erected, altered, planted, or otheri wise established, in any airport approach zones° horizonte/zone, conical zone or transitlona/zone, unless a permit therefeee shall have been applied for and ' granted by the City of Sanford Airport Zoning Ccmmission. However~ ~!a permit for a tree or structure of less than seventy-five (75) feet of vertical height above the ground shall not be required in the horizontal or conical zone or in any approach or transition zoae beyond a horizontal distance of 5000 feet frown each end of the ranway except when such tree or structure, because of terrain, land contour, or topographic features, would extend above the he~t~t limit prescribed for the respective zone. Each such application shall indicate the perpose for which ~he pemit is desired, with sufficient particularity to permit it to be determined whether the resulting use, structure, or tree would conform to the regulations here prescribed. If such determination is in the affirmative, the permit: applied for shall be granted. .(2) Existing Uses ~ Before any existing use, struc~rre or tree may be replaced, substantially altered or repaired, rebuilt, allowed to grow higher, or replanted, within any airport approach zone, horizontal zone, conical~zone, or transiti~al zcfie, a permit must be secured authorizing such repMcement c~e ~ repa~ ~om the City ~ ~d A~p~ Z~g C~m[ssion. No such pem[t sha~ be ~d that 'w~d allow ~he es~bl[s~ent or creation of a~p~ hazed or pem~ a n~-c~g use, ~uc~re, ~ ~ee robe mMe ~ bec~e hiker, ~ bec~e a ~ea~r hazard~to a~r nav~gat~ %~ [~ was ~ the effect~e date ~ this ~d~ce or t~ it .~s when ~e applica~[0n f~ a pem[t f~ replac~ent, chugs ~ ~epa[r ~ ex~st~ use. ~mc~re. or s~ be ~ted. {3) ~enever the City ~ ~ford Airpro Zon~g C~m[ss[on de~em~es ~a~ a n0n-c~f~-n~g use ~ n~-c~g ~uc~re ~ ~ee has be~ ab~doned f~ a p~i~ d s~ (6) months ~ is m~e ~ e[ghty per cent t~n down, dem~ed, deteri~ated ~ decayed. no pemit sh~ be ~anted t~ w~d ~ow said s~cme or ~ee to ~ceed ~he applicable he~ht l~it ~ ~herwise devote fr~ the z~g re~lat[~s. ~CTI~ 10 A~[m~ive Agency The c[~ ~ ~d A~po~ Zon~g C~m[ssim is hereby des[~ated the A~l~afive Age~y ch~ged with the dUW d a~er~ e~c~ ~e re~a~i~s here~ prescr~ed w~th~ ~eir respective te~it~ l~{ts. The duties d the A~ls~atlve Agencies sh~ include tha~ dec~d~g ~ ~m[ts ~der ~ct[~ 9, but the A&~i~ative Agencies s~ n~ have ~ exe~ise ~y ~ the p~ers ~ duties here~ dele~ted toUChe B~d of Adju~e~s. SECTION 11 C~[ct~g Where this ~ance ~poses a ~eater or m~e ~gent re~cti~ up~ ~e use ~ l~d th~ ~s ~posed or requ~ed by ~y ~her ~d~ace ~ re,latin, ~e pr~is[ons ~ this ~nce sh~ g~ern. -9- SECTION :12 Se~erabU~ty If any of the provisions of this Ordinance ~r the application thoreof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such inx~altdatton shah not affect other prov~sims or applications of the Ordinance which can be given effect withon~ th~ invalid provislon or application, and to this end the provtsicns of this Ordinance ore declared, to be severable. SECTION 13 That this Ordinance shall bec~ne effective tmmed{ately upon {ts passage and adoption. -10- THIS ORDINANCE PASSED AND ADOPTED this i0l:hday ~f Mazch . 19 75 . Mayor Art t: . . ] .... ...... / of Sanford, Florida. CERTIFICATE I, RoSa. M. Rot~ndo, Depu.~yjei~C=lerk':6f:~he=Ci,ty:"6f.;'Sanfoz~,'!F'lorid~, hereby certify that a true and cozrec~ copy of ~he foregoing ~aln~ce No. 1283, PASSED and.~PTED by the City C~m~ssion of the City of S~- ford~ ~rida, on the ~0th ~y of ~rch, 1975~ was P~TED at the front door of the City Ha~l in the ci~ of S~ford~ Flori~, on the l~=h day ~ ~ ~ As ~he Deputy City Clerk of the .- ~%y of Sanford, Flori~ RUNWAY ELEVATI 7 L.-~-,. R~ -'~°T[ ~'_ ,. .. .~ ~ ~ · .-. ........ .. J :~ .... ~ ~ ~ ~ :'. ~ ' , . ~oo~ SANFORD AIRPORT AUTHORI3 ~ SANFORD FLORIDA .-~ ~:: ':::':.~ AIRPORT APPROACH PLAN ~'' ~ ~ ~ JO~N S. BRISTOL AND ASSOCIATES.