HomeMy WebLinkAbout756 RECOROS " O~INANCE NO, 756 FLORIDA~ CL~ING~ VACATING AND ABAN- DONING THAT PORTION OF 6TH ST~ET FROM L~UST AVENUE TO O~GE AVEN~ AND RESER~G ~TO SAD CITY AN EAS~ENT BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY OF SAN~O~, SECTION i.' ~at that potion of Sanford, Florida, lying ~een the rights-of-way of L~ust ~venue and Orange Avenue, ~, and the same is hereby, closed, vacated and a~ndoned as a public street in the C~ty of Sanford, Flori6a, provided, however, that the CiW does hereby retain of said area an easement for the purposes of I~ating and maintaining thereon public utilities and utility lines and drainage st~ctureS. SECTION 2, That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewi~ be and the same are hereby repealed; SECTION 3' ~at this ordinance shall ~come effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOFrED this 26 day of June A.D. 1961. ~a~ . .'.' -OFFICIAL RECORDS C -E-R -T- I - F- I - C-A':T.E I, H. N. Tamm, Jr., City Clerk of. the City of Sanford, Florida do hereby certify that a true and cor-".":' · ::.};:":':..::;L" rect copy of the foregoing Ordinance No 765, PASSED and . ...:.,...:.4'. . .. ADOPTED by the City Comn~lssion of the City of Sanford., . ..".'.':'. Florida, on the 26th day of June was POSTED at the'front :.:.,: :,...T' door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 2?th day of ~une 196i. ' ..::.