HomeMy WebLinkAbout3917 ORDINANCE NO. 3917 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI~ OF SANFORD. F TO ANN~ ~HIN TH _ . LORIDA, , rw~ ~UUPTION OF SAID ORDI 6.57 ACRES OF PROPERTY .v,., ........ NANCE, ~ ==~WEEN COUNTRY CLUB ROAD AND CR_~ A AND BET~EN W. AIRPORT BOUL~ARD AND THE CENT~L FLORIDA GREEN~AY; IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE V P.ov s ONS SECT O- --- ANN ON ,~ .~.u~, ~LORIDA ST · PROVIDING FOR Sm~==- ...... ATUTES, EFFECT~E DATE. ~'=~=~ ~' CONFLICTS AND WHEREAS, there has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, a petition containing the name of the property owner in the area described hereinafter requesting annexation to the corporate area of the City of Sanford, Florida, and requesting to be included therein; and WHEREAS, the City Staff having certified that there is one property owner in the area to be annexed and that said property owner has signed the Petition for Annexation; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the property described hereinafter is reasonably compact and contiguous to the corporate areas of the City of Sanford, Florida, and it has further been determined that the annexation of said property will not result in the creation of any enclave; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanford, Florida, is in a position to provide municipal services to the property described herein, and that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, deems it in the best interest of the City to accept said petition and to annex said property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: ~E~ That the property described below, situated in Seminole County, Florida, be and the same is hereby annexed to and made a part of the City of Sanford, Florida, pursuant to the voluntary annexation provisions of Section 171.044, Florida Statutes: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" _,,~ECT~ That upon this Ordinance becoming effective, the property owners and any residents on the property described herein shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges and immunities as are from time to time granted to residents and property owners of the City of Sanford, Florida, as further provided in Chapter 171, Florida Statutes, and shall further be subject to the responsibilities of residence or ownership as may from time to time be determined by the governing authority of the City of Sanford, Florida, and the provisions of said Chapter 171, Florida Statutes. -S_.E_~TION 3: If any section or portion of a section of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or part of this Ordinance. ~ That al/Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby revoked. Ordinance No. 3917 ~ That this Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~day of ~, A.D. 2005. City Commission of the City of Brady Le~ E-C--~-~-~F I C A T E I, Janet R. Dougherty, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 3917, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the/~'~/day of L~,~, 2005, was posted at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the /~day of?..~,~.g:::~&C/,[,2005. Ordinance No. 3917 EXHIBIT "A' PARC~EL !: Tax id -- - No. 34- ! 9-30-300-0 i 2 B-0000 The East 521 feet o£the West 957 feet of the South 12.8 chains oftbe SE I/4 of the SE I/4 of Section 34, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, lying South O£Country Club Road. LESS the North 351.5 feet of the East 118 feet thereof AND LESS AND EXCEPT: The East 220 feet to the South 493.30 feet, (Less the West 25 feet of the North 268.70 feet thereof). And Less and Except that portion contained in that certain Page 675; amended Order of Taking Order of Taking filed December 14, 1998 in Official Records Book 3553, · - . filed December 18, 1998 in Official Records Book 3557, Page 626, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, being described as follows: A portion of the Southeast I/4 of Section 34, described as follows: Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, being more Particularly .Commence at.a found 5/8" rebar W/cap 'Henrich' markin- th intersection with the existing northerly right of win, tl ~ .~ e Southeast corner of the South,~o, ·, ,. Department °f Transportation R/oft_or_Urn.. . ., ,,ne o. t-oanty Road 46A-25th Street ~e_~, ~/,~ o,f.s, ald Section 34 and its Southeast I/4 of said Section 34 ~n~ o".~.a,Y Map, Section 77310-2502; then ~,o ~t.w estanlisbed) as shown on Florida continue North 89059, I 0" W .... , ~ai.u northerly right of way line ~ a- . ce run North 89059' 10" West .i - , ~o, mong me South l;-~ ~-~ ~ - ' "instance of 583 02 t ...... ,-,rog me :south line of~ho sa~d County Road 46A-25th Street, a d/stance of 306.39 feet to the West line of the East 521 feet of the West 957 feet of the utc v~ortt~erly fight of way line of Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of.said Section 34; thence departing the South line of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 34 and the Northerly right of way line of said County Road 46A-25th Street, feet of the West 957 feet of the Southeast I/4 of the Southeast run North 00o 16'49" West a/ong the West line of the East 52 I 1/4 of said Section 34, a distance of 457.01 feet to a point on a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 833.30 feet and a central angle of 15025,33"; thence departing the West line of the East 521 feet of the West 957 feet of the Southeast I/4 of the Southeast I/4 of said Sectton 34, fi'om a tangent beefing of South 15o26,56" 00°01 '23" East 135.35 feet; thence mn So~th 84ol4,5~,, East 279 25 ' ' East, run Southeasterly along the arc of smd curve a thstance of 224.35 feet to the point oftangency of said curve; thence run South to the Point of Beginning. - feet; thence mn Sooth 00029,36" East, a distance of 72.12 feet Together with all rights of ingress, on the above described property, egress, light, ' - ~ _2: Tax Id No. 34-19-30-300-0120-0000 The North 136 feet oftbe South 844.8 feet of the East 118 feet oftbe West 957 feet of the Southeast I/4 of the Southeast I/4 of Section 34, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Flor/da, less right-of-way for Country Club Road. PAR_~_R_~CEL 3: Tax id No. 34-19-30-300-012C-0000 The North 110 feet of the South 708.8 feet of the East 118 feet of the West 957 feet of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast I/4 of Section 34, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida· PAR_~_~CEL_4: Tax Id No. 34-19-30-300-012A_0000 The North 105 feet of the South 598.3 feet of the East 96 feet oftbe West 957 Section 34, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida. feet of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast I/4 of Seminole Court ANNEXATION REQUEST PROPERTy I.D. 34-19-30.300.0. 34' 19'30'300-0120.0000 I2C-0000 012A-0000 PROPERTy OWNER SANFORD COMMERCE CENTER, LTD COMMERCE SANFORDCOMMERCE CENTER, LTD SANFORDCOMMERCE CENTER, LTD Seminole County PROPERTy ADDREss W. 25TH STREET 2715 COUNTRY CLUB RD 2715 COUNTRy CLUB RD 2715 COUNTRy CLUB RD A-1 A-I A-1 ZONING AG AG AG 6.57