HomeMy WebLinkAbout054 ~LIC STREET I>I ~-~ ~:~' ~ ~[~ su~ey of th~ portio~ ,o from the corner of Palmet~c Av~nuo ~nd Second Street~ ~cn~o discloses that the various property owners .~s well ~ ~:.~ City c-~ ,~n=ora~owning property ~n the Ezst si~ F~lm~tto Avenue ffro~ the corner o hayer ~n,i constructed perm~ent brick structures ;znd ' ~ge, which said buildin,,, - oonszruoted in part oil s;ll~ portion e~id PaC[metto Avenue is locazed and Trafford,s Map of q.~ ~, ~-1 ~, ,,~nf ~r : lozi of P~ motto Av~enue as sho~vn on and by the only -,~.'' ,-,, this time in existence, ';h°r;ino ~-~, v.,,~z ~ stz to time has furnish e,~ ,~nc~ ~s~blishsd gi'~zd~s for th~ ~cnst~c- tion of perm~ent side w~lks on that portion off Palmetto Avenue from the oorn~r of P~metto Avenue and Street~ extending north to th~ w~ter:~ of Lake ~.~onrc~, and ~R~AS~ in so furnimhing ~nd establiskin~, ~t ~io~s't'i~S for.~th~ oonstruotlon of s~d sidewalks, lln~ of the grades for side-walks so established, h~i~ ds s~ gnat ed b y ~he City of S-mford, F ~1 property ~butting ~nd frontin~r the East side-'of palmetto Avenue fz°r'~ the cortez off palm. to Avenue~-.~d.'Seoond S~cet, exZ~nding no~th to the water~ of L~ke E~rSe~sth~o~h no ~ult ou ~heir p~rm, h~v~ o~used to be e~eOte& ~d const~oted pm=tlY in ~nd upon P~met~-° Avenue, ~s said p~metto Avenue is ~own ~- buildings ~mffo~d s m~P ~d structures on the E~ side of p~metto Avenue between the polnt~ ~fores~id, ~ud N~MA~ it ~ppemrs ~o the City Commis~iou o~ the City of S~fo~d, Florida, .~h~ it will inure to thr~ bo~.',t inter- ests and benefit of th~ peopl~ of th~ City of ~n~o~' ~ i'~ ~t ~, 5nd to the City cmf ~nford, Flori ~, to v.~-~c~te, ~b~n&On ~z~ permanently olosG ~z~ ~ l~ub!ic street~ ti~t 9~t o? ]~Ametto ~venUe herein after described, THEP~FORE~ BE IT Ei~A. CTYiD BY T}!E pEoPLE OF T~ CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION %' ' That the portion cf tha ~,~st side of p~lmetto AvenUe in the City of S-,~for~'i, Flori~-:'~, as shc',?n by '~. U~. Trafford~s map of S~ford, Florida, ~s per pl~t *hcroof ~u~Y of ~eoord in the public records ~f Semir:cl~ ,..~ ~u~y, Flori:b~, described ~s fol!ows~ tO--V~it:m Beginning at the soutb~'~est corner of ~lo~.. ~,~, ~ler One; ~uu west two feet; thence north to L~~k'o i,[onroe; then~ East two feet; thence oou~h to beginuiu~;~, au~l Be~inuln~ ~t the $outhwast corner of ~.lo~k Two, the Tier One, ~ west t~'~o feet; thence North E22 ~ feet to~ .~SoUth ~'2.6 feet ; run 80nth 186 feet; thence West two feet; tEe~ce Ernst tWo'~et to 'beginning .the ~i~me is hereby permanently vacated and closed as a to beginning, and ~lso Beginning at the Northwest corner of ~!ock thence North street or high-wmy. SECTION 2. That this ordinance immediately upon its passage and adoption. ' Adotped this~ &ay of ~n~ become effective sh~ll be ~ A.D.19~$. ~ttest: ' ~ ~,G~ty Clerk~ City rd~ ~lorida. Moved ~d seconded that the requirements of a second reading of the ~°ve ~d foregoing ordinance, at another Re~lar meet- lng of the city Co~ission not less th~ one week from this dmte, sh~l be dispensed with-by the un~lmous vote of the City Co~issi PtHKVRNvt !RJKbE, tLERK OF CIRLUIT CIDURT SENUMI-E CL WY HF{ .724 FIGS 041 o-,Cb413 CLERK'P S # 2005079.523 RECURVED 05,,QV 'k15 11:14:02 AN RECIMI)ING FEES 35S.541 RECURVED BY t holden C E R T I F I C A T E I, Cynthia Porter, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that the following is a true and correct copy of ORDINANCE NO. 54, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 23rd day of July, 1923_ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of the City of Sanford, Florida, this 10th day of May, 2005. As t Deputy City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida