HomeMy WebLinkAbout3856 ORDINANCE NO. 3856 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3528 (CITY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN) AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED; PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT OF THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN ELEMENT, TRANSPORT A TION ELEMENT AND THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sanford's Planning and Zoning Commission, as the City's local planning agency, held a public hearing on March 4, 2994, to consider amending the Future Land Use Element, the Transportation Element, and the Future Land Use Map of the Future Land Use Element of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, as the City's governing body, held a public hearing on March, 22, 2004, to consider the same amendments to the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan, Sanford, Florida; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing its first annual amendment in 2004 to the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That portion of the Future Land Use Plan Element referenced as the Future Land Use Map is hereby amended by changing the land use designation assigned to certain lands. A copy of the changes to the Future Land Use Map and respective land use designation for such lands is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein and hereby made a part of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan. SECTION 2. That portion of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and included herein, which depicts revisions to the Goals, Objectives and Policies or text or exhibits of the (1) Future Land Use Element, and (2) Transportation Element is hereby made a part of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. If any section, sentence, phrase, word or portion of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to impair the validity, force or effect of any other action or part of this Ordinance. SECTION 4. CONFLICTS. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall become effective immediately when the State Land Planning Agency issues a final order detennining the adopted amendment to be in compliance in accordance with Section 163.3184(9), Florida Statutes, or when the Administration Commission issues a final order detennining the adopted amendment to be in compliance in accordance with Section 163.3184(10), Florida Statutes, whichever occurs first. PASSED and ADOPTED this 26th day of July, 2004. City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida .~A~~ Attest: ~~ ~~~UGlffiR Y, CITY LERK CITY OF SANFORD FIRST COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT 2004 DISTORIC WATERFRONT GATEWAY Adopted July 26,2004 Prepared by the City of Sanford Planning and Development Services Department SUMMARY OF 1ST COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT OF 2004 Text Amendments: The following text amendments are included in the first Comprehensive Plan Amendment of 2004: Activity Centers: On July 29, 2003, Sanford transmitted to the DCA a proposed ordinance for a Regional Activity Center (RAC) located adjacent to 1-4 and SR 417 (The Greeneway). On August 31, 2003, the DCA determined the proposed ordinance to be consistent with Rule 28-24.014(10), F.A.C. and directed the City to adopt the RAC by an amendment to the comprehensive plan at the next opportunity for an amendment. This amendment includes both general policies for all activity centcrs and specific policies for the City's first RAC, the Marketplace at Seminole Towne Center. Airport Master Plan: On November 11,2003, in a letter from Valerie Hubbard, Director of the Division of Community Planning, Department of Community Affairs, to Brady Lessard, Mayor of the City of Sanford, approving the incorporation of the Airport Master Plan into the Sanford Comprehcnsive Plan in 2003, the DCA iterated follow-up actions to be addressed in the next available comprehensive plan amendment cycle. This amendment cycle addresses the following issues raised by the DCA: I. Correct the legend on the Future Land Use Map to be consistent with the policies establishing the maximum residential densities for Airport Industry & Commerce (AIC) at less than or equal to 50 du/acre for rental residential uses and I du/acre for single family residential; 2. Correct the table on Page 2 and the legend on the Future Land Use Map to be consistent with Policy 1-2.4.9 which establishes the maximum FAR for AIC at 1.0; 3. Include the north-south runway 18-36 in the policies under goal number I of Policy 1- 2.4.1 (Page 5); 4. Revise the first sentence under Policy 1-2.4.9 (Page 17) to include "residential rental properties"; 5. Amend Policy 2-1.12.3 (Page 26) establishing a significance level of 5% for traffic mitigation consistent with Chapter 9J-2; 6. Modify language in Policy 2-1.12.3 (Page 27) to clarify the intent of allowing the Airport to proceed with development at the Airport's expense if a funding agreement is not achieved; 7. Revise the table on Page 59 to show both the planned level and adopted level of service standards after the road improvements in Policy 2-1.1 0.3 (Page 22) are completed; If revisions to the table on page 59 shows any roadways operating below the adopted LOS, then appropriate action would need to be taken to either (I) reduce the amount of development planned for the airport, (2) reduce other land uses in the vicinity of the airport that are contributing impacts to those road segments, (3) budget additional capital improvements, or (4) some combination of the above; 8. Adopt a map that clearly shows the boundaries of the airport layout plan; I 9. Include language in a policy stating that where conflicts occur between what is allowed on the future land use map and what is shown on the ALP, that the comp plan would need to be amended before any use not consistent with the FLUM is allowed; 10. Prior to any development by the Airport of any lands in the County that are included in the ALP will be required to be annexed into the City of Sanford giving the City Comprehensive Plan authority over lands in the county that are included in the Alp or the City will seek Seminole County to also adopt the airport master plan and related policies or the City will enter into a joint planning agreement with the county giving the city comprehensive plan authority over the lands in the county that arc included in the ALP. Criteria for Future Land Use Map Amendments: The Sanford Comprehensive Plan has contained criteria with which to assess future land use map amendments in Policy 8-1.5.6. However, these criteria only pertain to capital improvements. No criteria pertaining to land use, environmental and population issues are included On several occasions, this has led to confusion on the part of an applicant concerning how an application for an amendment would be reviewed. The inclusion of additional criteria will formalize and clarify the future land use map amendment procedure and enable the City to more equitably and effectively evaluate map amendments. Change in definitions of density, land area and open space. The City and Seminole County use different methods to calculate density, land area and open space. The County's method of calculating density is more stringent because it prohibits the use of water, wetlands, rights-of way and flood prone areas as a basis for density. The desire to have uniform definitions is prompted by the impending approval of the City's and County's amended Joint Planning Agreement for implementing land use policy. MaD Amendments: The City of Sanford proposes to amend the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan and the text of the Comprehensive Plan. A total of 54 amendments with to the Future Land Use Map are proposed. The total acreage being amended is 635 acres. All sites but one are recent annexations into the city of Sanford from Seminole County. Three of the annexation sites will have different future land use designations than those that they had in the County. Table 1 summarizes the sites and land use designations. In addition, one site already in the City will amend its future land use designation. Table 2 summarizes the impacts of the amendments on public services and facilities. Table 3 summarizes roadway impacts. The attached maps depict site location, existing land use and the proposed Future Land Use Plan Map designations for each amendment. II. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Summary Of 1" Amendment Of2004......................................................................1 Amendments To The Text Of The Comprehensive Plan.... ....... ..... .... ....... ..... ......... ..1-30 Boundaries Of Airport Layout Plan .......................................................................................Map I-II Sanford Activity Centers........ ................... .......... ....... ... ................ ................... ...... ..................Map 1-12 Data, Inventory And Analysis For Text Amendments............. ...... ...... ... ......... ........31-35 Amendments To The Future Land Use Map Site Location and Future Land Use Map For Map Amendment Sites Existing Land Use Conditions Maps And Future Land Use Designations For 53 Map Amendment Sites Data, Inventory And Analysis For Map Amendments.... ......... ................ ........ .......36-45 St. Johns River Water Management District Potable Water Availability Worksheet Ord. 3856 (7112/04) CHAPTER 1: LAND USE ELEMENT This section stipulates goals, objectives, and implementing policies for the Land Use Element pursuant to 163.3177(6)(3), F.S., and 9J-5.006(3), F.A.C. GOAL 1-1: LAND USE ENSURE THAT THE CHARACTER AND LOCATION OF LAND USES INCORPORATE BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND PRINCIPLES OF RESOURCE CONSERVATION, PROMOTE ORDERLY LAND USE TRANSITION, AND MINIMIZE THREATS TO HEALTH, SAFETY, AND WELFARE WHICH MAY BE ENGENDERED BY INCOMPATIBLE LAND USES, ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION, HAZARDS, AND NUISANCES. Obiective 1-1.1: Plan And Design For Residential Quality. The City of Sanford shall continue to enforce land development regulations with performance criteria and a zoning map designed to provide sufficient space for residential development and required community facilities to adequately meet the housing needs of the present and expected future population. Residential development shall be planned and dcsigned to create and perpetuate stable residential neighborhoods and implement policies stipulated below. Potier 1-1.1.1: Provide Access to Goods and Services and Protect Residential Areas from the Adverse Impacts of Transition in Land Use. Stable residential areas and projected future residential areas as delineated on the Future Land Use Map shall be protected from encroachment by incompatible nonresidential development. This policy does not preclude necessary community facilities from locating within residential areas when such activities satisfY established criteria of this plan and the City's land development regulations. Any potential adverse impacts caused by different land uses located adjacent to each other shall be minimized by landscaping, including vegetated berms with tree canopy, and other appropriate screening and buffering techniques. These landscaping techniques shall be incorporated into the design of new or redeveloping nonresidential projects located adjacent to existing or planned residential development. Similarly, perimeter landscaping techniques shall be applied in multiple family residential developments in order to appropriately screen and buffer existing and planned single family home sites from residential development having differing structure types and density. Upon plan adoption the following criteria shall be implemented through site plan review: Landscape buffers serving as a visual screen shall be required along the perimeter of all properties where potential land use incompatibilities or other adverse impacts may exist. Such buffers shall be maintained in perpetuity. One of the following basic types of visual screens shall be required depending on the intensity of the potential adverse impacts: · Type One (I) Visual Screening - Masonry Wall. A Type One visual screen shall mean a continuous, non-perforated and solid masonry wall at least six (6) feet in height, except Ord. 3856 (7/12/04) where a lesser or greater height is required by this ordinance. Such required wall shall be constructed of cement block, brick or other similar masonry material. If the wall is constructed of cement block, the side facing the abutting use shall be faced with stucco or another similar decorative finish. In addition, one (I) tree shall be provided every twenty- five (25) feet along the wall. · Type Two (2) Visual Screening - Hedge. A Type Two visual screen shall mean a continuous hedge of dense shrub plantings which shall attain a height of at least six (6) feet within eighteen (18) months of the time of planting, except where a lesser or greater height is required by this ordinance. Such required hedge shall not be less than four (4) feet in height at the time of planting. The maximum distance between shrub foliage at time of planting shall be two (2) feet. Type One visual screen may be utilized in conjunction with Type Two visual screen when either type of visual screen is required. In addition, one (I) tree shall be provided every twenty-five (25) feet along the hedge. · Type Three (3) Visual Screening - Shrubs. A Type Three visual screen shall mean the required planting of twenty-five (25) shrubs per one-hundred (100) lineal feet within the required buffer. Type One and Type Two visual screens may be utilized in conjunction with Type Three visual screen. In addition, a Type Three visual screen shall include the provision of one (I) tree every fifty (50) lineal feet. · Berms. Earthen berms may be utilized to provide all or a portion of the required height of visual screening. Such berms shall generally be centered within a minimum area of ten (10) feet in width and shall utilize a slope on: I or less. A flexible matrix shall be uscd as a guide in determining appropriate visual screens to screen potentially incompatible uses. The matrix shall identity proposed uses, abutting uses, and shall site alternative setbacks. The setback selected by the applicant/development shall determine the specific visual screen requirement. Waiver shall be provided based on thc following types of conditions: · When such requirements would result in an arbitrary and Wldesirable view obstruction from a major thoroughfare; · When the reduction of such requirements would not be detrimental to the adjacent parcel or parcels; · When such visual screen would be unreasonable and excessive due to the size of the parcel in question and/or the fact that the required visual screen is not necessary due to the unique location and/or natural topographical or other physical character of the specific parcel in question and provided such reduction would not be detrimental to the adjaccnt parcel or parcels. All proposed development site plan review criteria shall require retention of open space and for regulating building design, including setbacks, building placement on site, and building oricntation. Thcse provisions shall be directed toward protecting privacy, as well as to light, air and open space. 2 Ord. 3856 (7112/04) The minimum standard for open space retention shall be as follows: Proposed Land Use Minimum Open Space Required (1) Residential Institutional Commercial Industrial 50% 35% 25% 20% (1) 01"88 sflaee must Be flofeHs gr-e8B sflaee. Open space means any portion of a parcel which is open and unobstructed from the ground to the sky. including areas maintained in a natural and undisturbed character and areas which are permeable in nature. Open space shall not include water areas below the control water elevation. or areas covered with buildings. sidewalks. pools. decks and patios. paved parking areas. drives or other paved areas. If open space is not maintained in a natural and undisturbed state. it shall be maintained as a landscaped or sodded area. The percent is expressed as rcquired open space to total site area. Obiective 1-1.8: Desi!mate Rel!ional Activity Centers As Appropriate Areas For Intensive Growth And Development. Regional Activity Centers (RACs) are intended to encourage development or redevelopment of areas that are of regional significance. RACs may include residentiaL retail; office: culturaL recreational and entertainment facilities: hotels and motels: or appropriate industrial facilities. Policv 1-1.8.1: Purpose of Rel!ional Activity Centers. The purpose of Regional Activity Centers is to: .! Plan appropriate and balanced land uses on a scale. and at an intensity. consistent with the availability of public facilities and services. particularlv with regard to providing adequate levels of service on maior thoroughfares serving the center: .! Facilitate mixed use development: .! Encourage mass transit: . Reduce the need for automobile travel: .! Provide incentives for quality development: and .! Give definition to the urban form through clustering of uses rather than strip-type development. Policv 1-1.8.2: Characteristics of Rel!ional Activity Centers. Regional Activity Centers (RACs) are multi-use areas appropriate for intensive growth and have the following characteristics: .! Compact in design: .! High densities and intensities: .! Routinelv used bv a significant number of citizens of more than one county: .! Proximate and accessible to interstate highways and maior arterial roadways: and .! Adequate public facilities including water. roads. wastewater. solid waste disposaL stormwater drainage and recreation. Policv 1-1.8.3: Consistency with Comprehensive Plan. All Regional Activity Centers shall be consistent with the Sanford Comprehensive Plan. Densities and intensities of activity centers shall be 3 Ord. 3856 (7112/04) increased based on the underlving future land use map densities and intensities as stipulated in Goal 1_ 2: Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan. Policy 1-1.8.4: Location. RACs shall be suitable for increased development-of-regional-impact guidelines and standards. Examples of areas which mav be appropriate for the RAC include downtown and communitv redevelopment areas: areas surrounding regional community facilities such as the airport or a government complex: and areas surrounding or proximate to an existing development -0 f- regional- impact. Poliev 1-1.8.5: Boundaries. Each RAC shall be a defined geographical area. delineated on the Future Land Use Map of the Sanford Comprehensive Plan (Map I-II). Policy 1-1.8.6: Expansion of a Rel!ional Activity Center. A regional activity center shall onlv be expanded bv an amendment to the text of the Comprehensive Plan and an amendment to the future land use map of the Comorehensive Plan. The following evaluation criteria. in addition to other planning policies set forth in the Sanford Comprehensive Plan shall be used to assess modifications to an Activity Center's boundaries: .! The reauest shall have property that is contiguous to an existing Activity Center boundary: .! The future land use designation sought for the property must be consistent with those allowed for the adiacent Activity Center: .! Soil and environmental characteristics of the sitc must be capable of supporting minimum density and intensity standards for the proposed Future Land Use Designation: .! Transit service must be available on roads adiacent to the site: or. if not currentlv available. the site must occur within one-half mile walking distance to an existing transit route and a continuous pedestrian oathwav must connect the property to the nearest transit route: .! Zoning applications must accompanv the Future Land Use Amendment if reauired: .! If the applicant is other than the City. a preliminarv site plan must be submitted with the Land Use Map and zoning amendment applications. The site plan must demonstrate transit- and pedestrian- friendlv site design. Policy 1-1.8.7: Rel!ional Activity Centers in the City of Sanford. The City adopts the following regional activity centers as shown on Map 1-12 of the future land use map series: The Marketplace at Seminole Towne Center. The Marketplace is intended to provide large scale commercial activities to serve retail needs of a regional population. Boundaries of the Marketplace at Seminole Towne Center are shown on Map 1-12 ofthe future land use map series. Policy 1-1.8.8: Desil!n Criteria for the Marketplace at Seminole Towne Center. 1. Intensity. Pursuant to the guidelines and standards for developments of regional impact (28- 24.014(10)(a)(1) F.A.C.l. the maximum intensity of the Marketplace at Seminole Towne Center shall be six hundred thousand (600.000) sauare feet of commercial retail and office use without benefit of development of regional impact review. The Marketplace mav exceed this intensity onlv if approval is granted for a development of regional impact. 4 Ord. 3856 (7/12104) 2. Future Land Use Desi!!nation. The future land use designation of all devclooment within the Marketplace shall be 1-4 High Intcnsity Planned Develooment. 3. Public Areas Within the Marketplace. The Marketolace shall be designed with commonly used development techniques that create focal points in the devclopmcnt such as olazas. parks. gardens. courtyards. recreation facilities or other open space arcas. ~. Coordination with LYNX. The dcveloper of the Marketplace at Seminole Towne Center shall coordinate with transit provider LYNX and the City of Sanford in an effort to establish a bus stop at the Marketolace on the LYNX route that presently serves the Seminole Towne Center. S. Pedestrian and Transit Friendly Site Desi!!n. The site and building designs within the Markctplacc Regional Activity Center shall promote oedestrian and bicycle modes. At a minimum. the dcsign of the Marketplace shall include: . Direct pedestrian oathways from building entranceways. through oarking areas or adiacent access drives. to public sidcwalks and transit stoos: Shade. · Pcdestrian walkways shall proyidc intermittent shaded arcas when the walkway exceeds one hundred (100) lincar fcet in length at a ratio of one hundred ( 100) square fcet for everv one hundred (100) linear fcet of walkway. · A transit easement on orivatc property: . Bicycle oarking facilitics convenicntly located for both customers and emoloyees: . Pedestrian lighting: · Streetscaoe design compatible with pedestrian. bicycle and transit facilities. 6. General Desi!!n of Individual Developments within the Marketplace Activity Center. It is not intended that each develooment within the Activity Center be aesthetically identical. Howevcr. individual develooments within the Activity Center shall be designed to oroyide yisual comoatibility and functional continuity with other deyelooments within the Actiyity Centcr. New develooment shall be required to: Present a unified aooearance with existing develooment by coordinating signage (location. number. height and COoY area) landscaoe screening/buffering requirements (i.e.. width and comoosition). underground utilities. and building setback and height requirements: When the use of common wall. side by side deyelooment occurs. continuity of facades and consolidated oarking for several businesses in one oarking lot shall be uscd. Prohibited facade treatments. The following treatmcnts or features are prohibited on any orimary facade: a. Reflective or mirrored glass: b. Garage doors used eithcr as decoration or for vehicular service. storage or any other use. c. Glass curtain walls. Prohibited materials. No exterior wall shall be coyered with the following materials: a. Plastic or vinyl siding: 5 Ord. 3856 (7/12/04) b. Corrugated or reflective metal panels: c. Avvlied stone in an ashlar or rubble look. d. Smooth, scored or rib faced concrete block: e. Anv translucent material. other than glass; f. Anv combination of the above. Out-parcel structures that are adiaeent to each other must vrovide for vehicular connections between their respectivc parking lots and provide interconnection of pedestrian walkwavs. Utilize shared varking, access and loading facilities, as practical. in an effort to reduce impervious surfaces: Promote vehicular, vedestrian and non-vehicular movement throughout the Actiyity Center: Provide a network of uni in' 0 en s aces which romote Iinka e with other ad'oinin develovments; Use common frontage/service roads, and shared or ioint facilities such as stormwater, bus stops, and utility easements. Access and egress to activity centers as well as internal vehicle travel shall be planned in a comprehensive manner in order to facilitate traffic movement. 7. Drive-throu!!h Requirements. Drive-though lanes and windows shall be designed to the following standards: 1h Drive through windows and lanes shall not be located on a side of the building fronting a street. b. Hedges. A dense hedge of evergreen shrubs shall be provided in the following manner: · At initial vlanting and installation. shrubs shall be at least thirty (30) inches in height and shall planted thirty (30) inches or less on center · Within one (I) year of initial vlanting and installation, shrubs shall have attained. and be maintained at. a minimum height of four (4) feet and shall provide an opaQue vegetative screen between the street and the drive-through. The hedge must continue for the entire length of the drive-through cueing or stacking area. . In lieu of a vegetative hedge. the use of vegetated berms with avpropriate landscape materials mav be used in a manner that results in the visual separation of street right-of-wav and the drive-through. f., Stacking Distance. The following stacking distances, measured from the point of entrv to the center of the farthest service window area, are reQuired: . Restaurants, full service car washes and day care facilities: Two hundred twenty feet (220') 6 Ord. 3856 (7/12/04) · Banks (per lane): · Self Service Car Wash (per bav) and Dry Cleaners: Onc-hundred seventy six feet 076') Sixty-six feet (66 ') Facilities not listed above with more than one drive-through lane shall provide one hundred 100 feet of stackin distance er lane measured from the oint of cnt to the center of thc farthcst scrvice window area. The drive-through lanc shall be a separate lanc from the circulation routes and aisles necessa for in 'rcss and cess from thc ro e or access to an off-street arkin spaces. For lanes grcatcr than one hundred seventy-five fcet (175') a pass-through lane shall bc constructed adiaccnt to at least one (I) stacking lane in order to provide a wav out of the stacking lane. The Administrative OIlicial shall have the authority to determine the stacking distance for other uses on a casc-bv-case distance. 8. Service Areas. Service areas shall not be located in front vards and shall not be visible from a public right-of-way Service areas shall be screened bv a masonry wall and landscape buffer. The wall shall be a minimum of six feet (6') in height using architectural design. materials and colors that are consistent with those of the primary structure. The landscape buffer shall be a minimum of five feet 5' in width and shall contain a hed e three feet 3' in hei_ tat ~Iantin and capable of attaining five feet (5') in height and total opacity within eighteen (18) months. 9. Pa Machines. All tele hones vendin machines and an facili dis ensin merchandise or a service shall be confined to a s ace built into the buildin or buildings or enclosed in a scparate structure compatible with the main building. 10. Advertisin and si na e. No advertisin or si a e is allowed on an ex osed ameni including. but not limited to. benches, trash containers and fences. 11. Mechanical EQuiDment. All equipment located atop a roof of a building must be concealed so that it is not visible bv a person standing anYWhere on the site or on an adiacent public street 12. Stora e of Sho in Carts. All outdoor stora e of customer sho in carts ad:acent to the building shall be screened bv a wall a minimum of four feet (4") in height that is consistent in s Ie materials and color to the facade. Arcade or colonnade areas cannot be used for the storage of shopping carts. GOAL 1-2: FUTURE LAND USE MAP CONTINUE TO MAINTAIN AND MANAGE A FUTURE LAND USE MAP. 7 Ord. 3856 (7/12/04) The Future Land Use Map Series, Maps I-I through 1-12 herein, reflect City policy for managing the allocation of future land use. The Future Land Use Map Series (Base Year 2005) is supported by the Comprehensive Plan Data Inventory And Analysis (I 991). Land use designations on the future land use maps have been allocated pursuant to goals, objectives and policies stipulated in the Compre- hensive Plan, together with analysis of population, housing and land resources. The process of allocating these land use designations has considered the need to conserve natural resources including wetlands, the Lake Monroe Shoreline, flood plains, water recharge areas, fish and wildlife, consideration of capital improvement needs, and conservation of fiscal resources. The future land use map series shall designate areas for the following uses: FUTURE LAND USE MAP DENSITIES/INTENSITIES MAP SYMBOL LAND USE DESIGN A nONS DENSITY/INTENSITY RESIDENTIAL USES du/acre Low Density Residential-Single Family Low Density Residential-Mobile Home Medium Density Residential-I 0 Medium Density Residential-IS High Density Residential-20 LOR-SF LDR-MH MOR-IO MDR-15 HDR less than or = 6 du/acre less than or = 6 du/acre less than or = 10 du/acre less than or = 15 du/acre less than or = 20 COMMERCIAL USES Floor Area Neighborhood Commercial, Office General Commercial, Office INDUSTRIAL USES SUBURBAN ESTATES PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC USE NC GC I SE PSP .35 .35 .50 I du/ acre .35 Includes: Education, Public Facilities Transportation, Private Recreation, and Other Institutional. PARKS. RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE Includes Municipal Recreation and Open Space RESOURCE PROTECTION RP Wetlands and Aquatic Habitats (I) Floodways and Drainageways (I) Aquifer Recharge Area (2) Well field Protection Areas (2) Upland Wildlife Habitats (2) Floodplains (2) (I) Within wetlands, aquatic habitats, floodways and drainageways no development is pennitted pursuant to Policies 5-1.4.1 (together with Policies and 5-1.8.1); 5~1.2.1; and 5-1.2.5, respectively. However, in certain cases, in order to avoid a taking of PRO .25 8 Ord. 3856 (7/12/04) property without just compensation, the City shall negotiate a minimal development right necessary to provide "reasonable" use of the land. In such cases, development shall be shifted to the upland portion of the site. However, where no upland exists, development rights within the wetland, floodways or drainageways shall be negotiated in order to protect private property rights and preserve "reasonable" use of the land while preserving the physical and biological functions of the wetlands, floodways andlor drainagcways through mitigation techniques identified in the policies cited herein (cross-reference Policy 1-2.7.1). (2) The FAR for these areas shall be restricted pursuant to perfonnance criteria identified in Policies 5-1.2.6,, 5-1.8.2 and 5- 1.3.1. In no case shall the FAR exceed the FAR for the underlying Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use designation. However, the building footprint and total impermeable surface shall be restricted to maximize permeable surface while preserving a "reasonable" development right pursuant to the policies identilied herein (cross-reference Policy }.2. 7.1). (3) Where a federal, state, or regional agency has jurisdiction over a resource protection area, the City shall not grant a development right which exceeds the development right provided by sllch agencies having jurisdiction. MIXED USE DISTRICTS Map Commercial Industrial SymbOl 1-4 High Intensity HI 1.0 FAR .50 FAR Waterfront/Downtown WDBD 2.0 FAR 1.0 FAR Business District Westside Industry WIC .35 FAR .50 FAR & Commerce Airport Industry AIC .5(HAR 1.0 FAR & Commerce 1.0 FAR Residential/Office/Institutional ROl .35 FAR * Residential Less than or ~ to 50 u/a Less than or = to 50 u/a Less than or ~ to 20 u/a Less than or = to 50 u/a (multifamilv renta\) Less than or = to I u/a (SFR) Less than or = to 20 u/a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Asterisks denote land use not permitted under land use designation. Note: F.A.R. denotes: Floor Area Ratio = Gross Floor Area/Site Area. The density and intensity of historic resources shall be governed by the density/intensity assigned to the specific future land use designation regulating the respective historic resources. This section of the future land use element shall define the nature, density and intensity of the allowable uses for each of the designations represented on the future land use map. Nothing in this section shall preclude necessary community facilities from locating within any future land use designation when such activity satisfies established criteria of this plan and the city's code of ordinances. The future land use map series shall be maps I-I through--l---W 1-12. The future land use map: the future land use map (sheets 1-44) and policy designation shall depict the proposed distribution, extent and location of land uses for the year 2005. The official future land use map (scale: one inch to one thousand feet) is on file with the city planning office in city hall. Maps I-I through 1-4 and map 1-9 of the future land use map series shall denote natural resources to be conserved through plan implementation. Map 1-5 shall indicate historic resources. Map 1-6 denotes vacant and undeveloped 9 Ord. 3856 (7/12/04) lands. Maps 1-7 denotes areas targeted for redevelopment and renewal. Map 1-8 denotes planned developments within the City of Sanford. Map 1-10 denotes the Airport Lavout Plan (ALP). Map I-II denotes the ALP boundaries. Map 1-12 denotes the City's Regional Activity Centcrs. Policy 1-2.1.1: Density Defined MaJlimum gF(JSS resiaefltial aeBsit)' shall Be aete_iaea BY di'iiaiag the "maJlimHm allaYiaBle uaits" B)' tile "grass laaa area" (i.e., dVielliBg Haits/grass laRd area). .'.H resiaeatial deasities deaoted aa tile ("ture laBd Hse mal" stipHlate tHe ma)(imHm grass deBsities !3eFRlitted f-ar ae'iele!3meBt eB tHe laBd. Gress laad area shall Be defiaed as these coatiglloHs laad areas Hilder eammaa oWBershi!3 !3f0!3ased for resideatial develo!3meat. Ia eases '.Ylwre resideatiallaaa aeuts '.vaters af the slate, the BOHaaa!')' shaH Be delilleated as estaBlished ey the state alld Ile aeasity emait shaH be gralltea fer 'lialers af tile state. IB eases where resiasatial laRd aeHts l1oea!3laills, wetlallds, ar otller cBvironmeHlaH)' sSHsitivs lallds, deBsit)' ereait shaH be further restrieled to SIlSHfe !3ratectioH of sliGh eAvirallmeHtaH)' seHsitiye laHds. The iHteat shaH Be te aHaeale deBsit)' ereaits eBI)' ta de\ele!3aele H!3laA(is. Palieies 5 1.3.1 and 5 1.4.1 sti!3Hlate specifie actiaBs far maifltaiaiHg aBa !3raleeliRg wetlaads aHa flaadplaiHs. Density is defined as the number of residential units permitted per land area. Land area means the total area of land contained within the lot, tract or proiect boundarv lines not including dedicated rights-of-wav, wetlands and undcvelopable areas such as flood plains. Density is dctermined by dividing the number of units by the total area ofland within the boundaries of a lot or parcel not including dedicated rights-of-way. flood-prone, preservation, wetlands and undevelopable areas. For anv given lot or parcel. one residential unit may be transferred from within the 100 vear flood zone to an area of the lot or parcel not within the 100 year flood zone provided that the area within the 100 year flood zone is at least one acre in size. In determining the number of residential dweHing units to be permitted on a specific parcel of land, a fractional unit shaH not entitle the applicant to an additional unit. Density is expressed in terms of a range up to a specified maximum. Where so stated as a range, the maximum density is not guaranteed by right. Specific density assigned to new development shaH be compatible and consistent with established residential development patterns and shall provide reasonable use of the land. Criteria to be considered in allocating density shall include, but not be limited to, the foHowing: a. Protect the integrity and stability of established residential areas; b. Ensure smooth transition in residential densities; c. Require application of sound landscaping and urban design principles and practices; d. Protect environmentally sensitive areas; e. Minimize the impact of flood hazards; f. Ensure compatibility with Seminole County land use policies together with federal, state and regional agencies having jurisdiction or managing authority over land and water resources; an g. Provide reasonable use of the land. Objective 1-2.4: Managing Airport Lands: The City shall manage lands owned by the Orlando- Sanford Airport and surrounding uses to minimize airport impacts to adjacent land uses and conservation resources in a manner that also protects the integrity of airport operations and safety 10 Ord. 3856 (7/12/04) through the following policics: Policy 1-2.4.1: Airport Master Plan. The City hereby adopts the Airport Layout Plan (ALP) of the Airport Master Plan as the document to guide development of the Airport. Any modification to the uses in thc Airport Layout Plan shall require an amendment to the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan. The City hereby adopts the goals and objectives of the Airport Master Plan as the general guidelines for development of the Airport to ensure that Airport facilities will be adequate to meet both long- and short-term demand for aviation services. The goals and objectives reflect policy goals to be reached through the master planning process. These goals include the ultimate development of self-supporting facilities to serve the existing and future aviation needs of the region; the achievement of compatible land uses in the vicinity of the Airport; and provisions for the type of development that will yield the most public benefit of the investment represented by the airfield. If a contlict occurs between what is allowed on the future land use map and what is shown on the ALP, the Comprehensive Plan shall be amended prior to the approval of anv use that is inconsistent with the future land use map. Goal No. I. Continue to meet and enhance the level of service provided to all Airport users. Objectives: a. Promote passenger processing which is convenient for all segments of the traveling public, through reduction of delays and the promotion of a safe and pleasant experience. b. Provide adequate runway capacity for estimated demand in terms of annual and hourly operations. c. Provide adequate runway length to meet existing and forecasted operational needs. d. Provide opportunities for development of services associated with air carrier, charter, corporate- type GA, cargo, tlight training, and recreational tlying operations. e. Effectively integrate commercial air carrier operations with commercial and non-commercial GA operations. f Provide other aviation related support facilities needed to support a full range of aviation services. Policies: a. In order to promote convenient passenger processing and a safe and pleasant experience for passengers, by 2020, as dictated by demand, the Airport shall: . Provide functional building modifications including expansion of the ticketing areas, Federal Inspection Services (FIS), concession areas, inbound and outbound baggage, passenger and baggage security screening areas, a parking garage, expanded rental car facilities and various support function facilities. · Realign the Red Cleveland Boulevard main entrance to accommodate international apron/gate expansion and to become a two-level, three-lane terminal frontage road. II Ord. 3856 (7112/04) · Expand the Welcome Center to accommodate increased lcvels of intcrnational passenger traffic. . Provide a 32-gate tenninal. b. In order to provide adequate runway capacity and runway length and to effectively integrate commercial air carricr operations with commercial and non-commercial GA operations, by 2020, as dictated by dcmand, the Airport shall: . Extend Runway 9L-27R to 12,000 ft to ease current international operational restrictions and accommodate forecast opcrations and future flcet mix that include larger international transports, such as thc 8747 and A380. The load-bcaring capabilities of Runway 9L-27R shall be improved to 400,000 lbs dual tandem wheel (DTW) load to accommodate thc demand for grcatcr stage lcngths from the increascd number and frequency of existing large and hcavy air transport aircraft. · Extend Runway 9R-27L to a maximum of 7,]40 ft long, widened to 150 ft, and strengthened to accommodate larger commercial aircraft. · Extend Runway 9C-27C to an ultimate length of 5000 fect. · Extend Runwav 18-36 to a lcngth of 8,500 feet. · Construct a new 4,000 foot long parallel runway south of existing Runway 9R-27L for general aviation aircraft. · Provide taxiways for each of the above runway improvements including adcquate taxiway entrances and exits and full-length parallel taxiways. c. In order to provide opportunities for development of services associated with air carrier, charter, corporate-type GA, cargo, flight training, and recreational flying operations, by 2020, as dictated by demand, the Airport shall: . Utilize areas of land bctween Runways 9L-27R and 9R-27L for GA development, including corporate and conventional hangars and larger apron and other aircraft parking areas. · Utilize areas of land between Runway 9R-27L and new Runway 8-26 for lighter GA development, such as T-hangars, small conventional hangar, and Fixed Base Operator (FBO) facilities. . Construct new taxiway, ramp area, hangar, and warehouse facilities on the north sidc of the airfield, as part of the new Northside Aviation Complex, to serve air cargo and hcavy maintenance demands. . Coordinate with Pan Am World Airways and Delta Connection Academy, or othcr airlines, ]2 Ord. 3856 (7112/04) on their proposals for new maintenance and training facilities on the north side of the airport. . Provide a dedicated cargo facility that would include several large cargo warehouses on the northeast side of Runway 9L-27R. d. In order to provide other aviation related support facilities needed to support a full range of aviation services, by 2020, as dictated by demand, thc Airport shall: · Move Airport support and maintenancc areas to an expanded area between the southwest side of thc terminal apron and Carrier A venuc. · Encourage the non-aviation properties that develop on Airport property to develop in ways that enhance thc air operations and support those functions that are directly dependent upon Airport services. . Continue to utilize available but underdevelopcd land areas to the west of the airfield and in the Airport Commerce Park. . Construct a new air traffic control tower and coordinate with the FAA to determine the most appropriatc location for the towcr. Goal No.2. Provide guidclines for future development, while satisfYing anticipatcd demand. Objectives: a. Establish land parcels to mcet anticipated demand. b. Provide adequate airside and landside facilities to meet anticipated demand, while meeting all FAA requirements. c. Continue to market facilities to domestic air carriers, international operators, and integrated air cargo operators. d. Effectively market commercial and non-commercial GA operators and facilities. e. Develop a self-sustaining commerce park, which will benefit the Airport and the community as a whole. Policies: . The Airport shall continue to secure funds from the FAA, the Statc of Florida and local public transit funding sources for the acquisition oflands for projects listed in the Airport Mastcr Plan. · The Airport shall continue to utilize the FAA-approved ALP as its primary planning document. . The Airport shall continue to promote and market the Airport's asscts including Commerce Park, the Foreign Trade Zone (#250) and the Small Business Incubator. I3 Ord. 3856 (7/12/04) . The Airport shall continue to maximize the cconomic dcvelopment potential of the airport commerce park and surrounding areas by the following measures: . Installation of necessary roadway, water, sewer and drainage facilities, when applicable. . Coordination with Seminole County to recognize the Airport as a 'Target Area' as specified in the County's Economic Development Strategy. . Establishment of connections with venture capital firms and financial institutions to support the airport. . Utilization of target business incentive program jobs growth incentive application. Goal No.3. Provide an Airport that is safe and reliable. Objectives: a. Provide navigational, landing aids, and meteorological facilities, which enhance the safety and reliability of operations under all weather conditions. b. Protect FAA mandated safety areas, runway protcction zones, and other clear zones. c. Minimize possible obstructions to air navigation. d. Provide adequate Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) access roads, facilities, equipment, and personnel, to maintain response time under all conditions. e. Ensure that airside and landside operations and facilities meet all applicable security standards. f. Ensure that parking facilities arc adequately sized and easy to negotiate. g. Develop facilitics to meet the demands of the current and future critical aircraft. Policies (as funding is available): . The Airport shall install the following navigation aids on extended runways: . Runway 9R-27L: PAPI-4/Category I ILSPAPI-4/Category I ILS/GPSIMALSR . Runway 9L-27R: MALSR, PAPI-4, ILS, NDB, Outer Marker, Middle Marker, GPS, RVR . Runway 18: ILS, MALSR, PAPI-4, GPS . Runway 36: GPS, MALSR, PAPI-4 . Future 4th Parallel RW 18-36: PAPI-4 (each end) . The Airport shall maintain the runway safety area (RSA), based on the critical aircraft design group, free of objects except for those that need to be located in the RSA. . The Airport shall continue to acquire land within the runway protection zone (RPZ) in order to ensure that the area is free of land uses that create glare, smoke or other hazards to air navigation. . The Airport shall maintain the object-free area (OF A) in a manner free of any above ground objects protruding above the RSA edge elevation except for objects that need to be located in the OF A such as navigational equipment and holding aircraft signage. 14 Ord. 3856 (7112;0,1" · The Airport shall install improvements to airfield lighting, signage and pavement markings to enhance thc safety and reliability of operations. . Thc A irport shall continuc to maintain a tire rescue department in order to protect the lives and propcrty of the citizens and travelers to Central Florida through immediate response to emcrgcncy needs, rapid supprcssion of firc, competent application of lifc saving techniques, and public education. . Thc Airport shall comply with the City's requirements for size of parking spaces and configuration of parking lots. . The Airport shall design new facilitics and change or reposition eXlstmg facilitics to accommodate the length and wing span of its existing critical aircraft. thc Airbus 330 or its futurc critical aircraft, the Airbus 380. Should the critical aircraft changc, the Airport shall modifY the design of all existing and proposed facilities utilizcd by thc critical aircraft to accommodate the critical aircraft. Goal No.4. Develop thc Airport and its vicinity to minimize negative environmcntal impacts. Objectivcs: a. IdentifY the major environmental issues of concern. b. Minimizc potential environmental impacts, and provide spccial attention to minimizing residential dislocation, air and water pollution, and wctland impacts. c. Provide a facility that minimizes adverse effccts on other environmental concerns. d. Develop an encrgy-efficient Airport layout to provide ease of air and ground access. Policies: . A complete environmental assessment (EA) shall be required for each of the projects enumerated in the Airport Master Plan and on the ALP. Each EA must be completed before design and construction begins. A site survey shall be used to assess specific vegetative community types on-site and the possible presence of threatcned and endangcred specics shall be complcted during the EA and/or EIS process for each project. A spccics-specific survey methodology shall be utilized to ascertain the definitive prcsence, population density, and location of all threatened and endangcred species and species of special concern. Review of possible wetland impacts on and in the vicinity of the Airport will be conducted during the EA and/or EIS process for each project. · The Airport shall continue to comply with all current federal, state and local guidelines as it applies to thc protection and preservation of protccted species of plants and animals. · To ensurc water quality, the Airport shall coordinate with both the FDEP and the St. Johns River water Management District in order to obtain NPDES and Environmental Resource permits. · Iffederal funds are used by the Airport, the FAA will meet 49 CFR, Part 24: Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally assisted Programs. 15 Ord. 3856 (7/12/04) · The Airport shall develop an energy-efficient Airport layout, as funding is available, to provide ease of air and ground access by: . Minimizing passenger walking distances. . Providing convenient passenger loading and unloading. . Providing an equal level of service and access to all terminals from the parking areas. . Maintaining operational flexibility. . Realigning the terminal circulation roadway to continue following the face of the terminal building, ultimately providing dual-level departure and arrival terminal curb frontage from Red Cleveland Boulevard on the east side, westward until it intersects Airport Boulevard. . Expanding the operational capacity of the airfield to effectively accommodate the increase in traffic expected, as well as the aircraft mix anticipated to use the Airport including extension of the three primary runways, addition of associated taxiways, and consideration of a new runway in the long term. Goal No.5. Promote the development of compatible land use in undeveloped areas within the Airport vicinity. Objectives: a. Promote land use planning and development objectives for on-Airport and off-Airport land uses which are compatible with the anticipated long-range needs of the Airport and the community as a whole. b. Designate areas for future development (i.e. air cargo, heavy aircraft maintenance, flight training, etc.). c. Locate Airport and access facilities so that growth may be controlled through land use planning and zoning. d. Develop and implement a Master Stormwater Plan in conjunction with St. John's River Water Management District and FAA criteria. Policies (as dictated by demand and subject to available funding): · The Airport shall continue to develop according to the Airport Master Plan which designates areas for air cargo, heavy aircraft maintenance, flight training, parking, terminal expansion, commerce and industry. . Airport lands shall be designated Airport Industry and Commerce on the Future Land Use Map. All development on Airport property shall be consistent with the policies and objectives of the Airport Industry and Commerce land use designation. · Lands affected by the airport but off airport property shall be developed consistent with Policy 1-2.4.9: Airport Industry and Commerce Land Use Designation including the submittal to the City of Sanford of a noise impact analysis and required sound insulation in areas within the 16 Ord. 3856 (7/12/04) airport impact noise zones. . The Airport shall continue to coordinate with Seminole County, Metroplan Orlando and the Florida Department of Transportation to provide the most appropriate and effective means of ensuring adequate ground access to the Airport. . The Airport shall ensure that adequate stonnwater management facilities are available to meet St. Johns River Water Management District requirements for water quality and attenuation volumes for each phase of development. This shall be accomplished by adherence to the Stonnwater Master Plan prepared by Post Buckley Shuh and Jernigan (May, 2003) or as may be amended from time to timc. Goal No.6. Develop an Airport that supports local and regional economic goals while accommodating ncw opportunities or shi fts in development patterns. Objectives: a. Achieve a level of service and user convenience such that the Airport is a positive factor in regional economic development decisions. b. Achieve capacities of the airfield, the tenninal area systems, and Commerce Park so that the Airport may be an attractive location for major airline maintenance, cargo, and other aviation related hub. c. Provide appropriate and achievable commercial opportunities at, near, and on the Airport. d. To assure economic feasibility, identi/)' an equitable distribution of user charges, distribute the burden of capital investment, maintenance, and operating costs, while keeping overall costs within an acceptable level. e. Identi/)' financial alternatives and funding sources available for the implementation of aviation and non-aviation projects. f Quanti/)' financial resources available for funding projects identified and recommended, as well as identi/)' project implementation. g. Develop an airport layout plan (ALP) that easily integrates with existing and proposed transportation infrastructure, to encourage economic growth. Policies (as dictated by demand and subject to available funding): · The Airport shall install airfield, tenninal, access and parking improvements in accordance with the Airport Master Plan and ALP in order to achieve a level of service and user convenience that will make the Airport a positive factor in regional economic development decisions. . The Airport shall expand and strengthen runways and taxiways, install state-of-the-art navigational instruments, upgrade and expand tenninal facilities, construct new hangar, cargo and warehouse facilities on the north side of the airfield and construct a new air traffic control 17 Ord. 3856 (7112/04) tower, in order to attract major airline maintenance, cargo, and other aviation related hub. · In order to attract tenant business at Commerce Park, and spark development of the remaining land area, the Airport shall complete the following items: . IdentifY available parcels by number, acreage, and the available utilities that are in place for prospective tenants. Set a lease/buy cost associated with each parcel, for proposals and financial analysis by prospective tenants. Develop a comprehensive development plan that identifies business segments and their locations within thc commerce park. Develop minimum standards for construction and maintenance of tcnant businesses in the commerce park. Construct roadway, drainage, and utility infrastructure where necessary, to create value and attract potential tenant businesses. . . . . . The Airport shall adhere to the ALP in allocating peripheral airport lands for commercial and industrial development in order to provide appropriate and achievable commercial opportunities at, near, and on the Airport. · The Airport shall utilize the information in Chapter 10, Financial Feasibility, of the Airport Master Plan when determining revenue sources and expenditures for airport improvements, identifYing an equitable distribution of user charges, distributing the burden of capital investment, maintenance and operating costs, keeping overall costs within an acceptable level and quantifYing financial resources available for flUlding projects identified and recommended, as well as identifYing project implementation. · The Airport shall continue to seck continuous funding for airport development from the FAA entitlement and discretionary funds and the FOOT airport development program and, when funding is available, from Congressional appropriations, economic development assistance grants, TEA-21, and the Surface Transportation Program (STP). · The Airport shall continue to coordinate with Seminole COlUlty, FOOT and Metroplan Orlando to ensure adequate vehicular capacity on primary surface access roads to the Airport and to reduce overall traffic congestion. Goal No.7. Minimize Costs To All Users (I.E. Passengers, Airlines, Flight Training Facilities, Employees, Etc.) Of The Airport. Objectives (as dictated by demand): a. Minimize airspace congestion and delays for air carner and GA aircraft operations through procedural changes andlor provision of additional navigational aids (NA V AIDS). b. Minimize airside congestion through construction of runways, taxiways, and aprons, when the costs of providing the additional capacity are less than the additional operating costs associated 18 Ord. 3856 (7112/04) with aircraft delays. Policies: · The Airport shall minimize airspace congestion and delays by modifYing local approach and departure procedures, providing facilities to accommodate simultaneous airfield operations and increased airfield capacity and/or installing the improved navigation aids enumerated in the policies of Goal 3. · The timing of airficld improvements shall coincide with existing or projected aviation demand as documented in Chapter 5, Demand/Capacity Analysis and Chapter 6, Facility Requirements of the Airport Master Plan. Goal No.8. Ensure Adequate And Convenient Ground Access To The Airport. Objectives (as dictated by demand): a. Provide safe access and easy-to-follow signs to Airport roadways and facilities. b. Provide adequate lane capacity on roads leading to the Airport to serve existing and future activity. c. Provide adequate land capacity on internal circulation roadways serving functional areas (terminal, GA, cargo, flight academy, etc.). d. Provide parking facilities (for GA, cargo, terminal, etc.) that are conveniently located and easily accessible. e. Incorporate multi-modal opportunities into Airport development plans (e.g. commuter or high- speed rail). f. Maintain close coordination with Regional Planning Council, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO), FDOT, and other transportation groups. Policies (as dictated by demand): · The Airport shall continue to coordinate with FDOT, the County and the City to ensure that routes to the Airport are well marked. The Airport shall increase signage west of the Airport Boulevard/Red Cleveland Boulevard intersection, to separate traffic sooner and reduce congestion by 2005. . The Airport shall continue to coordinate with FDOT, the County and the City to ensure adequate lane capacity on roads leading to the Airport to serve existing and future activity. · The Airport shall expand Red Cleveland Boulevard to three 12-foot lanes in each direction by 2010. · The Airport shall add additional service roads as airport improvements are implemented. . The Airport will provide parking convenient to employee work areas. The Airport shall provide space for limousine and bus loading curbside at both domestic and international terminal entrances. 19 Ord. 3856 (7112104) . The Airpon shall coordinate with LYNX, Mctroplan and FDOT to ensure that, once demand is sufficient. multimodal transportation shall be included in the Airport's development plans. . Airport stall shall continue to participate in Regional Planning Council, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO), FDOT, and other transportation groups. Goal No.9. Minimize The Impact Of Noise On Neighboring Residents and Noise Sensitive Land Uses Through Noise Abatement And Mitigation. Objectives: a. Design and select noise abatement measures that minimize the number of people exposed to noise above day-night noise level (DNL) greater than 65 decibels. b. In selecting noise abatement actions, avoid actions that would adversely affect capacity, impose restrictions on Airport use that would be discriminatory, or that could erode prudent margins of safety . c. Design and select (if necessary) land use mitigation measures for noise sensitive land uses exposed to aircraft noise between 65 and 75 decibels. d. Maximize, to the greatest extent possible, any mitigation projects that may be eligible for FAA funding assistance, aside from the Airport Improvement Program (AlP), that minimize the impacts of noise upon the surrounding environment. Policies (as dictated by demand and subject to available funding): . The Airport shall continue to acquire noise-sensitive land based on the FAR Part 150 Noise Study prepared by ESA in 200 I. . The Airport shall continue to support the Sanford Airport Noise Abatement Committee (SANAe) in its efforts to study and implement noise reduction measures both on and off Airport property. . When possible, the Airport will work with the FAA to modifY runway flow percentages to maximize east flow. . When possible, the Airport will work with the FAA to reduce flyovers of residential communities by beginning a northwesterly turn approximately three (3) miles west of the beginning of take-off roll on runway 27R. . When possible, the Airport shall work with the FAA to require jet aircraft conducting ILS flight training to continue along the runway heading to gain altitude beyond the Airport property boundaries prior to making the turn to the north. . When possible, the Airport will extend east-west runways on the cast end to reduce noise intrusion on the more heavily populated west side. . The Airport shall coordinate with the FAA to implement noise abatement operational procedures to reduce the exposure of aircraft noise on neighboring communities. . The Airport shall utilize FAA funds to acquire additional noise monitors. 20 Ord. 3856 (7112/04) Goal No. 10. Develop An Airport That Is Consistent With Federal, State, Rcgional, And Local Plans. Objectives: a. Develop the Airport as a regionally significant asset and make it consistent with national, state, and metropolitan system plans. b. Develop the Airport in accordancc with local land use and transportation plans. Policics: · The Airport shall develop according to the Airport Master Plan and the ALP which have been designed to meet all federal, state and local plans. · Thc Airport development shall bc consistent with the City's Comprehcnsive Plan and land development regulations. · The Airport will work with Mctroplan Orlando's 2020 Long Rangc Transportation Plan and Transportation Improvement Program and with FOOT's transportation plans to assure rcsponsible developmcnt. Policv 1-2.4.2: Airport Expansion and Coordination with the Conservation Element. The implementation of the Airport Master Plan shall be coordinated with thc Conservation Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Expansion and opcration plans shall minimize impacts to environmental resources consistent with policies set forth within thc Comprehensive Plan. Resource Protection and Conservation lands shall be protected through the usc of open space rcquirements, elustcring, conservation easements and wetlands buffer and transition areas, or mitigation as approved by the St. Johns River Water Management District. Policv 1-2.4.3: Public Facilities. The development of the Airport Master Plan shall be phascd concurrent with major public roadway improvcments and the installation of drainage, sewer and water utilitics. As nccessary to ensure that development of the Airport is consistcnt with public facility standards, the City or Sanford Airport Authority, as appropriate, shall entcr into any neccssary interlocal agreements for the purposes of the provision of public facilitics and services in ordcr to maintain the adopted level of service standards for facilities subject to concurrency. Policv 1-2.4.4 Adjacent Development to be Compatible with Airport Operations. The City's Future Land Use Map and the Official Zoning Map shall continue to delineate all Runway Protection Zones (RPZ) established for the airport. These clear zones shall be, at a minimum, consistent with requirements set forth by the Federal Aviation Administration. Development and land uses activities within a RPZ shall be consistent with regulations established by the Fcderal Aviation Administration. Schedule R, Airports and Aircraft, of the Land Devclopment Regulations shall continue to control land use activities, height, and construction to ensure that development and activities within the RPZ and other areas of the City are consistent with standards set forth by the Federal Aviation Administration. Schedule R is consistent with Chapter 333, Florida Statutes. Policv 1-2.4.5: Coordination with the FAA. For structure heights that require approval from the Federal Aviation Administration, the City shall issue no developmcnt or construction permit until 21 Ord. 3856 (7/12/04) authorization has been received from the FAA. Policv 1-2.4.6: Coordination through Development Review. The City Department of Engineering and Planning shall coordinate with Airport staff regarding development applications, zoning changes, and land use amendment petitions proposcd for property adjacent to or near the airport. Policv 1-2.4.7: Protection from Noise Exposure. Future expansion of the airport property and runways shall be focused to thc east and south to minimize airport noisc and devclopment impacts to urban residential areas to the north and west. The Airport Authority shall continue to monitor noise impacts generated by airport operations and enforce compliancc. Lands annexed near or adjacent to the airport shall be assigncd land use designations compatible with the Airport Master Plan and in a manner consistent with the joint planning agrcement established with Seminolc County. The City shall ensure that land uses surrounding the airport arc compatible with noise levels generated by the airport use through the following measures: 1. All land east of Ohio A venuc and north of Pine Avenue shall be developed for airport related uses based on the part 150 Noisc Exposure Maps and Compatibility Plan prepared in 2001 for the Orlando Sanford Airport by Environmental Science Associates (ESA), as approved by the FAA and any revisions to the noise exposure maps that may occur as the result of airport development. 2. Residential uses and public educational facilities shall be prohibited south and east of the airport's runway system. However, transient rental multifamily residential units may be constructed provided they are outside the 60 DNL and do not include mobile homcs. 3. The following uses are compatible with the Airport and shall bc permitted east of Ohio Avenue and North of Pine Way: · Industrial Parks; · Business Parks; . Commercial Developments; · Attendant rctail; · Service and Hotel Uses; . Medium and high-density rental residential Developments; . Agricultural uses; . Public Uses; . Residential uses outside 60 DNL only with an avigation easement and development order restrictions. 4. Single family residences shall only be allowed on existing one-acre suburban estates or larger lots. No new lots, parcels or tracts shall be created for single-family uses or multi-family uses in private ownership. Existing parcels may not be subdivided for residential uses other than multifamily rental uses. 22 Ord. 3856 (7112104) 5. An avigation easement shall be required and included in the recorded deed of any property prior to the construction of a single family dwelling unit or a multifamily dwelling unit. Policv 1-2.4.8: Monitoring and Evaluation of Airport Layout Plan and Goals of Airport Master Plan. The Airport Layout Plan and the goals ofthe Airport Master Plan shall be reviewed on an annual basis in order to ensure that the development is proceeding according to the Plan and that goals are being achieved. Review shall also establish that public facilities are in place to accommodate expected development. The annual review shall be the responsibility of the Administrative Official. The Sanford Aviation Authority and the local planning agency shall consider findings and recommendations of the Administrative Official. Monitoring and evaluation procedures shall incorporate the following: · Consistency review: detcrmination of whether development is proceeding according to the Airport Layout Plan and goals of the Airport Master Plan; . Determination that public facilities can accommodatc proposed airport development for next period; . Accomplishments: Review of annual progress towards fulfillment of Airport Layout Plan and goals of Airport Master Plan; . Unanticipated Problems and Opportunities: The report shall describe the nature and extent of unanticipated and unforeseen problems and opportunities oeeurring during the past year; · Recommend Amendments: The report shall contain recommendations concerning new or modified goals and objectives and substantial modifications to the FAA approved Airport Master Plan and resultant Comprehensive Plan amendments that are neccssary during the coming year. Policv 1-2.4.9: Airport Industry and Commerce Land Use Designation (AIC). The "Airport Industry and Commerce" (AIC) land use designation is a high-intensity mixed use policy for managing lands comprising the Orlando Sanford Airport and adjacent lands capable of supporting a variety of residential rental properties and reaideHtial, commercial and industrial uses. The Airport Industry and Commerce designation is intended to encourage the expansion of industrial land uses in areas where airport noise impacts will prohibit residential development and provide additional areas for mixed-use development that would be compatible with airport operations. The majority of such lands is located in airport property and is subject to the Airport Master Plan. Certain properties, primarily east of Beardall Avenue, are located in the 2005 noise zone. The Orlando-Sanford Airport shall develop according to the Airport Layout Plan (Map 1-10), adopted as part of the Sanford Comprehensive Plan. Any substantial change to the designated uses in the Airport Master Plan requires an amendment to the Sanford Comprehensive Plan. Upon annexation of lands that are currently within the jurisdiction of Seminole County and are included in the Airport Layout Plan, the lands will be automatically given the land use designation of 23 Ord. 3856 (7112/04) Airport Industry Commercc. Upon annexation of lands currently within the jurisdiction of Seminole County and included in the Airport Layout Plan, the lands will be given a zoning consistent with the existing zoning of the Airport. The land use mix in the AlC is intended to provide a full range of urban services and facilities including: . Industrial and Business Parks; . Office Complexes; . Commercial and rctail developments; . Service and hotel uses; . Medium to high density rental residential developments; The maximum intensity of industrial and commercial development measured as floor area is 1.0. The maximum intensity for rental residential uses is 50 units per acrc. The Development Review Team, the Airport Zoning Board and the Airport Design Review Team shall review development included in the ALP for compliance with the Sanford Land Development Regulations. Development contemplated by the ALP shall comply with all land development regulations included, but not limited to, setbacks, landscaping, parking, drainage and floor area ratios except where such regulations conflict with FAA rules and regulations. With the exception of the development included within the Airport property, the City shall require that all new development within the "AlC" designated area be developed as a "Planned Development" (cross reference Policy 1-2.8.1). As a "PD" Planned Development, all such new development shall be required to address infrastructure needs, provision of services, development phasing, development intensity and land use compatibility as part of an integrated design scheme which includes very detailed strategies and techniques for resolving development impacts. The location of future high density residential developments shall comply with guidelines issued by the Federal Aviation Administration and the Department of Transportation relating to airport compatible uses, noise zones, approach zones and other safety measures. Future high and medium density residential developments shall occur outside the 60 Ldn (day/night sound level) noise contours. In addition to compliancc with all performance criteria of Policy 1-3.2.5, "PD" proposals in the "AlC" area will be the subject of negotiated development agreements. The review process shall involve County, state, regional and federal agencies having jurisdiction over impacted resources. No development order shall be granted prior to City approval of the development agreement. Developments within the "AlC" that exist prior to thc adoption of this Plan will be "grandfathered". However, all new development in the Airport Industry and Commercc Area outside the Airport 24 Ord. 3856 (7/12/04) boundaries shall incorporate performance criteria 10 implement Objective 1-2.4 and Policy 1-3.2.5. Such criteria shall include but not be limited to: . Narrative and graphic information required for review of rezoning petitions, for site plan review, and other related procedural requirements. . Impact analysis. including plans for managing any potential impacts on air operations. . Noise impact analysis, including required sound insulation in areas within the airport impact noise zones. · Requirements for controlled access and internal circulation, including provisions for cross access easements. and joint use of driveways. · Requirements for perimeter buffer yards; · Management framework for encouraging development of strategically planned sub-centers of commerce and industry; . Dedication of necessary rights-of-way; · Use of pedestrian and mass transit facilities to reduce vehicle trips. Policv 1-3.2.1: Future Land Use Map and Related Policies. The Future Land Use Map and related policies identified in section 1-2 "Future Land Use Map," provide definitions ofland use designations and qualitative standards which shall be applied in allocating future land uses. In addition to the evaluation criteria in Policv 8-1.5.6 which pertain to capital improvements, the City shall use the criteria listed below to evaluate anv future land use map amendments and all applicants for a future land use map amendment shall submit information confirming the consistencv of their proposed amendment with the following criteria: · The amendment shall be consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan (Chapter 187, F.S.) and the Growth Policv Act (Chapter 163 F.S.); . The amendment shall be consistent with Rule 9J-5. Florida Administrative Code; . The amendment shall be consistent with all elements of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan; . Public facilities and services shall be available concurrent with development of the site; . There have been changes in population. land use or economic development trends and/or proiections that warrant a change in the future land use designation; . There have been sufficient changes in the character of the area or adiacent lands to warrant a different land use designation; · The proposed future land use designation and its allowable uses are compatible with surrounding land use designations and with the preferred growth and development pattern of the City as evidenced bv land use policies in the Comprehensive Plan. The amendment will not significantlv alter acceptable existing land use patterns or adverselv affect the livability of the area or the health 25 Ord. 3856 (7/12/04) and safetv of the residents. . The capability of the land to support development allowed under the proposed future land use designation as evidenced bv the presence or absence on the site of soil types suitable for development. vegetative habitats. wetlands. wetland protection zones or flood-prone areas. well field protection zones. wildlife habitats. archaeological. historical or cultural resources. Potier 1-3.2.3: Standards for Residential Density. Existing land development regulations shall be applied for purposes of implementing this Comprehensive Plan. Residential development standards shall be based on and be consistent with the following standards for residential densities as indicated below and as elaborated in #1-2, Policies 1-2.1.1 through 1-2.1.6, herein: Residential Developments Gress- Net Density a. Low Density Residential (LOR) up to 6 units/acre b. Mobile Home Development (MH) up to 6 units/acre e. Medium Density Residential-I 0 (MDR-I 0) up to 10 units/acre d. Medium Density Residential-IS (MDR-IS) up to IS units/acre e. High Density Residential (HDR) up to 20 units/acre 26 Ord. 3856 (7/12/04) CHAPTER 2: TRANSPORT A nON ELEMENT Policv 2-1.12.3. Transportation Improvements and the Airport Master Plan. The City shall ensure that coordination occurs bctween the development anticipated by the Airport Master Plan and any proposed or future state, local or regional transportation plans and improvemcnts. Pursuant to Policy 2-1.3.5 of the Sanford Comprehensive Plan, any development on Airport property that is anticipated to generate 1,000 daily trips or 100 peak-hour trips shall be required to submit a traffic impact study. The traffic impact study shall include: I. Total projected peak-hour trips for the proposed development. pass-by capture rate (commercial land uses only); intemal capture rate (planned developmcnt only); peak-hour external trips based on ITE Trip Generation Manual, most recent Edition; and peak-hour directional projected vehicle trips on all segments of the arterial and collector street system which arc adjacent to the development project or as determined necessary by the Administrative Official. 2. Design capacity of the accessed road(s). 3. Analysis of traffic distribution on the road network including all links impacted by more than ten ]'JerceRt (lQ~~) five percent (5%) of project traffic or five hundred (500) trips per day, whichever is greater. 4. Necessary operational improvements to the City, County, or State maintained transportation system in order to maintain the appropriate level-of-service for the roadway. 5. Justification, including appropriate references, for the use of any trip generation rates, adjustments factors or traffic assignment methods not previously approved by the City. 6. The latest edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual shall be used to calculate these estimates. Adjustments to these estimates may be made, based on special trip generation information supplied by the applicant. In determining impacts on available capacity for roadways, the following criteria shall be used: · The impacts of development shall be based on the peak-hour, peak direction trips associated with the land use designation in which the proposed development shall occur, using the most recent published edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers', Trip Generation manual, or as may be subsequently updated. Internal capture rates may be considered in determining traffic volumes for mixed use developments; however, the applicant shall bear the burden of demonstrating any internal capture rates upon five (5) percent of the total nonresidential trips. . Roads analyzed shall include all links impacted by more than ten percent (10%) of the project traffic or receiving five hundred (500) trips per day, whichever is greater. · Methodologies used to determine transportation concurrency shall be consistent with 27. Ord. 3856 (7/12/04) methodologies established in the FDOT LOS Guideline. · Roads analyzed shall include all links impacted by more than ten percent (10%) of the project traffic or receiving five hundred (500) trips per day, whichever is greater. · Methodologies used to determine transportation concurrency shall be consistent with methodologies established in the FDOT LOS Guidelinc. If the preliminary level of service information indicatcs a deficiency in capacity based on adopted level of servicc (LOS) standards, thc dcveloper has two alternatives: a. Accept the level of scrvicc information as sct forth in thc comprehensive plan; b. Prepare a more detailcd altcmative Highway Capacity Analysis as outlined in the Highway Capacity Manual 2000, Transportation Research Board. Thc trip distribution shall be consistent with thc presets ofthc approved trip generation model, i.c. the Seminole County Trip Generation model, the Orlando Urban Area Transportation Study (OUA TS) model, or another distribution model approvcd by thc City, the East Central Florida Rcgional Planning Council (ECFRPC), Seminole County, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), the Department of Community Affairs and thc Airport Authority. The impact area shall include adjacent roadway segments. Analyses and models shall be consistent with professional standards established in one (I) or more of the following documents: Highway Capacity Manual 2000, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, 2000. Florida Highway System Plan, "Traffic Analysis Procedures," Florida Department of Transportation, Bureau of Multi-Modal Systems Planning, most recent edition. Florida Highway System Plan, "Level of Service Standards and Guidelines Manual," Florida Department of Transportation, most recent edition. Trip Generation, 6th Edition, Institute of Transportation Engineers. Transportation and Land Development, Stover, Virgil G., Institute of Transportation Engineers, 1988. Traffic Study Results/Mitigation: a. The Airport shall not develop when service levels are below the minimum service level adopted in the applicable local government's comprehensive plan during the peak hour and the project contributes, or is projected to contributc with the next phase of traffic, ten percent of the adopted LOS service volume of the roadway or intersection as determined by the monitoring program required in the preceding recommendations, unless mitigation measure and/or improvements are 'secured and committed' for complction of construction during the phasc in which the impacts occur. The schedule of improvements shall be ticd to the development level at which the improvement is needed within each development phase. The results of the traffic impact study will be used to determine the then-current conditions 28. Ord. 3856 (7/12/04) regarding improvcment needs and priorities, and the pace of both development under the Airport Mastcr Plan and the area development. Thc study will evaluate the appropriateness of proposed mitigation measures, as well as validate the transportation assumptions developed for the original Application for Development Approval for the Development of Regional Impact dated February 28, 2000. These assumptions relate to, but are not limited to, impact area, planncd and programmed improvemcnts, existing conditions, project traffic, pass-by traffic, modal split, internal capture, distribution of traffic, and daily and peak-hour trip generation rates, identification of areas where project traffic is significant an adverse, projected roadway levcls of service (AADT and peak-hour) for 2005,2010, 1015 and 2020 and annual growth rates for the affected area. The devcloper of Airport property shall identify the needed roadway improvements necessary as a result of significant and adverse roadway impacts form the proposed development. b. The 'securing and commitment' of adequate mitigation/measures shall include one of the following: 1. A roadway improvement scheduled for construction within the first three (3) years of the appropriate local government's comprehensive plan capital improvement element (or as otherwise provided in the applicable jurisdiction's capital improvement element); 2. A roadway improvement scheduled for construction within the first three (3) years of the Florida Department of Transportation's Five Year Work Program; 3. A binding financially secured and irrevocable commitment by the Airport or other appropriate person or entity for the design, engineering, land acquisition and actual construction of the necessary improvements (with posting of a cash bond, surety bond, irrevocable letter of credit, escrow account or other security in a form acceptable to the agency of jurisdiction) within the next three years and incorporated by refercnce into the development order; 4. Any other mitigation option permitted by law, including a local government development agreemcnt consistent with Chapter 163, F.S., or a proportionate share payment agreement pursuant to and consistent with Chapter 163 or Chapter 380, F.S., and related rules, which ameliorates the projected impact and is incorporated into the development order by amendment. These improvements shall occur by the required thrcshold in order for the project to proceed. If the Airport can demonstrate that a project listed in the Airport Master Plan does not adversely affect the Regional Roadway network as determined by the monitoring and modeling tests discussed above, then the Airport may proceed with the development. c. In the event that a roadway widening is identified which is not compatible with adopted policy of the FOOT (8 or 10 laning of a state roadway) or local government (constrained), the Airport, the City of Sanford, Seminole County, the ECFRPC and the party having either maintenance or jurisdictional responsibility for the facility shall jointly determine alternate mitigation solutions to providc for the movement of people. Toward the achievement of the objectives in the two preceding conditions, an agreement(s) among the 29. Ord. 3856 (7/12/04) City of Sanford, Seminole County, the FDOT, and the Airport may be entered into within twelve months of the City's approval of any development project discussed in the Airport Master Plan which affects the Regional Transportation system. Said agreement(s) shall address and clarifY such issues related to equity in the application of fees for transportation improvements. Said fees shall be based on a fair-share basis with respect to the improvements to be provided and not solely on the basis of impact fees. However, such an agreement would not alter or waive the provisions and requirements of the other recommendations listed above as a mitigation measure for the transportation impacts of the Airport Master Plan. In the event that one of the designated parties to the agreement (other than the Airport) fails to execute said interlocal agreement(s) within the specified time, then the Airport or developer of Airport property may proceed with the project based on the traffic impact study Qy providing funding for anv roadwav improvements and/or mitigation measures. The Airport shall be responsible for 100% of all on-site transportation improvements necessitated by on-site implementation of the Airport Master Plan. The City of Sanford Administrative Official shall be responsible for monitoring the development and enforcing the provisions of this policy. The City shall not issue any permits or approvals or provide any extensions of services ifthe Airport fails to act in substantial compliance with this policy. 30. ~ ~~ , 0 z " ":-... ~ ,- II ;/ ---~ .~. ~'1:.. JL L IL = I -i III ~ -L .....- SR.'5 I ...:/ __ L T. hJ r= T F ~ ~~F C MERe v h - - \i Q "" I iI.. - - ~ - ~ J - a. .... c:c - :w BEARDAL AV -" L _U r c ca - I- a. ~ ~ :; D . ~ ~ o . E ~ o .. ~ o '" o ~ E o u ~ ~ o o . ~ " E . E < . ~ . o u o o . W " '" " .~ ~j y ~ -;/ Map 1-12 If (/( [jV lojj~L i 4;:/ II. _ ~p/I ~.~ ~ ... - ]'c1 v ("lr H '\ I -~: ;nl~~ W \( LY-n / n ! ~ r- - ~ ~ 1:= ~ JOII,.. !i1S/ ~ 5e'01e L wne ~er IIV r- - r-- r-- _ '- ". !~ Io.~ I ~ ~ C) ,- ~ ~ ~nf;d Marketplace I;'" ~~ ~'---- -f( I ) /f/ f-- J GREENEWAY FLORIDA J / I( \~~~'l ~ ~ J CENTRAL / J( , , j'----' L / 'I j / (T::)\.Jlillilllllllll fll:' I~ // TWIN \ 1r'(11111111111111 IE C .' LAKE k- II 1111 V B@ ,~~~III~IJ ~~FAf ':Y ~ =c- = tffi9 B ~ .1.) I Y, 1111. m= tJ~ElBI / I I I 1_\..'iJ1 1111 I 111111 I lit II ' 1I1II I I 11111111J./\l1Z'\..1 I II IJillLJ II ~ (-.", . "- ...".... " , ( '.' '\ ~r'J. ~ ( II 1/ TWIN ,,'. LAKE / /. /j j /"-- /~ ----J b-.. ./ \--........,.......... ./ ""I_ \ CR 48A ~ ij I~~ [Jlliii-=r /", I C) Sanford Activity Center ..-. NORTH City of Sanfonl Department of PlaMlng & Community o.v.lopment, February 2004 Ord. 3856 (7/12/04) DATA. INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS FOR TEXT AMENDMENTS 1. Activity Centers On July 29,2003, Sanford transmitted to the DCA a proposed ordinance for a Regional Activity Center (RAC) located adjacent to 1-4 and SR 417 (The Greeneway). On August 31, 2003, the DCA detcrmined the proposed ordinancc to be consistent with Rule 28-24.014(10), F.A.e. and directed the City to adopt the RAC by an amcndmcnt to thc comprchensive plan at the next opportunity for an amendment. This amendment includes both gcneral policies for activity centers and specific policies for thc City's first RAC, the Marketplace at Scminole Towne Center. Consistency with Sanford Comprehensive Plan: Objective 1-1.8: Designate regional activity centers as appropriate areas for intensive growth and development and supporting policies 1-1.8.1 through 1-1.8.5 which pertain to the purpose, characteristics, consistency with comprehensive plan, location and boundaries of activity centers are taken from the definition of Activity Center in Chapter 28-24014(10), F. A. C. and are, thereforc, consistent with state law. Policy 1-1.8.6: Expansion of Regional Activity Centers, provides criteria for expanding an existing RAe. The objective and related policies for both RACs are consistent with Policy 1-2.2.7: 1-4 High Intensity Center (HI) which regulates devclopment within the vicinity of the 1-4/State Road 46 Interchange by encouraging the use of multi-modal transportation systems, Incorporating access controls, requiring buffer yards and a high standard of urban design amenities. The policies directly related to Sanford's first RAC, the Marketplace at Seminole Towne Center, will ensure that the proposed development is of the highest quality and is transit and pedestrian oriented. The City has commenced coordination with LYNX to determine whether LYNX can extend bus service to the RAC. Policy 1-1.8.7 requires that the developer of the RAC provide a transit easement on the property for the future use of transit services. The policies for the Marketplace RAC also require that the developer install pedestrian-friendly amenities, such as shaded pathways, throughout the P Ae. The policies also limit access to the RAC and require that all development in the RAC be unified through shared parking and internal circulation. Therefore the RAC policies are consistent with existing Policy 2-1.1.6: Controlling Vehicular Accessibility to Major Thoroughfares which requires that the City provide controlled vehicular accessibility to major thoroughfares, Policy 2-1.4.1: Encourage Land Uses that Promote Transit which requires the City to encourage land uses that promote public transportation and with Policy 2-1. 11.3: Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Required for New Devclopment. Consistency with State Comprehensive Plan: The proposed Activity Center objective and policies are consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan. The objective furthers the State's 31. Ord. 3856 (7112/04) comprehensive plan land use (15) policy b: Promote state programs, investments, and development activities which encourage efficient dcvclopment and occur in areas which will have the capacity to service population and commerce. ' 2. Airport Master Plan On November 11,2003, in a letter from Valerie Hubbard, Director of the Division of Community Planning, Department of Community Affairs to Brady Lessard, Mayor of the City of Sanford regarding first comprehensive plan amendment of 2003 and the airport master plan, the DCA iterated follow-up actions to be addressed in the next available comprehensive plan amendment cycle. Below are listed the actions requested by the DCA and the amendments that address those concerns: 1. Correct the legend on the Future Land Use Map to be consistent with the policies establishing the maximum residential densities for Airport Industry & Commerce (AIC) at less than or equal to 50 du/acre for rental residential uses and I du/acre for single family residential. The legend has been amended on the future land use map to reflect the correct density. 2. Correct the table on Page 2 and the legend on the Future Land Use Map to be consistent with Policy 1-2.4.9 which establishes the maximum FAR for AIC at 1.0; The Future Land Use Map table for densities/intensities is found on page 9 of the comprehensive plan amendment package and has been modified to show the correct intensity for industrial uses in the Airport Industry Commerce land use designation. 3. Include the north-south runway 18-36 in the policies under goal number I of Policy 1- 2.4.1 (Page 5). The runway has been added on page 12 of the amendment package under policy b of Goal No.1. 4. Revise the first sentence under Policy 1-2.4.9 (Page 17) to include "residential rental properties". On page 23 of the amendment package, Policy 1-2.4.9: Airport Industry and Commerce Land Use Designation (AIC), has been amended to read: The "Airport Industry and Commerce" (AIC) land use designation is a high-intensity mixed use policy for managing lands comprising the Orlando Sanford Airport and adjacent lands capable of supporting a variety of limited residential, residential rental properties. and commercial and industrial uses. 5. Amend Policy 2-1.12.3 (Page 26) establishing a significance level of 5% for traffic mitigation consistent with Chapter 91-2. 32. Ord. 3856 (7112/04) On page 27 of the amendment package number 3 of Policy 2-1.12.3: Transportation Improvements and the Airport Master Plan has been amended as follows: Analysis of traffic distribution on the road network including all links impacted by more than teH pereeRt (1Q~<.) five percent (5%) of project traffic or five hundred (500) trips per day, whichever is greater. 6. Modify language in Policy 2-1.12.3 (Page 27) to clarify the intent of allowing the Airport to proceed with development at the Airport's expense if a funding agreement is not achieved; The third-to-Iast paragraph of Policy 2-1.12. on page 30 of the amendment package has been amended as follows: In the event that one of the designated parties to the agreement (other than the Airport) fails to execute said interloeal agreement(s) within the specified time, then the Airport Of developer of Airport property may proceed with the project based on the traffic impact study bv providing funding f Of anv roadwav improvements and/or mitigation measures. 7. Revise the table on Page 59 to show both the planned level and adopted level of service standards after the road improvements in Policy 2-1.10.3 (Page 22) are completed; If revisions to the table on page 59 shows any roadways operating below the adopted LOS, then appropriate action would need to be taken to either (1) reduce the amount of development planned for the airport, (2) reduce other land uses in the vicinity of the airport that are contributing impacts to those road segments, (3) budget additional capital improvements, or (4) some combination ofthe above. The table has been revised as shown below. Following the tables are statements concerning roadways that will operate below the adopted level of service (LOS) in 2020 prepared in consultation with the Seminole County Planning Department. Seminole County performs transportation modeling for the area that includes Sanford and has projected roadway level of service for major roadways in its Vision 2020 Comprehensive Plan. For Sanford roadways, the adopted and projected levels of service are as follows: Roadway 1-4 (Lake Mary Blvd to SR 46) US 17/92 Lake Mary Blvd to Airport Blvd Airport Blvd to C-46A C-46A to SR 46 SR 417 (Greeneway) SR46 17/92 to Sanford Ave. Sanford Ave. to Mellonville Ave. Mellonville Ave. to SR 415 SR 415 to Volusia County Line & 1-95 Airport Blvd. CR46A to US 17/92 US 17-92 to Sanford Ave. C-427 (Sanford Ave to Sunland Dr) Projected Level of Service o Adopted Level of Service D F* B A B D D D D D E B A E E E D A A C E E E 33. Ord. 3856 (7/12/04) Roadway Projected Level of Service Adopted Level of Service Lake Mary Blvd. Ridge Road to US 17-92 US 17-92 to CR 427 Sanford Avenue SR 46 to Airport Blvd Airport Blvd to C-427 D B E E B B E E * At the request of Don Fisher, Seminole County Director of Planning Development, County staff recently reviewed the levels of service of roadways, particularly US 17/92, in the vicinity of the Orlando Sanford Airport for year 2020. All roads in the vicinity of the airport with the exception of US 17/92 south of Airport Boulevard and a very short segment of 46 between Sanford Ave. and Mellonville Avenue are anticipated to operate at an acceptable level of service (LOS) in 2020. The model was originally run with the extension of Lake Mary Blvd. from US 17/92 to SR 46 as a two-lane road. County Engineering staff reprogrammed the network of the model and reran the model with Lake Mary Blvd. extension as a four lane section to determine if it would pull trips off US 17/92 and improve the level of service of that roadway in 2020. The results of the reprogrammed model with a 4-lane Lake Mary Boulevard extension did not improve the level of service of US 17/92 but did improve conditions on Sanford Avenue. Due to no change in the level of service on US 17/92, County staff assumes that the traffic related to the Airport did not negatively impact US 17/92 and that the majority of the traffic related to the Airport is confined to major roads east of US 17/92 or to SR 417 (The Greeneway). 8. Adopt a map that clcarly shows the boundaries of the airport layout plan. The boundaries of the ALP are shown on Map I-II of the future land use map series. 9. Include language in a policy stating that where conflicts occur between what is allowed on the future land use map and what is shown on the ALP, that the eomp plan would need to be amended before any use not consistent with the FLUM is allowed; On page II of the amendment package, Policy 1-2.4.1: Airport Master Plan now includes the statement: 'If a conflict occurs between what is allowed on the future land use map and what is shown on the ALP, the Comprehensive Plan shall be amended prior to the approval of any use that is inconsistent with the future land use map. ' 3. Criteria for Future Land Use Map Amendments The Sanford Comprehensive Plan contains criteria with which to assess future land use map amendments in Policy 8-1.5.6. However, these criteria only pertain to capital improvements. No criteria pertaining to land use, environmental and population issues are included. On several 34. Ord. 3856 (7/12/04) occasions, this has led to confusion on the part of an applicant concerning how an application for an amendment would be reviewed. The inclusion of additional criteria will formalize and clarity the future land use map amendment procedure and enable the City to more equitably and effectively evaluate map amendments. The new criteria arc consistent with other City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan policies and are designed to ensure that the City's natural and historical assets and the City's existing land use patterns are protected. The amendment is compatible with the State Comprehensive Plan and furthers the following policies of the State Comprehensive Plan: (7) Water Resources: Ensure that new development is compatible with existing local and regional water supplies. (15) Land Use: Consider, in land use planning and regulation, the impact of land use on water quality and quantity; the availability of land, water, and other natural resources to meet demands; and the potential for flooding. 4. New Definitions of Density, Land Area and Open Space The City and Seminole County use different methods to calculate density, land area and open space. The County's method of calculating density is more stringent because it prohibits the use of water, wetlands, rights-of way and flood prone areas as a basis for density. The desire to have uniform definitions is prompted by the impending approval of the City's and County's amended Joint Planning Agreement for implementing land use policy. The proposed new definitions are consistent with the other goals, objectives and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Because the new definitions restrict development on environmentally sensitive lands, the amendment furthers the goal of Chapter 5, the Conservation Element and related objectives: 5-1.2 Water Quality and Quantity; 5-1.3 Maintenance of Floodplain; 5-1.4 Protect and Preserve Wetlands; 5-1.7 Protect Native Vegetation and Aquatic Habitats; 5-1.9 Protect Environmentally Sensitive Lands. The proposed definitions are also compatible with the State Comprehensive Plan. 35. City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 LEGEND ~ AG - COM a FW [[[[] HW E2a IND ~ INS .. OFF ~ PUBFACIL mill PUBOWN .., .,. III PUBSRVC ,. REC 1 C2J RESMF ., . .., . - RESMH ~ RESSF ~ SCHOOL ,. SW ~ VACANT D WATER IV City Limits ~ Twin NORTH Lake Scale = 600:1 Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_slu.apr Page 1.A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 ~ - 6 [[ill E2:a ~ III ~ ~ @ill - - CJ.... .' . .., . - ~ m - ~ LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR HI I LDRMH LDRSF MDRIO MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO N City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (HIP to HI) Comprehensive Plan Site 1 Acreage: 9.78 /: >- U5oifi-:- zw~8 ~~o . z~..J~ i:D..~~ ~ 0 --', , \ I J HIGH INTENSITY '..~j PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (S.m. Co.) Twin Lake r.::.: f.:.... ...... ....... I:':':":' E.;;-I;::::::;:::: I.S':;.~':':'::;:':'::::':':: Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u.apr Page 1.B City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 LEGEND ~ AG - COM 6 FW [[IIJ HW E22 IND CENlRAL ~ INS .. OFF ~ PUBFACIL fZ1!ilJ PUBOWN ::;::.:::::; ill PUBSRVC - REC E2J RESMF ., . ... . - RESMH ~ RESSF m SCHOOL - SW [2g VACANT D WATER IV City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 Twin Lake .... ...... .;.r Twin ..... ..;.;; ;;;1 Lake ','. ....0,.. .' ;.;.;......;.;0>-.< '::/I.!!f:/'! fJ:;JfjD Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_Blu.apr Page 2-A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 ~ - El [!II]] ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ill - ~ ~ - ~ m - ~ LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR m I LDRMH LDRSF MDRIO MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO N City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (PSP to HI) Comprehensive Plan Site 2 Acreage: .623 CENlRAL . . .., . , :: =::: :::: ..:::.:...... ~.. ., . " . " . / , Twin Lake :.;;:;;-;.. .:.....;:.~ filr / Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J;\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u.apr Page 2-8 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 Hili - 8 mIJ E2a ~ .. ~ ~ ~ III - D.... ., . ... . - bSSJ ~ - ~ D IV LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 GREElleH"'V F\.ORIO'" CEII-nW- Twin Lake Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community DeveJopment.~(]I)03 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa,gO~18J1pr Page 3-A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 m-ll - E [ll]] E2a ~ .. ~ ~ ~ - - G.... ., . ... . - ~ ~ - r88J LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR HI I LDRMH LDRSF MDRIO MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO N City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (HIP to HI) Comprehensive Plan Site 3 Acreage: .78 Twin Lake Twin Lake Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u.apr Page 3-B City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 [HfE D a [[IT] ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ - - D.... .' . ... . - rssJ ~ - ~ o 1\1 LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RES SF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600: 1 ~ GREEIlEWA'I ~., FI.ORIDA cENTrv- Twin Lake Twin Lake Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\A.RCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_slu.apr Page 4-A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 ~ - a rrrn ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ a - D.... ., . ... . - ~ m - ~ LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR HI I LDRMH LDRSF MDRI0 MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO N City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (HIP to HI) Comprehensive Plan Site 4 Acreage: 12.77 // GREEllE'H"'1 fLORID" Twin Lake Twin Lake Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u.apr Page 4-8 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 Gill - E rrrn E23 ~ .. ~ ~ ~ iii - G.... ., . ..' . - ~ ~ - ~ D IV LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 j t-- n.O'" GllEEIlE'f'l"''f fl.O", CEIlT!lAl- Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J;\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_elu.apr Page 5-A ~ - a [[illJ E2d ~ IIlIlI g ~ ~ III - ~ ~ - ~ m - [8g City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR HI I LDRMH LDRSF MDRI0 MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO ~ NORTH ., . ........ ........ .' . ...." .. .' . ...... . ., . ...." . ...., . ...." .. ...." .. ...." .. ...." .. ., . ...." .. ., . ...... .. .' . ........ ........ ., . ...." .. ., . ...." .. ., . ...... .. ., . ...." .. ...... .. .. ...... Twin Lake N City Limits Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (HIP to HI) Comprehensive Plan Site 5 Acreage: 3.37 Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u.apr Page 5-8 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 Hill 1m E3 rrrn E2a ~ .. ~ ~ ~ III - ~ ~ - ~ ~ - t88] o N LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600: 1 =+ Ii ff 6 LORIO'" GREEIIEW"'V CEIITRlIL- F Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_olu.apr Page &.A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 mIl - B [ill] ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ III - [2].... ., . ... . - ~ ~ - ~ LEGEND AlC WDBD GC HDR HI I LDRMH LDRSF MDRIO MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO N City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (HIP to HI) Comprehensive Plan Site 6 Acreage: 59.74 Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u.apr Page 6-B City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 Hm RIll E3 rrrn E2d ~ III ~ ~ ~ III - 8]", ., . ... . - bS;Sj m - ~ D LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RES SF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER N City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 I ~ ~ K)-< ><x?"- Xx~ ~ K>< yx ~ xx",;:::x~ ~ K>< >< >1--: ><'x" PS<>?'X":x >~;;~~~~T ISR46illiE ~ "t:~ ~ ~ ~~', ", ~:<~ ~ 8> t?TI~7At ~;~ ~~ ~ :;:::;::::;:;:::;:;::;:;:;:::;::::;:;. ~38 ~ >< >< ~ .;.::::::.;.;.::::::.;.:.;.;:::.;.;.: k'" ~~ " y~~ ~ :-:........;.:........;.;.;......;.;. 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Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u.apr Page 7-8 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 lliIJ m E ffiI] ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ Iii - D.... ., . ..' . - [:;sj m - ~ D LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER N City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 ! ~8 o<s<:x x :>< 0x8x: ><.:.;x ~ x>< ~V~ x [> >>xv x;x:::;x . W1ST ST (SR46).O 0 alii.. ........... ><> ~ · 7<:;>< >>>x:;x ~~ ~ "':::::::~ ~ ~x~ /<;>< / ,,~~ X X x~ ~~ Ix / :S::"+ >0< ~ ~; Xx x><x~~ ~ ~ ........................)~8. ~~~ ~'><'><xt:;; V/ ..................... . ".~~ ~~ y~V/ ...................;............ . ~ /'''A .... .... ....... "'''-' V;; ........;..........;..........;...... ~"-~ ~ >C ......:.....................;........ ~ ~ ~-><--.~ x. x.x. r>>/./ . ., ......... .,. ""'"' ~v -/X./' /' /'-/, /"'....... ........ . ........ . . ...... . . . x x K.,X,; , ~% ~~ ~~~~/~;: ~ ~~~ N~ ~~~ ~'><XXy><X ,~<X~~ ~~ K..>< X X >x:>< ::-xx '-x ~ / ':/ ~ ~ k> X '><::::x S:S:: ~ X ~ <><:x X >8> X X ,:/xxv< ~ ~ X5x ~ ~ X X x:;;:x XX>~~~/XS:~ ~~ Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_elu.apr Page a-A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 mIl - E [[[]] E23 ~ IIlllI ~ ~ ~ III - D.... ., . ... . - ~ ~ - ~ LEGEND AIC WORD GC HDR HI I LDRMH LDRSF MDRI0 MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO N City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (HIP to WIC) Comprehensive Plan Site 8 Acreage: 2.41 HIGH INTENSITY PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (Sem. Co.) Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u.apr Page B-B City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 HHJ .. 6 [[[JJ C2a ~ .. ~ ~ @lli III - D.... ., . ..' . - t;Sj ~ - ~ CJ LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER N City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 .'. . ........ . ........ ~'- '- '---", ::><~ x .............. ,-, '-C'x^ :::;::::::::::;::: ~ ~ ~ ~2 x ......... ........ ~ ,~"t. "- :.;.;;::::::.;.:::: ~ ~~" >x x~~ ,<,:SRg;:?;x ~~~ >;:x :x::.;:x;:>::t+ %~~ >eX:::: ;X;>:;> <x>< Xx,;X>< . ;X xXx ";><x:><' /' :x:^>< ~ F5:: " j W1ST ST (SR46) -""'''0.< t........... ..... ffi~.. I. -' x ><><:: K><~ ,'0 ~ .x-.x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ GS:: s::;< ~ 1< ?;j:?< 1 0 [:,,:::-; ~ '--; x> x %j11.~ ~~~ ~~ ~f22 ~ x ~~~~~~ ~~x B8~ ~~ ?<x::;: :;::::::;:;:;::::<:;:;::::< ~~'---~m cx:;x 0~ '';':';'';':';';';'':';';';';'': '-~" /' /C><.>;:> ~V / ~ . . . '. . . . . 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Page 9-B City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 [IB - a [ill] E23 ~ .. ~ ~ ~ III - D.., .' . ... . - ~ a - ~ D IV LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 ~~~~;. <~/~;~ ~/k<?<::>< ~~:::::: ~ [:/;/4 ~:~ C!:~ ><:><;x ~~ ><>X<>< / / /':/ V'><XX 'ex x><:<: </~ ",t/; i>S<' ><> ~:::::::: ~~........, ~c.~ ;/; ~ ~'::::::::: ~ / /" /~ ~ ~::::::::: .....'~:~ /// ~ ~ ~"'" ....:~ x x x:; '>< ......... x'5<xx ;:; ~ x~ .' X ~/ x x >< '. ::.>< x x ~ ><: ~~ W 1ST ST (SR 46) :'?-.,l "" "-".c '1~ "-- ~'O:X x:.~s.;:x ~ y >O~ ",,'x ~':::: ,1 x ><><>< ~~ <112 "" I :5< x /'/ S x:>< ><><::Xx:?: ~ X; Xx ~ ><:s<:>< >< ?> $::: ><><::X ~ >< lil Xxx <; ~ i w z ii! ST JOHNS r~ " PKIV).' Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_elu.apr x. z X x :;x;>< "" X x ><S>< "" ~ ><S>< "" ~ "x~~ jf!!!!!'!M!!j; Page 12~A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 ~ - a [ill] ~ ~ .. ~ f[:]J........... ....... ............ - - D.., .' . .,. . - w m - ~ LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR HI I LDRMH LDRSF MDRI0 MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO N City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (HIP to WIC) Comprehensive Plan Site 12 Acreage: 2.16 ~<$I/ ~C;+' INDUSTRIAL (Sem. Co.) HIGH INTENSITY PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (Sam. Co.) --------,---- , , , , , , , ~-- : ~S : 1& i , i HIGH INTENSITY RANNED DEVELOPMENT ($em. Co.) z ....... W 1ST ST (SR 46) Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\A.RCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u.apr Page 12-8 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 LEGEND d] AIC - WDBD E GC .. HIGH INTENSITY ~ [ill] '" PlANNED HDR CJ DEVELOPMENT (88m. Co.) ~ HI ~ I III! LDRMH ~ LDRSF 0I] MDRI0 .,. .., - MDR15 - NC C2J PSP .' . ." . - ROI bSSJ WIC ~ SE - RP HIGH INTENSITY RANNED ~ DEVELOPMENT PRO (Sem. Co.) ALM TER IV City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 W 1ST ST (SR46) Land Use Change (HIP to WIC) Comprehensive Plan Site 13 Acreage: 19.80 Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARGVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u.apr Page 13-8 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 LEGEND ~ A1C - WDBD EJ GC '" HIGH INTENSITY ~ [[[[] .. PLANNED HDR U DEVELOPMENT (Sem. Co.) ~ HI ~ I .. LDRMH ~ LDRSF fEIJ MDRI0 ;:;:;.;::;:: - MDR15 - NC [ill PSP ....... .. ROI bS:SJ WIC ~ SE - RP HIGH INTENSITY PLANNED ~ DEVELOPMENT PRO (8em.Co.) ALM TER IV City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 W 1ST ST (SR46) Land Use Change (HIP to WIC) Comprehensive Plan Site 13 Acreage: 19.80 Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_flu.apr Page 13-B City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 lElID III E3 fin L ~ - ~ t:.....~ ;:::;.:;:;:; ~ - - D.... .' . ..' . - lSSJ m - ~ D IV" LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBF ACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600: 1 I . fl: ~~>3:2 I ~..~~ ~ >< >< ;xz >< :;x ~ >xx >< :S:' ~ x/< '" ~ ><~ < >< Xx ~ XX' ~~~~~~:'g~~ ~ ~~~~ <>X<XQ< ~ ~ R>< <?$2$ ~~ ~... W1ST ST {SR46} II. II D 1"".0--0--0--0-... 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Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004s_f1u.apr Page 14-8 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 ~ mill E3 [ll]] E2] ~ III ~ mmI ~ III - D.... ., . ...o . - [S;Sj m - ~ D IV LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 .k.' '..<<~.< "'. :v:'<:<.~::<' .x ..-~..,~,,~ ~'-:~ "- ~ .~ ~ ~~ X;x .f&V~ il'.'IV~~ L ...v~ , ..fttt~ I .rf-i-~ ~ -'-, ~-;'?Jx x X' xx , >< x f+ :::" -:} "t" R> x ><::;<?' x .11 I r ,1C ,,!>< ~ " ~;x~,> ~~~>Q< x:x <<x "" ~,.:><> Xx "~~ "'~;;><>> ^x Xx 2;:;X?<x x C><:> x x: R~:x X' ~~%>X>< ;;; ~~%K:x x:> .... ~>> P<:?< >-xxx '>C;xy "" ~~ -++- ~ x ~ ~ - 16 I ...a-....... . . . . . . .. . . . W 1ST ST (SR 46) ~ :::::=:: ~ ~ >~ >Q<:'X >S:: ~ -:::Y:~ ~~ ~:xx ;:::::::: :.;:::::.;....:.;.;~I~ ~ >;;;<: .;........;.:......~ 0 ::s ~ o ':':':':'.:.:.;.:. ::?.:::: 0'8 r::---; ~~ ::=::::::::=::::::.~~~~~:? ~.~ ~~ ................... 0 f'- . ........ ...... ,r---.. ,~~ PV" ,,~"- ~> xx x<: o ~ ~ Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004s_slu.apr Page 16-A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 ~ - E mo ~ ~ .. ~ ~ @lli - - D.... ., . ..' . - bSSJ ~ - ~ LEGEND AIC WORD GC HDR HI I LDRMH LDRSF MDRI0 MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO HIGH INTENSITY PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (Sem. Co.) - NORTH N City Limits W 1ST ST (SR 46) Scale = 600: 1 Land Use Change (HIP to WIC) Comprehensive Plan Site 16 Acreage: 20.02 Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004s_f1u.apr Page 16-B City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 ~ - E [[[]I] E2J ~ .. ~ Em........... ....... ............ iii - D.... ., . .., . - bS:Sd m - ~ D IV LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 q-] H,l;t H(' xx: +rt - I>< f>'X'< ;?< ;?< 8:::::~~~ .:::~~x><x ~~ x;X:;< - ,,' ," ~~~ ~x~~~g ~8:S k~~~~ ;:::~~ ~ ~ ;:::~~ ~ f'>l2::k:x:x::x ><:; >><>~"- W 1ST ST (SR 46) ".0-0-. 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[III - 0.... ., . ..' . - E:;Sj ~ - ~ IV" LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR HI I LDRMH LDRSF MDRIO MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (HIP to WIC) Comprehensive Plan Site 17, 18 Acreage: 11.69 HIGH IN PLA DEVEL (Sem NSITY ED MENT 0.) ...-... <- z w /:~ Cijo~ z...JS ~~ . _i!l~ rc~ ~w -z r~ ~ Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u.apr Page 17-B City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 ~ - E [[[[J ~ ~ .. ~ ~ @ill III - D.... ., . ..' . - ~ m - ~ D IV LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 .. .. i:z1== t--- .. I~ " I ---. -1 x~ , .I~tx;::>< -I~ t;;: x>: . ~ x;::>< . "'- :x><> -- -~ .". r7x h~ ~ Q>'x ~~~ ~;><><x .~~ ~;><><x 0~~ ><"~,, -~ ~ ~~~ ~~"t---- - ><$ 5 " ~~. ~ ~ ~~" ,<xx (x t'---. ~ ~ /< ~~K ;><;)~~ ~~ ~~,::::,>01 '-~~ x ~ ~ ~~~ ~191S~~~ ~ ~~~~~~> ~~ 0-...~ ~I>< Q>< 7- ~/Q< ~ ~ ~ "-j >< ><:><><:> ~ ::<x:: x; >Q>< ~/ ,"ol'-t~ X ><x~ ><x ><> ><;,$ :;X;x><x>x<X ~ x xx;: ,: :;. :>< > x x>x"'x ?' ~"'- ~ ;: x ><:><><X>0< ~ ~ 'x :>< x x ~~~%~x$Z~~ i" ~~~ ~::xx?'- ~~~~~~ ~ ~ Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_elu.apr Page 19-A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 um ~ EJ [illl Z ~ .. ~ ~ ~ III - D.... .' . ..... .. - E;:sJ ~ - ~ N LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR m I LDRMH LDRSF MDRIO MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (I to WDBD) Comprehensive Plan Site 19 Acreage: .17 Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u.apr Page 19-B City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 LEGEND 8l AG LAKE MONROE III COM 6 FW ffiIJ HW E2d IND ~ INS .- OFF ~ PUBFACIL ~ :::::::::;:: PUBOWN a PUBSRVC - REC 20 D RESMF ., . ... . - RESMH ~ RESSF ~ SCHOOL - SW ~ VACANT D WATER IV City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_elu.apr Page 2D-A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 Hm III E3 m:o E2d ~ .- ~ fIlJ.;.;.;..;.; ....... ....... - - D.... .' . .., . - ~ m - ~ LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR ill I LDRMH LDRSF MDRIO MDR15 NC PSP ROI W1C SE RP PRO N City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (CON to RP) Comprehensive Plan Site 20 Acreage: 86.82 LAKE MONROE .~" "'", ~"" , , SUBURBAN \ ESTATES I (Sem. Co.) \ , I I , , , _~_________J PUBLIC (Sem. Co.) ?;;t~ ~~8 ~~E ;o'"~ g~-- Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\CQMP PLAN\Cpa2004s_f1u.apr Page 2D-B City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 [ll'g l1li E3 [[[J] ~ ~ .. ~ f!K!Jj:J. .... . . ....... :.:....:.;.. - - D.., ., . .., . - ~ ~ - ~ CJ N LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600: 1 ~ r------~ ~ f--- --i?> >:x :X'<x ~ ~ I"x x ,;:., ~g (5Q<( IX ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~:x~~ .., ;X< ,,~~ ~.~ '. >S>>>~~~ i:-'" x :-:'. ~ ~~~~ ~b<x x -:::::::.~ ~~'" ~;;:~ &fu' ":'::~~" ~~ 21f::~r::::<< :::::. ":. iI'~~ 0t"-: 1 '" ><X>':x -:':')'4' ~., ~b:: ~~~ x .?< '.::::?: ':~ ~~~>< 0 "'5' .... ~ ~::::: /><"" .' (.';-.. ~ ". :::::~~R~ ::1\( ~.~b, ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ i-:. I>< 'x W:-: ~ ~ ~~ ""1 ~~ :: ~ :::: :. ~ x >:x .~.' ~ ~v>< ~ ~~ >< x:::::: : ~~~,~~ ~:)j{j ~ ~~~?:8xx~ ":':'. ~ ~ ~~8:? ~:~/: R>< ><:?< >0< ~.~~~ I'-.. ,,~'. LAKE MONROE Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_9Iu.apr Page 21-A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 LEGEND , "~" '" Gill AIC "'~'0.., " III '':--'' WDBD '- ',- 6 GC ~, SUBURBAN " , [[ill ESTATES ", COMMERCIAL HDR (Sam. Co.) "" ISom.Co.) E:2a ~ HI " ~ LAKE MONROE I lIB LDRMH ~ LDRSF fJJfJ MDRIO PUBLIC ;:;:;.:;:::; (Sem. Co.) g MDR15 SUBURBAN ESTATES - NC (Sem. Co.) ~ r=:J PSP ~ . . . '. ~ . '" - ROI lSSJ WIC m SE - RP ~ PRO ow DENS! ESIDENTI (Sam, Co. N City Limits ~ NORTH LOW DE IlY INDUSTRIAL RESIDE IAL Scale = 600:1 (Sem. Co.) (Sem. .) Land Use Change (LOR to WDBD) Comprehensive Plan Site 21 Acreage: .24 Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004s_f1u,apr Page 21.8 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 LEGEND ~ AG LAKE MONROE - COM E3 FW mo HW E2d IND ~ INS .. OFF ~ PUBFACIL f!HJ!l!J PUBOWN ;:;.;.:;::.; 22 e PUBSRVC - REC D RESMF ........ - RESMH ~ RES SF m SCHOOL - SW ~ VACANT 0 WATER IV City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCV1EW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_elu.apr Page 22~A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 HH'l - El mo E:2d ~ - ~ ~~ ~ g - D.... ., . .., . - ~ ~ - ~ LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR HI I LDRMH LDRSF MDRIO MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO N City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (LOR to LDRSF) Comprehensive Plan Site 22 Acreage: .64 }}j( ..' . :::::::::: .,. . <fr. City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u,apr LAKE MONROE ~ III .... Z w <J Ul w '" <J " ~--- : . i , , , , , , , , , , , , SUBURBAN ESTATES (Sem. Co.) ._-----,_.~ ~- --._~_.- LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (Sem. Co.) - ---- - - - - --- SUBURBAN ESTATES (Sam. Co.) Future Land Use Page 22.8 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 LEGEND ~ AG III COM B FW ffiIJ HW E:23 IN>> ~ INS III OFF ~ PUBFACIL Will PUBOWN :::::.:::;:: - PUBSRVC 23 - REC C2J RESMF ., . ... . - RESMH ~ RESSF ~ SCHOOL - SW ~ VACANT 0 WATER CELERY AV IV City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_elu.apr Page 2J..A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 ~ - El []]J] E23 ~ l1li ~ ffllljj:J..... . . ........... ............ III - D.... ., . .., . - ~ m - ~ LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR ill I LDRMH LDRSF MDRIO MDRIS NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO N City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (CON, LOR to RP, LDRSF) Comprehensive Plan Site 23 Acreage: 73.02 SUBURBAN ESTATES (Sem. Co.) CELERY AV SUBURBAN ESTATES (Sem. Co.) Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004s_f1u.apr Page 23--8 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 ~ - a [[JJJ ~ ~ .- ~ f!f}jfJ. '. . . .... .' :.;.:.::.:.; III - D.... ., . ..... . - ~ m - ~ o IV' LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 >0< :xXx o << 25 24 ><' ~ :>< x ~ ~ '- ~ ~ CELERY AV II ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ . IX:::> 'x 'X ><::'x:x >< x '.*~ XXx x/< :;>~ >>< >><> . >~x>>>< i>< x >s.:?< ~:::x Xx x ~><x~ -v~ sgs~ ~P< ~ xxx:X>< x ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~m~ Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVJEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_eru.apr ~ ~ [:1,,:',- ~'--... Page 24-A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 mfj m E...=i ..=--:= ffiD L ~ BEl ~ r,:::;.;;;;::] ~~ III - D.,. ., . ... . - ~ m - ~ LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR m I LDRMH LDRSF MDRIO MDR1S NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO N City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600: 1 Land Use Change (LOR to LDRSF) Comprehensive Plan Site 24, 25 Acreage: 1.88 /::;t~ "'~8 aJaJ . 00 E ~"'<i'l g~-- m w !;;: 1-- mci wu :l:E lll" a:!i?- :::J III :::J m 25 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (Sem. Co.) 24 CELERY AV - SUBURBAN ESTATES (Sem. Co.) D Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u.apr Page 24-8 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 mIl IRl E [ill] E2-3 ~ .. ~ ww ~ - - D.... .' . ... . - ~ m - ~ D N LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 " x ~ ~ ~ ~ CELERY AV ~ ;EB ><>:::x ><,.: l:>r x x ~;:; >< I><:X x ~ ;.(: !xX> x::> x> s:?>x::>x> S<xx> x3: ~'"> 1ST DR ~ ~~x>><x,/ ~~~! tk" " yx:x?<. n< ~~ 11><"--- 0 ><X~ ,"'- ;;;';.' x::;x ~ ?'x x ~'~~ ~ ~>S:>< ><; >x:>/ ~ >< x >X:>:::> ~~~ x x>:::> ;;:';;;I:<5r:x x> x>:::> ;:::::;;::;.';;;; h/<)x X>:x ffi OF: ~t::j:f::;>x:> x> ~ ~ ~ ~ x::;x ><:x : x~~ x 0:::-":::: K><X>< :xx ~ ~ ~ x >x:;x X ~ ;:: ~:x ~(xx :;: ><> x ~ ~ ~ ~ x:X x> ~ >y<' ~ [';r1 ~r4Z " " Ix ><;: ~ ><'> c..;x ><'>< x ~ " " ,,~~ F+.. ~ ~ 26 ~~"--- 7'~ t'-."~~ ~~."" ",,--- Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_elu.apr Page 26-A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 LEGEND mil AIC Ell WDBD E3 GC [[I]] HDR E2d HI - ---- SUBURBAN - - ESTATES ~ I (Sem_ Co_) .. LDRMH ~ LDRSF fEff:] MDRIO ......... ~ MDR15 - NC 26 lZ8J pSP .' . LOW DENSITY .., . - RESIDENTIAL ROI (Sem. Co.) ~ WIC m SE =1 - RP ~ PRO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY Sem. co.) RESIDENTIAL IV (Sem_ Co_l City Limits ~ " NORTH MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAl. 8em. Co.) Scale = 600: 1 Land Use Change (MDR15, NC to LDRSF) Comprehensive Plan Site 26 Acreage: 71_36 Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004s_f1u.apr Page 26-B City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 Hli1 l1li E3 rrrn ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ III - D.... ., . ... . - ~ m - ~ CJ N LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBF ACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 :x><c Q o ~ ~ 12 l'- o I>< ;x ~ L"- ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 27 EFI r: to< S; x"x~ ~~>" ~ " ~~~~ ~ ,"''' ~ o "',~ "''',~ ~ " " >< '), , :< J>< >< t ~ ~ rs:_~ ~~~ ~J>i.~~ r' y<,;>0< ~ c' ex ~:;;:; ~ ~ ~. ~~ ';x ><'< ~ ii!~ " 1>< JXI" ,N ~><~ ~Qi'-.. ~ '!;;';';";';';";L"'~~ ~ ~"s;: l K :r.;.;;;;.;.;;;;:t:::,,-",, "tL ' Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_8Iu.apr Page 27-A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 gm III E [IlIJ ~ ~ .. g ~ ~ III ,. 0.... ., . ... . - [SS'j m - ~ tV' LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR HI I LDRMH LDRSF MDRlO MDRlS NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (LDR to LDRSF) Comprehensive Plan Site 27 Acreage: 15.0 ~ ~ - ~ = ~ ce -- - ~ SUBURBAN ~ ESTATES (Sem. Co.) I ~ ~ 27 ~ EF' i1Di>R ~ .= = "- Uir - .~- -- R-DO - -- -- - - -- -- --; LOW DENSITY i RESIDENTIAL (Sem. Co.) MEDIUM DENSITY i . RESIDENTiAl : ~~- ~~ -. '= 8em. Co.) ! , r-- r------ ~ lOW DENSITY iil RESIDENTIAL ------ O! c: (Sam. Co.) ---- !l Q Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u,apr Page 27.8 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 d III E mIl E2d ~ III ~ ~ ~ III - D.... ., . ... . - ~ a - ~ o N LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600: 1 ~ ~ -LJ ~ lii--LI~ .1 ~~~ ~~x x XX s:8% ~~ ~ Ego<' ~ >2'< E8><><::: ~ ::>:xx :>< ;x ~ ><::>x f'< ~~~ ~><'~>Q< p:~~~~ t::St~~~~~::, ~ ~N~>~~~ ~~~x~~~ ~~ 'H,"- ~ ~lI' kX., ~ fQ7" ~f+: + ~ ><;>>< k;> ~ ><::5<" ;>?Y< ~ I'> ;: ~ '>0< >>~ x 28 ~x ~ ~ rx x ~fj ~ >> ~~I SR46 ., ~~~ ~/~ ~xxx >< ~ ~ ~Y<> x >< ,;x >< ~ -xx ><;<>< ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~>8x ~ ~><:; ~ ~~x ~~ Existing Land Use ;: c>& k;:< ~'x:') City of SanfOrd Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J;\ARCVJEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_elu.apr Page 2a-A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 ~ .. EJ ffiI] E:2a ~ .. ~ ~ @ill III .. ~ ~ - ~ m - ~ LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR m I LDRMH LDRSF MDRI0 MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO N City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 land Use Change (IND to I) Comprehensive Plan Site 28 Acreage: 34.82 lOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (Sam. Co.) COMMERCIAl (8em. Co.) SUBURBAN ESTATES Sam. Co.) COMMERCIAL {Ssm. Co.) INDUSTRIAL (Sam. Co.) :~MM ~ -1 , (Se~ I SR46 INDUSTRIAl (Sem. Co.) INDUSTRiAl (Sem. Co.) INDUSTRiAl (Sam. Co.) Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_flu.apr Page 28--6 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 Hill .. E3 mo E22 ~ .. ~ ~ ~ em - D.... ., . ... . - tSSJ m - ~ CJ IV' LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 ~- -.; :.;> >S: :x ><:' :0>< :xk-"-..~ ~ ~~0x~ %/;~ /~~~ /~~ ~~>S:XX x Xgs~ ~ ><:><:>< xx> :x x ><s ><; x /~Y< ~~ ~ ~x ~:::~ >S: ~ ~><>X;;;>kOx > ~ s.~ /< x P< :x <::><5 >>< ~ >< Xx, ~ ,:::: ~ ~~29X:~;:: ~ ? > ~ ~ ><'< og:; ~ ~ ~ ~ S I'-- ~ ~~x>< ;;?><~x ~- Xx ~:xx >< X>:x ~~ ~><0x>< >Q<~ ~~:x ><':>><xxx <><5 ~~ Existing Land Use ~ ::::: City of SanfOrd Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\A.RCVJEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_9Iu.apr Page 29.A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 [liE .. E3 [[IIJJ E23 ~ .. ~ ~ ~ III - D.... ., . ... . - lSSJ m - ~ LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR HI I LDRMH LDRSF MDRIO MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO N City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (HIP to AIC) Comprehensive Plan Site 29 Acreage: 2.40 City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:IA.RCVlEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u,apr L - - - - - - --. I: !it "'O!l!~ zWa:8 nS 5.c~~ 'E 0 INDUSTRIAL (Som. Co.) HIGH INTENSITY PlANNED DEVELOPM NT (Sem. Co.) Future Land Use Page 29-8 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 mfj - E3 ffiIJ E23 ~ .. ~ ~ ~ - .. G.... ., . ... . - bSSJ m .. ~ CJ N LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 ef '~y $~~~ ~ ~ . <XIS::~ ~%;: t;; ~~~~ >><~ ~%;: v " ~~';x?, X>~t<~~ v ~ ~~~V'>~~ :: ~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~;X<S<:S~ts~~ l-< t ~~~~"~~ ~ ~ ~ x;> X'9<x ~ I:"- ><: B:: ~~SE''>0>Q< ><~ ~ >~x~30 ~~ x a <~~ X/'<X< x~ x ?< i, >< ~ ><X?<?<~ ~~ ::: o o"'x x ~ >Q?x >>: ~~ P' ~ ~ >< ~ ~>~ ~~ty< ~~ ~xxY E. lAKE MARY BLVD ;: x x ~~K~I'~ R<' ~ y ?< ><><:: ~?>< l??<"Y>: ~ Xx ~~>Q; ~ >< Xx ~< ><x;~?2' - X::- ~ -~~x~ ~ [) ~ IL 7~1~~ -L X'Z IL -'=OK>9< % ~ ."" >< X5> gxx >< ;;>< <xx>. ~ ~ ~ :><; LLu"~' .> f'< x Existing Land Use Oty of SanfOrd Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_eJu,apr Page 3()...A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 HffJ - E3 ffiIJ ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ - .. G.... ., . ... . - bSSJ m - ~ LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR ill I LDRMH LDRSF MDRIO MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO N City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change ('NO to Ale) Comprehensive Plan Site 30 Acreage: 45.50 ) / /1/ ( '1 i , / c...-... GOLDEN LAKE UBURBAN ESTATES (Sem. Co.) SUBURBAN ESTATES (Sem. Co.) SUBURBAN ESTATES (Sem. Co.) '-- -- Wi .;.;;;;.; > -;::.;.:;. io( .;;;;;;;~ 0 ::::;:.:: :c .........0 tit ..J $"" ",0 ...u ~E oJ! z- <i!..,. -0 ~u ~E oJ! z- Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\A.RCV1EW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u.apr Page 30-8 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 ~ - E3 ffiIJ ~ ~ .. ~ w:w ~ - .. G.... ., . ..' . - bSSJ m .. ~ CJ LEGEND AG COM FW HW INn INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER N City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 ~.~ ~~ ~ ~F~ ~ ~~~ ~~ m~:: ~ ~~ ,/ /'. '\::X t;x> ><< 0~R~i~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~---<Y'K' ~ 31ts: O<>~ rJ< ,.?< ~ X:S23? ~ ~ :"'X ~ .x.xx --k5x ~ /<~ ~ fXx:x << b?~~~~~K>2 ><: R: ~ ~~ "'~~~~~~~~ "">- ~~ ~~[:': ~1~'f1~~'~~ ~~~ ~ -f ~~~~?~ ~,~~~~<,,~~t~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ .~ ~ ~-L ~~ ~ "I--.."" r-----' ,'I F.;7 1'-8: ~~I-V ~ ;:;~ ~V ~ Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PlAN\Cpa2004a_9Iu,apr Page 31-A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 Gill - E3 ffiIJ ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ - .. G.... ., . .., . - ~ m - ~ LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR ill I LDRMH LDRSF MDRIO MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO N City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (CON, MDR, LOR to RP, MDR10) Comprehensive Plan Site 31 Acreage: 32.45 SUBURBAN ESTATES (Sem. Co.) .............f.m1.......... ........ .' ". " .., ................ ................................ .' '!If'i''~... Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u.apr Page 31-8 City of S"lnford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 1llliJ - E3 rrrn E23 ~ .. ~ ~ ~ - - G.... ., . ... . - bSSJ m - ~ CJ IV LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 V;V~~ ~ CJl ~?:X5 5S: ~'" l~~ ~~u;>: ~ ~ ~Xx>< ~'" .........~ ~/ ;><;x )I 'f ~ x x ci; G:: ~~ V ~:'\ IX<:><> /') ~[:'--.. l~ ~ /K>?X\ x:>??<.:x ""< ~ ~~ ~!f:-.......gv ~::\ ~~ ~~/ ~ ~ (<~2>Q< (< ("-.......'--......," f'<~ ~<?Yt'o~'-.......::: J x x,,29 y < .~ ~s< ><>9 ~'-.........'-.........~~'--......,~~~"--.......~ ~~ \ ~ ~ ~~"-.....~"--......."--.......'--......,'--......,'--......,,, ~>><~'? \~~ ~~"--.......~ ~~x>Y\ \~ ~r::: ':;J~~"--.......-""""::: ~x$r~~ S ~~ ~~ ~~~:~I\ ~:>~~ ~1t~~;; ~ Q~j;f ~~x~"-............~ ~~ r< Mlitf{:j})ff:fJ:fi. \. K>Y >Z ~ l"-............. 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(S m Co.) ..;.;.;;.;.;.;;.; t % ,. lOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (Ssm. co.) PINE WAY SUBURBAN ESTATES (Sem. Co.) Future Land Use Page 32-B City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 gm - E3 [[IIJ EZj ~ III ~ ~ ~ III - G.... ., . ..' . - bSSJ m - ~ CJ LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER N City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 ~ ';/r~K~ ~~~ ...... ~~~ V~~~.. ~ ~~~ ~ '\ y x X;X Xx XX ~ .~ t::: r:-::: N. Y fff?S ~>< ~~f~~ t:::lY. ~~ ~Xx ~;::~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~<= ~ ~ ~ y ~~ ><J R:X: r% ~ ~t::::'l~~ ?<0 X?<\ ~~ ~~ I ~ '" y ;;>< "><'x'^ 33 ~ '% \< ~W"'~l ~ ;:s::: ~ '? \'~. '--' '-...'-- ~~ ~ --~~~~~~~~~"E;g ~~ ~ ~ ~~'::,.~~~~~~~~ ~ \~~~~ ~~ \,~::~ ~ r!8l::: !I\ \ > x ~ " ~J ~ ts:lJ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ t: ::.:.::::::.::::::.::::::.::::::.::::::::~ ~ Xx x ~i'--.. 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Land Use Change (MDR to MDR10) Future Land Use Comprehensive Plan Site 33 Acreage: .80 City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u.apr Page 33-B City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 m - E3 mo ~ ~ U ~ ~ @ill BIll - [TI"'. " ' ... . - [S:S:j m - ~ o LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER N City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 ~~~~~E~~ ~~'-,,:::: ~i~ xxx :>< j ~ ~ ~ N ~ :::::::::: t:2: r:: :>< g 8 > x x x)>< ~ ~ ~ t;S;;J t:::;:: t:;::: ~ ~ ~ ~ x > x x ~ STE 0~~i'--. ><i"" ~~~~~t%~~ ~~~ ,,~~~~~~::::: ~ ~ ~~ 1% ><XXx ~. ~~~~ ~~m ~~ ~:0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~XX: ~ t--::t-:::: ~t'-:~~~~ ~ r>1 ~ t:::~ ~~ ~~~> ~'0~ "-. '-. 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Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J;\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u,apr Page 34-8 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 ml.l - E3 mo ~ ~ .. ~ ~ @Z;j III - G"'. ., , .., . - bSSJ m - ~ D LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER N City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 _~'>:~t c;.,: ~ ~ .... ~ ' , , . -'R~ '-I" ..... ~~' -~ ---11 13 R? ~~. '^~~0 ?' x ~ ~~~~ ":':':'::::':':':'::::,:, ~ :2 ..',.,...'.'....,'.,'.','. x x x ~ ~ . ~ ~ ','.:.', ',.,'.',., , ',.,~ >< ~ c:::: ~ SS: '39R~ o}::.~~ ':":':'::::;:,::::::: ~ ~ ,"' 'i''' ~ .. .., ,,\ ~ [:: f:S:: '~ Iii p · :.:.:. ~ f'< t"- ::138 " ~ >s: ~..o! ~ ,,' _ x'-~ x ?)~~ .~~.:'~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ "'''' ~~ ~ ~ j37f ~'", r ~~~ ~~'~5E~~~~ L, 10~ kO '~~I;;S; L' ~' ~-fg ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ 0 ~<>< ~,,~ ~ k'-< 0 ~",-,~~,-'0 '> ",'--- '- '- 'c2- '--- ,"" :'0 . ~ rx>~~~~~lx~ ~ ~r, i"-X <xl> ~x5&";XXX '" ~ ~F~~O %~~ R9S:I ~~ ~~S::; ~~~ ~~ Existing Land Use City of SanfOrd Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_elu.apr Page 35-A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 LEGEND &I AIC - WDBD E3 GC []JIJ HDR ~ ill ~ I III LDRMH ~ LDRSF f!!!lI!JJ MDRIO ....... - MDR15 - NC G PSP " ' ... . - ROI bSSJ WIC L m SE - RP ~ PRO N City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (MOR, LOR to MOR10, LDRSF) Comprehensive Plan Sites 35 . 39 Acreage: 2.18 j r 1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (Sem. Co.) INDUSTRIAL (Sam. Co.) \ Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u.apr Page 35-8 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 ~ - a [[]I] E23 ~ III ~ ~ ~ - - G..,. " ' ... . - bSSJ m - ~ D LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER N City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 ~~~~~~~~,: ~~~~#~~4~ ~~ ~ x",E?R:x XX ~x~~ ~ ~I>t: ., '..,. ~~;: t:-/~/x~ ~ x .,'. ". X '\~\:>>< V // ~xyx ><x~ ~~ "'I':'.., r:-:-:.:','.\. ~ x x/'/',?<X x'" ~~''I:-:,:..I::::::,;.:~:~~~ ~ Yx~~ i" "-. "'..,.,, "\ \><:::x VX,.7.E8 x Y'x t'11"-~"';;'::::-:.:':..~ "-\ ~ (Xx ':x xXXx ~ ~"c~. . ' " " ~ ~\ K": ~ :>Q< ><x "x.";x E. AIRPORT BLVD >SX~><;;; ,~~ ~~~ '-' >< ..,. ~ ><x x -><x-- x . " eX x..;x X x xX /< /<:>< " x ~ >:x>><5--- x:>?, KX XXI K I l'" >< x.?<~ >\ x x ~ 3Yv '. , . ',.,.. . '", '-. '-. " '1 " ~ ~ '-. .:::::-.:. ' . ., "...n '-. '-. " '.J I'-. "- ~~ ~~40 - ~~ ~ ~ Rrx~ ~ ~ ~<;~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~; ~x'~~ ~~~t22BS~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~L~~r::: ~i~ ~ xx~ R~~~~~ 8 E ~ '9 ~~~~--:::: x50 ~ ~~~~ Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J;\ARCVJEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_elu.apr Page 40-A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 LEGEND ~ AIC III WDBD a GC .. mJJ HDR E:23 HI ~ I .. LDRMH ~ LDRSF f!!!lI!JJ MDRIO , . ~ ". .. .. .. ........... - MDR15 - NC G PSP " , ..." .. - ROI bSSJ WIC ~ SE - RP ~ PRO IV City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 land Use Change (LOR to lDRSF) Comprehensive Plan Site 40 Acreage: 2.01 ffi Beg LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (Sem. Co.) /~_..-.... / I I / / I J I I \ LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (Sem. Co.) .. .. ...... ..-.. Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PlAN\Cpa2004a_f1u.apr Page 40-8 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 Hm - E3 mo ~ ~ .. ~ rmw ~ - - G',.' " , ..' . - bSSJ m - ~ CJ LEGEND AG COM FW HW INn INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER N City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 .~'~~~~~~~~B ~I~~~~~~' ~"'~~ ~~~~~~~ ~ I~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~x ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~?:; ~~~~~f:~~0 i:< q~ ~ ~~;:::;:: t:;.:y p~ I~ ~['-. ~ ~~~~~~~42 X~~ ~~ ~ --~~~~><~~ ~ " ~41L ~~::{ ?::::)~ ,',' -L '- f::'~.::::;:,:::::::::::.:: ~~ 'txxx ~ :::::: l '~c::-,xr" , '.', , ~ '><;><"x .. E. AIRPORT BLVD . ~ . , ~ ~~:: S:S:: ~~"'~~S:E~~ ~ :-..~~~ lE:::,:,:-:'::::-:-:'::::::'o"'x ~ ~ ~ :-:':-:':":-:':-:'",": ('<S ~ x ~~~,2~:::::~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ SAHORA _ ~ ~ ~f0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~~.t2~~~ ~~:: ~ Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_oru.apr Page 41-A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 ~ - E3 []]] E23 ~ l1li ~ ~ ~ III - 0'", " ' ... . - bSSJ ~ - ~ LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR ill I LDRMH LDRSF MDRIO MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO N City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (LDR to LDRSF) Comprehensive Plan Site 41, 42 Acreage: .73 @ Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a~f1u.apr Page 41-B City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 mB - E3 [[IJI] ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ III - G"" " . ... . - bSSJ ~ - ~ o LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER N City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 :: ~~ &: b::- 1"-..." ~ f'...h 1 ""'.I "- 'i f'.. " b" ~ " K.X..,.- x I'--.. L"- ~ ~ "-.. x :; ss: 1m l:::: 0' t::: ~ ~ ~ ;:: ~ ~~ ~ >x xl:::: ~ ,~ n :'"':x x ~~ ~ ;> ~ ::::~, x:' ~~ ~ ~2\t1 <i' i ~ ~. x x :::::: ~~~ ~ '"-../" /C" "~XXX ~, ~i0~e;: f'< :>< x 0 P< .",':---"" x!' /': '> ::5x1'~ ~ :x" ' ~~ ~ s<x /' ;::: x ~ :::>"'-.. 0 0 ~ ~ ~k.::~:'><:xx s:: :x~ '::' y ~::;;<I~ ,?<~>< :::::: /I?< Ii': t::: '" r:::~47!;:f: ~ 0< :/ r<x 8::~ S::~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ><'" :---:: ~ x ~ /' " ' R g t::: l:::: 46 ... '" r::::t m ~ ~ t;;;; ~N NS ~~ ~" "1"~ 2k ~ ~e b? I W. 27TH s~ ,; ~ BG f::S::: r::: /; 45 m ~:::::: ~ ~~ r-:::: ~ ~~.,~ ~~~ ~ ~44r:::~~4 %%~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ h: :::s:: ,,~~ t:::~ ",,,~ "5'",x ~ ~ ~ %% "'~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ Rf':~" ~ tS::: ;;,.~. ~/::c ~ ~ ~~ ~ 10 '~~"-.......~~~I" L~ I>. "" II'-;~ "~f ," Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_elu.apr Page 43-A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 mrI - E3 mIl E23 ~ .. ~ ~ ~ - - G"" " ' ..' . - bSSJ m - ~ LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR HI I LDRMH LDRSF MDRIO MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO N City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (LOR, COM to LDRSF, GC) Comprehensive Plan Sites 43 . 47 Acreage: 2.1 . ' , .. .. LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (Sam. Co.) v @ lOR (8em. Co.) Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u.apr Page 43-B City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 LEGEND l8m AG III COM a FW mIl HW E2d IND ~ INS III OFF ~ PUBFACIL f!!!lI!JJ PUBOWN ;:::;.:::::: - PUBSRVC - REC D RESMF " ' ... . - RESMH ~ RESSF ~ SCHOOL - SW ~ VACANT CJ WATER LAKE JENNIE IV City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600: 1 City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_elu.apr Existing Land Use Page 48-A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 ~ III a []]]] E:2d ~ III ~ ~ ~ III - (3]',,' " , ... . - bSSJ m - ~ LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR ill I LDRMH LDRSF MDRIO MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO N City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (LOR to LDRSF) Comprehensive Plan Site 48 Acreage: .44 'II!M!M II f!!ir .... ..... .................... ...."..... . J~ljNyijs!!~ .... .., .., .., ..... ........ . .., .';;-:-'"'v ,/ g LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (Sem. Co.) LAKE JENNIE , , , , , " " , ::i<<</i, Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004s_f1u.apr Page 48-B City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 LEGEND ~ AG III COM E FW []llJ HW E23 IND ~ INS .. OFF ~ PUBFACIL f!!!lI!JJ PUBOWN ::;-:.:::;.: III PUBSRVC - REC RESERVOIR G RESMF LAKE " , .., . - RESMH ~ RESSF ~ SCHOOL - SW ~ VACANT CJ WATER N City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 ::;:;:;:;::::;:::::;:: ~ " ,,',',',' ".,',' 0 ...................... w ,','".,',',','",,',' Cl 0::=:=::::::=::::::'" .00. . . .... LAKE JENNIE /--........ / / ~ ~ Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVtEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_elu.apr Page 4g..A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 mIl - E rno E2a ~ IIIlII ~ ~ ~ ~ - lZSJ'" ' " , ~ . . . - ~ a - ~ LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR HI I LDRMH LDRSF MDRIO MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO N City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (PUB to PSP) Comprehensive Plan Site 49 Acreage: .57 . ' , , , ' , , , ' , . PlYf !fljfj RESERVOIR LAKE // HIGf:lDENSITY /-RESIDENTIAL . . (Sem. Co.) LAKE JENNIE Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PlAN\Cpa2004a_f1u.apr Page 49-B City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 LEGEND ~ AG - COM E FW [[!]] HW ~ IND ~ INS .. OFF ~ PUBFACIL []ill PUBOWN ~Q .,. .., '1'-0 - PUBSRVC 50 ~ - REC [ill RESMF " ' .., . - RESMH ~ RESSF ~ SCHOOL - SW ~ VACANT 0 WATER IV City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PlAN\Cpa2004a_elu.apr Page 50-A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 Hm - E [ill] ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ III - [SJ"" " , ... . - ~ ~ - ~ LEGEND AlC WDBD GC HDR HI I LDRMH LDRSF MDRIO MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO N City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (LOR, CONS to LDRSF, RP) Comprehensive Plan Site 1 Acreage: 25.9 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (Sam. Co.) PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (Sam. Co.) Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_flu.apr Page 50-6 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 ~ - E3 rno [:2:3 ~ - ~ fE1J,'."".',' .......... ......... ~ - 0'". " , .., . - bSSJ m - ~ o IV LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600:1 ::::::;:::::: ~r~"Bi,h""~~,~L~~ n ::-::: ;;s.:; ~ p" b "" I=:: " "x ~ 'jx XX;x;>< ~ ~ Cx" "" ,,'-- ~ x t3~~~t:::l=~~"'r:::;::""~~C rh ~ ~~ ><F::::: s:~ rc:T:: ['-...[:5.. ';x '-- ~,-. "'~~ ><>0 >< ~~ ~~ ~B ~,~ ~~ ~~t~ ~~>< ~ ~ to;::: ;:::::.::: '> I'>- ['-... ;:::f:;t ~ '". x.~"" ~ 'x"x ~ ~ ~~ 2I~E ~Z ff1~ ~~ ~ ~ } V~ ~~~~ ~~~@8'~1'~ ~ C;:x < ~<~~K"" ~l): ><::xf>< 0"'''-''''''' t N3!~. ~ "le-V ~ Vh " ~~ J'dX L k ~ ~t:h. >O</x ~. >~~,~> .~ '1'~51~~~ x>-.'tV~ ~ ~ 'JtfK/JljX ::XY/ m AJtx><~W ',~ ~ ~ ~~~ W. 25TH ST ,~(. ~ ~ 1 ~ \ KX> ~>~ ~~ ~ y<: ~<>61 "',.,~\}, ~~ri? ,,~ ~".,'j~ '.',.' >y< ~ , ,',' " " ",', tx ':5 '".;':.;.;.;, .;.; iit:';" x x ?Q \- _~ : ::::::::\)\8, :;:::::::: >> " ,'.;':':.;',', ",' ',:';';, '.J . ' ", " ,,-,. , ' ' Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_elu.apr Page 51-A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 ~ RIll a [[[] E2d ~ .. ~ ~':':':":': ....... ....... ell - [TI"" " ' .... . - ~ m - ~ LEGEND COMMERCIAL (Sem.Co.) AIC WDBD GC HDR ill I LDRMH LDRSF MDRIO MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO DE ITY SIDE AL Sam. .) W. 25TH ST \ INDUSTRIAL \ (Sam. Co.) " "'-................. N City Limits ~h ~~ . -~ ~~~ COMMERCIAL (Sem. Co.) ..... " ' .... , , , , ..... " , , , ..... " , .':::::=::::=:=:::::' - NORTH PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (Sem. Co.) Scale = 600: 1 . Land Use Change (COM to GC) Comprehensive Plan Site 51 Acreage: .60 Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_f1u.apr Page 51-8 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 ma III 8 mIl ~ ~ III ~ [[[J..,', .. ......... :......:.... III - CD',,' " ' ... . - ~ m - ~ o IV LEGEND AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER City Limits - NORTH Scale = 600: 1 ~~,~ ~8sB81E:a.'h./:::::;~" ~ > ?5?51~::::,,:.:'>:\ >> 9<?5?5 ~~X ~ DE'J~b: ~ x x ~~E x~ 53 x~~~.~ ~~~"'"'1~ ~Vx~ ~ f~~~~~ ~~ '/' b0:~ ~ " ~<;.?< ~ r:: ',.z~ ~ "~~ ~~f;;:.",~"'-...~ ~~~t::::D 12k ~ q52~j~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~"~~ /' / t---.:: ~ "/1 L>1-.- 'f.. '" "'"' ,j' 'n V "t--- 'K r>l. 't ~~IN if:: ~jYhYL ~ t ~ " ' r:: ~ ~ "'~~"'-..." ~~ ~ ,f:: t;~ ~~ 5: ~~ ~~ t~lr&~~~ ~~ ~~: ,~~~ b2: bl::::: t2b- tstsl ~ &::; tzb.... rex, Pi~ b..& R ~ 7"1'; i':71J~~;; ~I'" r---..F' , t:::: ~ ~ I'" ~ "'N I'--- " ~ f::: I'--- ~ I;,. ~ p, ~ ~ ~ ~ '%i~ b, '" x x ~ I'--- ~ ~ p.. x L.;>"? ~'" ~ ts:~ ~~cSo<:>O<> ~ "'~~~ ~~~lr<;c>~ ,,~ 'Ix '-Y"~ ~ I. :> ~ b< '><) 7 ~ V;x>"x (:,. \ " V>f' ">>? V" ><: ~~ :;:~ x>X:~ ~ ~ ?: NJ Y'Xj " K ~,/ >:l; Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004s_elu.apr Page 52-A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 mIl III a IT[]] E2;d ~ .. @ ~ ~ - - 5'", " , ..' . - ~ ~ - ~ LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR HI I LDRMH LDRSF MDRIO MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO N City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (LOR, MOR to LDRSF, MOR10) Comprehensive Plan Site 52, 53 Acreage: 1.37 INDUSTRIAL (Sem. Co.) LO DEN R IDENT m.Co) Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_ftu.apr Page 52.8 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 LEGEND mB III E3 ffi]] E;23 ~ .. @ ~ t::~ III - 0',,' " ' ... . - ~ ~ - ~ CJ IV AG COM FW HW IND INS OFF PUBFACIL PUBOWN PUBSRVC REC RESMF RESMH RESSF SCHOOL SW VACANT WATER City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 ~ ~ ~~p /' ><:9" '><' ~ <:> ~x~ ~ll.411 -, ~~~ CEfoI7: ~ ::>:: ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I\'~", c,;><x v ~x ~~I&.. '2l ~ ~ ~~9:~ g~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~54~~~\.L f:S~ ~~ ~~\ ~06~~~v\ ~~~~~~~~ 1f~~~~~ ><;2 ~~~:9<~~ ~ ~"Y> I:::':: .~~~ ~ ~~&~ ;:::= b< x I~ ??"'~,,~ ~ ~~~ "1 ~ ~~~ :---...:~~-<x Existing Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004a_elu.apr Page 54-A City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment January 2004 ~ - 6 [III] ~ ~ IlIII ~ f!!!lI!JJ,,;,;;;;. ;,; ~ -. . . ". ., ., - - ~ ~ - lSSl ~ - t88 LEGEND AIC WDBD GC HDR HI I LDRMH LDRSF MDRIO MDR15 NC PSP ROI WIC SE RP PRO N City Limits ~ NORTH Scale = 600:1 Land Use Change (LOR to LDRSF) Comprehensive Plan Site 54 Acreage: 64.41 SR 417 C~N7-~ PUBLIC (Sem. Co.) ~o ~O'i 54 , \ "v.... LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (Sem. Co.) -~-------------------------- LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (Sem. Co.) PUBLIC (Sem. Co.) '" L_______ Future Land Use City of Sanford Department of Planning & Community Development January 2004 J:\ARCVIEW\COMP PLAN\Cpa2004s_f1u.apr Page 54-8 Ord. 3856 (7/12/04) DATA. INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS FOR MAP AMENDMENTS 1. General Comment on Public Facilities: In general, the public facilities of water and sewer are all within the City of Sanford Service Area per interlocal agreement with Seminole County. Therefore, all of the City's and County's water and sewer facilities planning are based on similar data, inventory and analysis. There is an underlying assumption that the water and sewer infrastructure will be served by the City of Sanford in the Sanford Urban Planning Area. This assumption has been in effect since the Joint Planning Agreement of 199 I and is incorporated in the City and County plans. 2. Transportation: The City of Sanford provides funding to, and participates in, the regional transportation modeling process by Metroplan Orlando (the MPO for Orange, Osceola and Seminole Counties). Seminole County performs transportation modeling for the area that includes Sanford. Therefore, the City has no need to conduct independent traffic analyses. Our traffic impact review of specific plan amendment sites is based upon data, inventory and analysis that are compiled through the Metroplan Orlando transportation modeling. The future land use data upon which the Metroplan analysis is based reflects existing and future land use planning data from the City of Sanford. That information is compiled by Seminole County with input from the seven cities within the county. Sanford"s Traffic Circulation Plan Element and the City"s analysis of individual sites incorporates traffic analysis that reflects future development for the entire Sanford area including the unincorporated area around the City, much of which is subject to annexation. Traffic projections are based on modeling by Seminole County and Metroplan Orlando. Therefore, with regards to the future land use plan map amendment sites, unless the proposed future land use designation is different than the Seminole County Future Land Use Plan Map Designation, there would be no significant change to traffic impact. Most of the amendments do not impact the level of service for transportation because no changes occur in the ability of the sites to be developed. These sites are being annexed into the City of Sanford from Seminole County and will have land use designations corresponding to their existing County designations. Therefore, traffic analysis and the impact of the sites on the transportation system remain the same. Three sites will have future land use designations different than their eXlstmg County designations. In addition, one site already in the City will have a different future land use designation. The maximwn impact of these four amendments upon facilities and services is identified in Tables 2 and 3. 3, Needs Assessment and Compatibility of proposed amendments with objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan: 36 Ord. 3856 (71l2/04) Site 2 This .623.acre site was once part of a parcel containing some of the City's water wells. The construction of the Greeneway (SR 417) severed this site from the City's main well site to the south. The City then sold the smaller parcel to a private concern and it will become a part of a proposed Toyota dealership. The main parcel owned by Toyota is located north of the subject site. The site is located within the 1.4 High Intensity future land use designation and the 1.4 high intensity designation is the appropriate designation for any non. governmental site in this area. With the exception of the Public/Semi'publie designation, the 1.4 High.Intensity designation is the only designation in the area. Any other designation would be inconsistent with the future land use map and with the Comprehensive Plan. The 1.4 high intensity designation for this site will allow orderly and systematic development in the area and is thus consistent with Policy General Pattern of Commercial Land UsePolicy General Pattern of Commercial Land UsePolicy I. 1.2.2: General Pattern of Commercial Land UsePolicy General Pattern of Commercial Land UsePolicy General Pattern of Commercial Land Use, which promotes orderly commercial development and concentrates development in strategically located areas having location characteristics which best accommodate specific land, site, public facilities and market location requirements of their respective commercial uses. The designation is also consistent Policy 1-4 High Intensity Center (HI)Poliey 1.4 High Intensity Center (HI)Policy 1-4 High Intensity Center (HI)Policy 1.4 High Intensity Center (HI)Policy 1.4 High Intensity Center (HI). "1.4 High Intensity" is a planned mixed use designation intended to promote and regulate anticipated development within the vicinity of the I-4/State Road 46 Interchange." The site is surrounded by properties with the 1-4 designation. Site 23 This site has just been annexed into the City. Under the County's jurisdiction, the site had future land use designations of Suburban Estates and Conservation. The owner wishes to amend the designation to Low Density Residential - Single Family for the 42.22 acres of land located in the suburban estates area in order to construct a residential subdivision. The Conservation lands (31.11 acres) will have the equivalent future land use designation in the City of Resource Protection. The Resource Protection land will be recorded as a conservation easement dedicate to St. Johns Water Management District. The Celery A venue area was once a prime agricultural area, however; agricultural uses have long since disappeared. The area is now in transition from rural uses to more urban uses and has become desirable for residential use. The character of the area is low density residential. For the past several years, the area along Celery A venue has been the subject of a special area study by Seminole County. Through many public meetings with the area residents, it has been determined that low density residential development is the preferred form of development for the area. The City of Sanford and the County are presently working to amend their Joint Planning Interlocal Agreement (JP A) for implementing land use policy to address this situation. In addition, the physical condition of Celery A venue precludes high intensity development in the area. Celery Avenue is substandard with regard to the pavement width, shoulders, drainage and intersection improvements and would need to be improved to County standards prior to accommodating intense development. Neither the City nor the County have planned improvements for this 37 Ord. 3856 (7/12/04) roadway. While Celery Avenue operates at LOS A, from a safety, and operational standpoint, the road cannot support intense development. This condition supports the City and County's decision to allow only low density residential uscs in this arca. Housing trends also support this decision. Developcrs are platting several large tracts in the area into low density single family housing. A single family development is under construction on the property to the west of the subject site. The amendment is also consistent with Policy Low Density Residential Single Family Development, which requires new residcntial development to be compatible with the quality and character of cxisting low density single family neighborhoods, prcserve open space, have densities compatiblc with cxisting and anticipatcd futurc developments, ensure compatibility with natural features of the land and minimize burdcn on existing and projected supportivc public services and facilities. Site 26 This 71.36 acre site is also located on Celery Avenue. It ineludes 4 acres with the future land use designation of Neighborhood Commercial (NC). The remaindcr of the site has the future land use designation of Medium Density Rcsidential. 15 (MDR.15) The owner proposes to amend the entire site to Low Density Residential- Single Family (LDR.SF) in order to construct a single. family subdivision. For the portion of thc site with the MDR.15 designation, the amendment constitutes a minimum reduction of 606 dwelling units with a concomitant rcduction of impact on sewer, water, parks, roads and solid wastc. The conversion of 4 acres of commcrcial to the single. family designation would allow 24 residcnces but the conversion nonetheless reduces the impact on public facilities and services. With the LDR -SF designation, thc maximum number of dwellings allowed on the entire site is 428. However, the owner has elected to build only 299 units. The existing four acre Neighborhood Commercial site is inconsistent with Policy, Neighborhood Commercial Development, which recommends that sites in the NC designation be 3 acres or less. The existing NC designation also has the potential to create strip commercial development along Celery Avenue. Through the City/County Joint Planning Agreement, the City and County have identified the area east of Cameron Ave. at SR 415 and thc intersection of SR 46 and SR 415 as areas in the Celery A venuc neighborhood suitable for commercial development. The Celery Avenue area was once a primc agricultural area, however; agricultural uses have long since disappeared. The area is now in transition from rural uses to more urban uses and has become desirable for residential use. The character of the area is low density residential. For the past several years, the area along Celery Avenuc has been the subject of a special area study by Seminole County. Through many public meetings with the area residents, it has been determined that low density residential development is the preferred form of development for the area. Sanford and the County are presently working to amend their Joint Planning Interlocal Agreement for implementing land use policy to address this situation. In addition, the physical condition of Celery Avenue preeludes high intensity development in thc area. Celery A venue is substandard with regard to the pavement width, shoulders, drainage and intersection improvements and would need to be improved to County standards prior to accommodating intense development. Neither the City nor the County have planned improvements for this roadway. While Celery Avenuc operates at LOS A, from a safety and operational standpoint, the road cannot support intense devclopment. 38 Ord. 3SS6 ,:'(04) This condition supports the City and County's decision to allow only low density residential uses in this area. Housing trends also support this decision. Developers are platting several large tracts in the area into low density single family housing. It should also be noted that the City's 1999 Evaluation and Appraisal Report of the Comprehensive Plan stated that the vacant land along Celery Avcnue was "no longer considered a viable site for multi.family." Therefore, the existing designation of multi. family is inappropriatc for this area. The amendmcnt is also consistent with Policy Low Density Residential Single Family Developmcnt, which requires new residential development to be compatible with the quality and character of cxisting low density single family neighborhoods, preserve open space, have densities compatible with existing and anticipated future developments, ensure compatibility with natural features of thc land and minimize the burden on existing and projected supportive public services and facilitics. The site is scrved by water, sewer and reclaimed water. The prevalent soil type is EauGallie and Immokalee fine sands (13) which requires fill material to make the soil suitable for urban uses. Less intensive uses, such as single family residential uses utilizing a sewer system, are recommended for this soil type. Therefore, the amendment is consistent with Objective 1.1.6: Coordinate Future Land Use With Soil And Topographic Conditions And Ensure Availability Of Facilities And Services. Site 31: UndeT Seminole County's jurisdiction, this 32.45 acre site has 2 acres within the Single Family Residential (SFR) future land use designation, 5.3 acres in Conservation and 25.15 acres in the Medium Density Residential future land use designation. The lands with the existing future land use dcsignations of Conservation and Medium Density Residential will have equivalent future land use designations in the City - Resource Protection and Medium Density Residential - 10 (MDR.IO). The applicant is proposing to amend 2 acres from SFR to MDR-IO. The proposed use of this property is townhomes. The changed designation for the 2 acres of SFR increases the development potential from 6 to 10 dwelling units per acre for a total of 8 additional residential units. The two acres of SFR are isolated by surrounding walled developments and have no access to roadways except through the proposed townhouse development. Therefore, the properly will be incorporated into the townhouse development. The site is surrounded by industrial, single family and multifamily uses and is accessed via East Lake Mary Boulevard. Since the four.laning of the Boulevard and the start of construction of the East Lake Mary Boulevard extension which connects to SR 46 and SR 415, this area, south of the Airport, has rapidly become developed. In addition, there is less area south of the Airport with residential development potential because the City and County have agreed to prohibit residential development (except rental apartments) east of Ohio Avenue. This decision is based on a recommendation from the Airport's Part 150 Noise Study. The sitc is served by all utilities and services and is thus consistent with Policy Promote 39 Ord. :;"6 (7/12/04) Orderly Transition in Residential Densities whieh states that' Residential densities shall be allocated in a manner compatible with available public services, natural features of land as well as existing and anticipated future development and with Policy Medium Density Residential Development which requires sites in this land use designation to be supported by public services and facilities and compatible with existing and anticipated future land uses. Policy 1-2.1.3 also requires medium density residential developments to be located so that they provide a smooth transition between lower density residential areas and areas developed with more intensity uses. To the north of this site are industrial lands fronting East Lake Mary Boulevard. To the south of the site arc single family developments. Therefore, this site acts as a buffer to the less intense single family development and is consistent with Policy According to the Soil Survey of Seminole County, Florida, the site consists of Tavares.Millhopper fine sands (soil type 31) which is "well suited to use for home sites, other urban use, or recreational development." Therefore, the amendment is consistent with Objective 1.1.6: Coordinate Future Land Use with Soil and Topographic Conditions. 40 ~ '" ~ r-- ~ '" <n 00 '" .,,; o .... .. - ..Q ~ c.= .. .. ~=: .. .. '" .. ;:, ";;; 'T:l ii =..c: .. .. ..:i ... ~ S' = c =u~ ~'Cs .. ... N ..c:.,9 - = Q .. -00 :l..... = Q ",t> S .- 'T:lU = .. ....c: s- -<'E " ~ = ~ ,; z ;; ~ " - 0. .... _ 0 ;:::z = o ~ - ~ '" "C ~ . ..., ~ . ~ ~ o ~ ~ ....:c 'E ~;: ~ ...~'" !~-gg -z ~ " . . 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" is N o ~ " ~ "0 U (j ".. 1 ~ <l,) ~ ~ .,g::Co ('If..": u <~u..i ~~~gg ~9Slg9 00060 ~~(E~~ COONS' ~~~uJu..l -<-<-<<< ":'''';''':'''?'':' 00000 '('7'"';''('( ~~~=7~ "1""1"'<1"'0\0 .........,MNN ~ ~ :;, .". .". 00 lI"l ,..: .., '" ~ .. .. .. ... ...: ";j - o ... Ord. 3.,',. (7112/04) Table 2: Summarv of Future Land Use Plan Map Amendments Evaluation of Service and Facility Imoacts Au~ust 200] M,p Acres Existing Existing Future Proposed Potable Sewer Drainage Solid Recreation Traffic Assigned No. U" Land Use Map Future Land Water Demand Waste (Acres) (Peak Street Designation Use Map Demand (GPO) (PPO) Hour Dcsip"nation (GPo) Trips) 2 .623 Vacant Public/Semi 1-4 High 2.840 2,593 Adheres 43.38 N/A 285 Rinehart Public lntensity to the 25 Road Year, 96 Hour LOS 23 42.22 Vacant Suburban Estates LOR-SF 79,821 72,933 Adheres 920 1.8 257 Celery tathe 25 Avenue Year, 96 Hour LOS 26 71.36 Vacant MDR-15 LOR-SF (142.672) (130.266) Adheres (3.1]1) (6) (984) Celery NC tathe 25 Avenue Year,96 Hour LOS 31 2 Vacant SFR MDR-IO 1,655 1.511 Adheres 28.7 .08 4 E. Lake to the 25 Mary Blvd. Year, 96 Hour LOS TOTALS 84,316 77,181 No 992 1.88 546 ChanfYe GPD: Gallons per Day PPD: Pounds per Day Adiusted Available Canacitv Potable Water Million Gallons per Day Sanitary Sewer Million Gallons per Day Total Permitted Capacity: 8.20 Total Permitted Capacity: 7.30 Current Flow 5.41 Current Flow: 4.50 Available Capacity 2.79 Available Capacity: 1.14 Demand per Plan Amendment ~ Demand per Plan Amendments: .JJ1 Adjusted Available Capacity: 2.71 Adjusted Available Capacity: 1.07 Solid Waste Tons Per Year Recreation Acres Available Capacity: 358,333.0 Existing Park Land: 273.6 Current Demand: 264,923.3 Available Park Land: 100.6 Demand per Plan Amendments 181.0 Demand per Plan Amendments: ..il Adjusted Available Capacity: 264,742.3 Surplus: 98.8 45 Ord. 3856 (7112/04) Table 3: Summary of Peak Hour Roadway Impacts from Peak Hour Traffic Generated by Future Land Use Map Amendments First ComDrehensive Plan Amendment of 2004 CURRENT FUTURE (2013) FACILITIES LOS'E' EXISTING EXISTING PROJECT SURPLUS/ LOSE DEMAND PROJECT SURPLUS CAPACITY DEMAND LOS IMP ACT DEFICIT CAPACITY IMPACT DEFICIT (Peak Hour) (Peak Hour) Celery ],200 635 A 257 308 1,200 877 257 66 A venue Rinehart 3,010 1,700 A 285 1,025 3,010 1,836 285 890 Road E. Lake 3,0]0 1,155 A 4 1,851 3,010 1,293 4 1,713 Mary Blvd. Note: It should be emphasized that this analysis does not represent a concurrency detennination for the development project that could result from the proposed comprehensive plan amendment. The assignment of trips to various road segments will be accomplished in a more comprehensive manner at the time of site plan review and adequate facilities and services will be insured as part of the City's concurrency management system set forth in the City's Land Development Regulations. 46 ~ St. Johns River Water Management District Potable Water Availability Worksheet This worksheet is for use by local governments submitting comprehensive plan amendments to determine the availability of potable water resources to serve proposed development. Instructions and St. Johns River Water Management District (SJR WMD) staff contact information arc attached. governments submitting 1. General Information Date: 2/12/04 Contact name: Antonia Gerli Local government: Citv of Sanford Potable water supplier: Same Phone: 407 330.5672 E. mail: gerlialalei.Sanford.fl.us 2, Infrastructure Information Water treatment plant permit number: 3590205 Permitting agency: DEP Permitted capacity of the water treatment plant(s): 15.5 million gallons a day (mgd) Total design capacity of the water treatment plant(s): 15.5 mgd Are distribution lines available to serve the property? Yes xD NoD Ifnot, indicate how and when the lines will be provided: Are reuse distribution lines available to serve the property? Yes 0 No 0 Some properties are If not, indicate if, how and when the lines will be provided: served bv reuse lines 3, SJRWMD Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) Information CUP number: 2.117.0026NYMYR & 50965 Expiration date: 6/2019 for surface oermit; renewal for ground oermit Total CUP duration (years): 20 vears for surface oermit: exoired for ground permit CUP allocation in last year of permit: 8.2 - ground; 2.6 . surface Current status of CUP: In compliance xD Not in compliance 0 Allocations to other local governments: Seminole County (included in eonsumotion) Reserved capacity: 4, Consumptive Use Analysis A. Current year CUP allocation: B. Consumption in the previous calendar year: C. Reserved capacity 0 or growth projection xD (check the one used): D. Projected consumption by proposed comprehensive plan amendment areas E. Amount available for all other future uses (A . B - C - 0 ~ E): Designate mgd xD or mgy D 10.8 5.42 Jfi Xi 5.09 If the amount in E is zero or a negative number, explain how potable water will be made available for future uses: 9M3 ~ I I a '., \ , ~ .. C1. _/'". r, ~ \ \'- 1 \ "---1 1 , '.- -1 -, - 1) -~~J1 --~-'l--- - \ \ II I ~ ~ ~ ; ~~ ~o ~ tZ < rI1"e, ~i i "C rFl ~ .; ],- ~u ~ ; '$ ~ I ! L , /f , ~";--' --- .~o;.;+-.J ~If_ r- r,~ I I IL.!NlU rr~ ~I~I 1l1J.iwJ I 1[c::J,I~ '--=ril~lJ:IT:lY I' '"!!""'" f1EHnp",,,, 1@.!i\u1l!~ " 'e _-.~ ~ , III I II 11, I t I, \I \ -g l d II t HI I iI ~; I tJ i i il il n 1 ! ~ ....1 II .. ... I ,,\ .... .. II II I ! \ \ 1\ \ I I! ,I ~, ;' ;' ; iI H \ \ n }I! ! ! ! ~ i!t I J \ I ~~ I I I I n I ! ~ ~ " , , ~~ , 1'1,1 --I'~'I 2__-j, ~~-- ;-, -'" ~ \ \ " \ r-;- I \ , I " , \ ~ -.A -- -\-""1\ \ - I,j J L~-~~:_ I ~~ -'--11_ ,\ '- ,-;\~\,'. " ,- 1_, \ ',c'" j',- ~ a "'t ('l> o.~ 'i~ \ t6 ~a.fI1 >; ';S ('l> g. ~ \i'~ :s ~ ~