HomeMy WebLinkAbout524 ORDINANC~ NO._ 5~ -- DII~ANCE OF THE CITY OF sANFORD, FLORIDA, N OR MBER 362 OF SAID CITY, A ....... ~ ORDINANCE NU_ ..... ~= ~EING AN ORDIN- ISHING A ~0~ P~ ~ITHIN THE A~CE ~T~FORD, SAID ~ND~NT T~NSFER~NG C-1 IN CI~ TE~ITORY IN DISTRICT R-2 TO DISTRICT sAID CI~ ~D T~NSFERRING TE~I~RY IN DIS- T~CT R-1 TO DISTRICT C-1 IN SAID CI~, A~ ZONING N~ TE~ITORY IN CITY OF SANFO~, FLORIDA, IN DISTRICT R-1. ~IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFO~, FLO~DA: Section 1. That Ordinance N~ber 362 of the City of San- ~d, Florida, passed and adopted December 26, 19~, as ~ended, o~inance being entitled: .An Ordinance establishing a zoning plan ~hin the City of sanford, creating twelve (12) districts, re~la%- iE and restricting the location and use of buildings, st~CtUres, l~d and w~ter for trade, indus%~, residence or o~her purposes, the height and size of st~c%ures, and size of open spaces for light and ventilation; adopting ~ map of said dis%ric~s; defining used; providing for the adjustment, enforcement and ~en~en% there- of; and prescribing penalties for violation.", be and the same is here~ ~ended as follOWS: The property zoned in District R-2 (a) (Multiple-F~ily), bonded on No~h by East street. East by Pine Avenue, South by alley'between Second and bird Streets, West by cypress A~e- T %icularly described hue. and mo~e pa~ o~ of Spurling'~ , as ~o%s 1 tn~O~o~*Chap~n ~ Tucker s Plat of Bloc~ ~ · · d Lois & and 5~ of Block Addm%mon, an.~ ~..~ r's Addition, i~_~ ~A Chapman m ~%e~ ~_~ (Co~ercx~- ~ebv ~ransferre~ uu ~ - Retail) Distrxc zoned in District R-2 The proper~Y .~..~ bounded on No~h (b) · e-~'~z2 ~, Juan (Multzpl ...... + East by San .... bv First ~=~. =~]ev between ~mr~- ~enue, Sou~n u~ Second streets, Wes% by Chapman (c) The property ~oned in District R-2 (Multiple-Famzly), bounded on North by East street, East by the West property line of the Subdivision of First street Extension, South by more partlcu~ ~ . and .... ~ M~Ve'S Subdivis%on oI Bloc~ ~ u~ ~, Blocks 15 and 21 of Chapman & Tuck- er's Addition, is hereby transferred to C-1 (Commercial-Retail) District. .... ned in District (d) The prop~rD¥~m~ ~ .... ibed as Lots 2, (Single-Family;, ~, 5, and 6, of Otter's Subdivisi°n3 and Lots 7 through 15 and 18 througa 31 of Block 2, D~eamwold Second Section, aid oroperty being part of the property locat- ed So'th of 25th Street between Magnolia Avenue and Orlando Drive, is hereby trans- ferred to C-1 (Commercial-Retail) District. The territory embraced as follows, to- (e) wit: Beginning at the point o~.inte~- section of the North property line ox 2~th Street, with the West line of the East half of the Southeast quarter of Section 31, Township 19 South, Range 31 East, run thence South along said West line to the North property line of 25th Street, run thence East along said North property line of 25th Street to the East section line of Section 31, Range 31 East,thence Township 19 South, ' n the North along said sectlo line to North property line of 2~th Street, thence West to point of beginning, said ~r~p~r- ty being that portion of Wynnewoo~ ~uo- division annexed to the City of Sanford by 1953 Legislaturg, is h~reby zoned as Ril (Single-Family) District. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are, hereby repealed. Section 3. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. 1953. PASSED AND ADOPTED this_ 24th .day of August , ATTEST: OERTI FI 0ATE I, H. N. ~ayer, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ord!nance No. 524, passed and adopted by the City Commiss~on of the City of 8anford, Florida, on the 24th day of August, 1953, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of 8anford, Florida, th2s 25th day of August, 1953. As CitY Ole~ of the City of Sanf~r ,a~ Flori da.