HomeMy WebLinkAbout534ORDINf~CE EO. 53[~ AN 0RDINi~iCE TO REGULATE THE INST~.LLATI~ , REPAIR AND 5"~INTENA]~'~CE OF O~-DOOR TE~VISION y~IN T~ CI~ OF SAA~FORD, FLORIDA; pRO~DING FOR %~ CO~D!T!Olm~S ~4D STJ~VSLRDS OF Sfd,~, FOR IN- SPECTION PE~ '~ITS ~ I~':S~::iCTIONS, AND ''~ o LICEN- ~ ., · ~v BUSIt~SS SES ~$ BO2[~)S FOR 'i~iOo:~ ENGAGED IN OF R~(~~o ,~fCH I?fSTAI,LATIONS, ~PAIRS, AND TE~D~[CE; AND PROVIDING pE~?~TIES YOR VIOLZ~TION TERmo ~MEOF OF T~ ~ ' ~ ' yfh~ERE,'~S, television anten~as constitute a hazard to life an~ property aha it is necessary in order to provide for the bet- ter protection of life and property, and in the intor~st of pub- lic safaty, that the following rules ana regalations be adopted for the installation, repair, and maintenance of out-door televis- ion antennas within the City of Sanford, Florida; BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CI'l~f OF SA~R~FORD, FL0~IDA, AS FOL]30WS: SECTION I. Definitions. The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enfOrCan~ent of this ordinance: (1) ,,ELECT~IC2~ INSPECTOR" shall mean the Building In- spector of the City of Sanfora or any of his authorized assistants. (2) ,,~E~A" as used in this ordinance shall mean the out-door portion of the receiving e~!uipment use~ or intended for use for receiving television from space. (3) ,qvL~ST" shell mean that portion of the ~otenna con- sisting of the vertical pole or support and its extensions to which the rest of the ~nte~ma is attached, and which is re0uired to elevate the upper~uost portion of the antenna to a height deemed necessary for adequate operation. (4) ,,~IG~£" shall mean the overall vertical length of ..... ~ ~,~ ~_ if such system be located paid for tion fee extra inspections are necessary due to r~a$ons: upon which the syst,m rests. (5) "PERSON" shall mean and include any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, or organization of any kind, and pronoun he shall also mean it, she, or they. SECTION II. PEM~IT RE~IRED. It shall be unlawful for any person to install, repair or ~naintain, either as owner or as agent, servant or employee of the owner, or ds an independent con- tractor for the owner, or otherwise, any antenna or any adaitions to or subs~tu~ons for said entenna unless and until an inspec- tion permit sha±l have first been obtained from the Electrical In- specter. SECTION III. FEES. ~n inspection fee of $1.50 shall be each peri,it issued under SECTION II hereof. A reinspec- of one dollar (~l.O0) shall be paid for each trip when called. any one of the following (1) 'iVrong address. (2) Condemned work resulting from faulty construction. (3) ~epairs or corrections not made when inspection is (4) ~ork not ready for inspection when c~lled. SECTION IV. ~PLICATIO~' DATA. Application for permits shall be maue upon blanks provided by the Electrical Inspector, and shall contain or have ~ttached thereto the following information: (1) Name, address, and telephone number of vhe owner for whom to be made. work. (2) Whether it is a new installation, repair or maintenance {3) 5fhether the work involves a television receiving an- (.4) Name cz' the persons making the installation. (5) Such other information as the Electrical Inspec- tor shall re :uire to show full compliance with this and all other laws a~ ordinances of the City. SECTION V. ,,ELECTRIC2~L INSPECTOR" - Duties, Rights, and powers · (a) It shall be th~ ~uty of the Elactrical Inspector and his authorized assistants to inspect all ante~ma$ to ascertain if the installation, maintenance or repair v;or~ has been done in a wort~uanlike ~anner and to investigate all complaints from the gen- erul public pertaining to said antenna installations and inter- ference causad thereby. (b) Tho Electrical Inspector anm his assistants are hereby empowered to inspect or reinspect any wiring, equipment or apparatus condacting or uslng electric current for television receiving service in the City, and, if conductors, e uipment or apparatUs are found to be unsafe to life or property, or are not in co~formity with the provisions of this ordinance, the Electri- cal Inspector shall notify the person owning or operating the haz- ardous wiring or e~uipme~it to correct the condition within a forty- eight-hour period or within th~ time the Electrical Inspector specifies. Failure to correct violations within the specified time shall constitute a violation of this ordinance. SECTION VI. ,,UNLA~I~UL TO II~TERF~ME VfITH ELECTRICAL IN- SPECTORS.'' It shall be unlawful for any person to hinder or inter- fere with the Electrical Inspector or his authorized representatives in the discharge of their duties under tbs provisions of this ord- i~anoe. --~.mTal,,~ VTY. "NO~ICE FOR INSPECTION." Each person to work covared by the permit has baen completed ana is ready for final inspection. Upon such notice, the Electrical Inspector or his authorized representatives shall inspect and approve the instal- lation if the work complies in all respects with the provisions of this ordinance and the permit and shall disapprove said installa- tion if it fails ~o comply, stating in writin~ th~ reasons for dis- approval and specifying time v~ithin which said defects must be cor- rected, ii reinspection shall be made after notico to the Electrical Inspector that the defects have been corrected. SECTION VIII. ,,LICENSE REQUIRED." No person shall en- gage in the e.~ection, maintenance, or repair of television antenna of any type in the City of Sanford until he shall first have a li- cense therefor and an established placa of business from which he operates. Such license shall be issued in accordance with Ordinance No. ~19. SECTI~.N IX. "B0~ RE~%~IRED." Every person engaged in the business of making television antenna installations and repairs, and doing maintenance work on same shall annually file with the City of Sanford a good ~nd sufficient b~nd in the sma of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars, executed by a bonding or surety company auth- orized to do business in the State of Florida, and approved by the City Attorney. Said bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful ob- servsnce of all laws ~nd ordinances of the City of Sanford, and shall indemnify, ssve and keep harn~ess the City from any and all damages, said judg~ents, costs or expenses which the/City may incur or suffer by reason of the grantim~ of a permit to install or maintain any an- tenna or any services thereto. Said bond shall run to 4he City of Sanford for the use and benefit of any person who may suffer injur- under the a prerequisite to the issuance of any permit requirad provisions of this ordinance. This provision shall not apply to personal installations, repairs or maintenanCe of said antenna by an owner, or occupant, provided, however, that said owner or occupant givas sufficient proof to the Electrical Inspector that ne is qualified to perform the work in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance and provided,fur- ther, that said owner or occupanV files with his application for a permit an affidavit stating that he will make the installation, re- pair or maintenance on his own premises only. SECTION X. ,,TECH~IIC~%L RE%UIREi~I~S'" All television re- ceiving antenna installations from and aftar the effective data of this ordinance shall be made in accordance with the following rules and regulations. (a) Masts and antennas shall be of non-combustible and corrosive resistant material. (b) Every mast ~nd antenna installed on a roof shall be mounted on its own platform or plate covering two or more rafters of the roof and shall be securely anchored with guy wires or as approved by the Electrical Inspector. (c) Masts and other portions of antennasshall not be fast- ened directly to the roof or supported by combustible members or ma- refills, unless protected by non-combustible materials. (d) Out-door ~nten~as shall be of an approved type, and shall not exceed the maximum height of thirty feet abova a roof sup- port or 70 feet above a gro~d support. In areas where raception is affected by obstructions, special permission may be granted by the City engineer to exceed the above specified height limitations. (f) In no cass skull any antenna bs installed nearer to a strest, sidswalk, or powsr linss than the height of tbs antsnna plus ten feet unless approved by the City. (g) Whsnever it is nscessary to install antenna nsar pow- er linss, or whers da~mge woula bs caussd by its falling, separate safety wires must be attachsd to the cross-arm of the antsnna and sscursd in a dirsction away from the hazard. (h) Anchor points for antennas, masts and guy wires must be lead anchor screws or lead expansion shield drilled into solid block, concrete or other non-combustible construction, or by meth- od a~proved by Electrical Inspector. (i) Transmission lines must be kept at least six(6) inches clear of telephone or li~t wires. (j) Rawl plugs ars approved only for supporting trans- mission lines. (k) Stand-off Support insulaOors must bs used at least every t~n fset in running the transmission line, or as approved by Electrical Inspector. (1) Where television receiving antennas are installed on a private rssideuce, the antenna ~y be installed on the roof of a frame structure provided the support and anchor screws ars securely fastened to the raftsrs or beams or othsr substantial members and provided further that no antenna installea on a roof of a frame construction or in any way supported by material of combustible construction shall exceed ~ height of thirty (30) feet above the roof of tbs building. To be guyed with Four guys if 30 f~et or less, and if over 30 feet to be guyed with eight guys, using four guys at each elevation on mast. A ¼" turnbuckle to be used in each ........ ~ o~o~ h~ no smaller than 6-#20 steel stranded copper or copper alUminu~ ground rod using proper grOUnd clamP. No other ground will be allowed- Turnbuckles to be locked by re- turning end of make up back through turnbuckle and serve back on guy wire. (m) Lightning arrestors shall be approved as saie by the · ~ 's LaboratOriaS, Inc., and bo~h sides of the line must be adequately protoCted with proper arrestor or neon lamps to mowe stable charges accumulated on the line, except when a folded dipole or other type of antenna is used which is already ground- ed to the (n) When lead-tn conductOrS of polyehylone ribbon-type are used, lightning arrestors ~Y be optional- (o~ ~hen coaxial cable or shielded twin lead is used for lead-in, suitable prOteCtion ~Y be provided without lightnin~ ar- restors by gro~ding the exterior metal sheath. (p) Antennas shall be designed and installed to withstand a wind pressure of 30 pounds per square foot and in no c~se shall guy v~ires be less than 3/32", 5 strand cable or e%uiwalent, galvanized. Rawl plugs shall not be used for ~uy wiresor for mounting brackets. (q) Gro~d wires shall be of the type spproved by the Elactrical inspector and shall be installed in a mechanical m~nner with as few bends as possible. (r) Ground clamps for grounding masts ~nd attaching arrestors to gro~d rod shall be apprOVed ground fitting - no other ground allowed. (s) The miscellaneOUS hardware, such as brackets, turn- buckles, thimbles, clips and similar type e.luipmen% subject to ~__~ ~ll be protected with a zinc or ca~i~ coat- stack gases and other deposits and to protect the ele~ents ~ainst electrolytic action due ~o th~ use of adjoining dissimilar ~etals. (t) TurnbuCkles shall be prOteCted against turning by the thrOugh the turn,buCkle' mod- threading/guy wires (u) FOr 3© foot masts on roofs- ~-ben foot monitor el T.~. television to,er or its equivalent using telescope less steel tubing onlY. To be guyed at e~ch ten feet or fractiOn thereof abo~ tower, using ~ guys at each elevation on mast. ~,, t~nbuckle to be placed in oath guy wire- ~o two guy wires one turnbuckle' GUY wires sk~ll be no sm~than 6-~18 steel stranded wire- using ~" x ~" screw eyes or hooks for anchorS, v~here 3 sots of guys are usod, lowor two s~ts of guys may be connected to one ~nchor. Top guys must be on soparate anchOrS turnbuckles in electri- all ~uys. _ ~ cal ~torials, devlcoS or e~uip~nt designed for attachment to or installati°n of any electricul circuit or system for televisicn antennas shall b~ installed, usod, sold, or offere~ for sale for use in the City of sanford, unleSS they are in conformity ~ith the apprOWed methoas of construction for safetY %o life and property, and unleSS th~ electrical ~terials, d~ices or e~uipment confOr~ . ~ , LabOratories, Inc., curt>hr with the standards of the Underwr~%~rs as of the time of inst~llation- s~CTiCiN ~I ,,~R'S N~, ETC., The maker's name, trade~rk' or other identification symbol shall b~ placed on all electrical de~ices or e~luipment that use ll5 ~oltS or more which are sold, offered for sale or us~ or used in the o~wv of SanfOrd- TheS~ ~narkings aha others such aS voltage, amp- .... ~t~e ratings described quired, and are necessary to determine the character of the mater- ial, device or e~uipment and the use for which it is intended. 2ECTI01{ XIII. "~iIZ[OR REP2~IRS ?fI~Hd~IrE PEP?,~IT.,, Notwith- st~ndin~ anything herein to the contrary, ~nor repairs, meaning those not affecting structural strength of antenna, may be made wit]~ut the necessity of ~ per~ait, provid~, however, that a prompt report thereof is made to the Electrical Inspector showing the ex- tent thereof. Should an investigation of said minor repairs by the Electrical Inspector disclose defects, the same shall be pointed out ann corrected as required by Section 5. SECTION ~V. "CODES SUPP~i~ TO ~IS 0RD~'CE." The provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed as supplemental to the Electrical and Buildin~ Codes of the City of Sanford and any other p~rtinent law cz' ordinances of the City, and all work shall conform to these requirements. SECTION ~. "PRO,BITING CERTA~ INSTF~TIOM$ ~7 AUTO- $~OBI~S." It shall be ~lawful for any person to install a tele- vision s~t forward of, or which is visible from, tho front seat of any motor operated vehicle. Otherwise, the provisions of this ord- inance shall not apply to automobiles. SECTI0}~ ~fl. "A~HORIZZi~G ~DITIONZ~ ~S." In order to take advantage of progress and change in the industry, the EleGtri- c~l Inspector may consult v~ith members of ~he industry and other qualified persons ~nd may put into effect reasonable rules and reg- ulations not in conflict with tho provisions of this ordinance. SECTION ~II. "PEN~TIES." Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and upon conviction thereof in the Municipal Court shall be p~ished by fino not exceeding $200.00 or imprisonment not ex- or permitted to continue, shall constituDe shall be punishable as such hereunder. SECTION L~VIII. ,SE?AR~BILI~i~/.'' a separate offense and If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance is fo~ any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a s~parat~, distinct and independent provisiun ~nd such holding shall not affect the of ordinances in validity of the remaining portions thereof. SECTION X IX. All ordinances or parts conflict herewith ~re hereby ropealed. ly upon ~ITTEST. SECT IO]'.~ ::~---~. its ?~ssa~:e ~nd adoption. PASSED ~'D ADOPTED this This ordin~nce sh~ll beco:ae e2fectiv~, i~maeaiate- day of December, 195). As of the o~ Florida. anford, City CERTIFICATE I, H. 1~. ~yer, City Cl,~rk of the Cf. ty of Ssnford, Florida, he~eby certify that a tr~e and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance I5o. 534, p~ sed and ~dopted by the O~ty Co~mn!ss~on of the C~ty of $~mford, Flor~da, on the 2Eth day of Dece~ber, 1953, was PO~TED at the front door of the C~_ty Hall in the C~ty of ~ nford, Flor!da, th~s 29~th day of December, 1953. of the C~.ty o~nford, Flor~d~