HomeMy WebLinkAbout535ORDIbL~NCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CIT~ OF SAi~TFORD, FLORIDA, ~DING ORDINANCE I~IR~BER 362 OF SAID CITY, .&S Ai~NDED, SAID ORDIM~2'JCE BEING AN 0RDIN- ANCE ESTABLISHING A ZONING PLAi~ WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, SAID Ai¥~ND~¢~T TR~E~TSFERRIL~G CE~TA~ TERRITORY IM DISTRICTS R-l, R-l-A, AND R-1-B TO DISTRICT C-1 IN S~ID CITY,TR~2IS- FERBING CERTAIN TEM~ITORY IN DISTRICTS ~ND R-1-A TO DISTRICT C-T, A2~D TRANSFERMING C~RTXIN TERRITORY I~l DISTRICTS R-1 ~h~D R-1-A TO DISTRICT BE IT E~TACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CIT~ OF S~FORD, FLORIDA: Section 1. That Ordinance Numbar 362 of the City of San- ford, Florida, passed and adopted December 25, 19&&, as amended, said ordinance being entitled: "An Ordinance establishing a zoning plan within the City of Sanford, creating thirteen (13) districts, regu- lating and restricting the location and use of buildings, structures, land and water for trade, industry, residence or other purposes, the height and size of structures, and size of open spaces for light and ventilation; adopting a map of said districts; defining terms used; providing for the adjustment, enforcement and amendn~ent there- of; and prescribing penalties for violation.", be and the same is hereby amended as follows: (a) The property zoned in Districts R-l, R-l-A, and R-l-B, (Single Family) abutting on or adjacant to property abutting on French Avenue, and more particularly described as: the ~est l~0 feet of the unplatted portion of the Southwest 1/~ of Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 36, Township 19 South, Range 30 East; Lots 155, 159 and 160 of Sanford Heights Addition; Lots ~6, 47 and ~8 of First Addition to Pinehurst; Lots 12 through 21 of Block l, Lots i through 5 of Block 8, and Lots l, 2, 3, 8 and 9 of Block 9, of Highland Park; Lots ~ through 12 of Boyd's Sub- division; Lots 37 through 48 of Bonaventure; Lots i through 2~ of Beck's Addition; Lots ll through 20 of Block 15; and Lots ll through 20 15 through 20 of Block 15, of Dreamwold, is hereby transferred to C-1 (Commercial- Retail) District. The property zoned in Districts R-1 and R-1-A (Single-Family) abutting on or ad- jacent to property abutbing on French Ave- nue, and more particularly described as: Lots 6 through 9-A, of Block 9, Lots 1 through ll, and 23 and 24 of Block l~, Lots ll through 21 of Block 8, and Lots 2~ throu~h 30 of Block 7, of Dreamwold, is hereby tr~nsferrad to C-T, Transient- Com- mercial District. The property zoned in Districts R-1 and R-1-A (Single-Family), bo~¢ded on West by Bay Avenue, South by Celery ~venue, East by Mellonville Avenue, North by Eleventh Street, and more particularly described as: Blocks 2 and 3 of the subdivision of Eldorado, is hereby transferrod to C-N, Commercial-Retail, (Neighborhood-Shopping) District. Section 2. conflict herewith be, Section 3. immediately upon its passage PASSED ~k~D ~DOPTED That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in and Zhe same are, hereby repealed. That this ordinance shall become effective aha adoption. this 2Eth day of December , 195~. ATTEST: ~ City Cle ~r~ ~dayor ~ Elie Cit~y Cbmmission of the City of Sanford, Florida. CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Sayer, City Clerk of the C~ty of 8anfo~'d, Flor!~.a, hereby c~rt~fy theft a true and cor?ect copy of the fo~ego~ng Ordinance l~o. 335, passed and adopted by the City Com~a!ss~on '.~f the C~ty of 8anford, Florida, on the 2gth day of December, 1953, was PO~TED at the fron~ door of the City Hall in the City of ~nfo~d, Florida, th!~s 29th day of Dece:~'0er, 1953. As th~rk of the C~ ty ~ord, Flor.~.da L~ 'OOUNTy. FLORIDA ~. ~ I'E OF FLORI~A COUnTy O~ ~i~ou~ Be/ore the undersigned authority personally appeared .... ~ubJ.18har .of the SA~'o~,o Hm~,AL~° ..... ~l~d p. PeZ'IC~I'IB ............................. who n oath says that he is 1/shed , a Newspaper Pub- at Sanford, in Seminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a .............................. _1~'~.0..~- ............................................................. in the m r of ........................... --m. ~b_l&.o_. ~-.Ho ~lng ...................... __ d newspaper m the ~ssues of_a.~l~t;li.___I/5__/Alld___~0,r__.l.~t~$ .......... Affiant further says that the said SA~rFORD H~RALD is a newspaper published at Sanford, in said Seminole COunty, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Seminole County, Florida, and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post o/~ce in Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, for a per/od of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, Commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ....... d - ' ........................... ay of