HomeMy WebLinkAbout536ORDINANCE NO. ~6 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, ~LORIDA, A~dENDII'~G SECTION 3, OF ORDINANCE NO. 256, PASSED AND ADOPTED ON THE 28TH DAY OF YUk~E, 1937, SAJ%~ BEING J~N ORDINANCE P~GULATII~G THE k~qUFJ~CTURE, DISTRIBUTION AND S3~LE IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, OF BEVERAGES CONTAINI~G DiORE THAN 0~E (1%) PER CENTUry] OF ALCOHOL BY VfEIGHT, AS AN~ED BY 0RDI~AI¥CE N0. 360, ~JD 0RDIN~J~.!CE N0.392, A~ND ORDIN~U~CE NO. &T1, SAID SECTIOI~ 3 DESIG~U~TING A ZOh~ IN ¥~Hi~H THE BUSI~SS OF DISTRIBUTING OR SELLII~G SAID BEVERAGES D~Y BE ENGAGED. BE IT EN.~CTED BY THE PEOPLE OF Tkq~ CITY OF SAR~FCRD, FLORIDA: Section 1. That Section 3 of Ordinance No. 256, passed and adopted on the 28th day of June, 1937, same being an ordinance regulating the manufacture, distribution and sale in the City of Sanford, Florida, of beverages containing more than one (1%) per centum of alcohol by weight, as amended by Ordinance No. 360, and by Ordinance No. 392, and by Ordinance No. 471, 'be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section ~. That the following portion of the City of Sanford, Florida, is hereby designated as a zone only in which intoxicating liquors, except wines and beer, may be sold, On First Street t o-wit: from Sanford ~ivenue to French On Oak Avenue, Park Avenue, R~agnolia &venue and Palmetto ~kvenue from Commercial Street to Second Street. On Sanford Avenue from Commercial Street to Fifth Street. On State Highway No. 3 from Oeneva Avenue South to the City limits. On Thirteenth Street from Williams Street to l~ulberry Street. On Co~mnercial Street from Railroad Avenue to Sanford Av enuo. On French Avenue from Santa Barbara Drive South to the City limits. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3. That this ordinance shall becom~ effective immediately upon its passage and aeoption. PASSED A_ND ADOPTED this ii~2~ day of J~nuary ,195~. As ATTEST; Sanford, Florida. CERTIFICATE I, H. ~(. ~yer, C:tF Clerk of the C.~t.v of ~nford, Florida, hereby certify theft a true of the io~ego.~ng Ord~n~ce i~o. ~3o, p~ssed by the C'ty Com~:~"s~.}n of the Of.t~~ o~ $,~fo~,~, Flor~d~, on tb~ llth d~:y of J~nu,~ry, [!95l;, ~,',as POSTED at the f?>~t do;r of the Jfty liail ~n the C'ty of $anford, Florf. da, this 12th day of Jam~ary, 1954·