HomeMy WebLinkAbout539 BE IT ENACTED BY THE PNOPLE OF k~ CITY OF S~(FORD, FL0~,iDA: Section 1. That that certain alley as platted between Lots 32 to 36, both inclusive, and Lots 37 to 41, both inclusive, Cottage Hill Subdivision, Plat Book 2, page 87, of the public records of Sem- inole County, Florida, extending from East side of Cooke Avenue, to the West boundary of Lot C, of Dodd, Lord and Dean's Subdivision, be, and the sa;r.e is hereby, vacated, closed and abaadoned as a public alley of the City of Sanford, Florida, provided, hov~ever, that there is hereby reserved to the City of Sanfor~, Florida, its successors, assig~s and licensees a perpetual Casement under, Upon and across the property so Vacated, which easeaent shall be 14 feet in width, exten- din~ ? feet on either side of the East anl '.~'est linc dividii g thc above numbered Lots, for the installation, inspection, maintenance, upkeep and repair of utilities and sewers, which easement shall in- clude full and free right of ingress and egress over '~nd across said property for any of the purposes aforesaid. Section 2. conflict herewith be, Section }. mediately Upon its passage and adoption. PASo~D ~!D ~C'PTED this 22nd That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in end the s~ms are, hereby repealed. That this ordinance shall become effective im- day of February 1954 CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Bayer, Cdty Clerk of the C~ty of Sanford, Florida, hereby certify that a true and correct copy of ~he foregoing Ordinance No. 539, passed and adopted by the C~ty Co~!s~on of ~he C!ty of ~nford, Florida, on the 22nd day of February, 1~54, was POSTED a~ the front door of the C~ty Hall ~n the C~ty of ~ford, Flor!da, on ~he 1st day of ~arch, 1~54. AS ~.~.ty~Jt~ bf the of ~a~r[~, Flor!da G! ty