HomeMy WebLinkAbout540ORDINAI~CE NO. 540 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, VACATING, CLOSING, AND ABANDONING A CERTAIN ALLEY BETWEEN LOTS 83 and 84, OF ROSE COURT ADDITION, IN THE CITY OF SANF~{D,FLORIDA. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SA~FORD, FLORIDA: Section 1. That that certain alley as platted between Lots 83 and 84, of Rose Court Addition to City of Sanford, Florida, according to plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 3, pages 3, 4, and 5, of the public records of Seminole County~ Florida, extend- ing Southeasterly from the Southerly property line of Grandview Avenue South to intersection of said alley with the North line and its Westward extension of alley platted Westward from Grand- view Avenue South along the South side of said Lot 83, be, and the same is hereby, vacated, closed and abandoned as a public alley of the City of Sanford, Florida, provided~ however, that there is hereby reserved to the City of Sanford, Florida, its successors, assigns and licensees a perpetual easement under, upon, and across the property so vacated, for the installation, inspection, main- tenance, upkeep and repair of utilities and sewers~ which ease- ment shall include full and free right of ingress snd egress over and across said property for any of the purposes aforesaid. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Section 3. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED A~D ADOPTED this 12th day of APP~IL , CERTIFICATE I, H. ]~. Sayer, City Clerk :~f the lJ~.ty ,~f Florida, hereby cert'.fy that & true an~l carrect c~py ~f the f~reg~.ng Ordinance i{~. 540, PAS$ED and A~PTED by the Cfty C~mm~ss~n ~f the C~ty ~f S~f, rd, ~r!da, was POSTED at the front de~r ~f the Cfty Hall ~n the C~ty ~f Sanf~d, Florida, th~s 16th day ~f April, 195~.