HomeMy WebLinkAbout546ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, DE- CLARING THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM TO BE A PUBLIC UTILITY; PRESCRIBING RATES AND CHARGES TO BE MADE FOR THE USE OR AVAILABILITY FOR USE OF SUCH UTIL- ITY; PROVIDING FOR RENDITION OF STAT~ENTS OF SAID CHARGES, THE TIEE AND }~NNER FOR PAYF~qT OF SAME, AND THE RIGHTS OF CITY UPON DELINQUENCY IN PAYMENT OF SAME, AND FOR APPLICATION OF REVENUES RECEIVED HEREUNDER: REQUIRING CONNECTION WITH SYSTEM AND DECLARING FAILURE TO CONNECT UNLAWFUL; AND REPEAL- ING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CON- FLICT HEREWITH EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: Section 1. DECLARATION OF SANITARY SE~ER SYSTEM AS PUBLIC UTILITY. The sanitary of Sanford, Florida, of, and replacements and additions thereto, lished and declared to be a public utility, sewer system now in existence in the City together with any and all extensions there- is hereby estab- for the use and ben- efit of the City in the maintenance of public health and general sanitary conditions Section 2. throughout the City. RATE SCHEDULE ESTABLISHED FOR SEWER USE. There is hereby established a uniform schedule of rates and charges for the use or availability for use of the sewer system established in the preceding section as a utility, as follows: Gallons of water used per month 4,000 gallons or less 5,000 gallons or a lesser amount exceeding &,O00 gallons Sewer Charge $1.65 1.77 6,000 7,000 gallons or a lesser amount exceeding 5,000 gallons gallons or a lesser amount exceeding 6,000 gallons 2.03 2.25 8,000 gallons or a lesser 2.51 amount exceedin~ 7.000 the minimum charge per month being $1.65. The maximum charge to a single residence shall be $2.94 per month. For every usage other than single residence when consumption of water is in excess of 10,OOO g~on~ per month, the monthly rate shall be b8% oz the water billing for the given month; provided, however, the rate last'specified shall be subject to adjustment for particular commer- cial usages upon credit given in the same manner as provided in Section 7 (c) of this ordinance. Section 3. APPLICATION OF RATES AND CHARGES. The rates and charges established in the preceding Section shall apply to all users, whether owner or tenant (this being determined in the case of users of the city wat- er system, by the applicant for water service, and otherwise by ownership of the property served) of the city water and sanitary sewer systems, or either of them,where the aforesaid utility is used or available for use or shall hereafter be used or become available for use, -availability for use" mean- ing that there is a city sanitary sewer within 75 feet of the property line of the property owned or occupied by the user, which 75 feet shall traverse only city property and be mea- sured in a straight line from any point on said property line, whether or not connection has been made thereto, provided, however, that the service line from sanitary sewer to user's property line shall be installed by city forces at city ex- pense and user shall pay prescribed fee for sewer tap, and that the service line required on user's property shall be installed by him or his agents at his own expense. Where san- itary sewer is not available, as above defined, on the date the above charges become effective, but becomes available Said schedule of rates and charges as to each user to whom a bill shall be rendered for water furnished through the city water system shall be computed upon the quantity of wat- er used upon the property of the user as determined by gaug- ing or metering, and charges hereunder shall be submitted monthly on the same bill as the charge for water services and payable at the same time; provided, however, that the char- ges for sewer services shall be a separate item on such bill. No user so charged for wa%er and sewer services may pay either of such charges without simultaneously paying the charge for the other. Bills for sewer charges where water is furnished other than through the city water system shall be computed as hereinafter provided in Section 6 and rendered monthly at the same time as city water bills. Section 4- DISCONTINUANCE OF WATER SER- VICE FOR NON-PAYMENT. If any bill for monthly sewer service or water service shall remain due and unpaid on and after the disconnection date stated on such bill, the water service to such customer so in arrears as to sewer charges or water service shall be disconnected and shall not be reconnected until all past due bills for water and sewer service are paid, together with a reconnection charge of one dollar and fifty cents. · N OF WATEI{ D~POSITS- Section 5. APPLICATIO All sums of money heretofore or hereafter deposited with the City to guarantee payment of water bills may also be applied on payment of sewer service charges. Section 6. WATER FURNISHED BY ANY OTHER PLANT AND ENTERING THE SE~ER SYSTE~I. , ~ v~ t.h~ event that metered water shall be furnished tendent of the City Water Department, and subject to such peri- odic tests as said superintendent shall consider necessary to insure that accuracy is maintained, and bills for sewer charg- es shall be computed on the basis of what the water bill would be if the same quantity of water should be furnished by the waterworks system of the City. (b) In the event that unmetered water shall be furnished by any plant or system (including any privately owned plant) other than the waterworks system of the City to any user charge- able hereunder, such user shall install at his own expense a meter acceptable to the superintendent of the City Water Depart- ment for measuring the quantity of water so used, and bills for sewer charges shall be rendered monthly and such bills shall be computed on the basis of what the monthly water bill would be if the same quantity of water should be furnished by the waterworks system of the City. Pending the installation of such meter, the super- intendent of the City Water Department shall estimate the quant- ity of water used on such lot or parcel and render bills to such user for sewer charges, computed on the basis of what the month- ly water bill would be if such estimated quantity of water should be furnished by the waterworks system of the City. Section 7. CREDIT FOR WATER NOT ENTER- ING S~%,~ER SYSTE~i. In the event that water furnished by the waterworks sys- tem of the City or by any other plant or system (including any privately owned plant) shall be used regularly on any lot or parcel of land for sprinkling lawns or gardens or for any use for which water does not enter the sewer system of the City, the user may secure a reduction in the amount of the sewer charg- and the City Commission consider such procedure practical, user may have installed by City, at his own expense, consist- ing solely of cost of meter plus ~3.00, and subject to such regulation as may be prescribed by the superintendent of the City Water Department, a separate connection with the water main or the lateral serving such lot or parcel and a meter for measuring the water so used, and thereafter the sewer charges to be paid by such user shall be computed on the basis of what the water bill would be after excluding the quantity of water so used; or (b) Where the Superintendent of the Water Department and the City Commission consider such procedure practical, us- er may have installed by City, at his own expense, consist- ing solely of cost of meter plus $15.00, and subject to such regulations as may be prescribed by the superintendent of the City Water Department, a specially designed and constructed sewage meter, acceptable to the Consulting Engineers, designat- ed in Ordinance No. 532, or their successors, for accurately measuring all sewage passing from such lot or parcel to the sewer system of the City, and bills for sewer charges shall be computed on the basis of what the water bill would be if the same quantity of water should be furnished by the waterworks system of the City; or (c) User may receive a credit for such use under rules and regulations which shall be adopted from time to time by the superintendent of the City Water Department, with the ap- proval of the City Commission. Section 8. FREE SERVICES PROHIBITED. SER- VICES RmNDERED TO THE CITY OF SANFORD. sewer system, or any part thereOf, nor will any preferential · - d for users of the same class, and in the rates be establ~she event the City of sanford or any department, agency, instrU- mentality, officer or employee thereOf, shall avail itself of the facilities or services provided by said ~ater and Sew- er System, or any part thereof, the same rates, fees or charges applicable to other users receiving like services under simi- lar circumstances shall be charged the CitY, and any such partment, agency, instrumentality' officer or employee. Such charges shall be paid as they accrue, and the City shall tranS- fer from its general funds sufficient sums to pay such charg- es. The revenues sO received shall be deemed to be revenues derived froia the operation of the water and sewer system~ and shall be deposited and accounted for in the same manner as other revenues derived from sUCh operation of the water and to the sewer system- The provisions of this section, aS they apply )ity of Sanford or any of its departments or agencies, shall ~ecome effective from and after October l~ 195~, and shall lot apply priOr to such date. LFFECTIVE DaTL OF Section 9- Iy~OSED. established The schedule of rates and charges hereby ~hall be effective as to all water consumption covered by .ills rendered September 30' 1954, and thereafter, for wat- r furnished through the city water system, and the amount f such charges shall be included on and rendered with such ills as provided in Section 5 of this Ordinance' ~s to wat- ~urnished through the city water system, such schedule _~+ ..... ~mad within the period such billing to be determined as above provided in this Ord- inance, but in nO event to be less than the minimUm amount chargeable hereunder' Section lO. DEPOSIT k~D APPLICATION OF REVENUE- All revenue derived from the charges hereby established shall be deposited and expended only in accordance with the provisions of OrdinanCe No. 532 of the City of Sanford, Flor- ida, passed and adopted Dece~er 14, 1953. REp~Li~G CONFLICTI~G ORDINkNC- Section 11. ES; EXCEPTION- The provisions of this Ordinance are to be construed as supplementary to, and in case of any provision held in con- flict as subordinate to, the terms and provisions of the afore- ' · 'n only said Ordinance No. 532, said Ordinance No. 532. Ecceptl g all other ordinanceS or partS of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Section 12. DISCONTINUANCE OF S~E~ SERVICE FOR NON-PAYMENT- If any bill for monthly sewer service shall remain due and unpaid on and after the disconnection date stated on such bill, in any case in which the water entering the sewer system is furnished by any plant or system other than the waterworks system of the City~ the sewer service to such user in arrears as to sewer charges shall be disconnected, and shall not be reconnected until all past due hills for sewer service are paid, together with a reconnection charge in the amount of $15.00. Section 13. CONNECTION REQUIRED %.~HERE SE~ER AVAILABLE; F~ILURE TO CONNECT DECLARED UNLAWFUL. E~ery residence and building within the City required ~ aanford, Florida, meaning of Section 3 above. It shall be unlawful for the own- er of any such residence or building to which said sanitary sewer is so available to fail or refuse to connect such building with the City sanitary sewer within sixty (60) days after the date the charges specified iu the above Ordinance become effect- ive, or where a sanitary sewer is not available at such time, within sixty (60) days after the same shall become available. Section 14. SEV~T[ABILITY OF PRO¥ISIONS- The provisions of this Ordinance are severable, and if any provision, section, paragraph, sentence, phrase or clause hereof shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such holding, and the severable portion so held, shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions of this Ordinance. Section 15. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. This ordinance shall become effective immediately up- on its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this_ 23rd day of_AUGUsT ' , ATTEST: ~. ~ ..... ~+~, n~mm~ ~sion of the City-