HomeMy WebLinkAbout548ORDINANCE NO. 54~ AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION 11-7 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD. FLORIDA, 195~, WHICH PROVIDES SPECIAL PI~K-UP SERVICE FOR GARBAGE AND REFUSE, AND PRO- VIDING FOR REFUND OF PREPAID FEES IN CONNECTION THEREWITH; AND AI~NDING SEC- TION ll-3 OF SAID CODE AS TO THE PLACE AT WHICH TRASH AND REFUSE THEREUNDER SHALL BE OFFERED FOR COLLECTION. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: Section 1. That Section ll-7 of the Code of the City of Sanford, Florida, 1954, which provides special pick-up ser- vice for garbage and refuse, be, and the same is hereby, re- pealed. Section 2. All fees paid to the City under said Section ll-7 for special pick-up service to be rendered after the ef- fective date of this ordinance shall be refunded without de- mand to the party paying the same. Section 3. That Section ll-3 of the Code of the City of Sanford, Florida, 195&, be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows: "Sec. ll-3 Same - Placing for and removal after collection; other trash or refuse. It shall be the duty of every housekeeper, storekeeper, occupant or owner to place the receptacle described in the preceding sec%ion, when offered for collection, no nearer the street than the front line of the building served, where no public alley adjoins such premises, or on the property line of the al- ley,when any public alley adjoins such prem- or refuse offered for collection, other than such as is placed in the aforesaid receptacles, shall be offered only at the curb line of the alley, or of the street if there be no alley." Section 4. This ordinance shall become effective September 30, 1955. Section 5. flict herewith are hereby repealed. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this/Y~' day of ~ All ordinances or parts of ordinances in con- 1955. ATTEST: City C~ - OERTI FI OATE I, H. N. 8ayer, 0~ty Cler~ ef the C~%y ef ~anferd, Flerida, hereby oert~fy ~at a true ~d oerrect oepy ef the fere~ng O~n~oe Ne. ~8, PAS~ ~d A~PT~ by ~he 0X~y Oe~ssi~n ef ~he ~ty ef ~fe~d, ~er~, was POST~ a% the f~nt ~eer ef the 0lty H~i in ~he 01fy ef ~nferd, ~erlda, ~s ~ls~ ~ ef ~ep~ember, 19~.