HomeMy WebLinkAbout5510~DINf~]CE N0. 551 ~ 0~DI~hWCE OF THE CITY 0F S~NFORD, FLORIDA, D3:?~fD2~G ORDIN.A~TCM. I~fBER 362 0F SAID C~Y, ~ ~gE~ED, SAID 0~DIN2~CE BE~fG 2~I O~D~C~ ESTAB- LISHinG A ZONinG pL~~ W~H~· T~ CITY CF S~iF0~D, SAID ~I~T TR~ISFER- R~G CE~A~~ TER~IT0~Y ~ DISTRICT ~-1-~ T0 DISTRICTS ~-1 ~D R-2 ~ SAID 0F SEGTI0~ 8 T0 PERf~TIT PRO~SSION~ OFFICES IN T~ ~-2 DISTRICT ~{DER T~ COLqDITIOL~S ~REII~' SPECI~'I~. BE IT E NACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Ordinance Number 362 of the City of Sanford, Florida, passed and adopted December 26, 1944, as a- mended, said ordin~nce being entitled: "An Ordinance Establish- ing a Zoning Plan Within The City of Sanford, Creating Thirteen (13) Districts, Regulating And Restricting The Location and Use of Buildings, Structures, Land And Water For Trade, Industry, O, esidence or Other Purposes; The Heig~at And Size of Structures, find Size of Open Spaces For Li?~t And Ventilation; Adopting a ~,fap of Said Districts; Defining Terms Used; Providing for The Adjust- ment, Enfor cement ~4nd Amendment Thor eof; And Prescribing Penalties for Violation.,, , be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows; (a) The property zoned in District R-1-A (Single-Family) located on South side of Second Street between the Subdivi- sion of Normany Square and a line 105 feet West of Eellonville ~venue, and more particularly described as Lots 3 and 4 of Block 22, and all of Blocks 23 and 2g, of the Subdivision of Mel- lonville; and the torth one-half of Lots 44, ~5 ~nd 46 of J. E. Paco's Sub- division of Block "C" of h[ellonville is hereby transferred to 9-2 (Multiole- Family) District. ' sion of Normany Square and a line 105 feet West of ~3ellonville Avenue, and more particularly described as Lots 3 and & of Block 28, and all of Blocks 29 and 30, of the Subdivision of ~[ellon- villa; and the South one-h~lf of Lots &&, &5 and &6 of J. E. Pace's Subdivi- sion of Block "C" of l~ellonville, is hereby transferred to R-1 (single-Fam- ily) District. SECTION 2. That Subsection A, uses permitted, of Sec- tion 8, R-2 (~ultiple-Fa~ily) District, be, and the same is here- by amsnded to read as follows: "A. USES PERS~TTED. 1. ~tuy use permitted in the R-1 District. 2. Multiple-family dwellings. 3. Hotels, boardinghouses and lodginghouses. 4. Hospitals and clinics, except animal hospitals and clinics. 5. Private clubs and lodges. o. ~uest houses, tourist homes. 7. Accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to any of the above uses including private and storage garages when %ocated on the same lot, and not involving the conduct of a business. 8. Professional Offices, such as that of physicians, surgeons ~nd dentists, without li~uitation as to floor area occupied, provided that: (a) the exterior of the building be of a resi- dential type. (b) that no name plate or sign be displayed upon the premises other than one (1) sign for each occupant, not exceeding i square foot in area ~na cont aining only the name of the pro- fession and of the occupant. (c) that no electric, neon, flashing or blink- ing lights shall be placed upon such signs. (d) that off-str~et parking be p~ovided, not less than & spaces per professional occupant Or assooiste." SECTION 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION ~. That this ordinance sh~ll become effec_ tire immediately upon its Passage and adoption. 19~4. TT~s T. CATE I, H. ~. 8ayer, C;ty Clerk of the C~ty of S,~nford, Flor~ d~, hereby ~ ~., ' ~t~ ~fy that a true ~d corroct copy of the forgofng Ordfn~ee No. 551 of the Cdty of Sanford, Flotilla, passed and adopted by the C~ty ' , ~ CommiSSion of the C~ty of 8anford, Florlda, on the gth day of l~o'zember, 1954, was POSTED at Zhe front door of the ~=ty Hall ~n the City of Ssnford, Florida, on t~s the 9th day of N~Vembe~, ~o