HomeMy WebLinkAbout554ORDINANCE NO. ,. AN ORDINANCE ~_]~ENDING SECTIONS 7-4, 7-27, 7-28, 7-30, 7-32, 7-33 and 7-36 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, 1954, SAID SECTIONS RELATING TO TEE CIVIL SERVICE SYS- TEM OF SAID CITY, AND SAID AMENDME~V~S CHANG- ING THE PROBATION PERIOD THEREUNDER TO 12 MONTHS, INCREASING THE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD TO FIVE ~MBERS, PROVIDING FOR ELECTION AND APPOINTMENT OF BOARD MEN~ERS THEIR TERMS OF FICE FILLING OF VACANCIES', ~UORUM AT MEET- OF , ........ ~, ~NFIR~ING RULES A~D REG- INGS, 0RGAII£Z~'I'~u~, ULATIONS ADOPTED. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF TEE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION l. That sections 7-4, 7-27, 7-28, 7-30, 7-32, 7-33 and 7-36 of the code of the City of Sanford, Florida, 1954, relating to the civil Service System of said City, be, and the same are hereby respectively amended to read as follows: Sec. 7-4. Probation period. No appointment, employment or promotion of any membe~ of the civil service shall ~e deemed complete until a period of probation of one year has elapse~ from the date of the employment or ersonS holding a probational employ- promotion. All P .... ~e ~romoted may be merit may be discharger or any ~ r ~ the reduced at any time within such one year period by appointive power under which the probationer was employ- ed, without the approval of the civil service board, but if not discharged or reduced within a period of one year from the date of the first employment or pro- motion, then the employment or promotion shall be deem- ed complete and shall entitle the employee or promotee, unless sooner removed pursuant to this chapter, to hold such employment or promotion under the terms of this cha pt er · ction; cualifications. There is hereby Se?'~7~2~7~'~Ele~e~ the~C~ty a civil S~,rvice Board to be composed of five members, two of whom shall be appoint- ed by the City Commission, two of whom shall be elect- e members of the civil Service, and one of whom ed by ~th .... ~.- ~e four members previously provided shall ce eleCDO~ for herein. The present members of the Civil Service Board shall continue to hold office and discharge their duties thereunder for the same termS and upon the same conditions as at the time of their respective election sub'ect only to any changes made under or appointment, ~ ~ of the board appointed by this 0rdin~ance.. ~'~'~oint three inspectors and +~ ~tv commlss~ ~=~ ~ ...... ~ ~,, ~.b~ members ServiCe Board shall be persons of different vocations not employed by the municipality in any other capacity, official or otherwise. The additional member of the board hereinabove provided to be elected by the members of the civil Service shall be elected thirty days after this ordinance becomes effective. The member to be eleCt- ed by the other four members of the board shall be elected co~mmencement of the term ' lappointed by them within thirty days after and elected respec- members annually, the members of the civ~ of the new .. iaslon and : · it or refusal · :_~T b the C~tY C_o.~m~+ ~f failure, ~n~b~lA~Yv~ th mere- of the f.our me~°~[~rtV day period the ~ member. bar within such ~ ~ appoint the fifth fifteen days thereafter shall -28- Terms of official.. The~ two members of the civil  o~n~ea by the City commission shall serve fO~re~ term of two years each. The term of the herein prOVided to be elected by the mere- additional memo bars of the civil ServiCe shall in the first instance as the term of the member aPP°inted pire at the same time.t commission in 195~_:a.n? thereafter to the board by the C.z. +Y~ members of the O~vz~ service the memberS elected b~ ~e each. The member to shall serve for a term of two years be elected by the remaining members of the board shall serve for a term of one year, and shall hold office until his suc- ceSSor is elected or appointed. vacanCY shall occur in _V_~? e~ ~'~hen any · ~tv' n or death or. . Sec. 7-.~0~_ d either by r.e~sl~n l%he city commlS. Slon, ~he ciVl~_~_~mber thereof app°Z.no~=~inin~ members o~ removal oI' an~y~ be elected by the r~= °member to fill or of the me:~u=~ ~ shall appoint a the board, the City Commission the unexpired term of the member resigning, dying or removed, and likewise a vacancy in the office of any member elected by the members of the civil service shall be filled for the unexpired term by an election to be held in accordance with the provision of Section 7-27 of this code. The civi. 1 service Sec. 7-32. office: meetingS; quorUm, in the Czty Hall to shall have i~s off~ ce {n a r.oom where it shall meet %-card ..... +~e City Ccmmisszon, be designa%ea ~ ~' month the date and hour to be deter- not less than once a , mined by the board, board shall constitute a quorUm for the hree members_°f_t..h~e,m=~ ess coming before the board. transactzon or a y Reasonable notice shall be given by the secretary of any special meeting of the board and such notice shall state the purpose thereOf. thin one week after the five with the consent of one year, an~ ~-~ers, and oy ~v_~iar~ shall Eeep ~v ~v. her four m~ .... The secr~ J all the ~v- ~ secreva~-~- and shall serwe its members =~ of the board or minutes of the meeting notices for the board either by deliwery in perSon ~iling same. . . firSt,.on:- ~e code by .... ,1~ con~-~ursuent to c. 7-36 Rules an~ x-~ __a (~e~. 7-35 of . . ll of ordinance 3~9 The Code of %n~ ~ by ratified and confirmed. sECTION 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordin~nces in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby, repealedl SECTIO~ 3. That this ordinance shall become l~ediately upon its passage an& adoption. pASSED AND ADOPTA~ this ~ day effective 1955.