HomeMy WebLinkAbout559ORO NA C NO. AN ORDIi~ANCE OF THE UITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, RELATING 2'0 THE PLATTIi~G Ai~D DEVELOP~NT OF SUBDIYISIoi~S WITHI~ TH~ CITY aND P~CRIBING ~Iii~[~NTS THeReFOR, INCLUoING I?~ST~LLA- TION OF UTIlITIeS OR PROVISIOI~ FOR S~, AUTH- ORIZIi,:G THE CITY i~i~GER TO P~GRIBE STAND- ARDS A]~D ~I~CIFICATIoNS FOR SUCH !~TALL~TIoNS, PERi~TTit~G ~A~IATIoi~S TO THIS Oi~Ii~NCE BY T~ CITY COPJ~ISSI OR HIBITti~G TH~ S~LE OF NON-PLATTED LOTS aND PRE- SCRIBING T~E P~NALTY FOit VIOLATIOi~ OF SUCH PRO- HIBITION; FIXIhG THL LIgBI~I~% FOR P~YIi~G COSTS AkEAS I~{ THE CITY; AhD REq~tEING SO~I~iISSION TO THE ZONING ~ND P~i~NI~G CO~ISSION OF C~tTAIN ~.~TTLRS RELATING TO STR~T ~tIGHY~OF ~aY, PUB- LIC L~liO ~i1~ PUBLIC B0iLDINGS. BE IT ENaCTeD 82 TH~ P~OPLL OF 'I'H~ OI'±Y OF SaNFORD, FLORIDA: Section 1. SUSDIVISIONS - Ail maps or plats of subdi- visions of any land within the corporate limits of the City of Sanford as they may from time to time exist which shall be sub- divided or resubdivided after the effective date of tlu~ ordin- ance, shall be submitted to the City Commission for approval prior to the recording of said map or plat, such submission to the City Conm~ission to be preceded by the approval of the Zon- ing and Planning Commission end the City kanager of the City of Sanford, who shall ascertain and determine that all applicable requirements of this ordinance and of Chapter 177,Florida Sta- tutes, 1953, have been complied with by the ovmers of said property. No plats shall be approved for record waich do not comply with Chapter 177, Florida Statutes, 1953, and with the terms and reg- ulations of this section and other sections, excepting Section 7 and excepting_ Section 8, to the extent that its application is not required, adopted as a part of this ordinance. For the of three acres or less in area; (2) establishment or dedication of a read, highway, street or alley through a tract of land, regardless of area; or (5) resubdivisions of land heretofore di- vided or platted into lots, sites or parcels, provided however, that the sale or exchange of small parcels of land to or between adjoining property owners where such sale or change does not cre- ate additional lots shall not be considered as a subdivision of land. Section 2. RE~UIi~NTS FOR ~P~ROV~L OF PLATS - There shall be prepared and filed %~th the Zoning and Planning Com- mission and the City ~anager at the time plats are submitted for approval topographical maps showing (a) elevations at two-foot intervals; (b) streets adjacent to said subdivision, whether lo- cated in other subdivisions or being long established streets of the city; (c) a statement as to the title of the property, whe- ther any mortgages or liens exist on the same; (d) whether the streets and public ways shown on said plat are covered by a mort- gage or other lien; and (e) any additional requirements of the City ~anager or City ~ngineer~ the City Y~.anager being authorized to require the furnishin~i of additional information other than that specified herein. Section 3. I~TaL~TIu~ o£ b'fI~i1'I~ RE¼UiRED - When a subdivision plat is presented to the City Co~m~ission for approval after having first been approved by the Zoning and Planning Commission and the City ~,~nager, the City Co~:'mission shall tentatively approve said plat for record, provided that the ownen of the property has installed adequate water lines, sanitary sewers and storm sewers in accordance with city stand- of Sanford a sufficient amount of money to install or complete the installation of such facilities in said property, or in lieu thereof that a performance bond on which a recognized surety com- pany shall be surety or such other security as the City Cormmis- sion may approve, be filed witi~ the city to guarantee the instal- lation of water and such utilities within a time to be agreed upon, and conditioned that the city may collect on said bond or other surety the cost of installing such works and use said funds for such purpose in the event that the owner should fail to do so. ~o building permit shall be issued for any platted lot not shown on a subdivision recorded before the effective date of this ordinance, until the requirements of this section have been complied with and the City ~nager has certified that the devel- opment has met the requirements hereof. After such certificate, the plat shall be indorsed as finally approved by the City ~n- ager in order that the same may be recorded in the public rec- ords of Seminole County, Florida. The said sum referred to above to be deposited by the developer shall be based on estimates made by a reputable engineering firm, checked by the City En- gineer of the City of Sanford, and found to be reasonable and agreed upon to be a fair estimate of such costs. Section ~. CITY ~NAGER TO P~C~I~ ~T~DS a~D SHECI~IC~TI~{S - The City ~nager is hereby empowered to prescribe and alter from time to time, as he may deem proper, standards and specifications governing the installation of water and sew- er lines, the drainage of streets and adjacent areas, the in- stallation of curbs, gutters and sidewalks and the grading and paving of streets. Such standards and speci£ications shall, af- Section 5. 'V~tIATYu~ a~b ~CaPTIoNS - Whenever the tract to be subdivided is of such unusual size or shape, or is surrounded by such development or unusual conditions that'the strict application of the requirements contained in this ordin- ance would result in real difficulties or suostantial hardship or injustice, the City Commission, after report by the City Zoning and Planning Coum~ission, may vary or modify such require- ments so that the subdivider may develop his property in a rea- sonable manner but so that at the same time the public welfare and interest of the city and surrounding area are protected and the general intent and spirit of these regulations preserved. Section 6. SAL~ PENALTY - No owner of a tract of real property containing more than three acres or being a subdivision as defineu herein shall sell lots from said tract without first having said tract sur- veyed and a plat of the lots proposed to be sold prepared by a registered surveyor. Before such plat shall be recorded, it shall be approved in accordance wit h the provisions of this ordinance. Any person convicted in I~unicipal Court of violat- ing this provision shall be punished by fine not exceeding Two Hundred Dollars (~200.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding six- ty (60) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. No pe~nit shall be issued for the construction of any building on any lot sold in violation of this section. Section 7. SUBDIVISI~ PaVi~G - No part of the cost of paving streets in any subdivision undeveloped at the effective date of this ordinance shall be paid by the city. Ail paving installed in such subdivisions shall be at the entire cost of the approved by the City ~anager. In any subdivision or area of the City which has been partially or wholly developed and built up prior to the effective date of this ordinance, the property owners may petition the city for the construction of paving on the basis that the property owners pay two-thirds and the city pays one-third of the cost of such paving, and that such paving shall be done as and when determined by the City Commission, pro- vided proper funds are available for the city to pay for the same. Section 8. STREET RIGHTS-OF-WaY, PUBLIC LaND at~ PUB- LIC BUILDINGS - (a) Ail changes in any existing street right-of- way and all proposed establishment of street rights-of-way within the City of Sanford shall be submitted to the Zon- ing and Planning Commission for approval and recommenda- tion before the same are undertaken. (b) Preliminary plans for all major buildings, parking lots, major recreational facilities, and major park improvements to be undertaken by the city shall be submitted to the Zoning and Planning Co~rm~ission for ap- proval before being approved by the city. Section 9. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the s~,~e are hereby repealed. Section 10. That this ordinance shall become effective i~aediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED ~kii~ aDOPTED this.. ~2nd day o~_.A~g~s~ ,1955. CE~T IF I CATE I, H. N. Bayer, the duly appointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Banford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and oerrect copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 55°~, PASSED and ~JDOPTED by the City Commission of the City of ~anford, Florida, on the 22nd day of August, 1955, was POSTED at the front d~or of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 29th day of August, 1955. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my h~ud and official seal of the City of ~anford, Florida, this 29th day of August, 1955. .As t~e Ol~y~erk of City of ~e~rd, Florida