HomeMy WebLinkAbout5600RDIM~CE NO. 560 AN ORDINANCE OF TIdE CITY OF SANFO~D, FLORIDA, A~NDING 0RDIN~CE i~ER 362 OF SAID CITY, AS Ai~IE~YDED, SAID ORDINANCE BEING A~f 0ODINANCE ESTABLISHING A ZONING PLAN ?fITHIN TIN CITY OF SANFORD, SAID AD~EI~Di~.J~NT ADDING A NEW SECTIOi~ THERETO, TO BE Ki~f0WN AS SECTION 14.1, SUCH SECTION REQUIRING T~[E PROVISION OF OFF-STREET AUT0~i0BILE PARKING FACILITIES IN COMNECTION WITH VARIOUS PROPERTY USES. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF TI~ CITY OF StM~FORD, FLOMIDA: SECTION 1. That Ordinance Number 362 of the City of Sanford, Florida, passed and adopted December 26, 19~, as amended, said ordinance being entitled: "An Ordinance Establish- ing a Zoning Plan Within The City of Sanford, Creating Thirteen (13) Districts, ~eg~lating and Restricting The Location and Use of Buildings, Structures, Land And Water For Trade, Industry, Residence or Other ~urposes; The Height and Size of Structures, And Size of Open Spaces For Light and Ventilation; Adopting a ~ap of Said Districts; Defining Terms Used; Providing for The Adjustment, Enforcement And Amendment Thereof; And Prescribing Penalties for Violation.- be, and the same is hereby, amended by the addition thereto of a new section, being nm~bered Sec- tion l~.l, as follows: Section l~.l. Special purpose off-street automobile parking facilities. Subsection 1. Definitions. For purposes of this section, (1) "special purpose off-street automobile parking facilities,, are defined as acconm~odations off the street or highway pro- vided by private groups or individuals for restricted use in prises or other uses, or as adjuncts to housing developments or private residences. Measonable charges may or may not be made. Such facilities may or may not be cooperatively estab- lished and operated. The acco~uodations may consist of lots, garages, or other structures and accessories; they may be sur- face facilities or facilities above or under the ground; (2) "multiple-family dwellings- are defined as housing facilities for more than two fsmilies, such as apartment houses, group houses, tenements, row houses, and similar dwellings; (3) "a parking space,, is defined as an area of sppropriate dimensions, of not less than 180 squ~re feet, net,exclusive of access or maneuvering area, or ramps, col~ms, etc., to be used exclu- sively as a temporary storage space for private motor vehicles; truck loading and unloading space shall not be included in such area; when the application of a unit of measurement for parking spaces to a particular use or structure results in fractional space, any fraction under one-half shall be disregarded, and fractions of one-half or over shall be counted as one parking spece; (4) "number of employees~' for purposes of subsection ~ of this section, shall be co~puted on the basis of the greatest n~mber of persons to be employed at any one period during the day or night; ~5) "tourist homes and cabins or motels,,, for the purposes of this ordinance, refers to an establishment which provides lodging accommodations for travelers, most of whom are likely to come by automobile; (6) herein shall refer to the facility are required. "parking generator,, where used for which the parking spaces Subsection 2. A.uthority to require parkin~ facilities. On special purpose off-street automobile parking facilities to the extent required in subsection 4; and no application for a building permit for a new or substantially altered structure or improvement or use shall be approved unless there is in- cluded with the plan for such structure or ~provement or use a plot plan showing the required special purpose off-street automobile parking facilities in accordance with subsection & hereof. ~o occupancy or use permit shall be issued unless the required parking facilities shall have been provided in accord- ance with those designated on the approved plan. Subsection 3. Extent of application. Off-street automobile parking facilities shall be provided for all those uses and structures for which requirements are specifically designated in subsection &, and also for those uses and structures for which requirements have been promulgated by the Zoning and Planning Commission pursuant to authority granted in subsec- tion & hereof. Requirements shall be applicable to all zones and districts wherein the respective new or substantially al- tered uses are permitted by law. Subsection &. Schedule of requirements. Off-street automo- bile parking facilities shall be provided as follows: (a) For one- and two-f~ily dwellings, one parking space per family dwelling unit. (b) ~or multiple-family dwellings of four family units or less one parking space per family dwelling unit; for multiple- family dwellings of more than four units, one parking space per unit for the first four units plus parking spaces equal in num~b- necessary by the Zoning and Planning Co~r~ission because of any supplementary, parking-generating activities of some hotels, such as bars, ballrooms, night club facilities and the like. (d) For tourist homes, cabins or motels, one perking space for each guest or sleeping room or suite plus one addition- al space for the owner or manager if resident on the premises. (e) For trailer courts or camps, one parking sp~ce for each trailer space. (fl For lodging, rooming and boarding houses, one parking space for each two sleeping rooms, plus one parking space for each five boarding guests who are not lodging guests, over and above those occupying the above two sleeping rooms, plus one parking space for owner or manager if resident on premises. (g) ~or private clubs or lodges, parking spaces equal in n~ber to not less than fifty percent of the active membership thereof, plus one additional space for e~ch two employees oF the club or lodge. (h) For hospitals, one parking space for each four patient beds (excluding bassinets), plus one additional space for each staff or visiting doctor,plus one space for each four ~ployees including nurses; losding and unloading space for hospital am- bulances and similar vehicles are not included in the spaces requirad herein. (i) For sanitariums or convslescent homes, one parking space for e~ch six patient beds, plus one additional space for each staff or visiting doctor, plus one additional sp~ce fcr each Four employees including nuraes. (j) ~or medical or dental clinics, four parkinE spaces Der doctor enEa~ed at clinic. ~1~ ~ ~v~ ....... (k) ~'or mortuaries or funeral parlors, parking spaces for all "official- vehicles of the mortuaries or funeral parlors, plus one space for each fam:ily resident on the prezaises, plus additional spaces equal in number to at least seventy-five per- cent of the number of employees (other than resident on the premises), plus such additional spaces for fUneral visitors as shall be determined by the Zoning and Planning Commission to be desirable, considering the many variables characterizing any par- ticular establishment. (1) ~'or welfare institutions, such as asylums, homes for a~ed, orphanages, one parking space for each staff or visiting doctor, plus additional spaces equal in number to at least seventy-five percent of the number of employees, plus such ad- ditional space for business an~ social visitors as shall be determined by the Zonin~ end ~-lanning Co~:(~a!~:~ to be desirable, in light of the needs of the particular use dealt with. (m) For co~0munity centers, zbrar~es, musemms, post offices, civic clubs and similar uses~ parking spaces equal in number to at least seventy-five percent of the number of employees thereof, plus such additional space for members and Uszness or social b ' V~s~tors as shell be determined by the Zoning and !~lanning Consuls- sion. (n) For dance halls, one space for each thirty-six square feet of dance floor area, plus such additional spaces equal in number to at least seventy-five percent of the number of em- ployees. (o) For bowling alleys, plus one additional space for (P) For conv~n~ ~ one parkin:~ sp~ace ~:~r each each two emplayees. alley, to at least seventy-five percent of t~ nm~ber of employees, plus such additional spsce for socisl and business visitors as shall be determined by the Zoning and Planning Commission. (q) For theaters, one perking space for each four seats. {r) For auditoriums, stadi~is, sports arenas, or similar uses, one parking space for each four seats, plus additional spaces equal in nui~ber to at least seventy-five percent of the number of employees thereof. ~ere individual seats are not provided, each twenty inches of benches or other similar seat- ing shall be considered as one seat for the purposes of deter- mining requirements hereunder. (s) For churches, one parking space for each four seats, plus one additional space for each church official resident on the premises, plus additional spaces equal in nm~ber to at least fifty percent of the number of permanent employees thereof. Where individual seats are not provided, each twenty inches of benches or other similar seating shall be considered as one seat for the purposes of determining requirements hereunder. (t) For schools, one parkin~ space for each two employees including teachers and ad~ainistrators, plus sufficient off- street space for the safe and convenient loading and unloading of students, plus such additional facilities for student park- ing as the ~oning and Planning Commission shall deem necessary. (u) For office, professional or public buildings, one parking space fcr each occupant of separate offices or suite of offices of a given tenancy, plus one additional space for each four employees including all occupants, plus such additional space as the ~oning and Planning Commission shall deem adequate for all business visitors who a~e l~b~,, , ........ other factors related to the ge~'~eration of parking de~nd. (vi For airports, railroad passenger stations, bus depots, or other passenger terminal facilities, such parking space as the Zoning and Planning oo~mnission shall deem to be adequate for employees, for the loading and unloading of passengers, and for spectators, visitors, and others. (w) For restaurants, night clubs, tearooms, lunch counters or the like, one parking space for esch four employees, plus such additional space for patron parking as the Zoning and Plan- ning Commission shall deem necessary. (x) For roadside stands, filling stations, repair shops, or other roadside service establis~ents, one parking space for each two employees, plus such additional spaces for customer- motorists as the Zoning and Planning ~onnaission shall deem nec- essary, in order to provide a maxi~u~ of safety and a minimum of congestion on the adjacent roadways. (y) For general business, commercial, and personal service establishments, such parking facilities as the zoning and Planning Commission shall deem necessary. Such determination shall be made on the basis of the two ~ost important parking-generating elements, namely, the nm~ber of employees and the number of bus- iness patrons. (z) For industrial or manufacturing establishments, one parking space for each two employees (based upon the maximum number employed at any one ti~e), plus such additional parking space as shall be required for all vehicles used directly or in- directly in the conduct of the enterprise or as otherwise ap- proved by the Zoning and Plenninz Commission. (aa) For supermarkets, parking spaces in area equal to a provided for in the foregoing schedule, such parkiag space as the moning and t~lanning Commission shall determine to be nec- essary, considering all the parking-generating factors involved ia the particular case. (cc) ~enever, after the effective date of this section there is a change in the nmaber of employees or business visi- tors or in the lawful use of the premises or in any other unit of measurement specified in any of the foregoing paragraphs of subsection g, and whenever such change Creates s need for an in- crease o£ decrease of more than fifteen percent of the nm~ber of off-street automobile parking spaces as detennined by the re- quirements of subsection ~, more or less off-street perking facilities shall be provided within a reasonable time on the basis of the adjusted needs, as determined by subsection ~. In Case of unusual hardship arising out of the requirements of this paragraph, recourse may be had to the Board of ~ldjustment, in the man~er provided by law. (dd) In the case of mixed uses, the parking facilities re- quired shall be the sum of the requirements for the varioas in- dividual uses, co~uted separately in accordance with this sub- section; parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing the required parking facilities for any other use. Parking facilities required hereunder shall not be made avail- able for use by motorist-parkers other than those for whom such facilities are reserved pursuant to this ordinance. ~ubsection 5. ~cation of parkin~ facilities. Special pmrpose off-street automobile parkin~ facilities, to the ~xtent required in subsection 4 of this section, may be provided either on the same lot or nw~=o ...~ ~, Subsection 6. ~ooperative establishment and operation o, parkin~ facilities ~equirements for the provision of parking Facilities, pursuant to subsection 4 of this section, with re- spect to two'or more property uses of the same or different types, may be satisfied by the permanent allocation of the requisite number of spaces for each use in a common parking facility, co- operatively established and operated: PROVIDED, that the total number of spaces designated is not less than the sum of the in- dividual requirements, p ~ ROVIDED FL~TiTEp, that the specifications of subsection 5 with respect to location are complied with. In order to eliminate a multiplicity of entrances snd exits, and lmlnlsh traffic hazards,to conserve space where space is at a premium, and to promote orderly development generally, the Zonin~ and ann~n~ ~ · ~- P1 ' ~ ~omm~ssion is hereby authorized to plan and group parking facilities cooperatively for a n~nber of parking generators in a given area, and especially in the central busi- ness district, in such manner as to obtain a maximin of effi- ciency and capacity in parking and traffic movement. ~ubsection 7. Design standards. All off-street automobile parking facilities shall be designed with appropriate means of vehicular access to a street or alley as well as maneuvering areas. Ko driveway or curb cuts in any ~istrict shall exceed twenty-five (25) feet in width, and detailed plans shall be sub- mitted to the proper official for approval for all curb cuts or driveway Openings before a permit may be obtained therefor. ~o sig~us shall be displayed in any parking facilities except such signs as may be necessary for the orderly use of such facilities. All parking facilities shall be suitably graded and surfaced. provided facilities are designed to lng facilities shall not be provision hereunder, except and maintained so long as the use exists which the serve. Off-street automobile park- reduced in total extent, after their upon the approval by the ~oard of Zoning Adjustment and then only after proof that the parking spaces provided are no longer needed by reason of a change in use of the premises to which the parking facilities are adjunct, pursuant to the schedule of requirements contained in subsection & hereof. Reasonable precautions must be taken by the owners or sponsors of particular uses to assure the use of the parking facilities only by the employees or the social or business visi- tors of the premises for which the facilities are provided. The parking facilities must be so designed and maintained as not to constitute a nuisance at any time, and must not be used in such a manner as to constitute a hazard or unreasonable impediment to traffic. ~ubsection 9. ~xistin8 and nonconformin~ uses The provis- ions of this section shall apply only to new or substantially altered uses, and shall not affect existing or nonconforming uses, except under the conditions outlined in section 15 of ordinance number 362, as amended, (relating to nonconforming or altsred uses, abandonment of uses, etc.) ~ubsection 10. Administration of program. This section dealing ~ith the provision of special-purpose off-street auto- mobile parking facilities shall be a~ninistered by the Zoning and Planning Com~ission. The Traffic Oon~ittee shall serve in capacities advisory to the Zoning and Planning Commission on matters relating to any phase of the provision of soecial- in facilities as required by this section shall be a continuing obligation of the owner or sponsor of a given use or structure so long as the use or structure is in existence End so long as parking facilities are required hereunder in connection there- with, and it shall be unlawful to discontinue, change, or dis- pense with such parking facilities wit~out establishing alter- nate parking facilities that meet the requirements of this section. Penalty provisions, applicable to the zoning ordinance as a whole, shall apply to any violations of this section. In addi- tion, at such time as the parking facilities required hereunder shall fail to continue to be available for the purpose, the building per~it for the structures ~o which the parking facili- ties are adjunct and the use or occupancy permits issued for the pre~mises, shall be Cancele~ snd become null and void. ~xcept when parking facilities are used in connection with a repair or service garage, it shall be unlawful for any person to park his vehicle or permit the same to be parked in any parking facility required by this section for an unreasonable length of time; for the purpose of this section is to promote the public safety and convenience by the provision of off-street parking facilities, rather than to create a nuisance. SECTION 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby, repealed. ~ECTION 3. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED A~ADO~£ED this 22nd 1955. ATTEST: City~rk day of August Dfayor City of ~an~e~[, ~lorida CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Sayer, the duly appointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify ~hat a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 560, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of $anford, Florida, on the 22nd day of August, 1955, was POSTED at the front door cf the City Hall in the City of 8anford, Florida, on the 29th day of August, 1955. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal of ~he City of 8anford, Florida, this 29th day of August, 1955.