HomeMy WebLinkAbout5610RDIN~i'CE NO. AN 0MDI±~.;CE OF T~ CITY OF S;~'F0~D, FLORIDA, A~EI~SDING 0RDINAi~CE I~JDIBER 362 OF S.4_ID CITY, AS A~.~ED, SAID 0~INANCE BEING AN 0RDIN,~d~CE ESTAB- LISHING A ZONING PLAN %'ZiTHIN THE CI- TY OF SYd;~'0,O.D, ~kID ~.~i,~D~,~T T~2,.~S- FE~!~G CE~Tf~IN TERMIT0~Y IN DISTRICT R-1-A TO DISTRICT C-N A~R~D CEMTAiN ~MMITOPY IN DISS~ICT R-1 T0 DISTMICT C-l, IN SAID CIT~f. BE IT ~,',~TACTED BY ~ i:EOPLE OF TPZE Ci,i~Z OF o.~i~0RD, FL0?IDA: SECTION 1. That Ordinance ~fumber 362 of the City of ~anford, ~'lorida, passed and adopted December 26, 19~4, as amended, Said ordinance being entitled: "An Ordinance mstablishing A Zonin~g Plan ~,ithin '±'he City of Sanford, Creating '~hirteen (13) Districts, ~egulating and ~estrict- lng The Location And Use of Buildings, ~tructures, Land And ~Jater ~'or '~'rade, Industry, Mesidence or Other Purposes; The Height and ~ize of Otructures, And Size of Open Spaces For Light And Ventilation; Adopting a i,!ap of Ssid ~istricts; De- fining 'i'erms Used; Providing ~or the adjustment, ~nforcemant And .~end.ment '±'hereof; And Prescribing Penalties for ~iola- tion.,, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows: (a) T!~ !?o~erty zoned in ~istrict W-1-A (SingleLFamily), located on the Iforth side of 25th ,~treet between Park Ave, nue and ~Sanford ~lvenue, more particu- larly described as Lots 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, l~ and 19 of Edgewood ubd~v~sion, is hereby transferred to Distri,~t C-~f, Commercial-.-~etail (Neighborhood ~hop- pinc~ District. (b) '~'he property zoned in District R-1 (Single Family), bounded on the i<orth by 3rd otreet, mast by a mac ~ranch, JECTION 3. tire ir,m~ediately upon its passage and adoption. ~'~SSED .~I,:D ADCPT~D this ~ day of ~e~. ,, 1955. ~dayor~ Ci~ ~ " As Zh~ Sit~ot~o~ df the Cit~ of ~anford, That t~is ordinance shall become effec- CERTIFICATE I, H. N. ~ayer, the duly appointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Sanford, FTorida, do hereby certify tha$ foregoing Ordinance No. City Commission of the 12th day of September, a true and correct copy of the 561, PASSED and ADOPTED by t~he City of Sfnford, Florida, on the 1955, was POSTED at the front door of Zhe City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the l~th day of September, 1~55. IN WITNESS WHF2{EOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal of the City of Sanford, Florida, this l~h day of September, 1955. As the O~&~/Olerk of ~e '~ford, Florida