HomeMy WebLinkAbout563ORDZ?:AZt CE i.iO. _563__ F L 0RI DA: ....... A,,{lP~,].II, lu C!{APTER 11 OF TL~ CODE OF !L"iE CI~ OF S~NP"OI~ F ' r:,?~, - , LORILA, 1954 BY A ....1.0 A NE~ SECTION TO BE NU~,~3E}~I~D 11-13. SUCH SECTION ~ ' II,POSIhG A PEE F0N gN~E COL~cTI ~%lI~$ SUCi[ FEE IS B ~ USAOES UPON N'~T~JODS 0P ~ILLII'.G F0R SAi~, AND pEI~ALTY NAIL~}~ TO PAY SNC~{ F~. BE IT Ei.,ACi~ED ~y THE P~0P~ OF TNE CFH OF S~PORD, SECTION 1. That Chapter 11 of the Code of the City of Sanford, Plorida, 1954, be and the same is hereby amended by adaition thereto of a new section numbered Section ll-13, such section being in the following words and figures: SECTION' 11-13. A. There is hereby imposed a refuse collection fee, the term "fei'use collection,, including collection of both 'a g rbage ana refuse as defined in Section ll-1 above, the amount of Which tee shall be in accordance with the following schedule: (a) For each single family residence (wkich term shall embrace only a single builcing and its premises for single family Occupancy, an~ exclude any rental occupancy other than the single family), each church, each lodge (Which term shall embrace only non-profit, fr~ternal organizations maintaining buildings for their lodge P'turposes), and each nursery (such term embracing only educational b~ildin6s used for instruction of children of pre-p~blic school age), the fee to be paid to the city shall be %~1.00 per month with an allow- ance of not more than two receptacles, as required by Section 11-2 above, per usa~.e. ~. A single residential builOing occupied by the owner renting tooths, or 3. A single ~uplex residential building with its premises), the fee to be pai~ to the city shall be ~1.50 per month with an allowance of not more than four receptacles, as required by Section ll-2 above, per entire usage. (c) For each apartment (which term shall embrace only each single family rental unit on the same premises whether in the bnilding other than the and (b) above), the fee be 50 cents per month in applicable under (a) or same building or a separate occupancies mefined in (a) to be paia to the city shall amaition to the basic fee as (b) for each single family rental unit in excess of two, with an allowance of not more than two receptacles, as required by Section ll-2 above, per apartment. (d) For each quarters occupancy (which term shall embrace only several single family rental buildings of one ownership on the same premises an~ serviced, as to other utilities through a single utility meter or bill) the fee to be pai~ to the city s'.~all be ~3.00 per month for the entire occupancy with an allowance of not more than two receptacles per building, as required by Section ll-2 above, per usage. (e) For each business occupancy (which term shall embrace solely any occupancy for profit, other than a purely residential or residential rental occupancy) (f) For any: 1. School, tourist court, trailer park, motel, hospital; or 2. Combination of business Occupancy on the same premises with resideoce, apartments or lodge as above defined; or 3. Combination of qoarters on the Same premises with residence as above defined, the fee to be paid to the city shall be ~3.00 per month. (g) The monthly fee provided in sub sections t?n~Ough (f) of this section shall Cover the uniform refuse collection service provide~i for all Usages similarly situated t?n"oughout the City of Sanford. Upon application of the OWner to the City ~anager, or upo~ his oWn investigation, the city manager is hereby vested with authority after consideration of the volume, quantity and required freG~ency of collection of garbage and refuse in each particular situation to ClassiFy and designate certain businesses as "special refuse collection customers,. These c~stomers shall pay a refuse collection fee, which shall be in lieu of all others herein prescribed, as follows: For collection six times each Week of not to e~cee~, at each collection, three and one-half cubic yards (one-half tr~ck load), the sum of si× dollars per month. For collection six times each week of not to exceed, at each collection, seven cubic yards (One truck load), the s~m of twelve dollars a mort th. Should any person feel aggrieved by an a~ministr,~,,~ sections statements issued by the be itemized separately on complaint in ~uplicate with the city clerk not later than twenty-four hours prior to a regularly scheduled meeting of the city cozm~ission an~ set forth~ briefly, the grievance complained of. The clerk, upon receipt of such complaint, shall refer the same to the manager to be placed on the agenda for hearing at the next ensuing meeting of the commission. If such complaint be a~Ju~ged well founded, then the cor~ission shall make such reco~nendations and amen¢~ments as it deems meet and proper; otherwise the designation or classification or fee fixed by the city manager shall be final. B. The monthly fees provided for in su~- (a) through (g) shall be billed on the monthly city service city an~ such refuse collection fee shall such statement. C. The refuse collection fee herein pro- videm for shall be paid withio ten days after date of mailing stai~ement, as stamped thereon, or such collection service shall be disco~tinued until all such fees shall be paid in full. Service shall be res~nned thereafter only on payment of the acc~n~lated fees for the period of collection and the period of nOn-collection, unless, after investigation by the city manager, it shall appear that such fee or any part thereof for the period of non-collection should be waived. D. ~is ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and adoption and the refuse collection fee hereby imposed shall be included in all city service statements rendered after October 20th, 19SS. PASSED A~D ADOPTED this 26 day of September · 1955. ATTEST: ~ay or As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Floriaa X, H. N. Sa2er, ~he dul2 a~potn~ed, quaXlfie~ and aCti~ City Ole~ ef ~e Oi~ ef ~nferd~ ~erl~, ~ hereb2 oer~if~ ~at a ~e ~d ~eo~ e~p2 of the ~mmtssien of the Oi~ of ~fe~, ~orl~, on ~e ~ ~ of ~t~ber, 1~, was ~BT~ a~ t~ ~nt ~or of ~e ~it~ ~1 ~ ~e Ol~ of 8a~ord, ~o~i~, on t~8 ~e