HomeMy WebLinkAbout565 A~! 0RDINAi'~CE 0F THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, DETER]~III~I~TG TITE A~OUNT AND FIXING THE RATE OF TAXA'210~q Alfl3 M~,KI~,:G THE Ai~NUAL TAX LE\rY 0F THE CITY OF SA3~FORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE YEAR 1955. BE tT ~NACTED BY i?i-'[E PEOPLE OF ~ITE CI'[Sf OF SA]~FORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. Tha~ the amount metermined necessary to be raised by taxation ir~ the City of Sanford, Floriaa, for the year 1~8 for the ordinary purposes of the Nunicipality and the Department of Debt Service is the sum of SECTION P~. That the millage for the year 198~ to be assessed upon each dollar of the assesse~ valuation of all the taxable prop- erty, except Homesteads to the assesse~ value of $S,000.00 or less, within the corporate limits of the City of Sanford, Florida, is hereby fixed at 1~.$000 mills~ to be allocated as follows: Department of General Government 7.8000 mills Department of L~bt Service 8.0000 mills SECTION Z. ~nat the millage for the year 19~ to be assessed ~pon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all Homesteads to the assessed value of ~,000.00 or less within the corporate limits of the City of Sanford, Florida, is hereby fixed at 8.0000 mills, to be allocated as follows: Department of Debt Service 0.0000 mills SECTION ~. That there shall be and is hereby levie~ for the year 1~8 upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property, except Homesteads to the assessed value of $8,000.00 or less, within the corporate limits of the City of Sanford, Floriaa, a tax of ~.S000 mills for the p~rpose of realizing a sum s~- SECTION 5. That there shall be and is hereby levied for the year 1955 upon each dollar of the assesse~ valuation of all taxable property within the corporate limits of the City of San£ord, Florida, a tax of 5.4313 mills for the purpose of realizing a sum sufficient to pay interest coupons maturing ~.iarch l, 1958, and September l, 1956, on Refunding Bonds Series A, of the City of Sanford, Florida, ~ated ~arch l, 1937, and maturing September l, 1977, and to create a Sinking Fund for the p~,rchase or acquiring of bonds of said Series A; a tax of .4736 mills for the p~rpose of realizing a sum s~fficient to pay interest coupons maturing March l, 1956, aha September l, 1956, on ilefunding Bonds Series C, D, and E of the City of Sanford, Ploriaa, ~ated ~Iarch l, 1941, and maturing September l, 1977, and to create a Sinking i~kbnd for the p~rchase or acquiring of bonas of saia Series C, D and E; a tax of .0951 mills for t~e pt~rposes of realizing a sum sufficient to pay out- standing notes, contracts an~ i~terest thereon maturing ~uring current fiscal year. SECTION 6. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in confllct herewith be an~ the same are hereby repeale~. SECTI[?~ 7. That ti~is ordinance shall be come effective im- mediately upon its passage an~ aC. option. Passed and Adoptec. this 26th day of September, 1955.