HomeMy WebLinkAbout590 ORDINANCE NO. 590 _. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFCILD, FLORIDA ADOPTING AND ESTABLISHING A UNIFORM PAY CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE FOR ALL EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, TOGETHER WITH RULES FOR THE APPLICATION AND MAINTENANCE OF SAID SCHEDULE. WHEREAS, The City Commission has for some time felt that it is desirable and necessary for the proper functioning and operation of the al'fairs of the City of Sanford, Florida to establish a uniform pay classifi- cations system for all employees or' the City of Sanford, Florida, and WHEREAS, The City Manager has prepared and submitted to the City Commission of the City o~' Sanford, Florida, a pay classification sci~edule together with applicable rules ::or the administration and enforce- ment of said schedule and the City Commission is of the opinion that said pay schedule and rules applicable thereto are reasonable, necessary and proper for the administration of the affairs of said City and the proper conduct or' said City, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That there is hereby adopted and established a uniform pay classification schedule covering employees of the City of S'~nford, Florida, said schedule establishing grades of employees and classifications within grades according to merit and length o. service and establishing salaries therefor, said pay classification schedule approved by ResoIution of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida on the 24th (L~y of September, A.D. 1956 and a copy of said schedule hereto attached and hereby made a part of this ordinance, the same being he,'eby SECTION 2: That said uniform pay classification schedule together with the salaries set thereby is to become effective and applicable on the first day of October, A.D. 1956. SECTION 3: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be a~d the same are hereby repealed. PASSED AND ADOPTED This 24th day of September, A.D. 1955. Attest: ~:: City Clerk/.~ Mayor /~t~ ' "" - /~" "7"Z./" - ' ~-¢omm[ssi°n o~ the City o~ Sanford, Flori~ Section I - Installation of the Pay Schedule Rule 1. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE PAX SCHEDULE The Pay Schedule shall be effective the first day of October, 1956. Rule 2. IMMEDIATE SALARY ADe'~EN~ a. Employees now below the minimum grade shall be increased to the new minimum. b. Employees who are now between appropriate grades shall be increased to the next higher grade. Rule 3. USE OF THE PAY SOHEDULE FOR THE NINIMUM, MAXIMUM, AND INTERMEDIATE GRADES OF EACH SALARY RANGE These rules shall be interpreted so as to place each employee in the service of the City of Sanford on an appropriate grade of the salary range for the grade to which his position has been allocated; provided, however, that an employee whose salary on the above effective date of the adoption of the Pay Schedule is above the appropriate salary of his grade shall remain at his present salary so long as he remains in his present grade. Rule 4. APPLICATION OF THE PAY SCHEDULE The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to put the Pay Schedule into effect. Section II - Administration of the Pay Schedule RuleS. ANNIVERSARY DATE OF EMPLOYMENT IN A GRADE The date that an employee is assigned to the grade shall be the anniversary date in the grade and shall govern salary advances while the employee remains in that grade. -1- Rule 6. NEW aPPOINTmeNTS New appointments shall normally be made at the minimum step of the appropriate pay grade or salary range. However, ap- pointments, under special conditions and on the recommendation of the City Nanager, may be made above the minimum step when such action is determined to be in the best interest of the City of Sanford by the City Commission. Rule 2. PERIODIC ADV~CES a. Increases within each appropriate salary range shall normal- ly be made from the minimum (A) step: The (A) or lowest pay step shall be the probationary or hiring rate. After six months, an employee is eligible for advancement to the next pay step. Should an employee not b~' ~onsidered qualified and advanced to t~he second or (B) step after one year with the City of Sanford, he shall not be retained in the city employment beyond a thirty day period after the eleventh month s~uiversary date of his initial employment. Exceptional cases may be considered as eligible for advancement after three months service. b. The (B) or second step is considered the in-service train- ing class. ~n employee shall remain in this step for a period of one year. Exceptional cases may be considered eligible for advancement to the third step only after com- pleting six months in the (B) step. c. The (C) or third step is not an automatic advancement from the (B) step. The (C) step pay rate is considered the normal pay rate for a satisfactory employee. An employee not making the progress he should, shall not be advanced to the (C) or third step. - 2 - Initiative: d. The (D) or fourth step is reserved for recognition of outstanding performance as evidenced by positive evalu- ation of ability, attitude, initiative, and longevity. Advancement to the fourth or (D) step Shall only be made after at least a three year continuous service period with the City of ~anford in the (C) step. e. The (E) or fifth step is reserved for evidence of con- tinued excellent service with the City of Sanford. An employee is only eligible for this step after three years of continuous service with the City of ~anford in the (D) or fourth step. The advancement to the fifth step of the salary range is not automatic and must be evidenced by positive evaluation of ability, attitude, initiative, and longevity. Factors for evaluating an employee for the fourth and the fifth pay steps must be uniformly understood by the department heads. Ability_: The measure of the demonstrated proficiency of an employee. The knowledge and the skill of the Job. It includes the output and the accuracy of the em- ployee. Ability alone does not Justify an advance- ment in the pay schedule. Attitude: Includes such factors as alertness, habits, interest, co-operativeness, to get along with other people. The measure of an employee's ability to go ahead with a program or work without close supervision, and to do the extra work not necessarily required. regularity, drive, and the ability Longevity: Is a measure of the loyalty of an employee to the City of Sanford and recognizes that years of service provide for continuity. ~le ~. ADVANCEMENT PROCEDURE Advancements within the pay schedule shall only be authorized within the appropriations provided by the City Commission. All changes of the pay steps shall be maae by a written request of the respective department head and must be approved by the City Manager before becoming final for steps A through C. Ail aav~nce- ments from C through E shall require final approval of th~ City Commission on the City Manager's recommendation only. There shall be no divlation from the time in grade of each respective ~tep. Changes in the pay steps of any department head shall only be on the written recommendation of the City Manager and shall be ap- proved by the City Commission before becoming final. Rule 9' TEMPORARY, PART-TIME, AND OTHER CATEGORIES a. Part-time employees shall normally be paid at a rate pro- portional to their hours of work, consistent with the Pay Schedule. b. Under special conditions in the interest of the City of Banford, temporary, part-time, and other categorie~ of employees may be paid at a special rate to be determ~net by the City Commission. -4- Rule 10. INTERPRETATION OF TItE PAY SCHEDULE The City Manager is authorized to make necessary interpretations concerning the administration of the Pay Schedule including per- sonnel actions involving re-employment, leave of absence, and suspension under this Pay Schedule. Rule ll. COPIES AVAILABLE Copies of the approved Pay Schedule shall be available to all employees for reference purposes only. -5- Addendum PAY SCNE~ULE Under the classification of Administrative, the following shall be added: 13-1 Bookkeeper 2400-3500 13-2 Tax Collector 2600-3700 200.00-291.67 ANNUAL SALARY SCALE Salar~ Grade A B C D 13-1 2,400. 2,700. 3,300. 3,300. 13-2 2,600. 2,875. 3,150. 3,300. E 3,700. WEEKLY SALARY SCALE_ Salar~ ~rade A B C D 15-! 46.15 51.92 57.69 13,2 50.00 55.29 60.58 E SALARM GRADE_ 1 6 13 1 8 27 2 l0 ADMINISTRATIVE Clerk I Clerk II Clerk III Clerk-Typist I C.1erk-Typist II Clerk-Stenographer I Clerk-Stenographer II C.1erk-Stenographer III Finance Director Assistant Librarian Head Librarian ANNUAL MIN.-MAX. 1820~2236 2236 2704 2600-3380 182012236 223~ 270~ 2038-2392 2392-2808 2704-3380 55oo-72oo 1820-2~6 2~96-29.12 MONTHLY STD. MIN. -,qAX. ~__~. ~'~K ._ 151,67.-1~6.33 41 186.33-22.5.j3 41 216.67,~281.67 41 151.67-186.33 186.33-225.33 169.83--199.33 199.33-234.0o 225.33-281-67 458.33-6oo · co .151.67-2.o8. o. 0 44 208.00-2L~2 · 67 44 17 · 19 22 25 17 POLIC~ Patrolman Police Sergeant Police Lieutenant Police Captain Police Chief Police Clerk Parking Meter Man 29.12-3536 3224-3744 3432~39oo 3640 $212 ~5oo-5~oo 2620.80-3169.92 2912-3536 242.67-294.67 48 268.67,-3~2.0o 48 286.o0,-325.oo 48 375.00--~8~33 218.40-264.16 ~8 242.67-29~.67 48 17 19 21 22 Fireman Fire Mechanic Fire Lieutenant Assistant Fire Chief Fire Chief 2912-3536 3224-3744 3432-3900 ~640-4212 ~5oo-55oo 242.67-294.67 84 268.67-312.0o 84 286.0o-325.'0o 84 303.33-~51.00 375.00-~58.33 SALARY GP~DE _ 11 9 16 7 18 20 11 2O 23 23 2O 15 PUBLI0 WORKS Truck Driver Utility Man Equipment Operator Mechanic Helper Mechanic Mechanic Foreman Zoo Keeper Laborer Asst. Building Inept. Building Inspector Street & Refuse Supt. Parks & Shop Supt. Maintenance Supt. Zoo Superintendent Public Works Director ANNUAL MIN.-MAX. 2496-3068 2445-3224 2860-3640 2340-2860 3120-3900 338o-416o 2496-3068 1898-2340 ~380-4160 160-5200 3848-4628 3848-4628 3380-4160 2?04-3380 4500-5500 MONT}W,Y STD. MIN, -M~X. NK .WE ._ 2o8.oo~255.67 2o3,,67 268.6? 238.33-303.33 195.0o-238.33 260.00-325.00 281.67-346.67 208.00-255.67 158.17-195,00 281.67-346.67 346.6?-433.33 320.67-385.~7 32o.67-385.67 281,67-346,67 225.33-281.67 375 .oo-458.33 11 12 12 2O 20 7 2O 26 UTILIT~ Water Meter Reader Clerk-Utility Water Plant Operator Water Production Supt. Water Distribution Supt. Sewer Labor Foreman Prisoner Guard Sewer Superintendent Utility Director 2496~3068 2496 32?6 2496-3276 3380-1~160 3380-4160 2236-2600 2340-2860 3380-4160 5200-6800 208.00-255.67 208.00-273.00 208.00-273.00 281.67-76.67 281.67~Z~6.67 186.33 216.67 195.00-238.33 281.67-346.67 433.33-566.6? ANNUAL SALARY SALARY 0 D GRADE A B 1 1,820.00 1,950.00 2,080.00 2,158.00 2~236.00 2 1,820.00 2~002.00 2,185.00 2,340.00 2,496.00 3 1,898.00 2,028.00 2~132.00 2,236.00 2,~40.00 4 2,038.00 2,132.00 2,236.00 2,314.00 2,~92.00 5 2,236.00 2,340.00 2~444.00 2,522.00 6 2,236.00 2,366.00 2~496.00 2,600.00 2,704.00 ? 2,340.00 2,470.00 2~600.00 2,704.00 2:0~0.00 8 2,392.00 2,522.00 2~652.00 2,730.00 2,8¢8.00 9 2,444.00 2,652.00 2~860.00 3,068.00 3,?24.00 10 2,496.00 2,600.00 2,704.00 2~808.00 2 932.00 11 2,496.00 2~652.00 2~808.00 2,964.00 3~068'30 12 2,496.00 2,704.00 2~912.00 3,120.00 3.276.00 13 2,600.00 2,808.00 3,016'00 3,198'00 3~0'00 14 2,620.80' 2,770.56 2,920.32 3,045'12 3,169.92 ~ 0 15 2,70~.00 2~912.00 3~120.00 3~250'00 3~.80. 0 16 2~860.00 ~,068.00 3~276.00 3,48J~00 3~61"0'~0 17 2,912.00 3~120.00 3,328.00 3,43~'00 3~36.00 18 3~120.00 3~328.00 3~536'00 3~74!~'00 3~900.00 19 3~224.00 3~380.00 ~,536.00 3,6h~0'00 3~'/~4'00 20 3,380.00 3,588.00 3,796.00 4,00~.00 21 3~432.00 3,562.00 3,692.00 3,796.00 ~ 0 22 3,640.00 3~796.00 3,952.00 4,082.00 ~,2.2..0 23 3~848.00 4,056.00 4,264.00 ~,472.00 25 4~500.00 4,772.04 5,044.00 5'272'28 26 5~200.00 5~700'00 6,200.00 6,500.00 6,~0.00 27 5,5oo.oo 5,800.00 6,400.00 6,800.00 W~ EKLY SALARY S~AL,E. GRADE A B 1 35.oo 37.5o 2 35 .oo 38.5o 3 36.50 39.00 $ 39.00 $1.00 5 $3-oo 45.oo 6 $3.00 45.50 7 45.oo 47.5o 8 46.00 48.50 9 47.oo 51.oo lo 48.oo 5o.oo 3-1 48.oo 53-.oo 3-2 48.oo 52.oo 13 5o.oo 54.oo 3-4 5o.4o 53.28 15 52.oo 56.oo 3-6 55 .oo 59.oo 3-7 56.oo 6o.oo 18 6o.oo 64.oo 19 62.00 65.00 20 65.00 69.00 21 66.00 68.50 22 70.00 73.00 23 74. O0 78. O0 24 80.oo 87.oo 25 86.53 93-.77 26 100.00 109.62 27 3-05.76 13-1.54 0 D E 40.00 $1.50 $3,00 $2.00 $5.00 $8.O0 41.00 43.00 45.00 43.00 $4.50 $6.0o 47.00 $8.50 50,00 48.00 50.00 52,00 50.00 52.00 55 .oo 51.00 52.50 54.00 55.00 59.00 62.00 52,00 54.00 56'00 55.00 57.00 59.oo 56.00 60.00 63,00 58.00 61.50 65,oo 56.16 58.56 60.96 60.00 62.50 65.00 63.00 67,00 70.00 64.00 66.00 68~o0 68.00 72.00 75.00 68.0o 70.0o 72.oo 73.00 77.0o 80.00 71,oo 73.00 75.00 ?6.00 78.50 81.oo 82.00 86.00 89,00 95.00 97.00 loo.oo 97.00 lol.39 lo5.77 119.23 125.00 130.77 123.08 130.77 138.$6 C E B T I F I C A T E I, H. N. Sayer, City Clerk of the City of ~anford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 5~0, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of ~anford, Florida, on the 24th day of September 1956, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the let day of October, 1956.