HomeMy WebLinkAbout599ORDINANCE NO. 5~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA~ AMENDING SECTION 23-22 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD~ FLORIDA 1954~ SAID SECTION PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY AND ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF AN ADMISSION TAX TO THE SANFORD MUNICIPAL ATHLETIC FIELD~ AND ESTAB- L ISHING THE AMOUNT OF SAID TAX, SAID AMENDMENT EXEMPTING FROM THE LEVY AND EFFECT OF SAID TAX EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AND NON-PROFIT ORGANI- ZATIONS. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That Section 23-22 of The Code of the City of Sanford~ 1954, providing for the levy and assessment and collection of an admission tax to the Sanford Municipal Athletic Field, and set- ting the amount of said tax~ be and the same is hereby amended by adding to said Section the following language: Provided, however~ that the aforesaid tax and the incidence thereof~ at the discretion of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, shall not apply to educational institutions and non-profit organizations. SECTION 2: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: That this ordinance shall become effective imme- diately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED The 10th ~3ay of December, A.D. 1956. Attest: City Clerk Z, H. N. ~aYe~, ~lty Clerk off the Clty off Sanfforxl~ Florida, do here~ oertlffy that a t~e and oo~rect cop~ of the fOre. lng Ordln~oe No. ~, PASSED and A~PT~ by ~ Cl~y ~Isslon of ~he Cl~y of S~fo~d, Flo~l~, on ~e loth d~ of Deoember, 1956, was POST~ at the f~nt door of Zhe C~y Hall In the C~t~ of ~fovd, Florida, on ~e ll~ DAY of ~oembev, 1956. OXtY~Ord, Flo~'/da