HomeMy WebLinkAbout1043 This instrument prepared ~W. C. Hutchis'on, Jr. by: City 'A t t O~ney · .P.O. Box'1778 Sanford, Florida 32771 ~ ORDINANCE NO. ~ ro AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITy OF SANFORD, ~' FLORi~'~ ANNEXING TO AND INCLUDING WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITy OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, DESCRIBED HEREINAFT , THE AREAS PROVISIONS OF CHApZ IN ,aCCORDANCE ACTS OF 1957. E 57-181a, LAW~ ,~,~ _.WI~T.. ~nE ~ '"'P ~'LORIDA, WHEREAS, there has been filed With the City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, petition containing the names of the property owners in the areas described hereinafter requesting annexation to the corporate area of the City of Sanford, Florida, and requesting to be included therein; and WHEREAS, said petition was duly certified to the Tax Assessor of Seminole County, Florida, pursuant to Chapter 57-1815, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1957, and the certification of the Tax Assessor of Seminole County, Florida, as to the sufficiency of such petition pursuant to the terms of said Act received; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, has deemed it in the best interest of the City to accept said petition and to annex said area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That that certain area as described on Exhibit A attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof, be and the same is hereby annexed to and made a part of the City of Sanford, Florida, pursuant to the terms of Chapter 57-1815, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1957. SECTION 2. That upon this ordinance becoming effective the residents and property owners in the above described annexed area shall be entitled to all the rieyhto 191 OFFICIAL RE~, RO 80085 $£NINOL F CO(iNT¥, FL*,. Florida, and as are fruther provided in Chapter 57-1815, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1957, and shall further be subject to the responsibilities of residence or ownership as may be from time to time determined by the governing authority of the City of Sanford, Florida, and the provisions of said Chapter 57-1815, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1957. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day/gf~3~tober , A.D. 1971. tvlayor ~,.," / ,'. Attest: _ :~N//L- ~ / -XDity Claret ,~/ -~ AS tl~e'uity Uommissiorr:oi the City of Sanford, Florida. CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Tamm, Jr., City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 1043, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the the 25th day of October, 1971, of the City Hall in the City 27th day of October, 1971. City of Sanford, Florida, on was POSTED at the front door of Sanford, Florida, on the ....... ~ ..... ~,as, of the Sout~ ~- section post of Bo~,- ...... ~,,:. ~.~ a.~oln~ 617176 fleet ~ ' Sootion 2,' Tow~ship 20 South, Range 30 Eas~': Run North 00 degrees 09' 02" East 2082.16 feet to a concrete monumcr, t on the South side of a 50 foot road, thence run West 958.39 feet, thence run North to the East and West ~ section line of section 2-20-30, thence run East to a oolnt 22.6 chains West of the Southeast cornel' of ~ho Nor~ohoa~'~ ~f ~f said ~ootion 2-20-30, thence run North 6.6 feet, thence run North 45 degrees East 92.4 feet, thence run North 390.7 feet, .. thence run Wes~ 1393.35 feet, thence run North 1188.0 feet, thence run West to the Easterly Right o'f Way of the old A. C. L. Railroad, thence run Southwesterly along said Railroad right of way to the Northeast corner of Avondale as recorded in Plat Book 3 Page 97~_~ of the Sublic Re'cords of Seminole County, Florida, thence run South 38 d~grees 10' East 1079.76 feet, thence run East 469.92 feet, ~. thence run South 51 degrees 50' West 951.,72 feet to the most Southerly corner of said Avondale, thence run South 47 degrees l0~ East 901..56 feet to a 2" x 2~ thence run South 01 degrees 33' 3l'' East ~to the South line of said section 2-20-30, thence run Westerly along the South line of said section 2-20-~0 and the South line of Section 3-20-30 to a point on said South section line of 3-20-30 which is 29.07 chains West of ~he Southeast corner of section 3-20-30, thence run South .90 degrees East 9.11 chains, thence run South 60 West 16.01 chains, thence run South 30 degrees East 497.4 feet, thence run South 270.47 feet, thence run South 65 degrees East 451.4-feet, " thence run South ~41.88 feet, thence run South 65 degrees East 179.4 feet, thence run Scutch $B9 feet, thence run South 65 degrees East on Grant Line 595.28 fee~, thence run North 572.44 feet, thence run East 508.8 feet, '~hence run South 809.7 feet to thc Grant Line,' thence run South 65 degrees East~long t~e Grant Line to the Northwest corner of Lot 26 Lake Minnie Estates as .recorded in .=~ Book 6 Page 92 of the P.b~c Records of Seminole County, Yl cfi da, .... nee Sou~heas~er-,y along the Westerly llne of said Lot 26, Lake .~,,n.e~'~ ~ Esta~;e~ '~o ~he Northerly Right of Way of Lake Mary Boulevard, thence run Northeasterly and E~ ~ ~s,~,~y along the Northerly rf.uht of Way of Lake l~ary Bo~levar~ to the Easterly llne of Lot 28, Lake Minnie E~tates, tz~ence run NortheasterIy along ~h~ ~ ~as~erly line of said Lot 28, Lke Minnie Estates to .ne Northeasterly corner of said Lot 28, thence North 25 degrees 30' East 290 feet, thence ran South 65 degrees East 200 feet. thsnce run North 25 degrees 30' East 241.~ feet, %hence run South 65 degrees East to the Westerly right of ~fay of U. S. 17-92, thence run North o ~p degrees ~0' East a~ong ~ho ~-,~o~erly right of ',,fay of U. S. 17-92 206 feet, thence run North 64 degrees 30~ West to a po=,,~ which is 89o feet North 64 degrees 30' West from the Westerly r. oh~ of ~<~y ~. St. Ed. 15-6oo, thence run North 25 degrees 30~ East 710 feeZ, tn~,,cs run South 64 degrees 30~ East to the W~sterly rljht ~: Way llne of U. S. 17-92, thence run Northeasterly along the Westerly right of Way of U. S. 17-92 to the intersection of said Westerly righ~ of ',,ay with the East line of Section 11-2o-30, _ ~ast line of said S~ction 11-20-.30 thence run Northerly alon~ the TM ~ the Northeast corner of said section ll-20-50 which is also t.:s Southeast corner of Section 2-20-30, ,hence run Westerly along the South line of Section 2-20-~0 to ~he Point of Beginning, LESS beginning 1~20 feet North and 550.44 feet West of the South ~ section post of Section 2-20-30, Run Norad 495 f~et, ~[est ~90 fe~t, $outh"~6 d~grees 33' West 335.94 feet', BoUth.5~ degrees 27~ East L~06.5~ fegt,' Eas~ 175.56 feet to beginning and also LESS beginning 179 feet East of the Wes~ ~ section pos~ of Section 11-20-30, Run South l0 degrees $81Eas~ 426o83 feet, East 850.12 feet, North l0 degrees $8' ~est 426.8~ fee~, North 29 degrees 52' 10.5~ Wes~ 737.7~ feet, South 57 degree~ 12' West 650 feet, South l0 degrees ~8' East £87.6E feet to beginning. Township 20 South, iqange 30 East; Hun North 47 degrees 10" Wes~ 297.92 feet, ~hence run North &2 degrees 501 East 165 feet, thence run North $7 degrees 10' West 660 feet, ~hence run North 42 degrees 50' East'825 fee~, %hence run South $7 degrees 10' East 660 feet, t.,~nce run South 01 degree ~3' ~l" East to the South linc of Section 2-20-30, ~hence run West'to beginning, ALSO Beginning a~ the Sou~hwe'~ corner of Section 2, Township 20 South, Range D0 East; Run Nort~ 6 chains, Zhence runNor~h 60 degrees East 4 chains, thence run South 30 degrees Eas~ 9.5 c~hains, ~L~nce run West to beginning, Beginning a~ ~he Sou~heas~ corner of Section 3, Township Z0 Sou~h, P~nge ~0 Eun Nor%h 6 chains, ~nenc~ run Sou~h o0 degrees Wes~ 13.2 chains, ~honco run Eas~ ~o beginning, A~O Avondale as ?~corded in Pla~ Book 3 Page 97 of ~he Public Records Seminole uo~y, Florida, u.., Lo~s 47 ~o on 68 and ~he North half of a vacated s~reet adJacen~ on the ~,~u~h '~o Lo~ 68 Amended Pla~ Druid Park as ~corded in ~i.~ Bo~X 7 Page 5 of ~he Public Records'%f Seminole County, Flo~da, Lo~3 ~ 28, 35, and 3~, Block 7 &nd Lo~s I ~hrough 5 and Lo~s ll ~[L-ough 17, Block 19 and ~he Sou~h half of a vacated adjacen~ on ~he North ~o Block 19 and ~he vacated 8~ee~ lylng bo'~een said Block 19 and ~he We~ Sec~iDn line of Section Druid Park a~ receded In Pla~ Boos 6 Pages 34 and 35 of ~h~ Public P~oord~ of Seminole County, Florida.