HomeMy WebLinkAbout451ORDINANCE NO._ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, PROVIDING F(R THE LEVY, ASSESSMENT, COLLECTION AND PAYMenT OF A TAX ON LDMISSIONS AT THE SANFORD ~JNICIPAL ATNT.~TIC FIELD, PRESCRIBING THE AMOUk~TS THEREOF, AND THE MANNER OF COLLEC- TION AI~D PAY~T THEREOF, AND PROVIDING FOR DEPOSIT ~'~/TH THE CITY CLERK OF THE FUNDS COL- LECTED HEREUNDER, AND APPROPRIATING SAID FUNDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW PUBLIC GRANDSTAND TO BE BUILT AT SAID SAhrFORD ~D~NICiPAL ATHLETIC FIELD. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: Section 1. That there shall be levied, assessed, col- lected and paid for admission to any event conducted or held at the Sanford ~unicipal Athletic Field, and for which an admission charge is made to any person, an asml ssion tax as to each such person, in addition to the admission charge and all other taxes, as follows: Ten (10¢) cents per white person for each general admission ticket sold or entry fee paid. Five (5¢) cents per colored person for each general admission ticket sold or entry fee paid. Five ($5.00) Dollars for each season ticket sold. Section 2. That the admission tax provided in Section i hereof shall be paid in each case by the person paying the ad- mission to the seller, and the seller shall make full and complete return and payment of all such admission taxes Collected by hid , or it, to the City Clerk of the City of Sanford. SUch return and payment shall be made within forty-eight (48) hours after the conduct of any non-recurring event, which shall mean any event which does not take place more than one time in one calendar week, or not later than five (5) o'clock P.~L of Friday of each conse- cutive calendar week as to a recurring event for which the entire series will extend less than one (1) month, or not later than the last day of each consecutive calendar month as to a recurring even for which the entire series extends beyond one month. Section 3. That all sums Collected under the provi- sions of this ordinance and paid to the City Clerk as aforesaid shall be deposited by the City Clerk in the Public Projects Fund and shall be, and hereby are, appropriated for the construction of a new public grandstand, or stadium, to be built at the Sanford Municipal Athletic Field. Section 4. That the "Sanford Municipal Athletic Field,, as used herein shall include the entire area heretofore used for SUch purposes at the northeast intersection of Mellonville Avenue and Celery Avenue in the City of Sanford, Florida, together with the additional field and area immediately to the northward thereof which has now been adapted to such purposes. Section $. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are, hereby repealed. Section 6. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this~ 2~th day of _Maroh 1949. ' Mayor - / ~ ~ o As the City Commiosion o£ the City of San£ord, Florida ATTEST: ~Cit rk.