HomeMy WebLinkAbout452ORDINANCE NO., 45? AN ORDINANCE REQ~IRIN~ INSTALLATION FLUS~ TOILETS IN THE CIT~ GF SANFORD, AIID THE ~0NNEOTION OF SUOH FLUS~ TOILET~ TO SANFORD SEWERS. BE IT ~ACTED NT THE PEOPLE OF THE CITT O~ SANF0~D, FL0~DA: Section 1. That each residence, ~r dwelling house, erected, or existing, within the City of Sanford, Florida, after date of passage of this ordinance shall be equipped with not less than one flu~a toilet for use by the occupants thereof, provided that such requirement ahall apply only when and if the City water supply is available to the property on which such residence or dwelling house may be situate; provided, how- ever, that the use of existing sanitary privies may be continued until the same are in need of repair or renewal, at which time they shall be removed and flush toilets installed as hereinabove required. Section ~-. That where sanitary sewers are available to the property on which any residence or dwelling house may hereafter be erected within the Oity of ~anford, Florida, the flush toilet required by Section 1 above to be placed therein shall be connected with such sanitary sewer at the time of erection of said residence or dwelling house. Section 3. As used in this Ordinance, the words "available to the property- shall mean as to water supply that the Oity tenders delivery of water at the property line of the property on which the residence or dwelling house, as aforesaid, may exist or be erected, and as to sanitary sewers that there is a sanitary sewer withtn seventy-five feet of such property line, which seventy-five feet shall traverse only City property and be measured in a straight line from any point on such property line. Section 4. This ordinance is passed for the protection of the - 1- health and welfare of the citizens of the City o',~nford' Section 5. All ordinances, or parts of ,inanoes, flict herewith are hereby repealed. tn 00~- Section 6. This ordinance shall beoo~ elf,,ive immediately upan its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS_ 2?th day of June 1949. ayor j ~he City commission of the C' ~/ of Sanf~d, Florida. ity ~X__H.N. Bayer, City Clerk of the City of 8anford, Florida h.ereb oe hat a txue a~d correct o , y rtify AND ADOPTED ~, +.~. ~ ~opy. of. the ~o~goi~ Ordin~oe No. ~5~, P~SED - 2 -