HomeMy WebLinkAbout454ORDINANCE NO. %~ AN ORDINANCE OF T~ CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AkTE~D~G ORDINANCE ~jI,~ER 362 OF THE CITY OF SANFORD AS A~2~DED, SA},E BEiN~G~< THE ZONIN~ 0RDI- NANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD; IBY PROVIDING FOR A T~TH CLASS OF DISTRICT>IIqT0 V~IICH SAID CITY IS DIVIDED FOR THE pURPOSES OF SAID 0RDINANCE,~ DESIGNATING SAID TENTH CLASS OF DISTRICT f~_ ~-1 X, iAND SETTING OUT)THE USES, Li~TATION~ ~ ~E~U~R~- ~NTS PERTAINII~D TO o~JOH~ CLASS OF DI~TRICT,i~ FURTPIER A~,~DING SAID ORDINANCE ~I~ENDED BY TR~I~SFERRING C~RT~IN TERRITORY DIo~i~ICT R-t TO DISTRICT R-1 X, CERT~IlN TERRITORY IN DISTRICT R-1 TO DISTRICT 0-2.~ BE IT ENACTED BY 'THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Ordinance Number 362 of the City of Ss~ford, Florida, passed and adopted December 26, 1944, as amended, said ordinance being entitled: "An ordinance establishing a zoning plan within the City of Sanford, creating nine (9) districts, regulating ~ud restricting the location and use of buildings, structures, land and water for trade, industry, residence or other purposes, the height and size of structures, and size of open spaces for light and ventilation; adopting a map of said districts; defining terms used; providing for the adjustment, enforce- ment and amendment thereof; and prescribing penalties for violation." be, aud the same is hereby amended as follows: to read: the City and restricting the location and tures, land and water for trade, (a) The title of said ordinance is hereby amended "Au ordinance establishing a zoning plan within of Sanford, creatmng ~.ten (10) districts~! regulating use of buildings, struc- industry, residence or - i - other purposes, the height and size of structures, and size of open spaces for light and ventilation; adopting a map of said districts; defining terms used; provid- ing for the adjustment, enforcement and amendment thereof; and prescribing penalties for violation." (b) The first paragraph of Section 3 of said ordinance is hereby s~nended to read: "In order to classify, regulate and restrict the uses of land and buildings; to regulate and restrict the height and bulk of buildings; to regulate the area of yards and other open spaces about buildings; and to regulate the intensity of land used, ~he City of Sanford is hereby divided into ten (10) classes of districts to be tn~own as foilers:,?~ R-1 A~ - One (Single) Family District R-1 f~ R-1 - R-1 PI ~-~ - It-& - R-5 - C-1 - 0-2 - - One (Single) Family District One (Sidle) Fan~ily District - One (Single) Family District l~ultiply ]?a~ilY Di strict One (Sin~jle) Fa~ly District I~ultiple Family District I.~ultiple Family District Co~nercial (Retail) District Co~uer cial-Indu str ial District (c) ~The title of Section ~ of said ordinance is hereby amended to read: "SECTI01~ 6. R-1 and R-1 X One (Single) Family District. (d) ' Sub-Section O of Section 6 of said ordinance is her. eby amended to read as follows: 'G. FIRST FLOCR _~R~ RE ~UIR~I.ITS The ~nirm/u ground floor area of R-1 dv~ellings, exclusive of porte-cocheres and attached porches in this district shall be: (a) For a two and one-half story dvJelling 600 square feet. (b) For a one and one-half story dwelling, 700 square feet. (c) For a one story dwelling, $00 square feet. The mininum ground floor area of R-1 X dwellings, exclusive of porte-cocheres, attached porches, and garages in this district shall be: (a) For a two and one-half square ~ set. (b) For a one and one-half square feet. (c) For story Jw~qlzng 6C0 story dwelling, 600 a one story dwelling, 600 square =eet. The property described as all property bomuded (e) on the }Torth by First Street, on the East by Poplar Avenue, on the South by Si:~th Street, and on the West by the City limits, all in the City of Sanford, Florida, and now zoned in District R-1 (One (Single) Family District), is hereby transferred to District R-1 X One (Single) Family District. (f) The property zoned in District R-1 (One Single Faz~ily District) described as the Eorth 200 feet of Lot 5, of Sub- - 3 - Division of A. V. ?tenth property, Sanford, Florida, as recorded in ?lat Book ?, pa.ge !0, public records of Seminole County, Florida, is hereby transferred to District C-£ - Commercial-Industrial District. SECTION E. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. That ti~s ordinance shall become effective ~e- diately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED~D ADOPTED this ATTEST: City Ct~. ~STM day of J~N~¥ , ~ayor. ~ 'ES the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. 1949. I, M. N. saYer, CitY clerk of the City of ~anford, Florida, hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the forego!ng ord!nance NO. 454, PASSED and ADOPTED by the CitY comm!ss!on of the C~ty of sanford, Flor!da, on the 25th day of July, 1949, was POSTED at the front door of the C~tY Hall in the C~ty of Sanford, Flor!da, th!e 2Eth day of july, 1949.