HomeMy WebLinkAbout464 ORDINANCE NO. ~ FLOR I DA ~CE OF THE CITY OF SANF0~_D.& OF AN 0RDINA;_~ .... '~E ~D~ER ~6~ 0F TH~ CITY ~NDING o~,~ BEING T~ zONING OR- S~FORD AS ~NDED, S~g DIN~CE 0F THE CITY 0F BAN~RD, BY ~TERIBG THE FIRET FLOOR ~ REQUIREL~NTS FOR LINGS IN R-1 DIBTRICT~ AS SET OUT IN SUBS~- TION G 0F S~TION 6 0F SAID ORDINANCE 56~ AS A~NDED. BE IT ENACTED BY THE 2EOP~ 0F T~ CITY 0F BANF~D, FLORIDA: sECTION 1. That ordinance Number B6B of the City of Ssnford, Florida, pzssed and mdopted December 26, 1944, mended, said ordinanCe being entitled: ,~ ordinance estab- lishing a zoning plan within the City of smnford, cresting ten (10) districtS, re~lmting and restricting the location and use of buildingS, structures, land and water for trade, industry, residence or other purposeS, the height and size of structureS, ~nd size of open spnceS for light and ventilation; sdopting m~P of said districts; defining terms used; providing for the adjustment, enforcement nnd ~mend~nt thereof; and prescribing penalties for violation." be, ~nd the same is hereby amended follows: (a) SubsectiOn G. of section 6, (R-1 one (single) family district.) is hereby amended to read: G. 2IRST F~OOR A~REA REQUIREI,~dNTS The minimum groUnd floor area of R-1 dwellingS, including paved oar ports or porte-cocheres, porcheS, and garageS, where the cur ports, porte-cocheres, porches and garages nre under one roof shall be: (a) for ~ two and one-half story dwelling, 600 squ~re feet. (b) for a one V00 square feet. and one-half story dwelling, (c) For a one story dwelling, 800 Sqre feet with not less than 600 square feet i%he house proper exclusive of cst ports, porte- cocheres, porches and garages. SECTION 2. That all ordinances or parts of ~inances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repeale. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shell become eftctive immediately upon its pasa~ge and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED th~_~ day of December, .~y 6 r. /~ ATTEST'. ~J~ty of Sanfo~d, Florida. *********************************************************** I, H. N. Sayer, City Clerk of the City of ~anford, Florida, hereby certify that a true copy of the forego!~g Ord!nance No. 464, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, ~lorlda, on the 27th day of December, 1949, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, th!s 29th day of December, 1949. As U!ty C~r~/of the ~ty - 2 -