HomeMy WebLinkAbout465~iop ad ]y thc 3o:~.th~2:~ '3uildins lcdu Second ~ition ?~e~os aris additions: ~.!~, is of plans and specifications on one set and return same to owner or his agent and retain the remaining copy for refer- ence and inspection by the building official. Plans and specifications need not be submitted for small and unim- portant work when authorized by the Building 0f~icial." (b) Section 107.4, page 10. Schedule of Permit Fees - Delete entire sub-paragraph (a) Permit Fees, and insert the following: "(1) For a valuation up to and including $280.00 the fee shall be 50~. ~) For a valuation over $280.00 up to and including $800.00 the fee shall be $1.00. (3) Fo~ a valuation over $800.00 up to and including $780.00 the fee shall be $1.80. (4) For a valuation over $750 up to and including $1,000.00 the fee shall be $2.00. (8) For a valu- ation over $1,000.00 the fee shall be $2.00 for the first $1,000.00 of valuation and an additional $2.00 fee for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof of valuation. (8) Upon all property exempt by applicable laws from the pay- ment of ad valorem taxes The maximum amount of the permit fee shall be $15.00." (c) Section ll4, page 18. Violations and Penalties - - Delete entire Section ll4 and insert the following: "Sec- tion ll~ - Violations and Penalties. Any person, firm, cor- poration or ~ent who sh~ll violate a provision of this Cede ~ fail to comply therewith or with any of t he req~irements thereof, or who shall erect, construct, alter repair, de- molish, or move any structure, or has erected, constructed, altered, repaired, moved or demolished a building or structure in violation of a detailed statement or draw- ing submitted and approved thereunder shall, for each and every violation of the provisions of this Code, upon being found guilty by the ~unicipal Court of the aole%e +s. "'' ...... ' ~' ;,CC tO ,,'~'>nn ,, _T~: ,:re3 : l;-o., ] 1N.e CZzah~e ,,o , of public assembly oh~l be io~,'erned 1:" the Set ~ ~ ' ~o~a in teotlon 5 ~ O ~oR,~ ~r ~ ' .1-=..¢ -- ~ypes of ¢ .... ~tlon. Churches '~ n. je i ,:- ~'-~~-, ' - ics .;:0c;.6. ~ ~1o .... ~ and ~o~3o_ ~tioNs s~a~ ] ~ ,-~'~,,.,, ~.~ ~- ~ :-~R2]- 21S ,~ ~,~ 012 1' ,2~0. l'!~I1 "'~"~' "O !-'Of ~', "h~]~ ' lth ' width of not "" ;fla.,.,e 'e~,~- l~ss ....................... .~ Of :~ - G - of ~isles end ~i.~.~ h..l~ ncr ..... ce..d six sha]t b~ve not ::02o ~han" ..... ] ...... ,dthcu'b and the ~- - *¢ ly ~.l(nt ,_, -~,= :3eat ~..~ed~abo ~.~iiid' " 51d.9 ~t~ ~ ......... ~ · ' ......... · ,~¢ shall ¢ ...... '*~ ' · Co~o~. to ~-e reoulre~iionts ~e,:tlOr. 1108. (p) 3eotfion 801, hare 114. General -- !ali ::x; ~-: .... 4 ~ - 7 801.3 as follows: "801.3 - Transite. Transite is not to be used for oil burning appliances." (q) Section 140&.l, psge 179. ~earing Walls - General. Delete the third paragraph of Section 1404.1 reading as follows: "Walls of one-story single-family dwellings and private garages may be 6 inches thick when not greater in height than 9 feet, with an allowance of an additional 6 feet for gables. ~' and amend paragraph 2 of said Section to read as follow: "A one (1) story building, or top story of a building not over three stories in height of Groups A~ .B, C, D or E Occupancy, may be eight (8) inches in thickness, ~ovided the roof beams are heizontal and such story height does not exceed fourteen (14) feet of point of lateral support; except that walls of residen- tial buildings -~ot exceeding three ~ (3) stories or thirty-five (35) feet in height may be eight (8) inches thick for the upper story, with lower story or stories being not less than 12 inches thick." (r) Add new sub-section 1404.1 A to read as follows: "1404.1 A -- Spandrel Beams. All masonry bearing walls shall have a reinforced concrete spandrel beam, tie beam, or hurricane belt at t~ uppermost 8 inches of the acting wall for each story. The beam shall be continuous and as wide as the wall it reinforces. Two 1/2 inch steel reinf~cing rods shall be included in the beam section." Table (s~ 606.5 Note (1), page 93. Delete the comma and words "and over furnaces." on (t) Table 606.5, pages 93 and 94. ~Qote * From 1st line page 94 delete the word "Roofs" and after the wor~ '~ouild- - 8 - lng" delete balunce of _' ". '~ - ' ~ ..... o, ~, .~ *he ceiling uniefneath the roof shall be ~-~xv,~ w~.~.~'"~'~ as required for the flu .re. {v) S,~ctio~ 70S.l(a}2, paso lOS. .fall O~enihss --Delete tko last .uragraph v,,hich reads: "~fken ~. lui!dinc exceeds one kundred fifty (i$0} feet in keijht, ull er_tericr ,~iP. dow 're ,as ~nd sashes sh~!i! 7~e of ~o.c-co£ibusiiblo ~.u.t~riu.ls tkroughout tke building." (w) 3ect!on 90!.], ~aSe 12,7. 3prlnklors !n l~rages -- (y} Section 1702.2, page 22.i~. in 4th paragraph ?rom the 5rd and 4th lines delete ",.he ;ords "where subfloor ~nl sins!e plato is Lacked up Lelow witk solid Luarinc cr ;clid wood blocks bat'...een joists over '~cu:'i~5.~' !55 Dense ~.,e * "~ - ~-. a" ;1400 ,-~0 [55 .... e " ....... ,-,.,~ · 2000 130 Dense D3nse Ye. ! ~ ~c .... 1 1600 120 655 ~. ;5,, 125 $90 70. ! . !lc. ~ . 1.600. n n , ~rn CO0 - ! i - 170,7 ] ~ 0 ...... D ..... Select ~t!'L~C~L~'r~l 1550 ~ ' ~ ..... ?-,~ ..... : ,,~ ,~a !,=o,., '-~ ..... !zc8 992 779 D,c:i~o ".c. ~ 1,1u:O .~.=4 1278 !i6u 584 450 '" ~ '31!1,~ ~ , ~'~ ~ '~'~ ~0 ,~i0 '( ~ ~ j./~3~2 o,~ ~icn shall CERTIFICATE I, H. i~. Sayer, C~t,v Clert~ of the ~lt.M of Sanford, F!or~da, do hereby certlfy that s true ~nd correct c>py of Ord~.nance No. ~65, PASS, ED ~nd ADOPT~D LI the C~t~ Co~ss~on of the C~ty of Sanford, Fl.3rlds, on the 13th day of February, 1950, ~-as POSTED ~t the front door of the C~t~; Hall ~n the C~ty of S~nford~ Flor~d~t, th~s lkth day of Febru~ry, 1950.