HomeMy WebLinkAbout449 ORDI~A~O~ ~0' ~-~'"- ~AI~O ORDI~O5 s~D ~tion 1. T~at Section ? o20~a~n~nce ~o. passe~ ~ agopte~ octobe: 26, 19&Z, be, ~nd the s~e is ~e:e%Y, ~en~ed so as to ~eaa as fOll~s: ~ctio~ ?' That it shall be ~lawful fo~ ~Y person, fi~m o~ co~po~ation e~age~ in the business described in ~ection 1 he. eof to oPe~ate ~Y moto~ ~ehicle oven ~ up~ the streets o: ~venueS of the OitY of S~o~~ fo~ the ~u~pose of soliciti~ pat:onage of passengers by i~ediately p~eceaing or follOWing ~Y ~ulY scheduled bus operated fo~ suc~ ~rpoSe by ~Y bus o~ t~ansit c°mP~Y holding a f~anc~se f~om the OitY of Se~o~, o~ engagi~ in what is co~°nlY calle~ .c~uising", o~ to pick up Passayers at point within 100 feet of ~Y aesi~ate~ bus stop within the City of S~°~' the location of whiCh shall hawe been approved in writing by the OitY ~ger an~ the Chief of PoliCe, the distance to be meas~e~ in all ~rections from the sign o~ ma~ke~ ~esi~ating such bus stop, p~owi~e~ that nothing herein conteine~ shall be construed as P~o~bittng the ~iwe~ of ~Y duly liCensed ~to~ vehicle b~ece~ in this ordinance f:om ~espondi~ to ~Y specific request fo~ Pass~e f~om ~Y p~t~on seeki~ the service °ffe~eg by such moto~ vehicle- Section Z. That ell o~in~ces or pa~tS of ordin~ces tn co~lict herewith ~e hereby ~epeale~- Bection ~- ~het this o~din~nce shell become effective immediately ~pon its p~sse~e and a&option- ~rch ~S~ ~ ~ this l~ttk day of _ ~ A~ the ~%ty Com~%s~%on of ~%ty of Bsnford, Florida. Clerk of the City of 8anford, A, u~.t~ ~hv certify 3.~am ~-~c~n mHD ADOPTED by ~,n.~_~t"f_ Florida, ~i .... No. ~9, ~~'-~ n the l~tn fOre oing O~a~n~ f S~ford, Fi~z~'~°~ ~itv Hall ~n - ~--~on Of the Clt~_o _ ~ ~nt aoor O~ ~ ~-~ ~O~t-',~ -~s PosTED a~ u~u ~t~ -~*~ ~Y of ~rc~, the 0ity of Sansore, ~ · Clerk O~ the City of Banford, Flori~