HomeMy WebLinkAbout466 ~-~.~.O~, !. ~ ...... ,_~. the City of ~an~ord, --- -- ~ ...... -- '°~ 1(44, *'.' amended, said ordi- :~!crid~ ~,~o~d and adopted Deco:ocr ,~a, ,~ Zl hoe DOlll~ entitled: "An ordi]K~noe e~bllo,~,~m a zonzng plan v,'iti~n the 3l't; ......... '~ ~ * ' ~ ' -~ c.~atzna on (lO) dzs~rmct~, rcgu!atin[; and re- stricting the location and use of bazldmng¢, structures, land and v]ater ~o~zdcn~e or other purposes, tho hezght and size for trade, z:3duo~.~y, ~*~' ~ ¢. of structures, and smze of open ~aaco~ for light and vont~!atmon; adopting a map of said dzstricts; e~mnmno terms used; providi~ for the ~d3ustment, e~orcem~t and amendment thereof; and prescribing penalties for violation." be, and the s~:~e is hereby amended as follows: The property zoned in Distzzct R-1 (Cne Sin~fle Family District) described as Lots 5 and 6 of Block~'', Lots 2, ~, 5 and 6 of Block B,' Lots 1, 2, ~, ~, 5 and 6 of Bloc]: C; Lots I, 5 and 5 of Block D; Lots 2, ~, a~ 6 of clock E; ~o~s 1,¢~°, 5, &, 5 ana'* 6 of Block F; and Lots 1, 2, 5, ~, 5 and 6 of Block G, Celery Avenue Addition; Lots 1 and 2 of Block 4-A, az~ Lots 1 and 2 of Block 9, ~n Lanta '~ ~ * o~ cunm ,Se c ti on; arm the ;{orth 1,~0 feet of the ~nplatted p¢m*t of the Lo. th~e¢t ;.uarter ,f .Section 51, Tovmship 19 3outh, Range 51 East, located and abutting , the south side of C~lery '' ~ '. ~enue oet-,.een Sanford Avenue and Lezlonv .... !lle' ~nue is hereby transferred to District C-1 (Retail Co~iorcia].). $30?ZO~T '~ That in coi~£iict h.~eulth be and .3ECT'Z C ~T $. That all ordinances or parts cf ordinances the sa~ie are hereby ,repealed. ti.iv ordinance shall became effective i~mediately ulon its ?aJsac~¢ and adoption. day of ?ebruary, 1950. As the Oity O~mmission of' the .... y c~. gap~ord~ ~" '' foregoing OrdJ~,;:,nc Comm,.ss!on of ~,~e _ 'o~0 ,-,os posTED ~:t ~-h,'~ of February, ~'~ '