HomeMy WebLinkAbout467 ~LO2IDA, A-,L]~DINO Oi~DI]~AI~CE SAID CI~, AS ~'.LEi~')E~, ~'AID ORDI- ~ A2UCi3 3EING ~ Oi{DINANCE ZP2JIifG PLAi~ ~TITHIN THE CITY t~;~'ORD, SAID ~NDL~N~ TErrITORY IN DI~2TRIC~ ~-I-A ~O DISTRICT IN SAID CITY. BE IT 'ENACTED jy ~E PEOPLE O~~ THE CITY C~~ SANFO~QD, FLORIDA: ~ECTION 1. That Ordinsnce Number Z62 of the Oity of S~nford, Florida passed end sdoDted Dec, ember ~6, 19~&, as amended, ssid ordi- mance being entitled: "A~] ordi~mnce establishing a zoning plsn within the City of Ssnford, creating ten (10) districts, regulating and re- stricting the ]oo~tion a~d use of b~ildings, struct~res, tend and water for tzmde, ln~try, residence or other purposes, the height and size of struct~res, and size of ooen spsces for light end venti]stion; odooting s m~p of ssid districts: defining terms used; providing for the ~djust~mnt, enforcement 8nd amendment t]~ereof; end prescribing pen~]ties for violation." be, a~]d t~e same is hereby emended as follows: The propert~ zoned in District 2-]-A ~One Si~gle Family), bounded on the North by S~th Street, East by Alle~~ between 08k Avenue and lark Avenue, f~o~th b2 al. th ?treet, and ~'est b~ ~rez~ch ~venue, is hereby transferred to R-1 ~One ~ingle Fsmily) District. SECTION 2. Thgt ail ordinances or parts of ordinsnces in conflict herewith be ~nd the ssme ~re hereby rspea~ed. SECTIONS. That this ordinance sb~l~ become effective immediately upon its p~ssage and ado~tion. PASo~D Ai~D AD0~D this ~ltn dsy of ~ ~ .... ..~orl~ry , 1950. TTEST: City of S~iford, £1orida. I, H. Y. S~yer, City Clerk ~;f t?e C_~ty of Sanfor0, F!>r~'~, hereby certify tJu t ~ tr. ue an~] oorr::ct co~y of iii ~ore.o~nj Or:~nsnce (Y~nford, Flor]:~e, ~:: t!~e 2~Zth d y ~f F.-:~ [ruary, .j5O, '"~ s POSTED U e fi-mt ~ ~r of t:~e C:.t!~ H ?] ~n ~ ~- 2~y of 5:~'-f~.'d, Flor!~.a, t :s ist Ooy of M:rch, ~950. -2-