HomeMy WebLinkAbout469 oRDINANCE NO · ~___~.~ AN ORDINA/1CE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, 0ITY OF · AME BEING THE ZONING OR- AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMB~ ~62 OF THE AS AMENDED. S BY PROVIDING SANFORD .... ~ CITY OF SANFO_R~_ ,_ _. ~""0 WHICH DINANOE ON' 'z'n~__ ~v ^~ OF DISTK£b-A' VTDED F~ THE pURPOSES OF SAID ~OR AN ELEVENT~ ITY IS DI VENTH CLASS OF oSARD~iNO~cE, DESIGNATING SAID ELE AS R-1-B AND SETTING OUT THE USES, SUCH Gha~ v= ~ ~ 0RDINANOE NO- 362. AS AMENDED BY TRANS- ~EI~/iINg--"' R-l-B, ~ TRANSFEI~.RING CERT_A. IiN' TO DI~TKZ%"~. _~w=~, R -1 TO DI~TKICT O ~- T~ITOEY I~ uz~ BE IT ENAOTED BY THE PEOPLE OF T~ CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: ~ec~icn 1. That Ordinance number $~ of the City of ~n- fc~d, Florida, passed and adopted December 28, 19%4, as amended, ea~d O~d~anc® being entltled: "An Ordinance establishing a zoning plan within the 01fy of Sanford, creating ten (10) d~s~ric~z~ regulating and restricting the location and use cf buildings, structures, land and water for trade, industry, residence ~ other purposes, the height and size of structures, and size cf open spaces for light and ventilation; adopting a m~p of said districts; defining terms used; providing for the adJ~nt, enforcement and amendment thereof; and pre~ribing pe%~l~e! for vlolatton~ "be, and the same is hereby amended The Title of said Ordinance ia hereby amended to read: ~ance establishing a zoning plan within the City of creating eleven (11) districts, regulating and re- ?ictin~ the location and use of buildings, structures, lent or other purposes, the waser for trade, industry, residence an~ size of structures, and size of open spaces for light adopting a map of said districts; defining muze~s p~oviding for the adjustment, enforcement and amend- and prescribing penalties for violation." · Thel first paragraph of Section 3 of said Ordinance ~nded to read~ "In order to classifY, regulate and the Uses of land and buildings; to regulate and restrict -- i the height and bulk of buildings; to regulate the area of yards and other open spaces about buildings; and to regulate the in- tensity of land used, the City of Sanford is hereby divided into eleven (ll) classes of districts to be known as followm R-1 AA - One (Single) Family District R-1 A - One (Single) Family District R-1-B - One (Single) Family District R-1 - One (Single) Family District R-1 X - One (Single) Family District R-2 - Multiple Family District R-~ - One (Single) Family District R-4 - Multiple Family District R-~ - Multiple Family District C-1 - Commercial (retail) District C-2 - Commercial-Industrial District" (O~ The title of Section § of said Ordinance is hereby amended to read "Section ~ R-1AA, R-lA and R1B One (Single) Family District" (D) Sub-section G of Section 8 of said Ordinance is hereby amended to read: G. First Floor Area. The minimum ground floor atoms of dwellings, ex- clusive of porte-cocheres and attached porches, in this dis- trict shall be ~ (a) For a two and one-half story dwelling, R-1 AA: 1000 & R-1 B: sq. frs R-1 A~ 800 sq. ft. (b) For a one and one-half story dwelling, R-1 AA~ 1,400 sq. & R-1 B: fi; R-1 A~ 1,000 sq ft. (c) For a one story dwelling, sq ft. R-lA: R-1 AA: 1,600 sq ft~/1,000 (d) For a one story dwelling, R-~B District, 1000 square feet with not less than ?20 square feet exclusive of car ports, porte cocheres, porcD~s and garages. (E) The property described as all property bounded on the south by ~wenty-fourth Street, on the west by French Avenue, on the north by Twentieth Street, on the east by the alley be- tween Oak Avenue and Park Avenue, all in the City of Sa~ford, Florida, and now zoned in District R-1 A (One (Single) Family District) is hereby transferred to District R-1 B One (Single) Family District. (F) The property zoned in District R-1 (One (Single) Family District, deecribed as lots · 8 and 19 Block 4, Dreamwold Second Section, all in the City of Sanford, Florida, as recorded in Plat Book A, Page 30, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, is hereby transferred to District C-I, Retail Commercial District. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and ~e same are hereby repealed. Section 3. That this ordinance sh~ll become effective im- mediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED and ADOPTED this 27tl~lay of Marc.h . .1950, (,~ ~ Mayor ATTEST: As the City Commission o'& the 0ity of S~ford, Florida. City I, H. N. 5ayer, C~ty Clerk of the C~ty of 8anford, Flor~.da, hereby certifY that a true and oorrect copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 469, passed and adopted by the Gomm~ss!on of the C~ty of ~anford, Florida, on the 27th day of March, 1950, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall ~-n the City of 5anford, Florida, th~s 2~th day of March, 1950. As the G~ty~G~rk ~ of ~$an f~o~l~_ ~/~1o r~. da* the Olty