HomeMy WebLinkAbout471 CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING OF NO. 2 6, ~n~0N 3, 0F ~DIN~__ .~7 ~ BEING ~ 28th ~Y 0 D S~I~0N ~ 0N ~ AG~, I CONT~NG ~ ~ ~F ~ERAGES ~] ~ =~?~ FLORID~, 0E __~nv~ ~ ~IG~, 0GT0~ 16, 19~, ~ AS ~ N0. 39~, PASS~ ~D ~0~ ~L 8, 19~, ~D 3 DESIGNA~G A Z0~ ~ ~IGH ~ ~S~ 0F DIS~- ~TING 0R s~NG ~ B~~Y ~ ~GAG~. BE IT ENACTED BT THE pEOPLE OF ~HE CITY OF ~ANFORD, FLORIDA: section 1. That section 3 of ordinance No. 256, passed amd adopted on the 28th day of ~une, ~193V, same being am ordina~ce regulating the manufacture, distribution and sale in the 0itY of sanford, Florida, of beverages containing more than one (1%) per cemtum of alcohol by weight, as amended by 0rdinamce No. 360, passed amd adopted OCtober 16, 1944, amd as further amended by Ordinance No. 392, passed and adopted April 8, 1946, be, and the same is here- by amemded so as to read as follOWS: sectiom ~o That the follOWimg portion of the Oity of ~amford, Florida, is hereby desigmated as a zome omlY ia which imtoxicating liquors, except wines amd beer, may be sold, to-wit: 0n First street from samford AVemme to French 0m oak Avemme, park Avemue, Magmolia Avemue amd palmetto Avemue from commercial street to ~eeoud ~treet. 0n sa~ford Avenue from commercial street to Fifth street · -1 - On State Highway No. 3 fr~m Geneva Avenue South to the City limits. On Thirteemth Street from Williams Street to Mulberry Street. Om Commercial Street from Railroad Avenue to sanford Avenue. Seetiom E. That all ordinances er parts of ordimances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. section $. That this ordimance shall become effective immediately upom its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~6~ day of June, 1950. - M yor ~ ATTEST: City Clerk / As the City Commfssion of' the City of Sanford, Florida. . 2 I, N. N. 5ayer, ~t~y Clerk of the G~y of ~anford, Flo~Ada, hereby cert~.fy that a true and correct copy of ~e foregoing O~n~oe No. ~yl, pae~ed ~d a~p~ed by the ~y ~e~on of the ~ty of 8~ford, ~or~, on ~he 26~ ~y of June, 1950~ was POST~ a~ the front ~or of ~e ~y ~1 ~n ~e C~ty of ~fo~, ~o~!da, ~s 28~ ~ of June, 1~50. As 0X~y of the OXty ~f ~ford, ~lorlda.