HomeMy WebLinkAbout472ORDINANCE NO. 4?2 _ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING SG~-1YULE ~UMB~ & OF ORDINANCE NO. A~2, ~AS~hl~J ~ A~01raTED DE~B~ 29, 19A8, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NUMBER ~1, PASSED A2~D AD01m2ED OCTOBER 10, 1949, AND BY ORDINANCE SAID ORDINANCE BEING AN ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC IN THE CITY OF ~NFORD, FLORIDA, AND SAID SOHE1NYLE NUMBER & DE~IG~ATING THROUGH ~!~EETS, BY DESIGNATING IN ~ SCHEDULE NUMBER & AS ADDITIONAL TH~0UGH STREETS CERTAIN PORTIONS OF MAGNOLIA AVENUE AND CERTAIN PORTIONS OF pALMETTO AVENUE IN THE OITT 0~ ~I~0RD, FLORIDA. BE IT ENACTED NY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITT OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: Section 1. That Schedule Number 4, of Ordinance N~mber A42, of the City of sanford, Florida, passed and adopted December 29, 19~8, as amended by Ordinance NUmber ~61, passed and adopted October 10, 19~9, and by Ordinance Number &68, passed and adopted March 2?, 19§0, said ordinance being an ordinance regulating traffic upon the streets, avenues and alleys cf the City of Sanford, Florida, and said Schedule Number A designating through streets of the City of ~anford for the purposes cf said Ordinance, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SCHmuuLE NO. 4 T~ROUGH STREETS: Celery Avenue French Avenue perk Avenue Sauford Avenue Mellonville Avenue First street ~eventh street -- Between Mellonville & Sanford Avenue Ninth street -- Between ~anford Ave. & A C L Depot Thirteenth street Twenty-fifth street oak Avenue -- Between First street and Ninth Street, and between Ninth street and Thirteenth street. -1 ~wentieth street -- Between Mellonville Avenue an~ ~anford Avenue, between sanford Ave~e and l~rk Avenue, betwe~ ~k Ave~e ~ French Ave~e, ~ between French Avenue ~a the West City l~tS. Secon~ street -- Between Mell~Vi~e Ave~e a~ ~for~ Aveme. Magnolia Avenue -- ~tween First Btreet an~ Ninth ~t~eet, a~ between Ninth street ~ Th~teenth ~t~ eat. pa~etto Avenue -- Between First Street ~ Ninth street, a~ be~e~ Ninth street ~ Th~teenth street. Section 2. That all ordinances or pa~ts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. section 3. That this ordinance shall be effective upon its passage and adoption. pAS~EDANDADOT~ED this 1950. ATTEST: Mayor City of sanfc~d, Florida. _ 2 - I, H. N. Sayer, Clty Clerk of City of Sanford, Florida, hereby cert~.fY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 472, passed and adopted by the C~ty Comm!selon of the C~ty of Sanford, Florida, on J~l 10,195O, wae POSTED at front door of C~ty Hall in the C~ty of Sanford, Florida, 17th day of July, 1950. As ~~~12~e C~ty y~. ~r~o~