HomeMy WebLinkAbout479ORDINANCE N0._%79 - AN 0RDI IDA TO OF THE CITY C~ SAIIFORD, FLOR , 50, BET%FEEN NOVEMBER 15, 1950, AND DECEMBER 1950, PRESCRIBING THE ~IFICATIONS OF VOTERS FOR RE.REGISTRATION, PROVIDING FOR NOTIGE OF THE RE-REGISTRATION HEREBY RE~JIRED ~ FURTHER PROVIDING THE MANNER IN WHIOH SUCH RE_REGISTRATION SHALL BE CONDUCTED. BE iT ENAOTED BY T?~ PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: section 1. In accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of sanford, Florida, as set out in section 166 of chapter 26210, Laws of Florida, 1949, all registered voters of the City of sanford, Florida, are hereby required to re-register duzlng the year 1950 as hereinafter set forth. Section 2. To be a qualified voter for the purpose of re_registration under the terms of this Ordinance every person seek- lng to re-register shall be over the age of twenty-one years, shall have resided continuously in the state of Florida for one year, and in the City of sanford, Florida, for six months immediately preced- ing the date of registration hereunder, and shall have been a regis- tered voter of the City of sanford, Florida, prior to November 15, 1950. Bection 3. The City clerk shall be Registration Officer for the City, and shall register all persons applying to him for that purpose who a~e qualified to register under the provisions hereof. For the purpose of registration hereunder the registration books of the City shall be open on November 15, 1950, between the hours of 9:00 o, clock in the forenoon and 5:00 o, clock in the afternoon, and during the same hoUrs each day thereafter except saturdays, when the hours shall be only 9:00 o, clock in the forenoon to lB:00 noon, and except sundays and holidays, and shall close at lB:00 o,clock noon, Saturday, December ~0, 1950. Each person applying to be ~eg~ste~ed shall take the following oath, ~ch shall be admi~ste~ed autho~iZed deputY: "I do Offlce~, o~ his duly the ott~ of the ~eg~s~at~°~ ~ the qual~f~at~°ns of ~ ele~tO~ of sa~ sole~lY __~ nossess al --e ~ p~i&e s~ch fo~ as shall ~,~,.- The GitY Gle -.~th the te~S of ~ ~ the be ~eq~e~ fo: sect~O~ ~' ~otice that all ~& of the GitY of ~°~d' Florida, a~e ~equi~e& to re-=egiste~' opening of ~egist~atiOn bOOkS fo~ such Pu~p°se' and of the ~ote~S ~Y re'~egiste~' sha~l be pub- a~d place at which eligible the~eafte~ ouce each ~eek, each lished Nove~ 6, lg50' and weekS, licatiO~ bei~ °~e ~eek apa=t, fo~ seWeU consecutive eight publicatiOnS in all, said ~otice to be publishe& i~ a flier he~ith a~e hereby ~epealed' DectiOn 9' That this °~ua~ce shall bec~e i~ediatelY upou its passage ~d adoption- . B - PASSED A1UD ADOPTED this ~Oth day of October, 1950. City Clerk/ City of Sanford, Florida I, H. N. Bayer, CitY Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the Foregoing Ordinance NO. 479, passed and adopted by ~he City 0omm!ssion of the City of $anford, Florida, on the 3Oth day of October, 1950, was POSTED at the front door of the Cl~y Hall ~n the C~ty of ~nford, Florida, this 31st day of October, 1950. Gamy -3 -