HomeMy WebLinkAbout489O DINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, GIVING THE CONSENT OF THE CITY CO~ISSION OF SAID CITY ~0 SALE, TRANSFER, AND ASSIGNMENT TO S. A. ALLEN, VIOLA A. ALLEN, R. R. HARTSELL, BUSINESS AS CITY BUS COMI~~, , FLORIDA, OF THAT CERTAIN FRANCHISE GRANTED TO SIDNEY ANDREW ALLEN, DOING BUSINESS AS SANFORD TRAN- SIT LINES, FOR THE OPERATION OF A BUS TRANSPORT- ATION SYSTE~I IN SAID CITY,BY ORDINANCE NO. 4~7, PASSED AND ADOPTED ON TEE 287H DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1949, AND WAIVING THE 60-DAY NOTICE PRIOR TO SELLING, ASSIGNING, AND TRANSFERRING OF SAID FRANCHIS~ REQUIRED BY SECTION 21 OF SAID 0RD- INANCE NO. $$7. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANI~0RD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That the approval and consent of the City. Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, be and it is hereby given to the sale, assigument and transfer by Sidney Andrew Al- len, doing business as Sanford Transit Lines, to S. A. Allen, Viola A. Allen, R. R. Har~sell, and A. D. Hartsell, Jr., a part- nership, doing business as City Bus Company, Sanford, Florida, of the right and franchise for a period of five years from and after the ordinance granting said franchise became effective, to occupy and use ell of the streets, alleys and highways of the City of Sanford, Florida, for the operation of a bus transporta- tion system for the transportation for compensation of passengers, given and granted to said Sidney Andrew Allen, doing business as Sanford Transit Lines, by the City of Sanford, Florida, by Ordin- ance No. 4~7, passed and adopted by the City Commission of said City on the 28th day of February, 19~9, and written notice hav- ing been first filed with the City Clerk of the City of sanford of intention of the said Sidney Andrew Allen, doing business as Sanford Transit Lines, to sell, assign and transfer said franchise .to S. A. Allen, Viola A. Allen, R. R. Hartsell, and A. D. Hart- -1- sell, Jr., a partnership, doing business as City Bus Company, San- ford, Florida, and the City Commission having thoroughly considered the matter of the proposed sale, assignment and transfer of said franchise by Sidney Andrew Allen, doing business as Sanford Transit Lines, to S. A. Allen, Viola A. Allen, R. Ro Hartsell, and A. D. Hartsell, Jr., a partnership, doing business as City Bus Company, Sanford, Florida, and deeming it advisable, expedient and for the best interest of said City to approve and consent to said sale, assignment and transfer, the requirement of Section 21 of said Ordinance No. ~7 of the filing of written notice with the City Clerk of the City of Sanford by said Sidney Andrew Allen, doing business as Sanford Transit Lines, of his intention to sell, as- sign and transfer said franchise sixty days prior to selling, as- signing and transferring said franchise, be and the same is here- by waived and said approval and consent of the City Commfssion giv- en. Said S. A. Allen, Viola A. Allen, R. R. Hartsell, and A. D. Hartsell, Jr., a partnership, doing business as City Bus Company, as purchaser and assignee of said franchise, shell be subject to all the terms, conditions and restrictions in said Ordinance No.~47. SECTION 2: That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: That this Ordinance shall become effective im- mediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of May, 1951. EST: city - Acl;.nk Na~y r ~ 'As the City Commission o~ the City of Sanfo rd, Florida. -2- ~ERTIFICATE I, H. E. Sayer, City Clerk of the C~_ty of $anford, F lor~da, hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance ~o. 4~9, PASSED and ADOPTED by the C~ty Commission of the City of tanford, Flor!da, on the 21st day of h~ay, 1951, was POSTED at ~the front door of the C~ty Hall in the C~ty of Sanford, Florida, this 2?~th day of ~ay, 1951.