HomeMy WebLinkAbout492 ORD~A1VCE ~0. ~ ~S~LT~,,~., SAID O~n~ ~62 ,~Tn ~' ~ZSTR/cT o ¢~'~RZ~,~ CEpm P~OPLE OF TP~E CI~ ~0~, FL0~DA: Sec~ion l. Tha . Sanfor~, Florida, ~_ ~ 0rdznence N~362 o~ _ . ed' sai~ or~n~ceT~ ~n~.a~opte~ Decor 26 'l:,h~Cz~y °f ~. zonzng Plan W~hln fg entz~led: "~n ,inano~ e~/ ~s a~nd ~zs~r~c~s _ *z~e Ci~y oF S~_~ ~OaOlzshing ' ~eguie~ng an ~. . ~°rd;reatzz~ eleven - a~zon ~d use bUll~Ings' s~ructures, l~ an~ ~ater lo'fade, industry, res- idence or O~her PUrPOses, ~he hei~ ~ize of s~ructures, end Si~e of Open spaces For /Igh~ an~ vended. Ion; adopting a ~p Said distriCts~ defining ter~ Use~; Prading for the adjustment, enforcement ~d amen~men$ ~hereoF; an~ ~scri~ing penal~ies for ~IoZa~ion, be, az~ ~he Same is hereby e:n~ed as fOilows: . (e) The Proper . Florzde _ ty szt~+_ . , mO~ed in R-Z --- ~ In ;nFord, Semi-- - larly described ~ .. UA'E (S~G~) F~I DI~r~ hole C~nty, Subdivision, =s *ne SOuth On ~ ---,~z, more P~ticu- 4 ~ ~eet o Lot 5, of A. V. French,s aOOOrd~g to Plat thereof ecorded in Plat Book 7, page 10, of the Public records of Se~le County, Florida, is hereby transferre~ to District C-2 COl,2~RC~L_ik~USTR~ D/STRICT. . Section 2. zn conf~ict herewit~ ~ all ordin~oes or - · n be, a~ ~,_ par~s of Ordinanc SeCtion ~. O~e S~e are hereb- es i~edla. That this , Y, repealed. ~ely Upon its Passage an-°Z~zna~c~ ~all become effecti ~ adoption, ve 19~ 1. PASSED AND ADCPT~D ~his 10th day of~, ATTEST: ~,, -2- ~RTIFICATE I, H. N. C!ty Clerk of the C!ty of Sar~ford, Florida, hereby cert!fy that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ord!nance No. 492, PA:~SED and ADOPTED by the City Com~n!ss!on of the City of Sanfora, Florida, on the 10th day of September, 195l, was POSTED at the front door of the C!ty Hall in the C!ty of Sanford, Florida, this 17th day of September, 1951. As ~!ty~G~l~rk of the C~~nfo r~, Flor! da.