HomeMy WebLinkAbout493BE 1'2 EN~,vT~D Section 1. That the City of Sanford, Florida, namely° DY 'lItF~ ~0?LE OF TIlE CITY OF s~.~,~l OR.~, FL0~-tlI~: streets situate in the (a) Fourth Street from the West line of Pe- can Avenue to the East line of X~ocado · · .~ at the Southeast corner of ~lock ll, Tier 20, of Flori~ Land ~nd Colonlz~tion Co~p~ny Limited Nap of the St..Dertrude ~dition to th6 T~n of ~ t s~nford, Florida, ~s recessed in ~-la ~e llT. of the publzc rocoN~s Book l~ p~ ~ ..... ~ Wlo~ida. run South 0 degrees O d. nutes 5 seconds .... ct o~ feet to the No~th~ te~l~ corner of Block 29 of Robinson's Sur~Y of an Addition Florida, as rec~rdel ii; Plat to Sanford, co of the public records Book 1, ~ge ~, run thence of Seminole County, Florida,10 North c~ degrees 57 mzrut<~s seconds West ~lons ~-~e Southerly right-of-waY line of Tenth Street 255.0 feet to the North- ~ester].y corner of said Block 29, run thence South 0 dezr~:~s 0 minutes ~2 seC- ones West alorw- the Easoerz~ ri{:kt-of-wsY !~,a of yomegra~.ite AY~nue ~36.06 feet te the Southwesterly corner of said Block 29, run thence North 89 degrees 5~ minutes ~0 seconds '.[est 41.0 feet to a No~nt on the 'ye~.terly right-of-waY liP~ of Pomegranlte ~vende, ~r, the,'.ce North 0 degrees 0 mir.- utes ]~2 seeORdS ~astalcr ~ the .,e~ rigbt-of-WeY itne of po2~ranite A~yenue 47 minutes [~8, seco~Ss East 41,0 feet to ~ ~ t~e .... ~, e.~l~ ri ~-ht -of-~'~' line of por~egrsnite Ayor-ne, runt thence south 0 degrees 0 ~,~inutes 42 sece;~ds y/est ~.1o,,o the Easterly rig~t-of-v~ay l~ne of Pomegran- ite Avenue 170.39 feet to the Southv, ester- .... ,~= id Plock 11, Tier ly cerLe~ of t~ a~fcres8 of the City of min- 20, run thence south 89 de~r~es 57 utes l0 seconds East alcnZ the l~orther- ly right-of-way line of Tenth Street ~ feet to the poir~t of bedizening. ~,,4.99 are hereby ~ea%ea, ~ndcned and closed as s%~ee%s s=n~ord, ~lc~i da. S~c%icn 2. T~m% ~11 c~dinances or pa~ts of crd~~ces in cc~flic% he~e~ith are ir~ediatelY ur. on its i~asss~e and adot~%ion. ?~qSED ~D ~O~T~ %his~day of geptember, 1951. ATTEST: City cf Sanford, ~zr~ -2- CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Sayer, C!ty Clerk of the C~ty of Sanford, Florida, hereby cert!fy that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 493, PASSED and ADOPTED by the C~.ty Comm!ss~on of the C~ty of ~anford, Flor~.da, was POSTED at the front door of the C~ty Hall in the City of Sanford, Flor!da, ~h~-e the 26th day of September, 1951. As the~y Clerk of the C!ty~-o~anfo rd, Florida