HomeMy WebLinkAbout494494 AN ORdINANcE Ole '~zlE CITY OF FLOR~A, ~IAE!~D APPROPRI~TIONS FOR THE CITY OF SA2~FORD, FLOP. TDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER l, 1951, AND EEDING SEPTEmbER ~0, 1952. WHERF~S, the City ~anager has prepared and submitted a budget of revenues and expendittG, es of the City of Sanford, Flor- ida, for the fiscal year beginning October l, 1951, and ending September 30, 1952, ia accordemce with the Charter of said City of Sanford, Florida, and upon consideration thereof said budget of revenues snd expenditures was adopted and approved as the bud- get of said City for the fiscal year beginning October l, 1951, and ending September ~0, 1952, and WHEREAS, the City Co~m~issioners are of the opinio~, that the several items of expenditures for said fiscal year beginning October l, 1951, and endi~_ September 30, 1952, are reasonable, necessary and proper for the admini~tration of the affairs of said City end the proper c~duct of ssid City. NOV;, Ti'~REFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY 51IE PEOPLE OF T~ CIE~ OF SA~F(~D, FLORIDA: Section 1. That said budget of rew~z~ues and expendi- tures of said City of Sanfo~t, Florida, for the fiscal year be- ginning October 1, 1951, and ending September 30, 1952, approved by resolution of the City Cormuisston of said City on the 2&,th of September, 1951, a copy of which is hereto attached and here- by made a part of this ordinance, be, ami the same is hereby, rat- ified, approved, confirmed, accepted and adopted. Section 2. That the said estimates of expenditures be, and they are hereby established and fixed as appropriaticns from the revenues to be derlved by said City of Sanford, Florida, fro~ taxes to be leveled ~d collected, and from all other sources, for the various purposes ax set forth in the said estimates for the s~id period beginnin2 October l, 1951, aad ending Sepbember ~0, 1952. Section 3. That ell ordinances, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section &. That this ordinance shall beco~e effective i'~ediately upon its passaEe and adoption. PAESED ~k~ 3 ~Ol~T~D t~is 2&th day of September, 1951. ~{ayor or £,arts of ordinances, ATTEST: k As the City Con'~uiss~.onfof the City of ~a~ord, Florida -2- CERTIFICATE I, H. Florida, hereby certify that a true and the foregoing Ordinance No. 494, PASSED City Comm!ss~on of the C!ty of Sanford, 24th day of 8eptember, 195l, WAS POSTED at the front door of the C!ty Hall in the City of 8anford, Flor!da, this the 26th day of September, 1951. N. Sayer, City C!er~ of the City of Sanford, correct copy of snd ADOPTED by the ~lor!da, on the s ~e~_~[ty Clerk of the City olV San ford, Florida