HomeMy WebLinkAbout497ORDINANCE NO._ 49? AN ORDINANCE OF THE OITi~ OF SAANFORD, FLORIDA, A~i~DING 0EDIi~ANCE iWO. 362 OF SAID CITY, AS AME~DED, SAID ORD- INAMCE BEING AN ORDIi~ANCE ESTABLISH- ING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SAiqFORD, FLORIDA, AND SAID ANENDMEk~S CLARIFYING THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 6, SUB-SECTION G, AS TO FIRST FLOOR APdA REQUIRENENTS OF R-1 AND R-1 X DWELLINGS, PROVIDING CERTA~3I ADDITION- AL REQUIRE~M~NTS AS TO LOCATION OF AC- CESSORY BUILDINGS AS PROVIDED IN SEC- TION 5, SUB-SECTION A-2, AND TRANSFER- RING CERTAIN TERRITORY IN DISTRICT R- i A TO DISTRICT R-1. BE IT ENACTED BY ~ PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLOR~DA: Seetic~ 1. That Ordinance Number 362 of the City of Sanford, Florida, passed and adopted December 26, 19&&, as amauded, said ordinance being entitled: "An ordinance es- tablishing a zoning plan within the City of Sanford, creat- ing eleven (ll) districts, regulating and restricting the lo- cation and use of buildings, structures, Sand and water for trade, industry, residence or other purposes, the height and size of structures, and size of open spaces for light and vent- ilation; adopting a map of said districts; defining terms used; providing for the adjustment, enforcement end amendment there- of; and prescribing penalties for violation, be, and the Same is hereby amended as follows: The title hereby amended to read of Section 6 of said Ordinance is "SECTICN 6. R-1 and R-! X One l~amily District -- ( Single ) Sub-section G of Section 6 of said ordinance is hereby azaended to read: "G. FIRST FLOOR AREA REQUIREI~EA~S The minimum ground floor area of R-1 dwellings, including paved car ports or porte-cocheres, porches, and garages, where the car ports, porte-cocheres, por- ches end garages are under one roof shall be'~ (a) For a two and one-half story dwellin,E, 600 square feet. (b) For a o~-~e arid one-half story dwelling, 700 square feet. (c) For a one story dwelling, 800 square feet with not less than 600 square feet in the house proper exclusive of car ports, porte-cocheres, porches and garages. The minimum ground floor area of R-1 X dwellings, exclusive of porte-cocheres, attached porches, and garages in this dis- trict shall be: (a) For a two ~xd one-half story dwelling, 600 square feet. (b) For a one and one-half story dwelli-~,g, 600 square feet. (c) For a o~e story dwelling, 600 sqklare feet ." (C) Sub-Section A.2 of Section 5 of said ordinance is hereby amended to read: "2 Accessory building and uses incidental to each singla family dwelling when placed on the same lot or parcel of land and not used or operated co~mnerci~lly, including: private garage for the accommodation of not more than two (2) automobiles; stable or shed for the housing of do~nestic animals, children's playhouse; green house; tool shed; work shop; servant's quarters; any ~uch ac- cessory building containing living acco~mmoda- tions shall be so located on the land that some portion of the sa~e shall be included within the rear#ard extensions of the side building lines of the main structure.. (D) The property zoned in District R-t A One (Single) Family District,described as Block 7A, Block SA, ar~ Block 5, Dreamwold, Second Section, as recorded in Plat Book 4, page 30, public records of Seminole County, Florida, is hereby transferred - 2 - to District R-! One (Single) Fa,~Ltly District. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Section 3. That this ordinance sh~3.11 beco~e effect- ive immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED A~\~D ADOPTED this .... 26~h day of .N. ovember , 195 1. Mayor ATTEST: City.~C~er~Y As the City Commiss~n of the of Sanford, Florida. city -3- CERTIFICATE. I, H. N. ~ayer, ~he duly appo-~n~ed, qualified and ac~!ng City Clerk of ~he Cl~y of 8anford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing 0rd!nance No. 497, PASSED and ADOPTED by the C!ty Corem!ss!on of ~he City of Sanford, Florida, on ~he 26th day of November, 1951, was POSTED at ~he front door of ~he City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, this 27th day of November, 1951. AS the C~%/~filerk of "the Cl ty ~o~ $~n~fo rd, Florida