HomeMy WebLinkAbout498 Old. ,~ Sec~ ~. ~ha~ SChedule ~er 4, as ~emded' t~oe ~er 442, ~ ~he O~y of ~nfor~, adop~ Dec.her 29, 1948, s~ being flc Upon ~he S~ree~s, a~enues,amd a~leys of ~he Ol~y of ~ord, ~lorlda, be ~d ~he S~e ~ hereby ~emded by ~e addl~om ~here. ~o of ~he fO~lo~ng ~rds des~a~g PortiOns of ~ocu~ Aven~e as a ~hrou~ s~ree~: "~OCus~ Avemue . between Seco and Seventh Str n ~eet ~d =~eet, betwee~ od Street ~Aery A~n~ff'~~ Argue ~_~eventh 8eo~on 2. ~ all ordnances or ~r~s o~ ~d~nces I~ c°~f~°~ her~h are ~ehy ~Pea~ed. Sec~1°~ 3. ~ ~hls °rdl~a~oe shall be effeo~lve upon ~s ~sSage and adoption' ~, ~. N. Sayer~ C.?%y Clerk of ~he C!ty of S~nford, hereby cert~fy ~hat a ~rUe an~ eOrrec~ COpy of ~he for~ going Ordinance No. 4~, PASSED ~d ADOPTED by ~he C~ty Comm~s~on of ~he ~.~y of ~nford, Florida, on the ~h day of J~u~y, 1~52' was pOS~ED a~ the fron~ door of ~he C~y Hall January, 1~52' ~J of