HomeMy WebLinkAbout500ORDINA~fCE NO.__ 600 ~ ~ .~ 'z'~ CIty CZ S ~ ~ FLOR- 315, PAooED ~ ADOP~D SEPTE~R 9, 19~1, ',~tICH 0RD~hANCE ~C~DES FOR 'ff-~ ;'~VG 0F C0i'H~CT;o~fs T0 ~ ~;~ZE 0R ~T~ L~S 0F T~ S~'~GE S~TEM 0F T~ CZ~ CF F~D, FL0~A, ~D ~ ~E T0 BE i~ID ¥~CH ~E~T[0L P~CR[BES FOR EACH S~ C0h~CT~0M, SUCH ~'~D~T INC~G ~[E ~ ~: 0UE T 0F ~ F~0~ ~y~E~ ($15.00) O0ZL~s T0 BE IT E~JACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF ~-iE CITY OF SA~fFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 315 of the City of San~'ord, Florida, passed and adopted September 9, 19~l, which Ordinance provides for the making of connections to any main or lateral lines of the sewerage system of the Ci- ty of Sanford, Florida, be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows: "SECT[0N 1. That a Fee of Fifty and No/100 (~50.00) Dollars shall be paid for each con- nection to any of the main or lateral lines of the seweraf, e system of the City of San- Florid a. ,, SECTION 2. That all ordinances or Parts of ordinances in conflict h rewzth be, and the same are, hereby repealed. e ' SECT[0N ~. That this ordi:lance shall become effective March 10, 1952. ATTEs T: City~/~k PAS~D 2ND ~0Pi~ED this__25th_day of February, 1952. CERTIFICATE I, H. N. 8aYer' C!~y Clerk of the C~ty of 8anford, Flor.~da, hereby cern!fy that Zhe forego!ng Orddnance No. 500 was PUBLISHED !n the 8anford Herald on ~he 27~h dry of February, 1952. C! ~y.~ rk ~