HomeMy WebLinkAbout501 ~ 0RDIN~,~CE 0F0RDINANcw'N°' ' °'-3'~ P~.ASS~D AND ~hn~,~ · ~ Or 0~/N~-CE K0. 442, LEYS OF T~ C ~y ,~ u'~ SC~DL~ NO. & DESIGL~AT~jG ~, ~D SAID DEsI GNA ~fG I~ THROUGH TI~f~ SAID SCfUEDULE ST~s, BY TP~OU~i S~ET EO. 4 ~ A~7 ~DI- T~/R2~'TH OF ELM ST~ET ~';D BY ST~ET Ai'~ BE ZT ~AC~D BY T~ ~0PLE 0F THE CZ~ 0F S~f2D~, SECT~0A~ 1. That Schedule 1.{~be~ A, oF Ordinance N~ber of the Cl~y ~ Sa/~Ord, Florl~, passe~ ~ adop~e~ December 29 1948, as ~e~ded, sald Ordinance being an r~znance regulating traffic Upon the Streets, aVen~es ~nd alleys of ~he Cl~y of Senford, Florida, and Sald SChedule N~ber 4 desi~a~&ng throu~ s~reets oF the Ci~y of San- ford for ~he PUrposes of said O~lnence, be, and the same is, hereby amended ~o read as foll~s: THROUGH STREETS: Celery Avenue French Avenue Park Avenue SanfOrd Avenue Mellonvlll e Ay enue First Street SeVenth Street AVenue - Between Ninth Street L'ellonville and Sanford Avenue and - ,~etween Sanford Avenue and between French Avenue and French Thirteenth Street A.C.L. Depot Twenty-fifth Street City Limits - From French Avenue East to Oak AVenue _ Between First Street and Ninth Street, end between Ninth Street and Thirteenth Street Twentieth Street . Between A~ellonville Avenue and ~Se:~°rd Avenue, between o ~venue, between ~ , °enf°rd avenue and oetween Frene~ _~r~ Argue and ~._ ~ Park Second S-rea* ~ ~v~ue and the :,.~-~ Avenue Avenue and Sm~- ~agnolta Avenue _ Between First Street m~d Kinth Street, ~ - t Palmetto ~n~ ~ ~h_Street and Thirteenth Street ~d between · , t - ~'mrst Street Nmntn Street ~nd Thirteenth Street LOCUst Avenue _ B~tween, Second S feet ~snd lf~th S~reet, between oeventn Street ~ ~ =nd SeventhStree$ and between Celery ~ve-.,~ ~d Oele ...... ~ **-~ and ~entleth*~,~venue, E~m Avenue ._ Betwee~ Thirteenth Street and ~wen- tieth Street SECTION 2. That all ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be effective up- on its Passage end adoption. 19~2. PASSED AND ADOPTED thls.___~x/ ~_day ATTEST: City Commission -2- I, H. N. Sayer, City Clerk of the C.~ty of Sanford, Flom.~da, hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the fo~'ego_~ng Ord-~nance No. 501, PASS~D and ADOPTED by the C.~ty Comm.~ss.~on of the C.~ty of Sanford, Flora!da, on the 24th day of D~arch, 1952, we.s POSTED at the front door of the C.~ty Hall -~n the City of Sanford, Flor.~da, on th.~s the 25th day of Dfarch, 1952'